新起点修订版Book2 Unit10

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1、Text AGoing Grocery Shopping: Let Your Finger Do the WalkingUnit Ten1. do a weeks worth of grocery shopping采购够一个星期用的采购够一个星期用的日用品日用品 够三年用的研究经费够三年用的研究经费 three years research fund 2. trade the shopping carts for keyboards把购物车换成键盘把购物车换成键盘 用空间换取时间用空间换取时间 space for time 3. a glimpse into the future of ret

2、ailing对未来零售业的一点认识对未来零售业的一点认识 对宇宙的初步了解对宇宙的初步了解 the universe 4. enable us to buy about anything from PC使我们可能在电脑使我们可能在电脑上买到几乎所有的东西上买到几乎所有的东西 使他能谋生使他能谋生 him make a living 5. log on to a system登陆到一个系统登陆到一个系统 登陆到一个网站登陆到一个网站 a website 6. run from aisle to aisle从一个过道跑到另外一个过道从一个过道跑到另外一个过道从早到晚从早到晚 morning nig

3、ht 7. stay within your budget在你的预算之内在你的预算之内呆在看得见的地方呆在看得见的地方 sight 8. check out specials查看特价品查看特价品查看一个网站查看一个网站 a website 9. a fraction of the time一小部分时间一小部分时间一小部分家庭作业一小部分家庭作业 the homework 10. link up with Peapod与豆荚公司联合与豆荚公司联合跟一家地方工厂联合跟一家地方工厂联合 a local factory Fill in the blanks with appropriate words

4、 or expressions according to the above reading passage Online shopping is getting more and more popular in the USA. For example, Peapod is a _ store that is dedicated to enabling us to buy _ anything from PC. When you are shopping, you can turn _ your computer, _ on to the virtual grocery store syst

5、em, and then you can choose _ you want from thousands of items. You can view _ of products, compare _, check your subtotal, view nutritional _ for products, or choose a delivery time that _ your schedule. This interactive online approach helps take the worry and the mystery out of grocery shopping.

6、It also helps to _ the sales of grocery stores.virtualalmostonlogwhatimagespriceslabelsfitsincreaseMain Ideas Answer the following questions:1.It is more comfortable to do shopping at home because you dont have to take your children with you _in a big city like Chicago on a shopping day. 2. From Pea

7、pods development we can see that the virtual store is _ . 3. Online shopping is more convenient because you may just _ instead of running from aside to aisle in a store. Detailed Understanding to fight the crowdshere to staypoint and click around the screen4. You dont have to worry about the product

8、s you purchase online because you can view items by category, by price per unit, or by brand, or by package size; inspect the items on sale; or even _. 5. According to the figures of the last paragraph we can conclude that online shopping systems help _ .request a listing by nutritional valuethe par

9、tner stores increase in sales1.Rather than fighting the crowds in the Chicago and San Francisco areas, they log _ to Peapod, an online shopping and delivery service. A. on B. out C. off D. at2. Peapod us a glimpse into the future of retailingthe virtual store. A. gives B. is giving C. gave D. will g

10、ive3. The professional shopper takes a fraction of the time you _ because the list is ordered by aisle and the shopper knows exactly what to do. A. will take B. take C. would take D. took ABC4. We can request that items arranged alphabetically, by brand, by price per unit, by passage size, or, we ca

11、n even request a listing by nutritional value. A. are B. were C. will be D. be5. Online shopping is _. A. here to stay B. here stay C. here staying D. there to stayDA It would only take ten minutes to buy a weeks grocery by logging on the online store. Traditionally, when parents go shopping, they u

12、sually load the kids into the minivan. You can buy grocery items, including fresh produce, bakery, meat, and frozen products once you log on to Peapod. In order to save time, you can create personal shopping lists when you shop online. You can view nutritional labels for products and sort products i

13、nstantly by nutritional content. Peapod online shopping system is linked directly to its partner stores computer systems. When you send your shopping list to Peapod, an order is transmitted to the nearest partner store. The professional shopper takes a fraction of time you would take because the lis

14、t is ordered by aisle and the shopper knows exactly what to get. The virtual supermarket is sure to change the way we shop. Since linking up with Peapod, the grocery store partners have experienced an 8% increase in sales. It would only take to buy a weeks grocery by logging on the online store. Tra

15、ditionally, when parents go shopping, they usually load the kids . You can buy grocery items, including once you log on to Peapod. In order to save time, you can create when you shop online. You can view nutritional and sort . Peapod online shopping system is linked directly to . When you , an order

16、 is transmitted to the nearest partner store. The professional shopper takes a fraction of time you would take because . The virtual supermarket is sure to . Since linking up with Peapod, the grocery store partners have experienced . Unit TenText BPocket Money1. on a regular basis定期地定期地在平等的基础上在平等的基础

17、上 an equal .2. lead to a happy family life带来幸福的家庭生活带来幸福的家庭生活引起内战引起内战 a civil war3. hand out / give out pocket money给零花钱给零花钱 分发食品分发食品 food4. feel guilty about not spending more time with children为不能常跟孩子们在一起而内疚为不能常跟孩子们在一起而内疚为犯了个错误而内疚为犯了个错误而内疚 making a mistake5. make up for their lack of attention他们由于关

18、心不够而他们由于关心不够而进行弥补进行弥补 弥补时间上的损失弥补时间上的损失 the lost time6. reward their children for performing chores 对孩子做家对孩子做家务给以报酬务给以报酬对你的帮助的酬谢对你的帮助的酬谢 your help7. look after their own things料理他们自己的事情料理他们自己的事情 管理一家公司管理一家公司 a company8. be opposed to this sort of pay-per-chore system反对这反对这种做一点小事就给钱的做法种做一点小事就给钱的做法反对强权

