九年级英语下册 Module 10 My future life Unit 3 Language in use课件 外研版

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1、外研外研外研外研小学小学小学小学起点起点起点起点 九年级九年级九年级九年级( (下下下下) ) Module 10Module 10Unit 3 Unit 3 Language in useLanguage in use Language PracticeIts very enjoyable.Thats a nice handbag.Head teacher, teachers, grandparents, parents and classmatesIve learnt the importance of friendship.Thank you for your help with our

2、 homework.We can never pay you back for your kindness, your patience, and gift of knowledge.GrammarCompounding (合成构词法合成构词法) Derivation(派生构词法派生构词法). 英语的构词法主要有两种,一种是英语的构词法主要有两种,一种是合成合成,另一种是另一种是派生派生。合成指由两个或多个单。合成指由两个或多个单词合成一个新词,而派生是通过加词合成一个新词,而派生是通过加前缀前缀或后缀或后缀构成新词。构成新词。 1. 合成构词法合成构词法合成构词法是一种比较灵活的方法,可以合

3、成合成构词法是一种比较灵活的方法,可以合成名词、形容词、副词、代词、动词等。名词、形容词、副词、代词、动词等。afternoon, birthday, blackboard, classmate, grandfather就是通过合成法构成的名词;就是通过合成法构成的名词; kind-hearted, middle-aged, hard-working 等为合等为合成形容词;成形容词;however, maybe, himself, everyone, nothing等也等也都是通过合成法构成的新词。都是通过合成法构成的新词。 2派生构词法派生构词法派生构词法是扩充词汇的主要方法。派生构词法是扩

4、充词汇的主要方法。对于派生词来说,一要掌握常见的对于派生词来说,一要掌握常见的前缀和后缀前缀和后缀,二要掌握常见的派生,二要掌握常见的派生方法。方法。 前缀前缀意思意思例例 词词en-使可能使可能 enable 使能够使能够enrich 使富裕使富裕il-, in-不不, 非非inexpensive 不贵的不贵的irregular 不规则的不规则的im-不不impossible 不可能的不可能的impatient 不耐心的不耐心的mis-错误的错误的 misunderstanding 误解误解mistake 错误错误 1) 常用前缀常用前缀 前缀前缀意思意思例词例词non-不不, 非非non-

5、smoker 不吸烟者不吸烟者non-swimmer 不会游泳者不会游泳者un-不不unable 无能的无能的unpopular 不流行的不流行的unhappy 不高兴的不高兴的 re-再再, 重复重复 rewrite 重写重写 retell复述复述reunion 重聚重聚 tele-远程远程television 电视电视telephone 电话电话词类词类后缀后缀例词例词名名词词-er, -or teacher, worker, conductor, inventor, visitor-ianmusician-istscientist, artist-mentgovernment, judg

6、ment2) 常用后缀常用后缀词类词类后缀后缀例词例词名名词词-nessillness, happiness, coldness-tionpreparation, competition, education, information, invitation-ingbuilding, painting, shopping, sightseeing, meaning, greeting-thtruth, warmth-tysafety3) 派生方法派生方法由一个词根可以派生出很多名词、形容由一个词根可以派生出很多名词、形容词、副词等词、副词等, 掌握一定的派生方法对扩掌握一定的派生方法对扩充词汇

7、有很大作用。如充词汇有很大作用。如:由名词由名词interest 可以派生出可以派生出: interest interesting interested interestedly uninteresting uninterested由由help可以派生出可以派生出: help helpful helpless helpfully helplessly 由由able可以派生出可以派生出: able unable enable disable ability PracticeComplete the conversation. Join the words in Box A with those

8、in Box B.afterclasshair hand(X2) bagcutmadematesnoonLingling: What are you going to wear to the school leavers party?Betty: Im going to wear a dress. And Im goting to buy a new black _. Do you want to go with me to the shopping centre to look for one?Lingling: Sorry, I cant. Im having a _ this _ at

9、3 oclock. I want nice short hair for the party!Tony: Ill go with you, Betty. Im the handbaghaircutafternoonPhotographer, and I want to buy a book to put the photographs in, so that all our _ will remember each other.Betty: Ive already bought a special book for the photos. Its black, with _ paper pag

10、es. I noticed it when I was buying my new black shoes.Tony: you can carry it on the big night then. Itll match your clothes.Betty: Dont be silly, Tony!classmateshandmadeComplete the sentences, using the correct form of the words.1. Something you enjoy is _ (enjoy).2. Something which you suggest is a

11、 _ (suggest).3. The activity of learning is your _ (educate).enjoyablesuggestioneducation4. Being friends with someone is called a _ (friend).5. The act of being kind is called _ (kind).6. Someone who teaches is a _ (teach).friendshipkindnessteacherWork in pairs. Look at the pictures on Page 85 and

