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1、人教版小学六年级语文上册这片土地是神圣的课件 小泊头镇小学“自主预习+当堂达标”一体化训练卡课课 题题这这片土地是神圣的片土地是神圣的编编制教制教师师庞庞金金华华教教师师空空间间生字新生字新词词1给给田字格里的字田字格里的字扩扩写几个写几个词语词语。2积积累本累本课课中的新中的新词词,并,并试试着写句子。着写句子。概况概况课课文的主要文的主要内容。内容。说说说说印第安人印第安人热热爱爱土地的程度。土地的程度。预习预习中你有哪些中你有哪些不明白的不明白的问题问题?教教 师师 批批 语语 等级:等级: 批阅日期:批阅日期: 自主学习:课堂反思:教教师师空空间间学完学完课课文之文之后你后你对对印第印

2、第安人如此安人如此热热爱爱土地的看土地的看法是什么?法是什么?本本节课结节课结束束之后,你之后,你还还有哪些困惑有哪些困惑?How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us.If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?ALL SACREDEvery part of this earth is sacred to my people. Eve

3、ry shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every clearing and humming insect is holy in the memory and experience of my people. The sap which courses through the trees carries the memories of the red man. The white mans dead forget the country of their birth when they g

4、o to walk among the stars. Our dead never forget this beautiful earth, for it is the mother of the red man. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows,

5、the body heat of the pony, and man - all belong to the same family.NOT EASYSo, when the Great Chief in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land, he asks much of us. The Great Chief sends word he will reserve us a place so that we can live comfortably to ourselves. He will be our father a

6、nd we will be his children. So we will consider your offer to buy our land. But it will not be easy. For this land is sacred to us. This shining water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water but the blood of our ancestors. If we sell you land, you must remember that it is sacred, and

7、you must teach your children that it is sacred and that each ghostly reflection in the clear water of the lakes tells of events and memories in the life of my people. The waters murmur is the voice of my fathers father.ALL SACREDThe rivers are our brothers, they quench our thirst. The rivers carry o

8、ur canoes, and feed our children. If we sell you our land, you must remember, and teach your children, that the rivers are our brothers, and yours, and you must henceforth give the rivers the kindness you would give any brother. We know that the white man does not understand our ways. One portion of

9、 land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs.The earth is not his brother, but his enemy, and when he has conquered it, he moves on. He leaves his fathers graves behind, and he does not care. He kidnaps the earth from his

10、 children, and he does not care. His fathers grave, and his childrens birthright, are forgotten. He treats his mother, the earth, and his brother, the sky, as things to be bought, plundered, sold like sheep or bright beads. His appetite will devour the earth and leave behind only a desert.I do not k

11、now. Our ways are different from your ways. The sight of your cities pains the eyes of the red man. But perhaps it is because the red man is a savage and does not understand.There is no quiet place in the white mans cities. No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring, or the rustle of an inse

12、cts wings. But perhaps it is is because I am a savage and do not understand.The clatter only seems rto insult the ears. And what is there to life if a man cannot hear the lonely cry of the whippoorwill or the arguments of the frogs around a pond at night? I am a red man and do not understand. The In

13、dian prefers the soft sound of the wind darting over the face of a pond, and the smell of the wind itself, cleaned by a midday rain, or scented with the pinon pine.PRECIOUSThe air is precious to the red man, for all things share the same breath - the beast, the tree, the man, they all share the same

14、 breath.The white man does not seem to notice, the air he breathes. Like a man dying for many days, he is numb to the stench.But if we sell you our land, you must remember that the air is precious to us, that the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports. The wind that gave our grandfather

15、 his first breath also receives his last sigh. And if we sell you our land, you must keep it apart and sacred, as a place where even the white man can go to taste the wind that is sweetened by the meadows flowers.ONE CONDITIONSo we will consider your offer to buy our land. If we decide to accept, I

16、will make one condition: the white man must treat the beasts of this land as his brothers. I am a savage and I do not understand any other way. I have seen a thousand rotting buffaloes on the prairie, left by the white man who shot them from a passing train. I am a savage and I do not understand how

17、 the smoking iron horse can be more important than the buffalo that we kill only to stay alive. What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected.THE ASHESYou

18、 must teach your children that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of your grandfathers. So that they will respect the land, tell your children that the earth is rich with the lives of our kin. Teach your children what we have taught our children, that the earth is our mother. Whatever befall

