高考英语一轮复习 Unit4 Pygmalion课件 新人教版选修8(福建专用)

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件届高考英语一轮复习课件新人教版福建专用Unit 4 Pygmalion hesitate vi. 犹豫; 踌躇 根据语境感悟用法(1)Dont hesitate to contact me if you need more information. 如果你需要更多的信息,直接联系我。(2)Shes still hesitating about sending her son to college. 她还在犹豫送儿子上大学的事。短语短语hesitate to do sth. 迟疑于做某事 hesitate about / in / at / over (doing)

2、sth. (做)某事犹豫不决hesitate about疑问词to do sth. 做某事犹豫不决 hesitate vi. 犹豫; 踌躇链接链接hesitation n. 踌躇,犹豫without hesitation 毫不犹豫地have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫地做某事 hesitate vi. 犹豫; 踌躇 单项填空When it is immoral or unlawful, people should not _ to say no. Otherwise they will put themselves into trouble. A. beg

3、 B. hesitate C. desire D. seekB hesitate vi. 犹豫; 踌躇 根据语境猜词义(1) They must have spent a fortune on that house. (2) I had the good fortune to be invited to stay in Rome. fortune n. 根据语义找匹配A. 大笔的钱B. 机会;运气AB短语短语make a fortune 发财try ones fortune 碰运气fame and fortune 名利tell ones fortune 给某人算命 have the good

4、fortune to do sth. 有幸做某事 fortune n. 链接链接fortunate adj. 幸运的unfortunate adj. 不幸的fortunately adv. 幸运地unfortunately adv. 不幸地 fortune n. 单项填空The girl was robbed last week, but _ she had little money with her then. A. fortunately B. surprisingly C. eventually D. originallyA fortune n. in terms of 就来说;从角度

5、根据语境感悟用法(1)A 200yearold building is very old in terms of American history. 从美国历史来看,200年的建筑是很古老的了。(2)In terms of money we are quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 从钱的角度看,我们相当富有,但是从幸福的角度看并非如此。 单项填空Though it may be possible to measure the value of material goods _ money, it is extremely difficult

6、 to estimate the true value of the services. A. according to B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in terms ofD in terms of 就来说;从角度 rob vt. 根据语境猜词义(1)Thieves robbed the bank of thousands of dollars.(2)Fear robbed him of speech. 根据语义找匹配A剥夺;使失去B抢劫;盗窃 答案答案 (1)B (2)A rob vt.温馨提示:温馨提示: rob 不能跟双宾语, 偷走/抢走某

7、人的某样东西用rob sb. of sth.。链接链接robber n. 强盗;窃贼;抢劫犯robbery n. 抢劫(不可数); 抢劫案(可数) rob vt.辨析辨析 rob/steal rob意为“抢劫,掠夺,盗取”,表示直接使用暴力来抢劫他人的所有物,如恐吓、抢夺、破门而入、闯入私室,持械抢劫等。常构成句型:rob 被盗之人或地方 of 被盗物。 The couples house was robbed while they were on holiday. They knocked him down and robbed him of his watch. rob vt.辨析辨析 r

8、ob/steal steal意为“偷”,表示暗中窃取。常构成句型:steal 被偷之物 from 被偷的人或地方。 The boy often steals. The thief stole a lot of books from that shop. rob vt. 翻译句子(1)我的手表被抢了。(2)你剥夺了我的快乐。答案答案(1)I was robbed of my watch. (2)You have robbed me of my happiness. rob vt. 用rob和steal及其短语的适当形式填空(3)They _ her _ her money. (4)The war

9、 _ him _ his wife and children. (5)A dog _ a piece of meat _ a butchers shop. (6)He was sent to prison for _ money.答案答案(3)robbed; of (4)robbed; of(5)stole; from (6)stealing showin 带或领进来 根据语境感悟其用法Please show that lady in. 请带那位女士进来。短语短语show sb. out 领某人出去show sb. into 领某人进入show sb. around / round 领某人参观

10、show off 炫耀show up 出席,到场 showin 带或领进来 用正确的介词或副词填空(1) It was ten oclock when he finally showed _. (2) Please show the lady _ of the building. (3) Our trained guides will show you _ the museum. 答案答案 (1) up (2) out (3) around / round showin 带或领进来 in need of 需要 根据语境感悟用法(1)He was not in need of money. 他并

