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1、价值流程图分析价值流程图分析Value Stream Mapping 1定义定义l价值流 在生产服务过程中的一切活动,包括设计、生产和配送活动。l价值流程图分析 (VSM) 使用文案工作使得人们能够清楚的看到和理解物质和信息的流动过程。这里的物质和信息流是在价值流过程当中按照产品制造和服务产生的固有方式流动。2进行价值流程图分析的原因进行价值流程图分析的原因l创造一个从更高层次上审视整体效率的角度。不局限于单独的工作单元或部门。l通过可视化三个流动过程寻找改进的机会:l物质流l产品流 l信息流l识别精益生产改进工具和配置计划(持续改善)l开发监督标准3进行价值流程图分析的原因进行价值流程图分析

2、的原因l价值流程图分析能够价值流程图分析能够: l了解自己的位置 (现状定位)l改善的目标 (未来定位)l达到目标的方法 (执行计划)4InformationLead Time Data BarManufacturing LoopSupplier LoopCustomer LoopMonthly Orders30 Days880Op 11 DayCT = 1.6 minCT = 0.9 minCT = 0.9 minCT = 1.2 minTotal = 57 DaysTotal = 1 Hr. 44.9 Min.Takt Time = 440 min/44 = 10 min/unitBi-M

3、onthlyMRPCT = 60 minCT = 40.3 minSupplierCustomer451112251.60.90.9601.240.3Op 22 DaysOp 32 DaysOp 41 DayOp 55 DaysOp 61 Day45 Days价值流程图分析构成价值流程图分析构成5Most companies start at thetool level, with no tie backto a business strategy.一些企业导入精益生产失败的原因一些企业导入精益生产失败的原因 Mark DeLuzio, Danaher6价值流程图分析价值流程图分析现状现状7识

4、别零件家族识别零件家族, Firstl生产环境类型:l订货批量和频率l定制化程度和订货结构l典型的顾客订货周期l其他 8产品家族产品家族 l一般地,制造一零部件的工作量的在一个家族中占到2530。l公式: (最高价值最低的价值) /最高的价值例如l(20 10) 20 = 50% (范围外)l(14 10) 14 = 29% (范围内)9产品线的影响因素产品线的影响因素l产品线的大小和共享l对净利润的贡献l重要程度l市场 优势,弱势,竞争l技术 产品和流程l发展潜力l其他战略因素10价值流程图分析提示价值流程图分析提示l采用通用的图标l画图的目的是要将经过生产系统核心的流程之间的关系表示出来,

5、不能陷入于画次要流程当中。l合并几个价值流,有选择性的画出两个到三个关键的价值流。找出最长的流程计算总的生产时间。l从靠近顾客的一端开始,回溯生产流程。11图标图标COMPUTER WIP12数据数据l流程名l标准时间 (C/T)l换模时间 (C/O)l设备综合效率(OEE)Crew SizeC/T = 47 sec.C/O = 25 min.OEE = 60%其他可能用到的数据信息其他可能用到的数据信息l包装容量l废品率l缓冲量 l工作时间 (休息除外)l产品型号数量13InformationLead Time Data BarManufacturing LoopSupplier LoopC

6、ustomer LoopMonthly Orders30 Days880Op 11 DayCT = 1.6 minCT = 0.9 minCT = 0.9 minCT = 1.2 minTotal = 57 DaysTotal = 1 Hr. 44.9 Min.Takt Time = 440 min/44 = 10 min/unitBi-MonthlyMRPCT = 60 minCT = 40.3 minSupplierCustomer451112251.60.90.9601.240.3Op 22 DaysOp 32 DaysOp 41 DayOp 55 DaysOp 61 Day45 Day

7、s价值流程图分析构成价值流程图分析构成14l谁是你的顾客?他们在哪里?lTakt 时间 顾客循环顾客循环 G.M.AT&T Takt TimeTotal daily operating timeTakt Time =Total daily customer requirementOperating time = 1 shift x 8 hours (2) 20-min. breaks = 440 mins/day Customer880 units/month= 44 units/dayRequirement20 days/month440 mins/dayTakt time = 10 min

