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1、豁嚏酞救揍默财拳复挡爪祷镶询二壶款滓鞭噎眩突娠鸡施擞陌炼嗜郑旱湖四级作文第一讲四级作文第一讲一、常考题材:1. 大学生活、未来工作、人生态度2. 社会热点二、常考体裁及出题方式提纲式、图表、应用文1.提纲式(68%+6%)2.图表作文 (21%)3.书信作文(5%)伦头捆粗尽钧金墅块莽煎蓝块淤孙亿五薛川守转沸型灶牺上滩虽断臆沸已四级作文第一讲四级作文第一讲字数不足累计累计字数字数110-119100-10990-9980-8970-7960-6959-5949扣分扣分12345679三、评分标准1. 字数:120 (题目中给出的主题句不计入、内容不全)2. 行文要求:(内容切题、表达清楚、文字

2、连贯、句式多变、用词准确)3. 2、5、8、11、14分电焚百呀歹炒捧厉姚砚访幼爆于梗劳惯睛航斜道宽澄豆缠潍吮缄亿契谭畅四级作文第一讲四级作文第一讲作文评分标准2分:条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多为严重错误。5分:基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。8分:基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。11分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。14分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺、连贯,基本上无语言错 误,仅有个别小错。蜜煮怕芍狠篷拽谜哲偶航夕街高亡脉杭酵募蹄怀窑赏嘘逮吱岁巡氧劈洱辛四级作文

3、第一讲四级作文第一讲An announcement to welcome students to join a club1)社团活动的主要内容2)参加社团活动的好处3)如何加入社团奋氢廷鞭燥唉凌馏稳喷制肝廉哨午平垦隐荧豹占恶侮艇逻稿璃筷阔官旧园四级作文第一讲四级作文第一讲Welcome to Our ClubDear friends, we want to increase our English club, so we hope more students to take part in. If you take part in our club, you will have many go

4、ods. First, you will raise English very soon. Second, you can have chances to talk with foreigners, too. Third, you can study many foreign knowledge. Forth, make many foreign friends. And so on.Our club is a very wonderful club. If you take part in, you will like it very much. If you not, I think yo

5、u must regret. So come to us now. We are waiting for you all the time!The way of taking part in is very simple: by telephone. Our telephone number is 6243587. you may too come to our office in the foreign language department. Welcome to our club again.恒索陨综渴羞姑踢孔胆蓬医川氰沂脱俊铅搭钉收健轰匹雷鸽活墒夷蓄讯销四级作文第一讲四级作文第一讲We

6、lcome to Our ClubWelcome to our English club! We prepare many wonderful activities for you. We have English corners every weekend. And we prepare two English films every week. Sometimes we invite experts to give speech for you. And we also prepare parties or debates sometimes.You will get many inter

7、ests by joining our club. First, you can rise your English level greatly. Second, you can study more foreign knowledge and broaden your views. Third, you can make many new friends and make your college life more colorful. If you are in English learning, I hope you come to join us soon. You can call

8、us or send an email to us. Our telephone number is 6439388, and our email address is . You are looked forward to join.袒欢限浦廓例民逼脑炯郭拐慨稿袄肥纹积晾虹拜坎垒筑狡技蚁涕插演令浓四级作文第一讲四级作文第一讲Welcome to Our ClubWelcome to our English club! We arrange many wonderful activities for you. We have English corners every weekend for

9、you to practise your oral English. And every Wednesday you can have the opportunity to watch two English films. In addition, sometimes English experts will be invited to give lectures. Besides, we often organize debates, parties and other gatherings to provide chances for you to exchange ideas. You

10、will get many benefits from joining our club. At first, you can improve your English level greatly. Moreover, by communicating with others and consulting experts, you can learn more foreign cultures and broaden your views. In addition, you can make many new friends and your college life will be made

11、 more colorful.If you are interested in English learning, come to join us soon. You can call us at 58373788, or email us at . Looking forward to you joining.渣俯匹殖慧鹤匹靛反扣滨坪擞浙蜜疾醇簧馏粱莲案巩浮乾路流炳励愧垂剔四级作文第一讲四级作文第一讲 Welcome to Our ClubWelcome to our English club! It is sponsored by the Student Union and has bee

12、n set up for three years. Many wonderful activities are organized and arranged in our club. We have English corners every weekend, with some knowledgeable foreign teachers. And every Wednesday you can enjoy two classical English films for free. In addition, experts on English learning and culture wi

13、ll be invited to give lectures on occasion. Besides, we often organize debates, parties and other gatherings to provide chances for you to exchange ideas.All these activities are quite beneficial to both your study and life. Not only can they help you improve your English, but also enrich your colle

14、ge life greatly. Moreover, by communication with others and consulting experts, you can learn more about foreign cultures and broaden your views. And of course, here you can make many new friends.Anyone who is interested in English learning is welcomed warmly. What you need do is just call us at 847

15、7839, or email us at . Looking forward to your participation soon!绩煤武唤潍拂泳庇进得鼎尾杭靶氯侗烂寨束厚寻每态穿芋瞬盗霉技疤穗牙四级作文第一讲四级作文第一讲注意事项1. 不能漏项2. 卷面整洁3. 字数要够4. 文体统一(OK, this is what I want to say. Thats my opinion. Do you agree with me? Thats all, thank you.)5. 检查拼写、标点、语法、句子结构的错误眨难旷移撕毗巧颅而蓉妄宝余衙躁钉疆库荣听凹鸟邢属阳昏陡鳃资摄残敏四级作文第一讲四

16、级作文第一讲 What Electives to Choose1) 各大学开设了各种各样的选修课2)学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课3)以你自己为例It Pays to Be Honest1) 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象2) 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实聪适遍闹管鞘卤鼓谤扭闷舀派坍帧孕雄尉讯靴惧庞拾渺腹态质楞韶在才榷四级作文第一讲四级作文第一讲Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?1) 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是2)也有人持不同意见3) 我的看法和打算College Graduates Independent Starting Career1)目前有很多大学生毕业后选择自主创业2)分析出现这种现象的原因3)谈谈你对这种现象的看法台锐励崎诚书铱滥瞩糟混拍弗朔椒作淳炎袍考眺巴诬呀兑拾迈挣欧擅咕硫四级作文第一讲四级作文第一讲



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