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1、Unit 4EarthquakeUsing language Reading and speaking Look at the pictures and discuss what happened. Tang shans new lookHere is a letter of invitation. Read it carefully and answer the following questions.1. Who write the letter?2. Who will receive the letter? People who have won the students high sc

2、hool speaking competition about new Tangshan.Zhang Sha.3. What was the park built for?4. When will the student speak to the park visitor?To honour those who died in the terrible disaster and those who helped the survivors.On July 28 at 11:00 am.1. invitation n. 邀请邀请invite v. a letter of invitation 一

3、封邀请信一封邀请信2. give a speech 作报告作报告/演讲演讲 3. Office of the City Government 市政府办公室市政府办公室 Words &. Expressions4. be pleased to do sth 愿意高兴乐于做某事愿意高兴乐于做某事5. the speaking competition 演讲比赛演讲比赛= be glad / happy to do6. judge n. 评委、裁判员、法官评委、裁判员、法官 He was a poor judge of man. 他看人的能力很差。他看人的能力很差。 The prisoner was

4、taken to the judge. 他被带到了法官那儿。他被带到了法官那儿。 v. 断定、判断、判决断定、判断、判决 A blind man cannot judge colors. 盲人不能判断颜色。盲人不能判断颜色。 翻译翻译: 不要以貌取人。不要以貌取人。 Dont judge a man by his appearance.7. be proud of you 以以而感自豪而感自豪I am proud of you.8. honour n./v. 荣誉、尊敬、敬意、荣誉、尊敬、敬意、纪念纪念我们应该尊敬父母。我们应该尊敬父母。We should honour our parents

5、. = We should show honour to our parents. honour sb. / sth. 尊重某人尊重某人/事事 show honour to sb. / sth. in honour of 为了纪念为了纪念这纪念碑是为纪念在战争中死去的战士这纪念碑是为纪念在战争中死去的战士而立的。而立的。The monument was built in honor of the dead in the war.9. have sb. do sth (主动主动) have sb. doing sth (主动主动/持续持续) have sth/sb done (被动被动) I w

6、ont have you say such words. He had us laughing all through lunch. I will have my hair cut tomorrow.10. as you know 如你所知如你所知11. on that special day 在那个特殊的日子在那个特殊的日子9. write an article for 为为写文章写文章10. write an outline 写提纲写提纲11. disaster-hit areas 受灾区受灾区12. frighten, frightened , frighteninga. They we

7、re trying to _the public to give in.b. She seemed to be _of the interview.c. The speed of the car was _frightenfrightenedfrighteningNow in pairs prepare a short speech. Thank Mr Zhang Sha and the government for inviting you to speak.Thank those who helped the survivors and list what they did after t

8、he quake.Thank those who worked hard to build a new city.Encourage the people to be always proud of their city.Describe your feelings about the city, which is known as the “Brave City of China”.Thank the visitors for listening to your speech.I would like to express my thanks to who .; Here, I wish t

9、o express my thanks to the great efforts Id also like to thank No words are strong enough to express our ; It was terrible when It seemed as if I remember I felt Not long after that Luckily, One possible speech: Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning. Its my great honor to be given the chance to give the

10、 speech.Thank Mr Zhang and the city government for inviting me to speak. And thank all of you to attend this activity. Everybody knows that this park will be open to honor those who died in the terrible disaster on this day 33 years ago. We should say that all of you are very lucky to have survived.

11、 But never can we forget those who helped you do the rescue work. They dug out those who had been trapped and buried the dead. They also helped build the new city. They built new homes and offices in only seven years. For this work, many workers and soldiers lost their lives. We should show our grea

12、test honor to them. When I first arrived in the city yesterday, I came to understand why Tangshan was called “Brave City of China”. What you have done made the whole world surprised. Look at the tall buildings and the beautiful environment. How brave you are! I think you should always be proud of th

13、e city. Thank you for listening to my speech.Look at the stamps of new Tangshan and discuss what had to be done to rebuild a city after an earthquake.Sample discussion:S1: Lets look at the stamps. They seem to show new houses, a new city center, new factories, schools, hospitals and a new port.S2: T

14、hat shows how strong the earthquake must have been and how much damage there was if so much of Tangshan had to be replaced. S1: Yes, indeed. The people of Tangshan must have had a terrible time while the earthquake was happening.S2: Yes. I wonder how long they had to live in temporary accommodation?