12、discuss the questions.1. Which two things tell you that the party is international? a) The menu. b) The language. c) The flags.2. Why are people clapping? a) They are celebrating someones birthday. b) They are watching a play. c) They are listening to a speech.3. What do you think the person making

13、a speech is saying? a) Excuse me. b) Welcome. c) Sorry.I think a teacher should be knowledgeable, kind, patient and strict.Answer the questions.What are the most important qualities a teacher should have?Yes, I think so. Because students are sometimes naughty and lazy, the teacher should be strict w

14、ith them in order that they can get good grades and make fewer mistakes. As we all now, the strict teachers are most likely to educate outstanding disciple.Do you think teachers need to be strict? Why?I didnt study hard in the past. If I could have my junior high school all over again, I would spend

15、 more time on my study.Before I often made the teachers angry, I would not make them angry if I had a chance to have my junior high school again.Is there anything you would do differently, if you could have your junior high school education all over again? What?Do you think your junior high school e

16、ducation has prepared you for the future? Why?Yes, of course. Because the knowledge and skills we have learned in this period are the bases for our further study.Yes. For example, I hear that the knowledge in the senior high school is very difficult. I am a little afraid.We will have to learn to com

17、municate with many new friends. Maybe at the beginning, I will feel lonely.Is there anything about starting senior high school that makes you feel nervous? What?I am going to preview what I will learn in senior high school.I am going to Beijing for sightseeing.What are your plans for the vacation?Li

18、sten and complete the notes about Adams trip.Where Ghana, AfricaWork People Free timeMissed Future jobbuilding a primary schoolvery friendlyvisited the beachestalking to friends and familyteacherRead the passage. Match the photos and the paragraphs.A B CPart cPart bPart aTake a year off ! Reading Ma

19、tch the headings with the paragraphs.Work experienceTravelWorking for no moneyPart cPart aPart bRead the passage carefully and choose the best answer to the questions.1. These days, _ students in the UK take a gap year. a) some b) many c) all d) a few 2. Travelling can teach you values such as learn

20、ing about _. a) flights b) money c) relationships d) jobs3. Working on projects in poorer countries is all about _ people. a) helping b) entertaining c) managing d) paying 4. To help poorer people, you have to be prepared _. a) to live in another country b) to be paid very well c) to be paid very li

21、ttle d) to work for free5. University graduates with some work experience often get _ than graduates without experience. a) more money b) more important jobs c) jobs more easily d) more jobs in other countries1. take a year off 休假一年休假一年2. I felt Id grown up. 我觉得自己长大了。我觉得自己长大了。3. on all sorts of leve

22、ls 在各个方面在各个方面4. get paid for 得到报酬得到报酬5. answers to problems 问题的答案问题的答案6. apply for 申请得到申请得到Useful expressionsJunior high school dances organizerplacefoodclothesactivitiesa student committeeRead and complete the table. the gym(very nice)balloons special lightsother thingsThe food from the restaurant

23、or the food made by the parentsgirls: Pretty dressesboys: smart clotheseat, dance and have competitionsModule taskMaking plans for your future1. what you are planning to do in the next three years2. what you would like to do after that Do you want to go to university and get special training or woul

24、d you like to work after senior high school?3. what other areas of your life you want to develop Do you want to be better at sports, learn to play music, or develop artistic skills?4. how you see your personal life5. what sort of values you think will be important to youThe sample passage: I am leav

25、ing senior high school soon and I have a plan for my future. I want to go to university and get special training. I like English and I am also good at English, So I want to be better at English and I plan to specialize in English for science and technology. I want to be skilled in it and make it my

26、career. I hope one day I could translate some articles of science and technology. I want to be a knowledgeable person and I want to make my life fruitful. Exercises请根据句意及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词请根据句意及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。1. She is a g_ of Beijing University.2. She always shows k_ to children and animals.3. Its diffic

27、ult for us to make a d_ about how to hold a party.4. Listen! Someone is playing the drum. I can hear the b_ of the drum. eatraduateindness ecision 5. I beg your p_. I did not hear you clearly. 6. If you know the answer, please r_ your hand and let me know. 7. Ill f_ you this time, but you must promi

28、se that you wont make the same mistake again. 8. I dont think its f_ to me that Jack isnt punished. airardon aise orgive请观察下列单词的构词规律,请观察下列单词的构词规律,并写出两对符合规律的单词。并写出两对符合规律的单词。1. happy unhappy 2. teach teacher 3. like dislike 4. use reuse 5. ill illness 1. lucky unlucky important unimportant 2. work worker play player 3. agree disagree appear disappear 4. cycle recycle write rewrite 5. sad sadness happy happinessHomework1. Remember the words and phrases we learned in this module.2. Join the sentences together and revise passages.3. Go over the language notes on Page 136.



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