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1、Home九年级英语专项复习九年级英语专项复习Review of the Present Perfect TenseGrammar.Competition.Exercises.Review of the Present Perfect TenseEndHome一、基本结构:一、基本结构:用法用法2:表示:表示二、用法二、用法1:表示:表示标志词:标志词:标志词:标志词:助动词助动词have/has+动词的动词的过去分词过去分词过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的现在造成的影响影响或或结果结果。already,yet,just,ever,never,before过

2、去已经开始,过去已经开始,持续持续到现在的动作到现在的动作或状态。或状态。for, since, sinceago, all ones life注:注:Review of the Present Perfect Tense三、与一般过去时态的区别三、与一般过去时态的区别瞬间动词,不能和表一段时间的肯定瞬间动词,不能和表一段时间的肯定句连用,如果需要,则应该转换。句连用,如果需要,则应该转换。GoGoGoGoGo1.规则变化与过去式相同,如 played playedplaycarried carriedcarrystopped stoppedstoplived livedliveReview

3、of the Present Perfect TenseNextBackwas, beenwere, beenbecame,becomefed, feddid, doneate, eatenwent, gonekept, keptswam, swumwrote, writtendrank, drunkcame, comebought, boughtbrought,broughttook, takenmade, madesaw, seensent, sent2.不规则变化比较多,如am, isarebecomefeeddoeatgokeepswimwritedrinkcomebuybringta

4、kemakeseesendReview of the Present Perfect Tense1.我已经放它在我的小提箱里了。我已经放它在我的小提箱里了。I already it in my suitcase.haveput2.你已经浇过花了吗?你已经浇过花了吗? you the flowers yet?Havewatered3.我刚刚完成了家庭作业。我刚刚完成了家庭作业。I just my homework.havefinished4.他曾经去过北京两次。他曾经去过北京两次。He ever to Beijing twice.hasbeen5.李雷从不抽烟。李雷从不抽烟。Li Lei nev

5、er .hassmoked用法一KeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyReview of the Present Perfect TenseBack1.我学习英语我学习英语3年了年了。I English for 3 years.havelearned2.自从自从9点钟以来,我们就在这儿等他。点钟以来,我们就在这儿等他。We for him since 9:00.havewaited3.自从两周前以来,他就在练习打篮球。自从两周前以来,他就在练习打篮球。He basketball since 2 weeks ago.haspracticed4.自从自从Lucy来中国以来,她

6、就结交了许多朋友。来中国以来,她就结交了许多朋友。She many friends since Lucy came to China.has made用法二KeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyReview of the Present Perfect TenseBack动词转换结束性动词不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用结束性动词不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,但是但是可以转换成相应的延续性动词或短语。如:可以转换成相应的延续性动词或短语。如:buy- , borrow- , leave- , come- , begin- , die- , join- .例句:例句: 他来中国半年

7、了。(改错)他来中国半年了。(改错)He comes China for half a year. comes改为:改为: 。havekeepbe awaybe inbe onbe deadbe a member of / be in has been inKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyReview of the Present Perfect TenseBackReview of the Present Perfect Tense三、与一般过去时态的区别(主要是时间)Back1.昨天他去了泸州。昨天他去了泸州。2.他去了泸州,明天将回来。他去了泸州,明天将回来。He to

8、Luzhou yesterday. wentHe Luzhou. And hell be back tomorrow.has gone to KeyKeyCompetition1. Words.3. Sentences.2. Guess.Lets divide our class into two teams. Team A and Team B.4. Catch and answer.The winner is TeamTeam ATeam BHomeTeam ATeam B1. Both teams have 10 verbs. Competition2. Give their past

9、forms and past participles.3. 1 word, 1 point.Words.Back4. Both teams have 60 seconds. played playedplaystopped stoppedstopwas, beenbecame, become did, donewent, goneran, rundrove, drivenam, isbecomedogorundrivebuytakebought, boughttook, takenWords.BackTeam Awere, beencut, cutate, eatenkept, keptwro