8、s/unit44 units/day16l在生产线的那个位置触发生产?l同时我们做多少的工作?l从顾客指令到生产指令需要多长时间?l怎样计划生产?l怎样处理顾客紧急订货?生产控制生产控制 供应商循环供应商循环l首要问题,如何告知供应商应该生产什么,首要问题,如何告知供应商应该生产什么,装什么产品装什么产品?l订货频率?l怎样改变订货时间和订货内容?l运输的时间和地点以及方式(公路,铁路)l标准包装l供应商注意到我们的库存量了吗?l我们清楚供应商的库存吗?l我们有供应商培训计划吗?18制造循环制造循环l换模时间?l每个流程机器数量?lWIPl质量l流程浪费l两个流程之间的距离l生产柔性19信息流

9、信息流l生产和采购指令的下达?l给谁l频率l产生流程l购买指令的产生和修正,MRP管理那部分生产循环? 20VSM现状前导期时间数据柱状图现状前导期时间数据柱状图前导期时间数据前导期时间数据获得生产前导时间 获得生产加工时间 (标准时间)将关键路径上的生产前导时间相加增值比率为总生产加工时间除以总前导时间21VSM现状前导期时间数据柱状图现状前导期时间数据柱状图标准时间标准时间 (CT)8 Days4 Hrs4 DaysLeadTimeTotal12 Days4 HrsCT Total(1 Hr.)增值时间增值时间 (yes/no)22Lead Time Data BarMonthly Ord

10、ers30 Days880Op 1C1 DayCT = 1.6 minCT = 0.9 minCT = 0.9 minCT = 1.2 minTotal = 57 DaysTotal = 1 Hr. 44.9 Min.Takt Time = 440 min/44 = 10 min/unitBi-MonthlyMRPCT = 60 minCT = 40.3 minSupplierCustomer451112251.60.90.9601.240.3Op 2C2 DaysOp 3C2 DaysOp 41 DayOp 55 DaysOp 61 Day45 DaysVSM现状前导期时间数据柱状图现状前导

11、期时间数据柱状图Op 1B6 DayCT = 2.6 minCT = 2.4 minOp 2B3 DaysOp 3B30 DaysOp 1A10 DayCT = 3.1 minCT = 1.0 minOp 2A2 DaysOp 3A20 Days4 Days5 DaysCT = 0.6 minCT = 0.5 minLead Time 37 DaysLead Time 43 DaysLead Time 50 DaysCritical Path前导时间数据柱状图前导时间数据柱状图如果有平行的流程每一个流程构成有一个时间数据柱状图识别流程顺序,找出关键路径用关键路径画流程图23Production

12、 Plan InformationMonthly Orders30 Days880Op 11 DayCT = 1.6 minCT = 0.9 minCT = 0.9 minCT = 1.2 minTotal = 57 DaysTotal = 1 Hr. 44.9 Min.Takt Time = 440 min/44 = 10 min/unitBi-MonthlyMRPCT = 60 minCT = 40.3 minSupplierCustomer451112251.60.90.9601.240.3Op 22 DaysOp 32 DaysOp 41 DayOp 55 DaysOp 61 Day4

13、5 DaysVSM现状现状 识别机会识别机会24VSM第一步第一步 走完全部流程走完全部流程25收集数据收集数据26贴到墙上贴到墙上27完成现状图完成现状图28计算计算 OEE This is World Class OEEAvailability.90%OEE = 0.90 0.95 0.999 = 85%OEE=AvailabilityPerformanceQualityPerformance Efficiency.95%Quality.99.9%30价值流程图分析价值流程图分析未来未来31未来的状况未来的状况l当前的顾客反应时间,是什么让顾客眼睛一亮l接受订单后进行生产,收益是什么?l供

14、应商的柔性和工厂的柔性l消除浪费的有限顺序32 Streamline a Process “Tips”1.Divide the Future State Map into the three process loops (customer, supplier, manufacturing). To improve, what ELS Tool applies? Kaizen “burst” these tools in the Future State Map.2.Start at the end of the processes and move upstream to analyze wh

15、ich steps may be combined or eliminated to reduce cycle time and lead time. 3.“Flow where you can, pull where you cant”4.Think parallel, not linear.5.Add a Pacemaker process that sets the pace for all upstream processes.6.Use Six Sigma to reduce sources of variation.332. Combine Process Steps Theory

