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1、广广州州市市小小学学英英语语教教研研会会(第第1课时课时)广广州州市市小小学学英英语语中中心心组组义务教育广州版小学英语教材义务教育广州版小学英语教材(六年级六年级) Module 3 Health2024/7/24本课时目标:本课时目标:1. 复习五年级所学关于看病的单词、词组和用语:复习五年级所学关于看病的单词、词组和用语: health, matter, ill, hour, stomachache, toothache, headache, fever have a toothache, have a cold, have a headache, have a stomachache,

2、 have a fever, brush, check-up, take the medicine, three times a day, brush ones teeth, take a rest, see a doctor, give sb. a check-up, too much drink plenty of water - Whats the matter? - I feel ill / bad. I have a2. 学习关于看病的新单词、词组和用语:学习关于看病的新单词、词组和用语: twice, candy, broken, finger, maybe, careful, b

3、e careful Im sorry to hear that. Maybe I 3. 理解过去时态的使用,并学习动词的过去式;理解过去时态的使用,并学习动词的过去式;4. 学习如何表述生病的原因。学习如何表述生病的原因。Lets sing2024/7/24热身阶段:唱歌热身阶段:唱歌 An apple a day.(鼠标点击鼠标点击歌曲图片,将弹出超级歌曲图片,将弹出超级链接中的链接中的flash 歌曲)歌曲)通过图片让学生回忆并复通过图片让学生回忆并复习五年级学过的关于看病习五年级学过的关于看病的单词和用语,如的单词和用语,如She has a fever.等。等。You dont loo

4、k well.Whats the matter with you? A: You dont look well, David. Whats the matter with you?B: I feel ill. I have a headache. A: Im sorry to hear that.Lets listen:在学生看图片头脑风暴后,在学生看图片头脑风暴后,创设情景,让学生听老师和创设情景,让学生听老师和朋友的对话,重温讨论疾病朋友的对话,重温讨论疾病的用语。的用语。并通过情景让学生理解:并通过情景让学生理解:You dont look well. Im sorry to hear

5、that.A: You dont look well, Whats the matter with you?B: I feel ill / bad / tired. I have a . A: Im sorry to hear that.Lets talk:让学生看图片与同位模仿老让学生看图片与同位模仿老师进行情景对话。师进行情景对话。请学生在班上展示他们的对请学生在班上展示他们的对话。话。A: You dont look well, John. Whats the matter with you?B: I have a broken finger. I fell from my bike y

6、esterday.A: Im sorry to hear that. Lets learn:先呈现先呈现John痛苦的表情,痛苦的表情,让学生猜他发生什么事了,让学生猜他发生什么事了,然后呈现第二幅图片和新对然后呈现第二幅图片和新对话,教授新单词和句型,并话,教授新单词和句型,并让学生通过图片和对话理解让学生通过图片和对话理解过去发生的事情和相应动词过去发生的事情和相应动词的变化。的变化。breaka broken fingerbrokenfallfellLets learn:eat (ate) too much ice creamfall (fell) from the bikewear (

7、wore) wet clotheseat (ate) too much candycant (couldnt ) sleepeat (ate) some bad foodLets say:让学生同位看着图片选择其让学生同位看着图片选择其中的几幅图来描述自己的身中的几幅图来描述自己的身体状况及病因。体状况及病因。I feel ill / bad / tired. I have a .I yesterday. eat (ate) too much ice creamfall (fell) from the bikewear (wore) wet clotheseat (ate) too much

8、candycant (couldnt ) sleepeat (ate) some bad foodWhats the matter? Why? 通过配对练习,帮学生通过配对练习,帮学生巩固对病症与病因因果关巩固对病症与病因因果关系的理解,加强新词条的系的理解,加强新词条的认读。认读。最后通过最后通过What should they do?引出对健康的建引出对健康的建议。议。 fall (fell) from the bikewear (wore) wet clotheseat (ate) too much candycant (couldnt ) sleepeat (ate) some bad

