英语:Module 3 Grammar课件

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《英语:Module 3 Grammar课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语:Module 3 Grammar课件(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂Grammar 1 Part 1Recall the sentences from Reading and Vocabulary and Recall the sentences from Reading and Vocabulary and then fill in the blanks.then fill in the blanks._ it was performed in America, there was an _ it was performed in America, there was an audience of 100,000 people

2、.audience of 100,000 people._ he was very young, Mozart had a lot of _ he was very young, Mozart had a lot of musical talent.musical talent._ he was still a teenager, he was a big star._ he was still a teenager, he was a big star._ he grew older, he began to go deaf._ he grew older, he began to go d

3、eaf.WhenWhenWhenWhenWhileWhileAsAsAnswers to Part 1: A. 1B. 2 and 3C. 4Grammar 1 Part 2First do Part 2 on your own, then check the answer First do Part 2 on your own, then check the answer with your partner.with your partner.Answers to Part 2:Answers to Part 2:1. b2. d3. c4. aGrammar 1 Part 3Work in

4、 four. Make sentences similar to those in Work in four. Make sentences similar to those in Part 2, using Part 2, using when, by the time, while, aswhen, by the time, while, as. .Possible answers:While he was a child, he lived in the countryside.When he was young, he lived with his grandmother.When h

5、e lived in Hunan Province, he collected folk songs and music.While he lived in Hunan Province, he planted rice.When he attended Central Conservatory of Music, he heard western music for the first time.(补充) About adverbial clause of time引导引导Adverbial Clauses of TimeAdverbial Clauses of Time的词语的词语 whe

6、n, while, as, before, after, since, until,when, while, as, before, after, since, until, as soon as, every time, each time, the as soon as, every time, each time, the moment, by the time , immediately , moment, by the time , immediately , the minute , the second.when试比较:试比较:When it was performed in A

7、merica, there was an When it was performed in America, there was an audience of 100,000 people.audience of 100,000 people.When I receive the letter, Ill tell you.分析:分析:分析:分析:whenwhen引导的从句表示主句的动作和从句的动引导的从句表示主句的动作和从句的动引导的从句表示主句的动作和从句的动引导的从句表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时发生,或从句的动作在主句之前发生。作同时发生,或从句的动作在主句之前发生。作同时发生,或从句的

8、动作在主句之前发生。作同时发生,或从句的动作在主句之前发生。动作同时发生动作同时发生动作同时发生动作同时发生从句的动作在主句之前发生从句的动作在主句之前发生从句的动作在主句之前发生从句的动作在主句之前发生while观察:观察:While they were doing homework, someone broke While they were doing homework, someone broke into the house.into the house.While he was still a teenager, he was a big star.While he was sti

9、ll a teenager, he was a big star.分析:分析:分析:分析:whilewhile引导的从句表示引导的从句表示引导的从句表示引导的从句表示“ “在在在在过程中过程中过程中过程中” ”,强,强,强,强调某一段时间内主句和从句的动作在同一时期发生。调某一段时间内主句和从句的动作在同一时期发生。调某一段时间内主句和从句的动作在同一时期发生。调某一段时间内主句和从句的动作在同一时期发生。从句的动作表示较长时间,因此常用延续性动词。从句的动作表示较长时间,因此常用延续性动词。从句的动作表示较长时间,因此常用延续性动词。从句的动作表示较长时间,因此常用延续性动词。Rewrite

10、 the sentences: While he was walking in the street, he met Tim. While he was walking in the street, he met Tim. Walking in the street, he met Tom.While walking in the street, he met Tim.as试观察:1)As they were picking tea, the girls were singing happily.2) She sang as she worked.强调两个动作同时进行强调两个动作同时进行强调两