11、不需要钱。(2)He said he was in great need of my assistance. 他说他很需要我的帮助。 in need of 需要链接链接a friend in need 患难之交in need 在困难中;在危急中if/as the need arises 如果有必要(在必要时) in need of 需要 单项填空(1)Jenny nearly missed the flight _ doing too much shopping. A. as a result of B. on top of C. in front of D. in need of解解析析 由

12、于花了很多时间购物,Jenny几乎错过了航班。as a result of 由于;on top of 在之上。A in need of 需要 单项填空(2)Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request_ a question. A. in search of B. in the form of C. in need of D. in the direction of解解析析 如果你把请求用问题的形式提出来,听起来会有礼貌得多。in the form of 以形式; in search of 寻找; in the direction of

13、以方向。B Id never have come if Id known about this disgusting thing you want me to do(P35) 要是我知道你们想让我做这样令人厌恶的事情,我决不会来虚拟语气在if条件句中的使用情况如下: (1)与现在事实相反:从句用动词的过去式;主句:would / could / should / might动词原形。 (2)与过去事实相反:从句用had过去分词;主句:would / could / should / mighthave过去分词;本句中用了虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的假设。(3)与将来事实相反: 从句有三种形式

14、:动词的过去式;should动词原形;were to动词原形;主句用would / could / should / might动词原形。用所给动词的适当形式完成句子(1) If I _ (be)you, I would teach him a lesson.(2) If you _ (tell)me earlier, I wouldnt have made such a mistake. (3) If it _ (rain)tomorrow, I would stay at home. 答案答案 (1) were(2) had told(3) rained1.拒绝恶习 _2.挤公交车 _3.

15、在公共场所吸烟 _4.破坏公德 _5.创造一个美好的社会 _6.崇尚文明 _reject bad habitsfight against each other to get on the bussmoke in the public placesviolate public moralitycreate a good societywelcome good behavior7.随地吐痰扔杂物 _8.破坏的形象 _9.文明国度 _10.闯红灯 _11.大声打手机 _12.强烈反对 _ spit and litter everywheredo great harm to the image ofa

16、 country with good mannersrun the red traffic lightstalk loudly on cell phonesbe strongly against1.所有这些行为都不是我们应该学习的,因为它们不仅伤害自己也给他人带来麻烦或对环境造成破坏。(表语从句)2.当我们在公共场所做任何事的时候都应该考虑是否对他人或我们的社会有好处,然后才想到自己。(状语从句)答案答案1. None these actions are what we should learn because not only do they harm themselves but also

17、 they may cause trouble to others or do damage to our environment.2. When do anything in the public places, we should first consider whether it is good to others or our society and then we consider ourselves.3.每个人在公共场合都应该牢记该做和不该做的事来规范自己的行为。(keepin mind)4.我们应该严格要求自己,在生活和工作中学会责任和细心。(be strict with)5.应

18、该采取严格的措施来阻止这些不良的行为,也可以帮助青少年培养对他们有好处的其他爱好。(被动语态)答案答案3. Everybody should keep some dos and donts in their mind to guide their behavior in public.4. We should be very strict with ourselves and learn to be responsible and careful in our life and work.5. Serious measures should be taken to prevent such b

19、ad behavior as well as to help teenagers develop some other hobbies which do them good. 仔细品味下面这幅漫画,指出漫画所反映的社会现象并分析该现象的危害,提出应该怎样杜绝该现象(至少两点)。参考词汇:参考词汇:piracy(n.)盗版行为;pirate(vt.)盗版;注意:注意:词数120左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 Currently, cheap pirated goods, such as pirated software, music and films, pose a serious cha

20、llenge to the issue of protecting intellectual property._One possible version: Currently, cheap pirated goods, such as pirated software, music and films, pose a serious challenge to the issue of protecting intellectual property. Piracy equals theft. Copying others ideas, designs, inventions or trade

21、marks deeply hurts the initiators feelings. They are discouraged from offering up more fantastic things or fabulous ideas, which are supposed to make our world more colorful and our life more comfortable and convenient. Piracy robs us of modern civilization. Thus, it is our duty to say no to piracy.

22、 One of the best ways to discourage piracy is to offer a diverse range of legal and affordable alternatives. If I can get a perfect song disc at 5 RMB, why do I bother buying a pirated one at 4.5 RMB? On top of this, the government must pass effective laws to punish the pirates in order to protect others intellectual property. By making efforts, we can further the fight against piracy.



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