9、 foodeat (ate) too much ice creamhave a toothachehave a broken fingerhave a coldhave a feverhave a headachehave a stomachacheWhat should they do?What should they do?设置情景,让学生思考该设置情景,让学生思考该给出怎样的建议给出怎样的建议呈现课文的长句,并通呈现课文的长句,并通过分解长句中的词组,过分解长句中的词组,用滚雪球的练习方式帮用滚雪球的练习方式帮学生流利上口。学生流利上口。take this medicinethree t

10、imes a dayfor one weekYou should take this medicine three times a day for one week.Lets learn:Maybe I ate too much candy.You should brush your teeth twice a day.I have a toothache.May + be继续学习新词和如何给出恰当继续学习新词和如何给出恰当的建议。的建议。Lets learn:I fell from my bike.You should be careful and take a rest.I have a

11、toothache.继续学习新词和如何给出恰当继续学习新词和如何给出恰当的建议。的建议。Lets learn:care + fulLets try:I have a Maybe I You should在老师和图片的引导下学生同在老师和图片的引导下学生同位尝试讨论身体状况和给出建位尝试讨论身体状况和给出建议。议。Whats the matter? Why? What to do?fall (fell) from the bikewear (wore) wet clotheseat (ate) too much candycant (couldnt ) sleepeat (ate) some b

12、ad foodeat (ate) too much ice creamhave a toothachehave a broken fingerhave a coldhave a feverhave a headachehave a stomachachebrush teeth twice a daytake a restwear warm clothesdrink plenty of watereat freshfoodrelax and take some medicine 通过配对练习,帮学生巩通过配对练习,帮学生巩固对病症、病因、建议三方面固对病症、病因、建议三方面词条的理解与认读,初步

13、熟悉词条的理解与认读,初步熟悉如何讨论身体状况。如何讨论身体状况。Lets match:2024/7/24have a toothache have a broken fingerhave a coldhave a feverhave a headachehave a stomachacheWhats the matter? Why? What to do?brush teeth twice a daytake a restwear warm clothesdrink plenty of waterrelax and take some medicineeat clean foodeat (a

14、te) too much candyfall (fell) from the bikewear (wore) wet clotheseat (ate) too much ice creamcant (couldnt ) sleepeat (ate) some bad food全班分小组朗读方框中的对话全班分小组朗读方框中的对话Lets read:Lets say:A: You dont look well, Whats the matter with you?B: I feel ill / bad / tired. I have a . I .A: Im sorry to hear that.

15、 You should滚动运用本课所学的语言,培滚动运用本课所学的语言,培养学生的连贯表达能力。教师养学生的连贯表达能力。教师先与一、两个学生进行示范对先与一、两个学生进行示范对话,然后让学生看着提示和图话,然后让学生看着提示和图片同桌进行对话练习。片同桌进行对话练习。2024/7/24读短文,仿照例子填表,帮助护士记录病人的问题。读短文,仿照例子填表,帮助护士记录病人的问题。 There are six people sitting outside the clinic. They all feel ill. Now the nurse is reporting their problems

16、 to the doctor. Sally, the nine-year-old girl, has a cold. Maybe she forgot to wear the coat on the snowy days. The housewife Janet has a broken finger. She cut the chicken too quickly and the sharp knife cut her finger. Sam is a cleaner. He has a broken leg. He ran too fast on the wet floor and fel

17、l down. Mike, the heavy young man, has a stomachache. Maybe he ate too much oily food at his birthday party. Lucy has a toothache. She is a little lazy. She seldom brushes her teeth after meals. Tom, a manager in the bank, has a headache. He is too busy and he couldnt sleep well at night.以上练习出自学习与评价

18、以上练习出自学习与评价Lets read and write:老师可以把读写练习印成练习老师可以把读写练习印成练习纸发给学生。纸发给学生。2024/7/24NameIllnessReasonSallyhas a coldforgot to wear the coatJanet_ her _ with a sharp knifeSam_ _ on the wet floorMike_ too _Lucyseldom _ her _ Tomcouldnt _ _Lets read and write:has a broken fingercut fingerhas a broken legfelldownhas a stomachacheate much has a toothachebrushes teeth has a headachesleep well 1. 抄写本课新词;抄写本课新词;2. 完成活动手册完成活动手册21页第页第4、5题。题。



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