11、个动作同时进行强调两个动作同时进行两种情况一起发展变化两种情况一起发展变化两种情况一起发展变化两种情况一起发展变化分析:分析:分析:分析:asas引导的从句表示引导的从句表示引导的从句表示引导的从句表示“ “当当当当时;一边时;一边时;一边时;一边一一一一边边边边”,主句和从句的动作同时发生,强调伴随。,主句和从句的动作同时发生,强调伴随。,主句和从句的动作同时发生,强调伴随。,主句和从句的动作同时发生,强调伴随。有时可译为有时可译为有时可译为有时可译为“ “随着随着随着随着” ”。其他: It wont be long It wont be long beforebefore he fini

12、shes his writing. he finishes his writing.AfterAfter he (had) finished his work, he left there. he (had) finished his work, he left there. It is (has been) two years It is (has been) two years sincesince he came here. he came here.He will not go to bed He will not go to bed until (till)until (till)

13、his mother comes. his mother comes.It is It is not untilnot until his mother comes home his mother comes home that that he will go he will go to bed.(to bed.(强调结构)强调结构)As soon asAs soon as she got home, she began to cook. she got home, she began to cook. Every time/each timeEvery time/each time I ca

14、tch a cold, I have pain in I catch a cold, I have pain in my back.my back.There was an applause There was an applause the moment (as soon as)the moment (as soon as) she appeared on the stage.she appeared on the stage.By the timeBy the time he arrived, the train had already gone. he arrived, the trai

15、n had already gone.GRAMMAR 2GRAMMAR 2The past perfect tenseThe past perfect tenseGrammar 2 Part 1Recall the sentences from the listening passage Recall the sentences from the listening passage about the Beatles. about the Beatles. After they _(become) stars in their After they _(become) stars in the

16、ir own country, the Beatles toured the United own country, the Beatles toured the United States.States.Before they visited India, they _ Before they visited India, they _ (record) had recorded seven albums.(record) had recorded seven albums.had becomehad becomehad recordedhad recordedAnswers to Part

17、 1:Answers to Part 1:A.Becoming stars in their own country.Becoming stars in their own country.B.Recording seven albums.Recording seven albums.C.The past perfect tense.The past perfect tense.Grammar 2 Part 2Discuss the questions in Part 2 in four. Then report Discuss the questions in Part 2 in four.

18、 Then report your answers to all.your answers to all.Answer to Part 2:Answer to Part 2:A.1. (a) means that their music had already changed 1. (a) means that their music had already changed by then. (b) means that it changed then. by then. (b) means that it changed then. 2. (a) means that they had al

19、ready sold more 2. (a) means that they had already sold more albums by then; (albums by then; (b)meansb)means that they sold more that they sold more albums then.albums then.B. Yes. In (a), the event happened before that time; in B. Yes. In (a), the event happened before that time; in (b), the event

20、 happened at that time. (b), the event happened at that time. Grammar 2 Part 3Do it on your own. Then check the answer with Do it on your own. Then check the answer with your partner. your partner. Answers to Part 3:Answers to Part 3:1. joined, had played joined, had played2.toured, had becometoured

21、, had become3.recorded, had recordedrecorded, had recorded4.had recorded, split uphad recorded, split up5.had split up, performedhad split up, performedGrammar 2 Part 4Do it on your own. Then check the answer with Do it on your own. Then check the answer with your partner. your partner. Answers to P

22、art 4:Answers to Part 4:1.arrived, had leftarrived, had left2.arrived, had begunarrived, had begun3.happened, had lefthappened, had left4.made, had recordedmade, had recordedMore about the past perfect tense试观察:试观察:After they had become stars in their own country, After they had become stars in thei

23、r own country, the Beatles tour the United States.the Beatles tour the United States.We hadnt seen each other since I left my hometown.分析:分析:分析:分析:1.过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生的或完成的动作。它表示生的或完成的动作。它表示生的或完成的动作。它表示生的或完成的动作。它表示“ “过去的过去过去的过去过去的过去过