16、 of One:lThe VSM team needs to question why processes cannot be done in one activity by one person in one place, or even better, at one time with no human intervention. The team should be “reluctant” in adding activities and resources to the process.lWhen you design a process so one person can move

17、through it and efficiently perform all the work elements, you automatically design a process that:lAvoids isolated islands of activitylMinimizes material and information (documents) between processeslEliminates excessive walkinglReduces cycle and total lead time343. Continuous Flow Builds SpeedBatch

18、 ProcessingContinuous Flow Processing35 4. Think Parallel, Not Linear1. First, compress a sequence of process steps into continuous flow.From this:2. Then, put continuous flow process steps in parallel.From this:To this:To this:365. Add a Pacemaker LoopMonthly OrdersDaily Pull880Op 1CT = 1.6 minCT =

19、 0.9 minCT = 0.9 minCT = 1.2 minTakt Time = 440 min/44 = 10 min/unitDailyMRPCT = 17.3 minSupplierCustomerOp 2Op 3Op 5Op 6Raw Matl. 6 Days2 DaysKanban Reorder100% DeliveryShipment SchedulePacemakerFIFOFIFO3 Days5 DaysTotal = 16 DaysTotal = 21.9 Min.65231.60.919.4375. Pacemaker Loop (contd)lLean rule-

20、of-thumb is to schedule only one point in the value stream. This point is called the pacemaker. This is the most downstream, continuous flow process in the future state map.lMaterial continuously flows downstream from this point to finished goods with no supermarkets or pulls. FIFO lanes(First-in, f

21、irst-out) are commonly used (they do not hold inventory). Before the pacemaker we pull from shared resources.lTo create a pacemaker, we dedicate equipment to form a cell or line balanced to TAKT time.38Process efficiency can be improved by eliminating waste associated with adding spare capacity and

22、contingency into processes that serve to cushion uncertaintyvariation.6. Reduce Sources Of Variation39 6. Reduce Sources of Variation (contd)DMAICDefineMeasure Analyze ImproveControlVariation CT 2 - 15 DaysLead Time=84.5 DaysVA Cycle Time=32 DaysCustomerDaily InformationCustomerServiceMarketingField

23、SalesInternetDealersEngineeringPurchasingRequestDraftingSuppliersPricingPrototypeLegalContractsEngineeringCT= 1 DayVA= 2 HrsData Entry= 1 HrShifts= 2People= 3CT 2 Days7 Days7 Days7 Days30 Days10 DaysCT 1 DayCT 7 DaysMailCT 7 DaysCT 1 DayCT 15 DaysCT 10 Days7.5 Days5 Days2 Days7 Days1 DayMailRapid Pr

24、ototype1 DayQuoteReturn & ReworkSix Sigma40Re-design a Process (Clean Sheet)lRe-designing a process for a Future State Map requires participants who can step back and look at the process with a fresh set of eyes. And, ask themselves, how they would design this process if it had no restrictions. They

25、 need to be visionary, system-level thinkers that can see the total flow as it cuts across functional boundaries. Most often, these are management type, with no direct connection with the current process.41Checklist For Evaluating a Process Re-designAlternative Scenarios Have Been Generated that: Ch

26、allenged the status quo Broke rules Disrupted organizational boundaries Challenged all assumptions Challenged all constraintsNote: When you generate ideas, separate generation from evaluation. If you try to do both activities at once, you wont do either one well.Process Re-design Has Been Developed

27、that:Equal or exceed competitorscapabilitiesCombined several jobs into oneLocated and sequenced work for continuous flow/pullReduced redundant approvals Reduced the number of hand-offsUsed IT to improve speed42Future Customer Loop QuestionslWhat is the average Takt Time?lCan we level the customer or

28、ders, so that we have a leveled demand? Can we level by quantity of volume or product type?lHow much inventory is the customer asking us to hold in finished goods and how much inventory is the customer going to hold?lShould we build to stock or build to order?lIf we build to stock, is it located in

29、finished goods or work in process?43Future State-Production ControllAt what single point in the production chain do we trigger production?lHow much work do we release at one time?lHow do we physically trigger production at the trigger point?lHow do we level the customers orders so that production vo