19、政治反对强权政治 power politics9. be busy comparing pop star collector cards忙于攀比所搜忙于攀比所搜集的当红明星卡片集的当红明星卡片 忙于复习备考忙于复习备考 preparing for the exams10. their concern about pocket money他们在零花钱方面所他们在零花钱方面所表现的关心表现的关心对国家前途的关心对国家前途的关心 the future of the countryMain IdeasFill in the blanks with appropriate words or expres

20、sions according to the reading passage.Attitudes that parents hold toward giving pocket money to children vary widely. Some people believe this will lead _ a happier life. _ regard giving pocket money_ a kind of love. Some families _ their kids for _ chores by giving them money and hope that this wi

21、ll help the children _ lessons about responsibility. But some parents _ that rewarding children in this way will lead to their misunderstanding of the _ of work. On the other hand, children who are on the receiving _ just take the money and then spend it in _ way they like.toOthersasrewardperforming

22、learnworry/arguevalueendwhatever/theDetailed Understanding of Text BAttitudes Toward Pocket MoneyPositive attitudes from parents: 1. Pocket money can lead to a _. 2. Giving their children money can make up for parents _ on their children. 3. Children can learn not only to:_ their own things, but als

23、o important _ and the value of work.happier lifelack of attentionlook afterlessons about responsibilityNegative attitudes from parents: Children will expect to _ everything they do at home.Childrens attitude toward pocket money: Children are really happy to receive pocket money _ because they enjoy

24、themselves with the money and can buy _and _ articles they want.be paid forfrom their parentsthe latest best1. They want the latest and the best, and they pay a large of money for it. A. deal B. sum C. amount D. lot2. The children are happy enough to receive the money, but parents disagree about whe

25、ther pocket money to children _ a regular basis is a good idea or not. A. giving, at B. giving, on C. give, on D. give, in3. Other parents admit they hand out pocket money because they feel guilty not spending more time with their children. A. at B. about C. from D. toCBB4. Parents opposed to this s

26、ort of system argue that pocket money should not have a price tag. A. pay per chore B. pay chore C. pay-per-chore D. per chore5. While their parents argue about when and how to pass out packet money, those the receiving end are busy comparing pop star collector cards and listening to their CDs on th

27、eir new mini hi-fi systems. A. in B. of C. with D. onCD1. Can you tell me when the semester ends?2. Id like to know when the test will be.3. It is important to know how many questions the test has.4. You may ask the teacher how many compositions we should write.5. Who knows whether the test is going

28、 to be hard or not?6. Please let us know if you will be our teacher next semester.7. I wonder if you have been teaching here for a long time.8. Id like to know how you handle problems.9. Can I ask how many students there are in a class?10. Are you sure you enjoy teaching? 1. Text sentence: Rather th

29、an running from aisle to aisle, you simply point and click around the screen for the item you want. Your sentence: asking your parents for help, you should try to do it yourself.2. Text sentence: The interactive online approach helps take the worry and the mystery out of grocery shopping.Your senten

30、ce: The job of the secretary is to help organize meetings.3. Text sentence: it makes them happy to see their children enjoying themselves.Your sentence:I was sleeping when I suddenly heard someone knocking at the door.4. Text sentence: they learn not only to look after their own things, but also imp

31、ortant lessons about responsibility and the value of work.Your sentence: Computer can help us to find information to do our homework.5. Text sentence: On sunny Saturday afternoons, the big department stores are so packed with people that there is barely room to move.Your sentence: Tom was sick we de

32、cided to send for a doctor.1.According to the author, this book will give you some ideas of what science is about. _2.2. The newspaper reported that few citizens liked the plan proposed by the government. _This book, according to the author, will give you some ideas of what science is about.Few citi

33、zens, the newspaper reported, liked the plan proposed by the government.3. The person is writing reports. He is one of my colleagues. _4. It was a mixture. The mixture consisted of oil and water. _The person writing reports is one of my colleagues. It was a mixture consisting of oil and water.5. Can

34、 he finish the work all by himself? I doubt it. _6. “Can we enjoy holidays as other workers?” they asked their boss. _I doubt whether he can finish the work all by himself.They asked their boss whether they could enjoy holidays as other workers.7. Since I moved here I have felt more relaxed. _8. He

35、took a shower before he returned home. _Since moving here, I have felt more relaxed.He took a shower before returning home.1. The boy d his knife for a toy gun.2. The earthquake ed over two thousand deaths.3. They charge customers .4. The photographs went on yesterday.5. The doctor d his life to imp

36、roving medical care in that .6. We are strongly d to the suggestion of ing . even if it rains.7. During the Chinese New Year, the street is ed with visitors.8. I caught a of the when our train passed by.Advantages and Disadvantages of College Students Doing Part-time Jobs Recently, more and more col

37、lege students are keen on being in business and taking part-time jobs. Some even pack up their books and turn entirely to their part-time jobs. On the one hand, part-time jobs do good to college students. They make students have a sense of independence. By taking part-time jobs, students can support

38、 their daily life, reduce the burden of their parents, and gain more and more practical experience, which enables them to understand that there is no easy way to make money. All of these will benefit their future life and career. However, this is only one side of the story. On the other hand, paying

39、 much attention to part-time jobs, students will be left less time for study and may fail to live up to the expectation their parents hold on them. They may do inappropriate jobs without the guidance of their parents and teachers. Doing part-time jobs may make students experience hardships of societ

40、y too early, which may cause them to lose the confidence for the future. In my opinion, we should take a balanced attitude towards doing part-time jobs. As college students, we should make good use of our time to study and finish higher education. In the meantime, we shouldnt lose the opportunities to further understand the society.



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