七年级英语Unit 9 What does he look like Section B(1a-2c)课件

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1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Unit 9What does he look like? Section B(1a-2c). 词图匹配匹配a long face, big eyes, a round face, a big nose答案答案: 1. a big nose2. a round face3. big eyes4. a long face. 句型展示句型展示1. 许多人看待事情的方式并不多人看待事情的方式并不总是相同是相同, 因此他因此他们对同一个人同一个人的描述可能不同。的描述可能不同。Many people dont always see things waythey may

2、describe the same person. 答案答案: the same; so; differently2. 他留着又他留着又长又直的褐色又直的褐色头发, 长着大眼睛。着大眼睛。Helong straight brown hair and . 3. 最后最后, 真正的罪犯是一个又矮又胖真正的罪犯是一个又矮又胖, 年年纪很大的人很大的人, 他留着短他留着短而黑的而黑的头发! , the real criminala short and heavy old man, and short black hair! 答案答案: 2. has; big eyes 3. In the end; i

3、s; he has1. Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him. 然然后后, 乔画画出出罪罪犯的犯的图片片, 并且警察把它登在并且警察把它登在报纸和和电视上来找到他。上来找到他。【自自主主领悟悟】put此此处意意为“把把放放在在; 摆; 搁; 安安置置”, 常常用于下面用于下面结构中构中: (1)put+宾语+介介词短短语。例如。例如: Please put the book on the desk. 请把把书放在放在书

4、桌上。桌上。(2)put+宾语+副副词(短短语)。例如。例如: Lets put our books away. 让我我们把把书收起来。收起来。【归纳拓展拓展】与与put相关的常相关的常见词组put on 穿上穿上(衣服衣服)put away 放好放好put up 举起起; 张贴put down 放下放下, 写下写下【活学活用活学活用】 让我我们把把这幅画放在桌上。幅画放在桌上。Letsthe picture . 请放下你的手。放下你的手。Please your hands. 答案答案: put; on the deskput down2. He wants to draw a good pi

5、cture of each criminal, but this job is sometimes difficult. 他想要画好每个罪犯的他想要画好每个罪犯的图片片, 但但这项工作有工作有时候候难。【自自主主领悟悟】each此此处用用作作形形容容词, 意意为“每每个个”, 修修饰可可数数名名词单数数。例例如如: Each boy has a new pen. 每每个个男男孩孩有有一一支支新新钢笔。笔。【用法辨析用法辨析】each的不同的不同词性性作代作代词意意为“每个每个, 各个各个”, 可可单独作主独作主语, 也可后接也可后接of短短语, 作主作主语时, 谓语动词用第三人称用第三人称单数

6、数; 作同位作同位语时, 要放在主要放在主语的后面的后面作副作副词常放在常放在动词之后或句末之后或句末【活学活用活学活用】 每个学生都有自己的每个学生都有自己的词典。典。 has his own dictionary. Each of us(like)the singer. We each(want)to get the ball. 答案答案: Each studentlikeswant3. Another woman says, “He is tall and thin, and he has curly blond hair. ”另一位女士另一位女士说: “他又高又瘦他又高又瘦, 留着金黄

7、色的卷留着金黄色的卷发。”【自主自主领悟悟】(1)another作作限限定定词, 后后常常接接单数数名名词或或代代词one, 修修饰限限定定名名词或代或代词one, 表示表示“(三者或三者以上的三者或三者以上的)另一个另一个”。例如例如: Would you like another apple? 你想要另一个苹果你想要另一个苹果吗? No, thanks. Im full. 不不, 谢谢。我。我饱了。了。(2)another作作代代词, 指指代代同同类人人或或事事物物中中的的另另一一个个, 可可在在句句中中作作主主语或或宾语。例如例如: I dont like this one. Pleas

8、e show me another. 我不喜我不喜欢这一个。一个。请给我看另一个。我看另一个。【用法辨析用法辨析】another与与the other的区的区别【活学活用活学活用】 请再再给我一我一张桌子。桌子。Please give me . 他有两个孩子。一个是杰克他有两个孩子。一个是杰克, 另一个是另一个是汤姆。姆。He has two children. is Jack, is Tom. 答案答案: another deskOne; the other. 用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. Jay Chou is my favorite(sing). I like all h

9、is songs. 2. They talk about the new movie(different). 3. Alan likes painting. He wants to be an(art). 4. Toms uncle is a policeman. He thinks his job is(real)interesting. 5. We can work out the math problem in different(way). 答案答案: 1. singer2. differently3. artist4. really5. ways. 单项选择1. What does

10、your friend look like? . A. He is thinB. She is a kind girlC. She likes music D. She has good-looking2. Each of the studentshis homework on time. A. doing B. to doC. doD. does3. Is Mrs. Brown short? . But her son is very tall. A. Yes, she is B. No, she isntC. No, she doesntD. Yes, she does4. Im busy now. Lets talk about itday. A. otherB. the otherC. othersD. another5. the end, the police caught(抓住抓住)the real criminal. A. At B. In C. OnD. By励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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