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1、.单词识记1_ adj.exactly the same, or very similar2_ adj.having a good effect3_ vmake sb healthy again4_ adj.not real, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mindidenticalbeneficialcureimaginary5_ adj.too strange to be believed or very difficult to believe6_ nfoolish talk, ideas, etc.7_ adj.causing

2、a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being discussedincrediblenonsensecontroversial.短语天地1_ 一系列的2_和一样,与一致3_正相反4_简直是,几乎是5as follows_6treat.as._7leave alone_a sequence of(be)identical toon the contraryas good as如下如下把把当成当成对待待不打不打搅,不理会,不理会.句型搜索1Its certainly t

3、rue that in 1953, Watson and Crick, two scientists at Cambridge University, England, discovered the structure of the acid DNAa transparent twisting ladder made of the fundamental component of life. 信息提取 it is adj. that.例句仿写地球围绕太阳转,这是事实。_ _ _ _ the earth travels round the sun.It is true that2An Itali

4、an doctor wants to offer cloning as an optional treatment for couples who find it difficult to have children. 信息提取 find it adj./n. to do sth例句仿写我觉得拉小提琴很有意思。I _ _ _ _ _ the violin.find it interesting to play1identical adj.完全相同的,同一的My opinion is identical with his.我的意见和他的意见相同。【归纳拓展】be identical to/wit

5、h sb/sth与完全相同的; 一模一样的be identical in 在方面完全一样identify v识别,认同,一致identity n同一性;一致;身份【单项填空】The police matched the fingerprints and found they were_,so the man was arrested.Aidentical Bsimilar Cequal Dequivalent答案Aidentical“完全一样的”;similar“相似的”;equal“相等的”;equivalent“相当的”。2beneficial adj.有益的,有用的Fresh air a

6、nd good food are beneficial to health. 新鲜空气和优良食物有益于健康。【归纳拓展】1)be beneficial to sth/sb 对有益的2)benefit n利益,好处 v有益于,有助于;得益于of great benefit 大有好处benefit from/by 从受益【完成句子】工人们正在城里建造一座桥,这个工程对每个人都有利。Workers are building a bridge in the town. This project is _ _ to everyone.阅读使我受益匪浅。I have _ a lot _ reading.o

7、f benefitbenefitedfrom3cure(1)v.治愈;治疗; 消除(弊病等);纠正The doctors cured her of cancer.医生治好了她的癌症。(2)n.治愈;治疗Is there a certain cure for cancer yet? 迄今有治疗癌症的确切方法吗?【归纳拓展】(1)cure sb of sth治愈某人的疾病;消除某人的忧虑a cure for.的治疗方法;的解决方法(2)rob sb of sth抢劫某人的cheat sb of sth骗某人的inform sb of sth.通知某人某事remind sb of sth.使某人想起

8、某事【比较网站】cure/treat (1)cure 指治愈疾病,消除痛苦,除掉恶习、弊端、嗜好等,侧重结果。Will you be able to cure him,Doctor?医生,你能把他治好吗?(2)treat 只指治病,并不管疗效如何,侧重动作。She was treated for sunstroke.她因中暑而接受治疗。用cure与treat的适当形式填空Doctors found a cancer on Toms leg. As we all know,there is no known _for cancer but it can be_.We all know Tom i

9、s very sad recently,so we try our best_him of his anxieties. We told him the doctors could_him _cancer.答案curetreatedto curecureof4resist (1)v.抗拒;对抗;反抗They were determined to resist terrorists in the country. 他们决心和国内的恐怖分子作斗争。(2)忍住;忍受;忍耐(一般用于否定式)Jill couldnt resist making jokes about his baldness.吉尔忍不

10、住拿他的秃顶开玩笑。【归纳拓展】(1)resist doing sth反对干某事cant resist (doing) sth无法抗拒(做的)诱惑;忍不住干resist arrest/the temptation拒捕/抵制诱惑(2)resistant adj.对有抵抗力的,抵制的,反抗的,抗拒的be resistant to 对有抵抗力【完成句子】她克制住自己,没有把真实想法告诉他。She_ _ _to tell him what she really thought.他忍不住炫耀起了他的新车。He couldnt _ _ _ his new car.resisted the temptati

11、onresist showing off1by mistake错误地,无意地I took your bag instead of mine by mistake. 我错拿了你的包。【归纳拓展】make a mistake 犯错误make a mistake about 误解mistake v弄错,误会mistake.for. 误将认作【单项填空】Im sorry.I mistook you _my friend John. A. as Bfor Cby Dto答案Bmistake sb/sth for“把误当作”。2on the contrary正相反We thought it would b

12、e bad weather,but on the contrary we had fine sunshine.我们以为是个坏天气,但是,正相反,是个大晴天。【归纳拓展】to the contrary相反的(地)be contrary to与相反【单项填空】_,the pay isnt attractive enough,though the job itself is quite interesting.AGenerally speaking BOn the contraryCIn particular DTo be honest答案D句意:说实话,虽然工作本身很有趣,但报酬不是很吸引人。ge

13、nerally speaking表示“一般说来”;on the contrary表示“相反”;in particular表示“特别,尤其”;to be honest表示“说实话”。由此我们不难判断选D项。3treat.as. 当成对待His mother treated him as a small child.他母亲把他当小孩看待。【归纳拓展】look on.as. 把视为take.as. 把理解为refer to.as. 把称为consider.as. 认为是think of.as. 认为是regard.as. 把看成describe.as. 把描述成use.as. 作为来使用【翻译句子】

14、我把他的话当作玩笑话。_别把我当傻瓜。_I decided to treat his remark as a joke.Dont treat me as an idiot.4rely on依靠,依赖,指望You may rely on his honesty.你可以相信他,他很诚实。We cant rely on his coming in time. 我们不能指望他及时赶到。【归纳拓展】rely on/upon sb to do sth 指望某人做某事rely on/upon ones doing sth 相信某人会做rely on/upon it that. 相信【完成句子】这天气可说不定

15、。You cant _ _the weather. 不要对去印度抱太大的希望。Dont _ _ _to India.rely onrely on goingAn Italian doctor wants to offer cloning as an optional treatment for couples who find it difficult to have children.一位意大利医生想用克隆技术为那些很难生育孩子的夫妇提供一种可选择的方法。“find it difficult to have children”,其中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to have children

16、; difficult是形容词作宾语补足语。【归纳拓展】有些动词后常跟这种结构,即:feel/find/think/consider/make it adj./n.十不定式短语/从句We found it pleasant to work in this school.我们发现在这所学校里工作很愉快。She feels it her duty to take good care of her sick mother.她觉得好好照顾生病的母亲是她的职责。【翻译句子】她觉得很难理解他。_你认为问这样的问题是明智的吗?_She found it difficult to understand him.Do you consider it wise to ask such a question?



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