商务英语口语实训上册Unit05 Market Research

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1、Unit Five Market Research市场调查Part One Warm-up: v1. You are going to do a market research, and the respondent may not be willing to answer your questions. What would you do? Discuss this topic with your partners. Reference Answerv(1) You may tell her/him that you would keep her/his answers secret.v(2

2、) You may tell her/him the significance of her/his answers.v(3) You may tell her/him that she/he will get a gift from you after the questionnaire.Key Word(s): Have you done any research ?vHave you done any marketing research? v你做过任何市场调查吗?vHave you done any market research or report? 你做过市场调研或是报告之类的吗?

3、vWhat about the market? Have you done any analysis? 市场前景怎样?做过市场调查吗?Key Word(s):market profile 市场状况vHows the market? 市场状况如何?vDo you have any idea how textile markets are going nowadays? 你知道目前的纺织市场状况如何?vCan you describe the toy market of Austria? 你能说明奥地利的玩具市场状况吗?vIs a true reflection of the objective

4、situation of the market? 是否真实地反映了市场的客观状况?Key Word(s):Respondents调查对象vYou might want to survey the local high school students to find out their preference.vRecently, we have had a survey about students after-class activities.v最近,我们对中学生的课余活动做了调查。Key Word(s):find out the causes and reasons (通过市场调查找出原因)

5、vFind out if your type of product is in demand and why.看一下你的商品类别有没有市场需求,原因为何。vIf a client is flexible on price and approves of the quality of your product yet demands an early shipping time, you must try to find out why the shipping time is important to him.如果一个客户在价格上很弹性,也同意你产品的品质,但却要求要提早出货,你就必须试著去找

6、出为何出货时间对他来说很重要。Key Word(s):focusvOur research should focus on the middle-aged (people). 我们的调研应该针对中年人。vOur research should focus on the children. 我们的调研应该针对儿童。vThe market research focus on purchase which is the key point of supermarket.这项市场调查针对超市运营中最关键的采购工作进行研究。Key Word(s):It turns out that. 结果显示vWhat

7、 are the Market Research findings? 市场调研的调查结果是什么?vIt turns out that our product quality and after-sales service have won high praise from users.结果显示无论是产品质量还是售后服务,都得到了用户的高度评价。vIt turns out that our thoughtful and considerate after-sales service is a total solution to the customers worries. 结果显示我们周到体贴的

8、售后服务彻底解决了顾客的后顾之忧。Key Word(s):It suggests that. 市场调查结果暗示vIt suggests that the consumption is not high in this area. 调研暗示该地区的消费需求不髙。vThe systematic investigation suggests that the potential need of residents sports consumption in Fuzhou is pretty large, but their sports consumption behaviour is inacti

9、ve. v调查结果暗示,福州居民体育消费的潜在需求较大,但现实的体育消费行为却并不积极。Key Word(s):Basic InformationvMay I have your name and address, please? 请问您的名字和地址是?vMay I have your name and contact number, Sir? 先生,可否告知我你的名字及联络电话号码?。vMay I have your name, nationality and address? 请问你的姓名、国籍和现住址?Key Word(s):Have you triedvHave you tried t

10、his new soap? 你试用过这种新产品肥皂吗?vHave you tried Peking Duck? 有没有吃过北京烤鸭?vHave you tried that store? 你去那家商店看了吗?。Key Word(s):try a samplevHeres a sample of our products. Which one would you like? 这是我们的产品的样本,您要哪种?vThis is the latest model of our mini-size camera. What do you think of it? 这是我们最新的微型照相机,您认为怎样?v

11、This electric razor is our latest promotion. Please try it.这种电剃刀是我们的最新产品。Key Word(s):Thank you for your timevThats about it. Thank you for your time.今天就聊到这儿吧,感谢您能抽空参加我们的市场调查。vIm glad to have met you, Mr. Andrew. Thank you for your time.很高兴和您见面,安德鲁先生。谢谢你花了那么多时间。vId appreciate it. Thank you for your t

