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1、Unit16 Scientists at Work 科学家在工作科学家在工作哟神跪猾肆畜蝗孤残茧免到砖篆烧啄柱援痹叶瞪做椎哈窃金省巢怖爷盈铆高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWorkWarming Up :酒岳莫夹扫圣瘫艰妖浓府望忆层虽烬竹琴荐孪桂肛剑悯豹荐绕远竖蚂辟绪高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork1.Describe what you see in each picture .What is it about?1.Photo1 shows s

2、tudents at work in a chemistry lab.2.Photo2 shows an English book called Hamlet, a dictionary and a notebook.3. Photo3 shows two students doing an experiment.4.Photo4 shows students looking at something through a microscope.芜答倾馒磨涯债瑞贡首郎驹彰彰吝螺凹厌暂祭誓恐朴灰桔邱愿目辉源烯蔑高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16Scie

3、ntistsatWork2.What are the names of the school subjects in which you study sciences.1.Chemistry 2.Physics3.Biology 晰樟酵制扶址砖十窍酶汛林虏等扼瘁瞪寿挺拜前骂烧孺阂讣戳哉拿盈接航高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork3.Give an example of what you learn about for each field of science.举一个例子,说明你在每个科学领域中举一个例子,说明你在每个

4、科学领域中学习的内容。学习的内容。In chemistry we learn about the way different liquids(液体)液体) and materials react(反映)反映) with each other. For example, if you put a piece of metal into a glass containing a strong acid(酸)(酸), it will dissolve(溶解)(溶解).刨沃钦卵袋狞翱郴喊沾浩思摩爽苞俯奖桐鹿襟抹衅催置硅稠疮经酝毖永茂高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-U

5、nit16ScientistsatWork2.In physics, we learn about the laws of the universe(宇宙)(宇宙), for example about Newton and the reason why all things on earth fall down.3. In biology we learn about life on earth, for example by looking at the structure of cells(细胞)(细胞).稳曙恰小靴瞬腔恶淳痈遗装匈二疙安沁摄艾隙炸芝虏戚疾勒粮荒廖褒杨希高一级14-Uni

6、t16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork Review:evaluate science pros scientistcons liquidformation lab experiment essay评价,评估评价,评估赞成赞成反对反对形成,结构形成,结构实验实验科学科学科学家科学家液体液体实验室实验室文章、短文文章、短文徊戊开嘘弱徽捉棱苍择疏甭计卤葫拇挫躯刷杯陡僻豆滑糠捞赐貉镀漫奢胚高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWorkListening:( difficult p

7、oints)Why should students be careful smelling from bottle?be careful doingbe careful doing的意思是的意思是”做某事仔做某事仔细或小心细或小心”, be careful , be careful 后面常跟后面常跟withwith, , in, aboutin, about等介词短语等介词短语, , 也可跟也可跟 to doto do或或从句从句. . 为什么学生在闻从瓶子里冒出来的气味为什么学生在闻从瓶子里冒出来的气味时要小心时要小心? ?工妊隆尸翟如干窍绚狙灭体渴炕磕绝肋豺胺册鳃咸呼嘉枯羊萨壳紧搐扰顽高一

8、级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork大家对自己说的话应该很谨慎大家对自己说的话应该很谨慎. .要小心把药在安全的地方要小心把药在安全的地方, , 不要让小孩拿到不要让小孩拿到. .people should be more careful about the things they say.Be careful that the medicine is kept away from children.柔讥尊峙戏坪桥寥继绦道潭现高履嘛消剂偶骋恃展龙袋榴龄塞匣蜘骨始郧高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一

9、级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork那些盘子那些盘子, ,要十分小心要十分小心You must be careful with those plates!You must be careful who you accept a lift from 搭乘谁的车要小心搭乘谁的车要小心. .五密勃英静役刻橡赂冠甄割钉克贬衣纫勉峦钥着旧幢有黄涨簿拢霓陇蜕轴高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork如果你眼睛里进了东西如果你眼睛里进了东西, ,该怎么该怎么办办? ?“be+ to do”“be+ to do” 结构表示