30、lume can be planned to run smoothly? 44Future State Information FlowlTake a fresh look atlThe information type, amount, routes, mode of transfer, timeliness, etc.lSimplification opportunitieslReduce the number of information processing points (especially manual)lIdentify chronic delays and remove th

31、emlUse electronic means everywhere possiblelEvaluate the hardware software tools being used and optionslTake one bite at a time this is an elephant45Future Supplier Loop QuestionslHow can we get 100% of requested orders?lCan we get small frequent shipments?lHow will we remove all delay in suppliers

32、receiving our orders as soon as the demand is recognized?lCan we schedule truck shipments frequently, leveled and make them predictable?lDo we have a supplier lean training program?lHow can we get money back from our suppliers instead of paying more for our supplies?46Future Manufacturing Loop Quest

33、ionslWhat is our total lead time from beginning to the end of our process if we start a new product?lWhere can we continuously flow material and where do we have to use a super market or controlled material store ? Where is the Pacemaker process?lWhere are the bottlenecks and flow constraints?lMust

34、we right size or redesign equipment for flow and quick changeovers?lDo we have quality problems for a Six Sigma project?lHave we used most of the lean tools?lStandardized work, continuous flow, TPM, error proofing, 5S, setup reduction, pull system47MRPBuyerLT10daysSub-AssyC/T= 15dys 2 shiftsVA = 1da

35、yModuleBuild/TestC/T = 3dys2 shiftsVA = 2dayIntegrateC/T = 3dys2 shiftsVA = 0dayC/T=1dy1 shiftReceivingVA= 0dayPackC/T = 2dys2 shiftsVA = 1dayTestC/T= 15dys2 shiftsVA = 0dayCustomer FabInstallC/T = 3dys2 shiftsTestC/T= 15dys2 shiftsVA = 2dayVA = 5dayWH1Prod - 102 DaysAFT - 180 DaysSupplierLT90days30

36、0 Work Orders300 Pick ListsCustomer ProcurementOLCMktgFSSMARTAFTForecastManual POs(AXCELIS)LT = 57 daysVA = 11 daysSIOPMonthlyPromisesSOsSOsLT InfoPromisesEquipment Requirements6000 LIs/mo48MRPWebInterfacePackC/T = 2dys2 shiftsSub-AssyC/T= 2dys 2 shiftsVA = 1dayModuleBuild/TestC/T = 3dys2 shiftsVA =

37、 2dayIntegrateC/T = 3dys2 shiftsVA = 0dayVA = 1dayTestC/T= 15dys2 shiftsVA = 0dayCustomer FabInstallC/T = 3dys2 shiftsTestC/T= 15dys2 shiftsVA = 2dayVA = 5daySupplierCustomer ProcurementOLCWeb InterfaceMktgForecastForecastForecastForecastC/T= 1day1 shiftReceivingVA = 0dayFSForecastSMARTSIOPDailyDail

38、yFinishedGoods(AXCELIS)LT = 26 daysVA = 11 Days10days1a1b2b2a349Value Stream Mapping (Current State with Kaizen Burst)From the Kaizen opportunities identified in the Current State, Future State will reduce Cycle Time by 27% and Total Lead time by 45% 50By mocking up the physical layout of the cell,

39、you solve issues that may come up prior to presenting the actual layout to the shop floor.51Body LDPlungr Assy1800 pc/hr6 mcShipOEMDailyHmat900 pc/hr1.2 mcOEE 80%Wash40,000pcs/hr1 mcH.T.14,625pcs/hr3 mcOee 65%Blast35000pcs/hr0.5 mcOD Grd5000 pc/hr1.5 mcT1 9 bundlesbar stkT290,000pcsT390,000pcsT445,0

40、00pcsT545,000pcsGage pc/hrSizepc/hrT6200,000pcsC/FD&BD&BD&BD&BC/F4800pcs/hr2.5 mcOEE 57%T1 12.8 coilsT238,000 pcsWash30,000pcs/hr1 mcT324,000 pcsHmat1150pcs/hr8 mcOEE 82%C/o-2hrs.5 op-3 shiftsT4100,000 pcsWash5400pcs/hr3 mcT5100,000 pcsHT5219pcs/hr1.5 mcT672,000 pcsOD Grd5000pcs/hr2 mcT78500 pcsBody

