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1、小学英语全英文教案小学英语全英文教案Theme: DiscussionFunction: Presenting different points of view.TargetLanguage: What do you suggest?What about ?Why dont you? How about ?I think so. I dont think so.Vocabulary: suggest, quickly, excited, America,Chinese, kind, dragon, same,Pronunciation: / / / / / / / /Poem: Do you

2、agree?一、 Warmer:1. Draw some pictures to help the Ss to learn thewords: some chopsticks, aCD2. Put the pictures on the board, then the teachercallout the namesof thethem.二、 Presentation:1. Look, listen and learn:A. Tellthe Ss thatyou are going to play a dialogue.The Ss have to listenand tell you wha

3、t things theypicturesand letthe Ss pointdragon, a kite, a radio, acircleare thinking of giving to the cousin.B. They have to listen to the objects that aresuggested in the text.C.TelltheSs toclosetheirbooks.Playthedialogue and get the Ss tolisten and note down theiranswers. Then ask them what object

4、s they heard werementioned.D. Tellthe Ss to open theirbooks and read throughthe textand underlinetheE. Read the dialogue:1) Daming will visit his ( cousin).2) He lives in (America).3) His mother is (Chinese).4) Daming wont take (chopsticks).5) He will take ( a kite).6) The present is ( a Chinese dra

5、gon kite).2. Make suggestions:I want to buy a present foe my brother.Thats a good idea.What about a bag/ a T-shirt/ a book/ a football?I agree.三、 Activity book:Listen and complete the text:objectsthatwere suggested.Chinese dragon kiteChinese dragon kitesare very famous. They are verybeautiful. Peopl

6、e love themall over the world. Somedragon kitesare small.Oneperson can flythem. Othersare very big.You need lotsof people of flythem. Theyare very long. Dont fly四、 Homework:Read the text.小学英语全英文教案2. Talk about What do you suggest?Theme: Librarythem near trees or houses.Function: How to research info

7、rmationTarget Language: Where are about ? in twoabout ? Where canweeks time.Where can you findoutyou findout about ? You can findout aboutin/on Vocabulary:card,easy,library,find,CD-ROM, bring,use,information,timetable,dictionary,newspaperPronunciation: / / / /Poem: Lets go to the library.一、 Warmer:1

8、. Read the textof Unit1 and spellthe new words.2. The teacherexplainsome of the words to the Ss.Newspaper/dictionary/cookerybook/timetable/words and meanings/ news/ train times/ food recipes3.Make some sentenceswith LetsWe can Where please They are二、 Presentation:1. Listen and say:A. On the board wr

9、ite the following: newspaper/timetable/ dictionary/ CD-ROM/library/ find outA. Let the Ss close their books and listen to thetape and choose the wordsfrom the board.B. Play the dialogueagain and get the Ss tothe sentences. and answer:A. Where can you find out about sports? On TV.B. Where can you fin

10、d out about games?C. Where can you find out about toys?D. Where can you find out about food?E. Where can you find out about China?F. Where can you find out England?2. Listen and repeat:Die lie / high night / girl shirt/ / ie / / igh / / ir三、 Activity Book:repeat1. Look and complete:A.You can readinf

11、ormationnewspaper.B. You can get information on the radio.C. You can see and hear information on a CD-ROM.D. You can get informationabout the weather on TV.ina book orinaE. You can find out about train information in atimetable.F. You can find out about English in a dictionary.2. Listen and repeat:A

12、. The panda will lie down but not die.B. At night, the moon is high in the sky.C. This girl is wearing a blue shirt.四、 Homework: 1. Read the text of Unit 2. 2. Writesome sentences with Where canI can find outTheme: Letters from Abroadyou find out about小学英语全英文教案Function: Understanding different cultu

13、res.Target Language: Simple past tense. The man worewomens clothes. The actorslaughed a lot.told lots of jokes. WeSimple futuretense be going toWeareweeks.Mum boughtnewgoingtoseeyouinthreechopsticks for you.Vocabulary:wore (wear),women, actor,told (tell),joke,funny, after,show,ready,soon,bed,room,hi

14、story, question, borrow, eveningPronunciation: / / / / / / / /Song: Postman, Postman一、 Warmer:1. Tell the Ss that you are going to say some verbsin the presentfrom andthen say the same verbs in thepast from. Get the Ss to repeat them after you.2. Write all the verbs on the board.Have wentMeet lostIs

15、 ateLose hadEat wasGo went3. Get the Ss to work in pairs. One student saysthe verb in the presentthe verb in the past form.二、 Presentation:1. Look, listen and learn:tense from and the other saysA. Listen to the tape and underline the verbs inpast tense form. (went, wore,actor, joke, funny, after, sh

16、ow, ready)B. Play the dialogueagain and answer the questions:1) Where did Lingling go last week?2) What did the men and the women wear?3) What did the actors do?4) Where did they go after the show?5) What did they eat?C. Listen to the text and complete?Dear Daming:Last week we went to a childrenswor

17、e womens clothes . Thetheatre . The mantold, laughed, women,women wore mens clothes.The actors told lots of jokes . It was very funny.We l augheda lot. English childrenlove the theatre.After the show we went to a restaurant. We all atehamburgers and chips.Are you ready for your trip to America?From,

18、Lingling2. Look and say.A. Ask and answer: What did he do last night?He watched TV.He played computer games.He ate an apple/ sweets.He played toys.He drank some milk.He read books.三、 Activity book:Listen and write some sentences:1) Xiaoyong went to a party yesterday.2) He wore a beautiful sweater.3) He said Happy birthday to his friend.4) His friend gave him a birthday hat.5) They played games together happily.6) They ate a big birthday cake.7) They were very happy.四、 Homework:1. Read the text. 2. Remember the new words.



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