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1、选修选修7 7Unit 19Unit 19LanguageLanguage-3-主题语境:语言学习-4-高频单词重点短语难点句型1.absence n.缺乏,不存在;缺席高考佳句 wolves,coyote populations also grew quickly.缺少狼时,草原狼的数量也迅速增加。(2017全国卷,阅读理解C篇)(1)in the absence of 缺乏时,当不在时absence of mind精神不集中,心不在焉absence from缺席(2)absent adj.缺席的;缺乏的,不在的v.缺席,不参加be absent(from)缺席()In the absenc

2、e of -5-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)完成句子His in driving led to the accident.他开车心不在焉引起了那场事故。Now all that was needed were the parents,but they .现在所需要的一切就是父母,但它们却不在。(2017全国卷,阅读理解B篇)(2)写作升级But conscientiousness that lack social skills can lead to problems.满分表达 But conscientiousness social skills can lead to probl

3、ems.(2013江苏卷,任务型阅读)absence of mind were absent in the absence of -6-高频单词重点短语难点句型2.surround vt.环绕,围绕;包围;与紧密相关高考佳句The barefoot kid who just a few years previously had been living in poverty,criminals and violence,had written a new chapter in the history of sports.那个曾有几年生活在贫穷中的赤脚孩子,身陷罪犯及暴力中,谱写了运动历史的新篇章

4、。(2016江苏卷,阅读理解D篇)(1)surround sb/sth包围某人/物surround sb/sth with sb/sth使某人/物包围某人/物be surrounded by/with sb/sth被某人/物所包围(2)surrounding adj.周围的,附近的surroundings n.周围的事物;环境,气氛surrounded by -7-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练完成句子That means a transparent object doesnt look very different from the air or water.那意味着一个透明的物体看起来和

5、周围的空气和水并没有多大不同。(2015北京卷,阅读理解C篇)uplifting individuals who challenge you to be better.置身于给人以鼓舞的人群中,他们会要求你变得更好(2016浙江卷,六选五)surrounding Surround yourself with -8-高频单词重点短语难点句型3.guarantee vt.保证,担保;提供保修单;确保n.保证书;担保;抵押品高考佳句This complete but brief historical collection is certain to entertain readers young a

6、nd old,and even the biggest history lover with something new! 这一完整而简短的历史收藏品肯定会让年轻及年老的读者得到娱乐,并肯定会呈现给即便是最大的历史爱好者以新的东西!(2017江苏卷,阅读理解A篇)guaranteed to present -9-高频单词重点短语难点句型guarantee sb sth向某人担保某事guarantee to do sth保证做某事be guaranteed to do sth肯定会/必定会做某事guarantee+that从句保证under guarantee在保修期内guarantee sth

7、 against.保障某物免受-10-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)完成句子Consistent,hard work wont the level of success you may want.始终如一且努力的工作,并不能保证你可能想要的成功水平(2013广东卷,阅读理解B篇)Surely,there will be setbacks and disappointments in life;boldness in itself is success.当然,生活中会有挫折和失望,自身的大胆不是成功的保证。(2015天津卷,阅读理解D篇)(2)单句语法填空We guarantee (de

8、liver)your goods within a week.我们保证一周内送货。guarantee you no guarantee of to deliver -11-高频单词重点短语难点句型4.adjust vt.调节;调整vi.适应;习惯高考佳句For example,the moment you get on the airplane,startyour biological clock to the destinations time.例如,你一上飞机,就开始调整你的生物钟以适应目的地的时间。(2015重庆卷,完形填空)(1)adjust sth调节adjust to适应adjus

9、t(sth/oneself)to(doing)sth使(某物/某人自己)适应(做)某事(2)adjustable adj.可调整的;可调节的adjustment n.调整;调节;(思想、行为的)适应make an adjustment做出调整adjusting -12-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)完成句子It needs to be constructed from materials that will stand the heat of the lamp and regular by the user.它需要用能承受灯的热量及用户的经常调试的材料建造。(2016上海卷,语法与词汇

10、)During those six months of hospitalizations,Becky,12 at the time,other adults being in the house when she returned from school.在住院的那六个月期间,当时12岁的贝基适应了当她从学校回来时在房子里有其他的成年人。(2015浙江卷,阅读理解D篇)adjustments adjusted to -13-高频单词重点短语难点句型(2)单句改错Obviously,students are terrible at adjusting their sleep cycles wit

11、h their daily schedule.(2014四川卷,阅读理解D篇)withto -14-高频单词重点短语难点句型5.inform v.告知,通知;了解,熟悉高考佳句Nine years later,when that teen was a senior in college,he that the developer was back with his proposal to build condominiums.九年后,当那名少年到了大学四年级,他被告知,开发商又回到他的提议要建造公寓。(2014湖南卷,阅读表达)(1)inform sb of sth通知某人某事inform s

12、b that/what/when/how.通知某人(inform 的宾语通常只能是人,所以当后接从句时,从句前的sb不能省略)(2)informed adj.有学问的,有见识的keep sb informed随时向某人报告情况,让某人了解was informed -15-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)完成句子It is read so that the reader may and prepared.读它为的是可以告知那位阅读的人,并做好准备。(2015江苏卷,任务型阅读)They would inform her any progress they had made.他们会告知她他们

13、所取得的任何进步。(2)写作升级We try to keep telling him about current trends.满分表达We try to him about current trends.be informed of keep informed -16-高频单词重点短语难点句型6.unconscious adj.不省人事的,失去知觉的;无意识的,自然流露的;不知不觉的高考佳句In such a situation,I work as hard as I canthen let the take over.在这种情况下,我尽可能努力工作然后让那些无意识的人接管。(2016天津卷