12、ime. I know youre very busy.谢谢。真感激您费去不少的时间,我知道您一直很忙。Part Three Classroom ActivitiesvClassroom Activity 1v1 You are going to design a questionnaire for a market research, what should be paid special attention? What about the wording (措辞)?Should it be objective? Discuss the topic with your partners.Re

13、ference AnswersvThe questions should be objective, comprehensive, specific, orderly, concise, and relevant to the objectives of the survey. Classroom Activity 2v2. As a manager of a company, if you want to know about the true situations of the market, whom would you choose to do such a market resear

14、ch, your own staff of a professional company of market research? Discuss the topic with your partners.Reference AnswersvThe staff of your own company may be more reliable. But a professional company of market research may be more professional. As for the reliability and accuracy, you may choose a pr

15、ofessional company. Classroom Activity 3v3. After making a market research, you get the results. How do you talk over your manager that your results are reliable? Discuss the topic with your partners.Tips:vYou may talk over your manager from the viewpoint of the approaches, the hypotheses, the speci

16、fic processes, and statistical analysis techniques. Part Five Homework 1v1. Many companies have been investing heavily in market research before they make a final decision. But why? Discuss with your partners what the purpose of doing a market research is.Reference AnswersvMarketing research is the

17、function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a proces

18、s. Marketing research specifies the information required to address these issues, designs the method for collecting information, manages and implements the data collection process, analyzes the results, vand communicates the findings and their implications. Marketing research is the systematic gathe

19、ring, recording, and analysis of data about issues relating to marketing products and services. vThe goal of marketing research is to identify and assess how changing elements of the marketing mix impacts customer behavior.Homework 22. Translate the following sentences into English.(1)他起草了一个开发欧洲新市场的

20、计划。vHe has drawn up a project for developing new market in Europe.(2)你做过任何市场调查吗?vHave you done a market survey?(3)你能说明奥地利的玩具市场状况吗?vCan you describe the toy market of Austria?(4)最近,我们对中学生的课余活动做了调查。 Recently, we have had a survey about students after-class activities.(5)我们不得不看一下为什么我们的产品不受欢迎?vWe have t

21、o find out why our products are not popular.(6)我们的调研应该针对中年人。vOur research should focus on the middle-aged (people).(7)市场调研的调查结果是什么?vWhat does the market research suggest?(8)调研暗示该地区的消费需求不髙。vIt suggests that the consumption is not high in this area.(9)请问您的名字和地址是?vMay I have your name and address, plea

22、se?(10)您使用何种洗发精?vWhat brand of shampoo do you use?(11)你为什么选择那个品牌?vWhy you choose that brand?(12)你试过去建设银行借钱没有?vHave you tried to borrow money from CCB?(13)这是我们的产品的样本,您要哪种?vHeres a sample of our products. Which one would you like?(14)谢谢您的时间配合和支持!vThanks for your time and support!Homework 33. Challenge

23、: complete the sentences based on what you have learned. (1) How to plan each new campaign or _ program ? (如何制定每种新市场推广活动或方案的计划。)(2) I have made an _ investigation _in the market. (我在市场上做过一次调查。)(3) But _ stock _markets fell on new concerns about company profits. (但是由于担忧公司盈利状况,股票市场下跌。)(4) Find out if

24、your type of product is in_ demand _ and why.(看一下你的商品类别有没有市场需求,原因为何。)(5) Our research should _ focus _ on the children. (我们的调研应该针对儿童。)(6) It_ turns _ _ out _ that our after-sales service is lagging. (结果显示我们的售后服务很滞后。)(7) It_ suggests _that the goods provision is blocked. (调研暗示该地区的供货渠道被堵塞了。)(8) May I

25、have your name, _ nationality _ and address? (请问你的姓名、国籍和现住址?)(9) What is your favorite _ brand _ of soap? (你最喜欢用什么牌子的肥皂?)(10) _ Have_ you _ tried _ the coffee from the new coffee machine? (你试了新咖啡机的咖啡了吗?)(11) Shall I show you a _ sample of each? (是否要我每样拿一个给您看看?)(12) Our product is a new one _ different from those of others.(我们的产品是一个新的不同于其他的产品。)(13) Thank you for your time and efforts. (谢谢您为你的时间和努力。)vThank you



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