24、去的过去” ”。2.表示在过去某一时间之前已经开始并一直持续到表示在过去某一时间之前已经开始并一直持续到表示在过去某一时间之前已经开始并一直持续到表示在过去某一时间之前已经开始并一直持续到那时的动作或状态。那时的动作或状态。那时的动作或状态。那时的动作或状态。Could you bring out time expressions or clauses Could you bring out time expressions or clauses often used in past perfect tense sentences?often used in past perfect tens

25、e sentences?分析:过去完成时常与分析:过去完成时常与分析:过去完成时常与分析:过去完成时常与by, for, before, sinceby, for, before, since等介词等介词等介词等介词短语或由短语或由短语或由短语或由after, before, since, when, by the timeafter, before, since, when, by the time等引等引等引等引导的时间状语从句连用。导的时间状语从句连用。导的时间状语从句连用。导的时间状语从句连用。Practice:Practice:By the end of last year, we

26、_.By the end of last year, we _.They _ when we arrived.They _ when we arrived.试比较:试比较:By the late 1960s, their music had changed By the late 1960s, their music had changed pletely.In the late 1960s, their music changed completely.In the late 1960s, their music changed completely.分析:分析:分析:分析:1.表示动作发生

27、在表示动作发生在表示动作发生在表示动作发生在“ “过去的过去过去的过去过去的过去过去的过去” ”;2.只表示动作发生在过去的某一点时间。只表示动作发生在过去的某一点时间。只表示动作发生在过去的某一点时间。只表示动作发生在过去的某一点时间。1.他说他以前见过你。他说他以前见过你。He said that he _ (see) you before.had seen2. 到六点钟为止他们已经工作八小时了。到六点钟为止他们已经工作八小时了。By six oclock they _(work) for eight hours.had workedBy six oclock they _ (work)f

28、or eight hours. When I came to GZ , he _(be) there for a long time.1. 到了六点钟为止,他们已经工作了八小时了。到了六点钟为止,他们已经工作了八小时了。2. 我到广州时,他在那里很长时间了。我到广州时,他在那里很长时间了。had workedhad been3.到上个月中旬我们在北京住了有五年时间了。到上个月中旬我们在北京住了有五年时间了。By the middle of last month we _(live) in Beijing for five years.had lived例如:例如:1. 她到家之前她的孩子已经睡

29、着了。她到家之前她的孩子已经睡着了。When she got home her children _(sleep).had slept2. 在他们到达之前电影已经开始了。在他们到达之前电影已经开始了。Before they arrived here the film _ already _ (start).had1. After he _ (finish) his work he went 1. After he _ (finish) his work he went out.out.had finishedhad finished2. The children ran away after

30、they _ 2. The children ran away after they _ (break) the window.(break) the window.had brokenhad broken3. I went to Toms house but he _ (go) out.3. I went to Toms house but he _ (go) out.had gonehad gone4. Annie told me that his father _ ( go ) to 4. Annie told me that his father _ ( go ) to Paris a

31、nd he _ ( come ) back in a few days.Paris and he _ ( come ) back in a few days.had gonehad gonewould comewould come5. My friend _ (buy) the car two years 5. My friend _ (buy) the car two years ago. He _ (buy) it for two years.ago. He _ (buy) it for two years.boughtboughthas hadComplete these sentenc

32、es with Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets.the verbs in brackets.1.1.Before Before RingoRingo _ (join) the _ (join) the Beatles, he _ (play) drums Beatles, he _ (play) drums in another band.in another band.2.2.Before they _ (tour) Before they _ (tour) America, the Beatles _ America,

33、 the Beatles _ (become) stars in their own (become) stars in their own country.country. 3.Before they _ (record) Let 3.Before they _ (record) Let It Be, the Beatles _ It Be, the Beatles _ (record) eleven other albums.(record) eleven other albums.4.After they _ (record) Let It 4.After they _ (record)