14、,阅读理解D篇)(1)be unconscious/conscious of sb/sth(没有)意识到knock/beat sb unconscious打昏某人(2)unconsciously adv.不知不觉地,无意地unconsciousness n.昏迷,无知觉状态conscious adj.感觉到的;知道的unconscious -17-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)完成句子My hand rose to cover my mouth.我的手无意识地抬起,捂着嘴。(2012湖南卷,完形填空)(2)单句语法填空So I am always conscious time.因此我总

15、是意识到时间问题。(2016全国卷,阅读理解C篇)unconsciously of -18-高频单词重点短语难点句型1.get ahead 取得成功,获得进步高考佳句I doubted it,but let him ,for I had nothing to lose.我怀疑,但让他继续,因为我不会失去什么。(2016天津卷,阅读理解B篇)ahead of在之前;胜过,超过get ahead of超过;胜过go ahead前进,干吧,说吧go ahead with开始,继续look ahead向前看go ahead -19-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练完成句子at work is the

16、most important thing to me at the moment.对我来讲,此时最重要的是在工作上获得成功。The time in London is five hours in New York.伦敦时间要比纽约时间早五个小时。in the distance,and you can see the lights of the village.你往远处看,便可以看见村庄里的灯光。Getting ahead ahead of that Look ahead -20-高频单词重点短语难点句型2.catch on 学会;理解;变得流行高考佳句The day itself is on

17、October 21,but since it has ,events now spread out over most of October around Britain.这一天本身是在十月二十一日,但自其变得流行以来,庆祝活动现在在英国各地扩展到十月的大部分时间。(2016全国卷,阅读理解C篇)catch up with赶上catch sb doing sth撞见某人做某事catch sight of看见catch fire着火catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意caught on -21-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)完成句子Cafes focused aro

18、und psychology,history,and engineering ,filling tables well into the evening.以心理学、历史学和工程学为主题的咖啡馆正变得流行起来,客满到晚上。(2015全国卷,阅读理解D篇)In our home office anyone something ungreen might be punished.在我们的家庭办公室里任何被看到做不环保的事的人都可能被惩罚。(2013辽宁卷,阅读理解B篇)are catching on caught doing -22-高频单词重点短语难点句型(2)写作升级Sometimes I do

19、nt understand your jokes.满分表达 Sometimes I really dont your jokes.catch on to -23-高频单词重点短语难点句型3.on the other hand 另一方面高考佳句Human children,are extremely corporative.另一方面,人类的小孩是极为团结的。(2016江苏卷,阅读理解B篇)on the one hand.,on the other hand.一方面,另一方面for one thing.,for another.一方面,另一方面(引出并列的理由)on the other hand

20、-24-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练完成句子,does the possibility of frequent communication today mean that the urge to do so wasnt present a generation ago? 另一方面,今天频繁交流的可能性意味着在一代之前急切地想这样做的欲望并不存在吗?(2015北京卷,阅读理解D篇)On the other hand -25-重点短语难点句型高频单词1.Theres no point reading the news in English if youve already watched it

21、 in your own language.(Page 6)如果你已经用母语看过这则消息,再用英语来读这则消息是没有意义的。There is no point(in)doing句型There is no point(in)doing表示“做没有意义”。类似结构有:(1)there is no need(in)doing/to do表示“没有必要做某事”。(2)there is no use(in)doing表示“做某事没有用”。(3)there is no good(in)doing表示“做某事没有好处”。(4)There is no sense in doing sth表示“做某事没有道理或

22、说不过去”。(5)There is no harm in doing that.表示“那样做并无害处”。-26-重点短语难点句型高频单词四维热练(1)单句语法填空There is no point (talk)about who is right and who is wrong.谈论谁对谁错没有意义。(2)完成句子If we stay at home,it is comfortable and money.如果我们待在家里,很舒服,还没有必要花钱。about the far future.为遥远的未来担忧是没有用的。talking there is no need to spend Ther

23、e is no use worrying -27-重点短语难点句型高频单词2.It was predicted as early as the 1700s that English would one day be the global language and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades.(Page 6)早在18世纪人们就预测,有一天英语将成为全球性语言,并且在过去的几十年中它已得到了证明。It is/was predicted that.句型(1)“It is/was predicted that.”表示“据

24、预测”。该结构中that引导的是一个主语从句,前面的it是一个形式主语。(2)动词report,believe,guess,think,say,forecast等也常用在此结构中。-28-重点短语难点句型高频单词四维热练(1)完成句子a new energy will replace oil in the near future.据预测在不久的将来一种新的能源将会代替石油。seven terrorists had been arrested by the police.据报道有七名恐怖分子已被警方逮捕。 (2)写作升级People believe that human can one day

25、live on another planet.满分表达human can one day live on another planet.Its predicted that It was reported that Its believed that -29-重点短语难点句型高频单词3.Thirdly,you say that there is a discount provided that I pay in advance.(Page 12)第三,你们说我只要预付款就有折扣。provided that引导条件状语从句句型(1)句中的provided that为连词,引导条件状语从句,相当于

26、if。(2)在英语中表示条件,用以引导条件状语从句,类似的还有:on condition that,so/as long as,suppose(that),supposing(that),providing(that)等。-30-重点短语难点句型高频单词四维热练(1)完成句子there is no opposition,we shall hold the meeting here.如果没有人反对,我们就在这里开会。Ill come Lucy is invited as well.如果露西也受到了邀请,我就来。(2)写作升级Supposing that it snows this weekend,shall we still go and climb the hill? 满分表达 it snows this weekend,shall we still go and climb the hill? Provided that on condition that Provided that



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