高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Period 1 Reading课件 新人教版必修3.ppt

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《高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Period 1 Reading课件 新人教版必修3.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Period 1 Reading课件 新人教版必修3.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、23* 教学目标教学目标 Teaching aims:1能够辨认文中有关天文学的重点词汇和术语,如system, theory, atmosphere, fundamental, in time, give birth to, in ones turn, preventfrom等; 2理解文章结构和内容,理清地球上生命的起源和生物进化的过程。3运用top-down的阅读方法,先整体把握文章,再细化寻找信息;使用不同的阅读技巧,如predicting、skimming、scanning等获取相关信息,概括理解段落大意,完成流程图;4通过小组讨论,讨论生命进化的过程和保护环境的措施,锻炼思维能力和

2、口头表达能力。 本单元的中心话题是“天文学”,内容涉及太阳系、地球生命的起源、宇宙大爆炸、月球探秘、黑洞效应等。这些话题较抽象、较难理解,因此,如何通过第一课时的设计,把抽象的内容形象化,基本扫清学生阅读和表达等障碍,显得尤为重要。Reading部分主要是通过对宇宙大爆炸理论进行科学性分析,推断出地球上生命的起源以及生物进化的过程。学生能够结合已有知识和生活常识来理解相关问题,并针对文章中的一些发人深省的探讨性问题展开讨论,如:The earth may become too hot to live on, so what will our future be? 通过这些讨论,学生能更好地了解

3、我们生活的地球环境,同时也能激起了解和探究科学的兴趣与热情。ET外星人01A_ is a _ of science which studies the whole universe, _ the stars, planets, the moon and etc.branchincludingstronomyWhat is Astronomy?1.How many planets circle around the sun in the solar system now? A. 9 B. 10 C. 8A.A.地球地球 _B.B.木星木星 _C.C.火星火星 _D.D.水星水星 _EarthJu

4、piterMarsMercuryNeptuneE.E.海王星海王星 _F.F.土星土星 _G.G.天王星天王星 _H.H.金星金星 _SaturnUranusVenusThe Solar System123456781.Mercury2.VenusEarth3.4.Mars5.Jupiter6.Saturn7.8.UranusNeptune4.Which planet was removed from the solar system on Aug 24th, 2006? A. Venus B. Jupiter C. Pluto3.Where did the life on the earth

5、 begin?A. In fire B. In water C. In space2.Which planet is the largest one in the solar system? A. Earth B. Jupiter C. MarsHow did the earth and life come into existence? Different _ have different ideas about it. There exist so many planets in the universe, among is the most important.the earthwhic

6、hreligions culturescome into being the developmentPara 1A widely accepted theory about the formation of _ Para 2The formation of _Para 3The importance of _ for lifePara 4The development of _ _ on the earth Para 5The appearance of _ and their effects on the earth the universe the earth waterplants an

7、d animals humans an explosion that _ matter in all directions threw- The universe began with a _, Big Bangatoms stars other bodiesa cloud of dust Big Banga solid globesettle into atmosphere cooldown water explode(Three verbs & noun phrases)Water made it possible for _ to _. Where there is water, the

8、re is life.Water is f_ to the development of life. Water dissolved harmful gases and acids into the _ and _. life develop undamentaloceans seas First,_ Next,_Later,_After that,_Finally,_small plants, shellfish, fishgreen plants, land animals-insects, amphibiansreptileshuge animals - dinosaurs; mamma

9、lssmall clever animals The Big Bangwatersmall plantsinsects and amphibiansreptiles on landmammals advanced mammalsdinosaursQuestion: Are human beings taking good care of it? _ heat from escaping from the earth into space.too much _ into the atmosphere, whichgreenhouse_global _carbon dioxide prevents

10、 effect warmingThe last sentence of the passage: Any solutions to the problem?too hot to live on“ Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.”Whether life will continue on the earth depends on human beings.Earth Day April 22Thank You!



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