15、S1: Well, the United Nations praised the people of Tangshan for rebuilding their city so quickly. It only took seven years.S2: There must have been so much to do: clear the site of ruined buildings; design new ones that would withstand another earthquake; bring in new building materials, bring in th

16、e workers to build the factories, homes etc. Such a lot of work!S1: Yes, and meanwhile the people had to live in tents. They must have worried a lot about how they would pay for food and clothes. Poor things!S2: Indeed, we owe them a lot. And they made everyone aware of the dangers of earthquakes an

17、d how to prepare for another one. They themselves were survivors in more ways than one!Listening 1 How would you feel if your home was suddenly destroyed without warning? In pairs make a list of useful adjectives to express your feelings. Useful adjectives:very shocked, frightened, very upset, unabl

18、e to understand what was happening, confused, panic-stricken .2 Listen to the tape and then tell whether they are true or false.1. The man was sleeping downstairs when the earthquake happened.2. Many huge buildings were shaking bricks were falling.FT3. A lot of people were buried under the ruins.4.

19、Some cows were killed in the fire.5. He felt safer because he go away easily.TFF1. When did the earthquake begin?2. What did the speaker do after he woke up?3 Listen to the tape again and in groups discuss these questions. Around 5 oclock in the morning.He rushed outside as soon as he woke up. 3. Wh

20、at did he see and hear outside?When he got outside he thought the world had come to an end. He heard people crying and shouting. He saw people running everywhere and bricks falling down from buildings. There were big fires too. 4. What happened to the man next to him?5. How did he get away from the

21、city?6. Which of your adjectives describe the mans feelings most closely?He was killed by bricks falling from a nearby building. He got away from the city by boat. Very shocked, devastated. 1 I asked a man standing nex(t) to me wha(t) happened.2 Some of them ha(d) broken their legs and others were c

22、limbing upon each other to get out.4 Read the sentences below and pay attention to liaison and incomplete explosion.R: What was the first thing you remember?Listening textA report is asking a man to describe his experience in the San Francisco earthquake of 1906.R=reporter M=manM: Oh, my goodness. I

23、t was about 5 oclock in the morning. I remember, I woke up when I was thrown out of the bed. When I tried to walk, the floor shook so that I fell. I felt terrified and rushed downstairs.R: What did you see outside?M: Oh, I saw things I never want to see again. It seemed as if the end of the world ca

24、me. People were crying, shouting and running everywhere. bricks were falling down from some buildings while big ones were shaking Lots of people were getting buried under bricks. There were great fires around us. It was terrible!R: Did you realize what was happening?M: No. I asked a man standing nex

25、t to me what happened. Before he could answer, some bricks fell on him and he was killed.R: That sounds frightening. Did you know where to find a safer place?M: Oh, no. Luckily I met a man who knew the way to a boat.R: Soyou got away easily?M: No, we didnt. It was difficult because the streets had d

26、eep cracks. As we were carefully picking our way, some frightened cows rushed up Market Street and dropped into one of them. Ill never forget the noise they made. Some of them had broken their legs and others were climbing upon each other to get out. Horrible!R: How did you feel once youd left the c

27、ity?M: Umm. I felt safer because we were being cared for. The soldiers saved us. They brought us water and food. Thanks to them many of us are still alive!Reading and writing You are going to write an article for a newspaper about a special event that happened in your hometown. Before you start, you

28、 should write an outline. It will help you organize your ideas. A newspaper outline usually includes: a headline, a list of main ideas and a list of important details. An interesting title that tells the reader what your topic is. HeadlineMain ideasDetailsDo you know what an outline is?outline1. Why

29、 an outline is important? Because an outline will prepare you to write a better story.2. What should an outline conclude? A good outline should have a headline, a list of main idea and a list of important details.Discuss with your partners the following questions.3. Why a headline is important? A he

30、adline can tell the reader what the topic is, so it can attract the readers attention since the reader may not have bought the newspaper before they read the headline.4. What are the steps to finish a newspaper story? First, organize the main ideas. Next, put some details into each paragraph.5. What

31、 is the feature of the newspaper story? A newspaper story gives the most important news first and the least important news last.Now write your outline. Before you write it, ask yourself these questions: What happened? When did it happen? Where? Who took part? Why? Sample China leads world in traffic

32、 deathExperts say that road traffic accidents are on the rise and China ranks first in the world in traffic death tolls. Worldwide Statistics show that the global traffic accident death toll amounted to 500, 000 in 2003, with the largest share, 104, 000reported in China, followed by India with 86, 0

33、00, the U.S. with 40,000, and Russia with 26, 000, said Duan Liren, former deputy director of the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. Road accidents are the seventh leading killer in China. Homework1. Finish Reading task on page 65.2. Finish exercises on page 66.3. Write an article for a newspaper about the Wenchuan Earthquakes.



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