41、 Ga4800pcs/hr2 mcOEE 64%T87800 pcsID Grd327pcs/hr10c/o 15 minT92,.000 pcsHP Washpcs/hr5 McC/o-15 min.5T10200 pcsPre GageC/o-20mom .5 op.5XT1175K pcs.05 opT1 4 coilsC/F9,600pcs/hr1 mcDT 1 Hr/ST2200K pcsWash128,500pcs/hr1 mcDT .2Hr/ST345K pcsOAL Gage6000pcs/hr2 mcDT .2Hr/ST4150,000 pcsHT28,958pcs/hr 2

42、.5 mcOEE-65%T593,750 pcs3Blast50,000pcs/hr 0.5 mcDT 1 Hr/ST6262,500 pcsPreHone5Kpcs/hr 1 mcDT 1 Hr/S OEE-90%.35opT730,000 pcsOD Grd5,000pcs/hr 2 mcMicro Stone?5,000pcs/hr 2 mcWash5,000pcs/hr 2 mcT82,500 pcsAssy1900pcs/hr 6 mcAssem &Size6000pcs/hr 5 mc.25 =opT9230,000 pcsGProdCtrlSupplierMonthlyCompo

43、nentsMini Steel2x/wkBody SteelBP 830 wkly forecast862 dailyFord/Chry screensevery 2 hrsMonthly ForecastDaily ScheduleDaily GoalEach DeptPre-Production Future State VSM (EAMO)DailyManualUltra Sonic WashDT To DetermineB for OD Grind D to Pre-Gage52Value Stream Map Product LineWIPPiecesFinish LinePlate

44、 & Ship10 X MonthProduction ControlHeat TreatForm X Month10OEMDemand11,000 pc/day22.5 hr/days500 pc/hr takt30 day forecast5 day firm adjustmentsDaily Ship OrdersDailyPrioritiesDailyPrioritiesSteelSuppliersWIPPieces44,00011,000WIPPieces44,000WIPPieces22,2002 days4 days1 days4 daysCT = 1800ACT = 1494P

45、LT = 2 secCT = 1000ACT = 760PLT = 36000CT = 575ACT = 500PLT = 3600CT = 1200ACT = 1080PLT = 3600TLT = 11 daysTPLT = 43,200VAR = 4.8%16 week forecastsMaterial Release Orders53Value Stream Map Product LineWIPPiecesFinish LinePlate & Ship10 X MonthProduction ControlHeat TreatFormX Month10OEMDemand11,000

46、 pc/day22.5 hr/days500 pc/hr takt30 day forecast5 day firm adjustmentsDaily Ship OrdersDailyPrioritiesDailyPrioritiesSteelSuppliersWIPPieces44,00011,000WIPPieces44,000WIPPieces22,2002 days4 days1 days4 daysCT = 1800ACT = 1494PLT = 2 secCT = 1000ACT = 760PLT = 36000CT = 575ACT = 500PLT = 3600CT = 120

47、0ACT = 1080PLT = 3600TLT = 11 daysTPLT = 43,200VAR = 4.8%16 week forecastsMaterial Release OrdersPull SystemPull SystemSRMSRMSetupSetupReductionReductionSetupSetupReductionReduction6 Sigma6 SigmaTPMTPMPull SystemPull SystemCFMCFMNOT THE LOWEST OEEBUT THE BIGGEST PROBLEM54Value Stream Map Detail (EAM

48、O)WIPPiecesFinish LinePlate & Ship10 X MonthProduction ControlHeat TreatFormX Month10OEMDemand11,000 pc/day22.5 hr/days500 pc/hr takt30 day forecast5 day firm adjustmentsDaily Ship OrdersDailyPrioritiesDailyPrioritiesSteelSuppliersWIPPieces44,00011,000WIPPieces44,000WIPPieces22,2002 days4 days1 days

49、4 daysCT = 1800ACT = 1494PLT = 2 secCT = 1000ACT = 760PLT = 36000CT = 575ACT = 500PLT = 3600CT = 1200ACT = 1080PLT = 3600TLT = 11 daysTPLT = 43,200VAR = 4.8%16 week forecastsMaterial Release OrdersFinish line consists of seven machinesa more detailed map is needed to analyze the improvement opportun