10、te, writtencame, comearecuteatkeepwritecomebringmakecarried carriedcarrylived livedlivebrought, broughtmade, madeWords.BackTeam B1. Translate 2 sentences. Competition2. 1 sentence, 1 point.Sentences.Back3. Both teams have 60 seconds. Team ATeam BTeam A1. 2. 他已经去了天津他已经去了天津 。我学英语我学英语3年了。年了。Competition

11、Sentences.BackHe has already gone to Tianjin.I have learned/studied English for three years.CompetitionSentences.BackTeam B1. 2. 她已经浇过花了。她已经浇过花了。我拥有这本书两周了。我拥有这本书两周了。She has already watered flowers.I have had the book for two weeks.Team ATeam B1. Both teams have 2 pictures. Competition2. Two students

12、 do it together.Guess.Back3. One acts and speaks in English. Dont use the verb given.4. The other one guesses the verb, 1 point; then say their past tense and past participle ,another point.5. Both teams have 60 seconds. Guess Adance (danced, danced)swim (swam, swum)BackGuess Bplay(played, played)dr

13、ink(drank, drunk)BackCatch and answer. 中考试题中考试题98级级-08级级Competition1. One problem, 1 point.NextBack2. If your answer is wrong, Ill minus you 1 point .中考: 98级1. 2. ACKeyKeyI have posted a letter to my penfriend in America .A. already B. yet C. for two daysYou have never heard such a story, you? A. ha

14、vent B. dont C. haveNext中考: 99级1. CKeyHis grandma for many years. A. died B. has died C. has been deadNext中考: 00级1. BeatenHave you ever eat fish? Yes , I have. A B C D 改错:改错: 改为改为 .KeyKeyNext中考: 01级19. 25. CA37. A AKeyKeyKeyWang Hais been to Shanghai ,and so _ his sister.A. is B. was C. has D. doesJ

15、ack has a watch. He _ it for two years.A. has had B. has bought C. got D. boughtHow many English words _ you _ since you came to our school? A. have, learned B. do, learn C. will, learn D. did, learnNext34. 103. 108.DHowlonghavelearnedhas beenhereago中考: 02级Our English teacher isnt here. She has _ Sh

16、anghai.A. been B. gone C. been to D. gone toWe have learned English for three years. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you _ English?从两年前起他就在这儿。从两年前起他就在这儿。He _ _ _ since two years _ .KeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyKeyNext中考: 03级C24. I my grandmother since two years ago.A.dont see B. see B.C. havent seen D. sawKeyNext2

17、9. 107. C Chasntyet中考: 04级How long _ you _ here since you came to China?A. did, live B. do, live C. have, lived D. will, liveAnns already read this story-book.(改为否定句改为否定句)Ann _ read this story-book _ .KeyKeyKeyNext中考: 05级五、完成对话(每空一词,每小题五、完成对话(每空一词,每小题1.5分)分)longsincetakenB: How 68 have you been like

18、 this?A: 69 last week.B: Have you 70 your temperature(测量体温:(测量体温:take)?A: Yes, my mother did. She said it was not very high.KeyKeyKeyNext29. A中考: 06级-Where is Tom? -He to the library. A. has gone B. will go C. goesKeyNext中考: 07级34. CA: Hi, John. Shall we go to Australia for the long holiday?B: Sorry

19、. I there three times.A. have gone B. was C. have been KeyNext中考: 08级27. AWe have been learning English two years ago. A. since B. for C. in KeyBackCongratulations, Team A.BackCongratulations, Team B.BackExercises一、根据示范,写出动词的四种形式一、根据示范,写出动词的四种形式例:例: fly flies flew flown flying1.stop 2come 3die 4.go 5.study 6.live 7.begin8.teach9.play10.write11.get12.think13.buy14.meet二、汉译英。二、汉译英。1. 我们学英语我们学英语3年了。年了。2. 妈妈把衣服装箱了吗?妈妈把衣服装箱了吗?3. 你借这本书三天了,是吗?你借这本书三天了,是吗?4. -你去过北京吗?你去过北京吗? -是的,我已经去过那里两次了。是的,我已经去过那里两次了。5. -我丢了我的钢笔。我丢了我的钢笔。 -什么时候丢的?什么时候丢的? -昨天。昨天。HomeThank you! HomeEnd



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