10、安排、命令、结构表示安排、命令、职责、义务、目的、用途、可能性、职责、义务、目的、用途、可能性、命中注定等命中注定等. .What is to be done when anything gets into your eyes?枷膀砖魁决捎筷妄刁遁吞技蔡胳膀仍锣促叮某胞伯锁射胀羽壕振峰涎迂治高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWorkWe are to meet at the school gate.You are to be back by 10 oclock.我们约定在校门口碰头。(安排)我们约定在校门口碰头。(安排)你得

11、在你得在1010点钟前回来。(命令)点钟前回来。(命令)绩充尸鞋钧砷蜡拳盐矣足画透郎耿忌子奄痒膘砷眉税楼催饲躺恼嚣灼膛永高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork我谨通知你会议在杭州举行。我谨通知你会议在杭州举行。( (职责)职责)刀是用来切割的。(用途)刀是用来切割的。(用途)I am to inform (通知)(通知)you that the meeting will be held in Hangzhou.A knife is to cut with.蚀巷肌祸璃哟湖抡下颊仅淘布絮折彻盈赏扣瞳块洲偶浑萌让部扮梅危纺猪高

12、一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork他们注定以后永远不再见面。(命他们注定以后永远不再见面。(命中注定)中注定)They were never to meet again.踪僵君繁纱氛咋伴祝姥奏吩扼篆雁轧挟述执姥故万邓惺哈卑炙泻陵瘴挨谨高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWorkListening Text:Mr Deng: Everybody listen carefully! Today Mrs Zhu will explain about the

13、safety instructions(安全说明安全说明) for the lab. If you have any questions you can raise your hand(举手举手). 毙洒商妖胚缄励誊惨耍渴屠扛阂措揩基苞擒嘴缴拌障中闻站佃少魏牌肪隅高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWorkMrs Zhou: For experiments that are done in this lab, everybody should remember: Safety comes first! (安全第一)(安全第一)

14、This is very important ,because the experiments(实验实验) are fun and very interesting , but we dont want any accidents.(事故)(事故)怀猛砧踩棚他例矿婚毋咬忠计方池剩坪面跋恰窖辖赤逢疫慈瓢哟果兑歧鉴高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWorkFirst of all(首首先)先), dont come in here without your teacher. Once (一旦一旦)youre in here, f

15、ollow your teachers instructions(说明说明). When you come into the lab, students with long hair should tie it up(把它系起来把它系起来), or put their hair under their clothes. Always listen carefully to your teachers instructions and dont touch anything, unless your teacher tells you do.忿蜡眠谊风纠贿凛盖辽梅门炕磨渐霖否瞪海淮侠轨险哉难及剪

16、蛮盯系额廉高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWorkMr Deng: Can you explain a bit more about doing experiments?Mrs Zhu: Sure .Never put your nose directly(径直地径直地) into a glass or over a bottle. Gases(气体气体) can be very dangerous. Instead, you should wave (波动、挥舞波动、挥舞)some air in your directi

17、on (方向方向)and carefully smell it .Never put your fingers into glasses and never taste anything! 缄瞪泞境刀僧班穷菌蓬突痪砍焊恭颤萤谩老毙氮暴咕障历掖慧郡娘绷维咋高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWorkWhen working with fire, be careful about the flame(火焰). When working with electricity(电). Make sure your hands are dr

18、y(干的). When anything gets into your mouth or eyes, immediately(立即) wash with a lot of water. Remember that the classroom isnt a playground(操场). Dont throw (扔)things or start playing . That can be dangerous.多瑚坟莉预瘦共博鸿鸭葛斯怂淖箩停饵灾并硷毗桓昼峡矽楚晦芽座告愁糠高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWorkSun Ya

19、o: What about when we leave?Mrs Zhu: When class is over, clear everything away(清走) and leave the classroom neat(整洁) and clean. Before leaving the classroom, wash your hands with water and soap(肥皂). Dont forget to turn off (关掉)the lights and shut (关闭)the windows.晦煤合狈漫蔚剖践时幸氰托地铅现弯钎纸阂埠责沤攒卧嘶出膀梢札掂渣馏高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork高一级14-Unit16ScientistsatWork



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