34、 Let It Be, the band _ (split up).Be, the band _ (split up).5.After the group _ (split 5.After the group _ (split up), all the Beatles _ up), all the Beatles _ (perform) as solo artists.(perform) as solo artists.Complete these sentences with Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets.the ve

35、rbs in brackets.1.1.Unfortunately, he _ at Unfortunately, he _ at the show after I _. the show after I _. (arrive) (leave)(arrive) (leave)2.2.By the time we _ at the By the time we _ at the stadium, the band _ stadium, the band _ playing. (arrive) (begin)playing. (arrive) (begin)3.Fortunately, the p

36、ower cut 3.Fortunately, the power cut _ after the fans _ _ after the fans _ the stadium. (happen) the stadium. (happen) (leave)(leave)4.Before he _ his latest 4.Before he _ his latest album, he _ some songs album, he _ some songs with Paul McCartney. (make) with Paul McCartney. (make) (record)(recor

37、d) be known asbe known as be known for be known for be known to be known to Galileo is known _ his theory of falling objects _ the world _ a scientific pioneer.强调句型的结构强调句型的结构陈述句:It is +_that (who)_It is +_that (who)_一般疑问句:Is it +_that (who)_Is it +_that (who)_特殊疑问句:疑疑问词+is it that_+is it that_ It wa

38、s with great joy_he received the news that his lost daughter had been found. A.because B.which C.since D.thatHe is a man of few words. He is a man of few words. It is only after has had a It is only after has had a few drinks _ he can open few drinks _ he can open up.up. A.whenA.when B.asB.as C.that

39、C.that D.whichD.which _ he will return to his _ he will return to his native land.native land. A.ItA.It is long before that is long before that B.ItB.It is before long that is before long that C.ItC.It won wont be long t be long beforebefore D.ItD.It will be long before will be long before thatthat-

40、You seem to have been -You seem to have been impressed by his songs.impressed by his songs.-Well, not exactly so. It -Well, not exactly so. It was his way of singing was his way of singing rather than his voice _ rather than his voice _ really impressed me.really impressed me. A.thatA.that B.whatB.w

41、hat C.whichC.which D.itD.itShe did quite well in her She did quite well in her written papers; it was in written papers; it was in the oral examination _ the oral examination _ she fell down.she fell down. A.whoA.who B.whomB.whom C.thatC.that D.whyD.whyIt is what you do rather It is what you do rath

42、er than what you say _ than what you say _ matters.matters. A.thatA.that B.whatB.what C.whichC.which D.thisD.thisItIt wasnwasnt until nearly a t until nearly a month later _I received month later _I received the managerthe managers reply.s reply. A.sinceA.since B.whenB.when C.asC.as D.thatD.thatIt w

43、as _back home after It was _back home after the experiment.the experiment.A.A.notnot until midnight did he go until midnight did he goB.B.notnot until midnight that he went until midnight that he wentC.C.untiluntil midnight that he didn midnight that he didnt t gogoD.D.untiluntil midnight when he di

44、dn midnight when he didnt t gogoWas it _ it snowed last Was it _ it snowed last night that you didnnight that you didnt t come?come? A.thatA.that B.becauseB.because C.whyC.why D.ifD.if-_that he managed to -_that he managed to get the information?get the information?-Oh, a friend of his -Oh, a friend

45、 of his helped him.helped him.A.WhereA.Where was it was itB.WhatB.What was it was itC.HowC.How was it was it D.WhyD.Why was it was itWhy! I have nothing to Why! I have nothing to confess. _you want me to confess. _you want me to say?say?A.WhatA.What is it is it B.WhatB.What it is it isC.HowC.How is it is it D.HowD.How it is it isI have already been honest and I have already been honest and straightforward, and it doesnstraightforward, and it doesnt t matter _Imatter _Im talking to.m talking to.A.whoA.who is it is it B.whoB.who it is it isC.itC.it is who is who D.itD.it is whom is whom



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