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1、词汇复习点滴词汇复习点滴 谈语境在词汇复习中的运用谈语境在词汇复习中的运用鳌江中学鳌江中学 徐朝阳徐朝阳一一、词汇复习的意义和原则、词汇复习的意义和原则二二、词汇复习具体做法、词汇复习具体做法三三、结束语、结束语一一、词汇复习坚持的原则、词汇复习坚持的原则词不离句,句不离文词不离句,句不离文. . 二二、词汇复习具体做法、词汇复习具体做法1、语境应尽量真实。、语境应尽量真实。教师:At the age of four, Jay Chou began to paly a musical instrument.What musical instrument can you guess Jay Ch

2、ou began to play?学生:He began to play piano.教师:Did he dream of becoming a singer or musician when he was young?学生:Yes./ No.教师:He never attached importance to what he learned in school. To be honest with you, in some teachers eyes he was stupid then.学生:2、语境力求具有时代感。、语境力求具有时代感。王濛成功王濛成功卫冕卫冕冬奥会短道速滑女子冬奥会短道

3、速滑女子500米的金牌米的金牌, 成了成了卫冕卫冕冠军。冠军。 Wang Meng succeeded in defending her womens 500 metres short track speed skating title, becoming a defending champion.3、语境应具有文化性。、语境应具有文化性。 It is a day when our friends might _ us. That day they can promise their friends sth., but they neednt_, and they also dont need

4、 to _ to their friends. Because it is April Fools Day. (play tricks on keep ones word apologize ) 4、语境力求多样化。、语境力求多样化。(1)(1)真题回放。真题回放。 Officials say that few patients _with the virus owing to the effective prevention.(2008上海春招上海春招) A. infected B. are infected C. have infected D. be infected 真题回放真题回放p

5、revent4、语境力求多样化。、语境力求多样化。(1)(1)真题回放。真题回放。 (2)(2)一词多义。一词多义。 A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time.surviveWhich of the following survive has the same meaning as the one in the above sentence?A. The old lady has survived all her children. B. Many strange customs have survived

6、from earlier times.C. The children had to survive by begging and stealing. D. Few buildings in Yingxiu survived the earthquake, which hit Sichuan on May 12. 比(某人)长命比(某人)长命 继续存在继续存在继续生存继续生存 经历(某事物)生存经历(某事物)生存继续生存继续生存 比(某人)长命比(某人)长命 经历(某事物)生存经历(某事物)生存4、语境力求多样化。、语境力求多样化。(1)(1)真题回放。真题回放。 (2)(2)一词多义。一词多义

7、。 (3)(3)对话。对话。 Policeman: You must be honest.Criminal: Sir, believe me. Im quite _ you and Im quite _ what I do and say. to be honest(honest with, honest in)4、语境力求多样化。、语境力求多样化。(1)(1)真题回放。真题回放。 (2)(2)一词多义。一词多义。 (3)(3)对话。对话。 (4)(4)选词填空。选词填空。 give in give up give out give away give back 1.Feeling hungr

8、y he _ all the food to the travelers.2.After the trip he _the mountain bike _ to its owner.3. Our food supplies began to _.4. The stubborn girl will never _ the plan for her trip to Yunnan.5. The trip was very hard, but he didnt _to any difficulties that he met.gave awaygavebackgive outgive upgive i

9、n4、语境力求多样化。、语境力求多样化。(1)(1)真题回放。真题回放。 (2)(2)一词多义。一词多义。 (3)(3)对话。对话。 (4)(4)选词填空。选词填空。 (5)(5)短文翻译。短文翻译。 我们我们花花了好长了好长时间时间来来择择地建我们的新校地建我们的新校. .最后最后, ,学校选在了学校选在了蓝田村蓝田村. .我们的校园不会用我们的校园不会用珠宝钻石珠宝钻石来来修饰修饰, ,但会有它但会有它独特独特的风格的风格. .学校会为我们而学校会为我们而设计设计, ,所以我们要以认真学习来所以我们要以认真学习来回回报报. .我们相信我们的学校将不仅因为美丽的校园而且还因我们相信我们的学校

10、将不仅因为美丽的校园而且还因为优秀的学生而受为优秀的学生而受到高度赞扬到高度赞扬. .希望大家毕业之后能常来希望大家毕业之后能常来新校看看新校看看, ,因为它是因为它是值得值得一游的一游的. .短文翻译短文翻译 It took us a long time to select the place where the new school can be built. Finally, we chose Lantian Village. Our school will not be decorated with jewels and diamonds, but it will be in a fancy style. The school will be designed for us, so in return well study seriously / in earnest. We believe that our school will be well thought of because of its beauty as well as its excellent students. It is hoped that all of you will return to our school because it will be well worth visiting.



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