19、s the earth befalls the sons of the earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves. This we know: the earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. This we know.All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the ea

20、rth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life: he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. Even the white man, whose God walks and talks with him as friend to friend, cannot be exempt from the common destiny.We may be brothers after all.We sha

21、ll see.One thing we know, which the white man may one day discover - our God is the same God. You may think now that you own Him as you wish to own our land; but you cannot. He is the God of man, and His compassion is equal for the red man and the white. This earth is precious to Him, and to harm th

22、e earth is to heap contempt on its Creator. The whites too shall pass; perhaps sooner than all other tribes. Contaminate your bed, and you will one night suffocate in your own waste. But In your perishing you will shine brightly, fired by the strength of the God who brought you to this land and for

23、some special purpose gave you dominion over this land and over the red man.That destiny is a mystery to us, for we do not understand when the buffalos are all slaughtered, the wild horses are tamed, the secret corners of the forest heavy with scent of many men, and the view of the ripe hills blotted

24、 by talking wires.Where is the thicket? Gone.Where is the eagle? Gone.The end of living and the beginning of survival 每一处每一处沙滩,沙滩,每一片每一片耕地,耕地,每一座每一座山脉,山脉,每一条每一条河流,河流,每一根每一根闪闪发光的闪闪发光的松针,松针,每一只每一只嗡嗡鸣叫的昆虫,还有那嗡嗡鸣叫的昆虫,还有那浓密丛林中的薄雾,蓝天上的白云,在浓密丛林中的薄雾,蓝天上的白云,在我们这个民族的记忆和体验中,都是圣我们这个民族的记忆和体验中,都是圣洁的。洁的。每一处沙滩,都留下了

25、祖先的足迹;每一处沙滩,都留下了祖先的足迹;每一片耕地,每一片耕地, ;每一座山脉,每一座山脉, ; 每一条河流,每一条河流, ; 青草、绿叶、花朵是我们的(姐妹);麋(m)鹿、骏马、雄鹰是我们的(兄弟);。(树汁)是我们的( ); (树汁 )是我们的( );( )是我们的( );( )是我们的( ); 相关资料 100多年前,白人想夺取印第安人居住多年前,白人想夺取印第安人居住了千年的土地。印第安人为了捍卫这片土地。了千年的土地。印第安人为了捍卫这片土地。奋起反抗,但战争让印第安各部落几乎溃亡。奋起反抗,但战争让印第安各部落几乎溃亡。西雅图酋长为了避免血腥的杀戮,准备转让西雅图酋长为了避免血

26、腥的杀戮,准备转让这片神圣的土地。这片神圣的土地。 小泊头镇小学“自主预习+当堂达标”一体化训练卡当堂达标: 年年级级六六课题课题15.这片土地是神圣的这片土地是神圣的编制教编制教师师庞金华庞金华A级目标级目标基础知识1.1.看拼音写看拼音写汉汉字。字。jn yn yn jun zh l( )马 雄( ) ( )儿 ( )恋 松( ) 麋( )2.2.在括号中填上恰当在括号中填上恰当的的词语词语. .( )的丛林 ( )的湖水 ( )的怀抱 ( )的味道亲切的( ) 神圣的( ) 潺潺的( ) 嗡嗡的( )3.3.读读读读下面的句子,写出下面的句子,写出这这些句子的含些句子的含义义。大地不属于

27、人类,而人类是属于大地的。 任何降临在大地上的事,终究会降临在大地的孩子身上。 B级目标级目标能力提高课课内内阅读阅读填空。填空。溪流河川中闪闪发光的不仅仅是水,也是我们祖先的血液。那清澈湖水中的每一个倒影,反映了我们的经历和记忆;那潺潺的流水声,回荡着我们祖辈的亲切呼唤。河水为我们(解除 解决)干渴,(滋养 滋润)我们的心田,(抚养 养育)我们的子子孙孙。河水(运行 运载)着木舟,木舟在永流不息的河水上穿行,木舟上满载着我们的希望。 1.选择括号里搭配恰当的词语画“ ”。2.请用“ ”画出这段话的中心句。3.围绕中心句作者写了 、 、 、 、等几方面的内容。4.文中说“木舟上满载着我们的希望”,想像一下,“我们的希望”会有哪些内容? C级目标级目标拓展应用出一期保护土地资源的手抄报,呼吁大家爱护我们赖以生存的家园。教师评语教师评语 等级: 批阅日期:



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