50、ities4 X ShiftProduction ControlStemX shift12Plate & PackDemand1,000 pc/day22.5 hr/days81 sec/pc takt60 day forecast2 week firm adjustmentsDaily Ship OrdersRoughEndWIPPieces1,000DailyMaterial Release OrdersSeatTipWIPPieces1,000ProfileSemiWIPPieces1,000CutoffWIPPieces1,000WIPPieces1,000WIPPieces44,00

51、055Value Stream Map Finish Line4 X ShiftProduction ControlHoneX shift12Plate & PackDemand1,000 pc/day22.5 hr/days81 sec/pc takt60 day forecast2 week firm adjustmentsDaily Ship OrdersRoughEndWIPPieces1,000DailyMaterial Release OrdersFaceDrillWIPPieces1,000IDODWIPPieces1,000GrooveWIPPieces1,000WIPPiec

52、es1,000WIPPieces44,00090 Hours1 Hour1 Hour1 Hour1 Hour1 HourTLT =5 HoursPTL= 39 secVAR= 0.2167%CT = 1,000ACT = 870CT = 750ACT = 570CT = 580ACT = 516CT = 600ACT = 510CT = 555ACT = 500CT = 550ACT = 511564 X ShiftProduction ControlHoneX shift12Plate & PackDemand1,000 pc/day22.5 hr/days81 sec/pc takt60

53、day forecast2 week firm adjustmentsDaily Ship OrdersRoughEndWIPPieces1,000DailyMaterial Release OrdersFaceDrillWIPPieces1,000IDODWIPPieces1,000GrooveWIPPieces1,000WIPPieces1,000WIPPieces44,00090 Hours1 Hour1 Hour1 Hour1 Hour1 HourTLT =5 HoursPTL= 39 secVAR= 0.2167%CT = 1,000ACT = 870CT = 750ACT = 57

54、0CT = 580ACT = 516CT = 600ACT = 510CT = 555ACT = 500CT = 550ACT = 5116 Sigma6 Sigma6 Sigma6 SigmaTPMTPM6 sigma6 sigmaPull SystemPull SystemCFMCFMTPMTPM6 sigma6 sigma6 Sigma is usedfor variation reductionValue Stream Map Finish Line (EAMO)57Value Stream MappingImplementation Plan58So, We Have A Map!

55、Now What?Having a set of mapsis pointless if youdont go anywhere. An LS Practitioner59Value Stream MappingLean OverviewCurrent State MapLean ToolsFuture State MapImplementation Plan60Prioritize the Kaizen “Bursts”on the Future State MaplObtain input of ALL the stakeholders lAll functions, all levels

56、, all concerned shop floor employeeslDiscuss and estimate the benefits and implementation costs of all the opportunitieslConsider the necessary skills and availability of potential resourceslConsider the plant managements thoughts on the identified opportunitieslPrioritize based on consensus61Priori

57、tize the Lean Tools Opportunity for ImprovementLean ToolsCustomer LoopManufacturing LoopSupplier LoopVSM5SStandardized WorkTPMQuick ChangeoverContinuous FlowPull SystemError ProofingOtherScale = 1 to 5 (1 lowest; 5 highest)62Identify Top Three Goals by Loop63Develop Plans for Each Kaizen Opportunity

58、lEach plan must includelProject scope/strategylWork breakdown structure (WBS)lActivity list in logical order, required durations and dependencieslResource requirements (man, material and money)lRisk analysislTraining needs and planslPerformance measures to be impacted, and goalslCommunication planlL

59、evel of details should be proportional to the scopeand benefits64Each Opportunity Plan Is a PROJECTProject attributes:lHave definite and measurable start and end dateslAccomplish a specific scope of work according to a planlAre defined by discrete activities which are related to each other and linke

60、d together over the project lifecyclelConsume resources: people, time, money, machines, facilities, materialslProduce tangible deliverables according to customer requirementslExist in a constrained resource environmentlThey END!65Develop a Combined Kaizen PlanlDevelop plans for implementation of eac

61、h individual kaizen opportunitylStart with a few at the top, if number of opportunities is largelDivide in phases, if appropriatelPut together all the plans on a time line and add up the resource requirements for each finite period (say week)lCompare with the available resourceslEvaluate stretching

62、optionslMove the Kaizen projects up or down on the timeline to accommodate critical resourceslCreate a list of training needs, that includes, the ELS tools (and others as necessary), trainees, and timing66Implementation PlanlAdd to the combined Kaizen opportunity planlPreparations requiredlMaking th

63、e man, materials, machines and money availablelAnnouncement and kick-off lMonitoring processlReviews - frequency, participants, ownership lReporting format, frequency, audience, ownershiplCommunication process and planslRecognition & celebration processes67Implementation PlanSample68Typical Financia

64、l MeasureslProfitslGross ProfitlManufacturing ProfitlNet Profit (Bottom Line)lEBITDA (Profit Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Amortization)lSales (Top Line)lGross / Net SaleslSales per employeelCapital InvestmentlInventorylSaleslPlant & EquipmentlProductivitylSales Per EmployeelMaterial As % of

65、SaleslQualitylCost of Quality lScrap, ReworklWarranty $ or % of SaleslCost ReductionslMaterial Cost ReductionslManufacturing Cost Reductions69Common Plant Performance MeasureslLead TimelCustomer Lead TimelManufacturing Lead TimelDeliverylOn-time to SchedulelOn-time to DemandlSupplierslNumber of Supp

66、lierslSupplier On-time DeliverylSupplier QualitylInventorylTotal DOH, WIP, Finished GoodslReceivables lProductivitylUnits/Man-hourlQualitylProcess Yield (PPM)lCustomer PPM lRolled Throughput YieldlCost of Non-conformancelScrap, Rework, WarrantylCycle TimelProcessing Cycle TimelSetup TimelMaintenance

67、 Downtime lDistance lDistance Traveled PartslDistance Traveled Operator lFloor SpacelOverall Equipment Effectiveness lNumber of Accidents, Injuries70Example of Metrics Current & Future71Incentives to Implement a PlanlSense of urgencylFocused prioritylPerception that the cost of change is less than t

68、he cost to maintain status quolChange is exciting when it is done by us, threatening when it is done to us72 Implementation Planl5% of people will embrace change early adoptersl5% will never change concrete headsl90% will look for leadership fence sitters “To change a culture, you have to change the

69、 conversations.”A culture change must have a clear, simple message that is repeated redundantly throughout the organization.73Culture-Change Message (Example)lThink Big: Understand customers, see the big issues facing your plant, what is the business strategy.lAct Small: Focus on changing small thin

70、gs that you see as relevant: reports, approvals, policies, daily procedures. Make things happen. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. lFail Fast: Not all ideas work. Learn to make decisions to stop doing things that dont work.lLearn Quickly: Learning occurs when ideas are trans

71、ferred from one time and place to another. Focus on repeating processes that get results, not just on the results themselves.74Remember!“Any time there is change there is opportunity.“So it is paramount that an organization get energizedrather than paralyzed.”Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electr

72、ic75Product Line XYZCustomer is not Buffered from Supply Problems150 part shortages per machine start 40% of operator time spent hunting for partsModule on time delivery to Integration 40%Machine On time to Customer 90%Cells not building to TaktNo Standard WorkQuality BottlenecksMRP Push Environment

73、10K W/Os Per Month150K P/NsCellBuild/TestC/T= 15 d2 shiftsVA= 3 dIntegrationTestC/T= 20 d2 shiftsVA= 0 d0-300 DOH(127 Avg.)10 daysMRPCustomerSupplierSupplierSupplierModuleTeamC/T= 5 d2 shiftsVA= 3 dIntegrationTestC/T= 20 d2 shiftsVA= 0 dMRPCustomerSupplierSupplierSupplierS/ACellC/T= 5 d2 shiftsVA= 3

74、 dMetricBeforeNowGoalS/A % Avail 0%99%Inventory DOH12775Module OTD ?99%Part chasing40% 0%OctNovDecJanFebMarPull SchedulingSchedule Box - Kevin G.S/A Pull - Boyd E.Build S/A Stores - Chip M.Runner Routes - Boyd E.Supplier PullCard System Test - Kevin G.Truck Route - Kevin G.Expand to suppliers - Craig B.Takt & FlowStandardized Work - Chip M.Continuous Flow - Chip M.5s - Chip M.Background InformationCurrent State MapFuture State MapImplementation Plan (Kaizens)Performance MetricOne Page Report76



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