外研版高中英语Module 3Section Ⅲ Other Parts of the Module课件

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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂Read the text in “Cultural Corner” and finish the following tasks.True (T) or False (F)1Ye Xiaogang also writes TV music. ()2Ye Xiaogang has been one of the leading modern composers of Chinese pop music. ()3Ye Xiaogang is a member of the Beijing music group Eclipse. ()4Ye Xiaogang ha

2、s received many prizes. ()答案:答案:1.F2.F3.T4.T.Choose the best answers according to the text.1Ye Xiaogang began to show his music talent in _.A1955B1978C1959 D19832Why is Ye Xiaogang worth such great fame?AHe is one of a group of Chinese composers called theNew Tide.BHe combines Chinese traditional mu

3、sic with western forms and instrumentation.CHe wrote an album called Eclipse which proved a great success.DHe has won many prizes at home and abroad.3After his graduation from the Central Conservatory of Music of China, he _.Abegan to study in the USBbegan to teach while writing symphoniesCbegan to

4、set up the Beijing music group Eclipse Dwent to Hong Kong for further study 4From the last paragraph, we know that _.AYe Xiaogang leads a busy lifeBYe Xiaogang has one music group in the USCYe Xiaogang is one of the most famous composers in the worldDYe Xiaogang works for the Shanghai Symphony Orche

5、stra答案:答案:1.C2.B3.B4.AA根据所根据所给词性及性及汉语释义写出写出单词1 adj.动人的人的 v抓住抓住2 vt.录音音n.录音,音,记录 n录音机音机3 n(大学的大学的)讲师 n演演讲,讲座座4 vt.使混合使混合 n混合,混合物混合,混合物catchycatchrecordrecorderlecturerlecturemixmixture1_: affect; have an effect on2_: difficult to understand or deal with3_: a group of musicians, especially a group tha

6、t plays popular music4_: a group of songs or pieces of music on a CD, tape etc.influencecomplexbandalbumB根据英文释义及首字母提示写出单词根据英文释义及首字母提示写出单词5_: composed or performed by a single voice or instrument6_: the words of a song7_: to have enough money to buy or pay for sth.sololyricafford1influence vt. & n影响影

7、响(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)If a band is influenced by another band, do they like them or not?如果一个如果一个乐队受到另一个受到另一个乐队的影响,他的影响,他们是喜是喜欢这个个乐队还是不喜是不喜欢?(鲜活例句活例句)What his father said influenced him a lot.父父亲所所说的的话对他影响很大。他影响很大。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点have an influence on/upon对有影响有影响under the influence of . 在在的影响

8、下的影响下have influence over . 有左右有左右的力量,的力量, 对有支配力,有影响力有支配力,有影响力The wrong policy had a bad influence on our economy.错误的政策的政策对我我们的的经济产生了不好的影响。生了不好的影响。Her parents no longer have any real influence her.她的父母她的父母对她不再有真正的她不再有真正的约束力了。束力了。over2afford vt.支付得起,支付得起,买得起得起(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)I cant afford

9、to buy a Discman.我我买不起光碟播放器。不起光碟播放器。(鲜活例句活例句)I cant afford the expensive trip.我我负担不起担不起这次昂次昂贵的旅行。的旅行。afford (vt.) sth.支付得起某物支付得起某物afford to do sth. 支付得起做某事支付得起做某事(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点I dont feel she can afford any more time away from work for fun.我我认为她不能从工作中抽出更多的她不能从工作中抽出更多的时间用于用于娱乐。点津点津afford多与多与can,

10、be able to等等连用,表示用,表示“负担得起担得起(费用、用、损失、后果等失、后果等)”或或“抽得出抽得出(时间)”,其后一般接名,其后一般接名词、代、代词、不定式等,主要用于否定句和疑、不定式等,主要用于否定句和疑问句。句。I cant the big house.我我买不起不起这个大房子。个大房子。afford to buy3mix vt.使混合使混合(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)He is famous for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation

11、.他之所以出名是因他之所以出名是因为他将中国的音他将中国的音乐传统与西方的与西方的音音乐形式和演奏形式和演奏乐器相器相结合。合。(鲜活例句活例句)Please mix the milk with the coffee.请把牛奶和咖啡混合在一把牛奶和咖啡混合在一块儿。儿。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点mix . with/and .把把和和混合混合mix up 混合,混合,掺和;混淆和;混淆mixed adj. 混合的混合的mixture n. 混合;混合物混合;混合物a mixture of 一种一种的混合物的混合物Let me mix up flour and water.我来和面我来

12、和面(把面粉和水把面粉和水搅匀匀)。Air is gases.空气是各种气体的混合物。空气是各种气体的混合物。a mixture of1refer 指;指;谈到;参考;到;参考;查阅2split 分裂;分割分裂;分割3make a note 记录4hear 听听说5 the first time 第一次第一次6 to do sth. 主主动提出做某事提出做某事toupofofforoffer1refer to(教材原句教材原句)Which of the sentences refers to a single event in the past?哪个句子指哪个句子指过去的一件事?去的一件事?(

13、1)查阅,参考,参考You can refer to your notes when you are speaking.发言言时你可以参你可以参阅你的稿子。你的稿子。We often these books in our work.工作中我工作中我们常参考常参考这些些书。refer to(2)提到,提及提到,提及Dont refer to that matter again.不要再提那件事了。不要再提那件事了。(3)对而言;适用于而言;适用于What I have said all of you.我我刚才才说的的对你你们所有的人都适用。所有的人都适用。(4)refer to与与as连用用时,意

14、思是,意思是“称作称作”He heard them “Big Sister”他听他听见他他们管她叫管她叫“大姐大姐”。refers torefer to her as2for the first time第一次第一次(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)1978: attended Central Conservatory of Music; heard western music for the first time.1978年就年就读于中央音于中央音乐学院,第一次听到西方音学院,第一次听到西方音乐。(鲜活例句活例句)He scolded her for the first

15、 time.他第一次他第一次责骂了她。了她。(二二)明辨易混失明辨易混失误防范防范比比较for the first time, the first timefor the first time作状语,意为作状语,意为“第一次第一次”the first time名词短语充当连词,引导从句,意名词短语充当连词,引导从句,意为为“第一次第一次时时”用用for the first time和和the first time填空填空 he saw her, he loved her.他他对她一她一见钟情。情。The policeman permitted him to park there .警察首次允警

16、察首次允许他在那里停他在那里停车。The first timefor the first time3make a note of记录(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)Read the text and make a note of any new information.读一一读这篇短文,将任何新的内容都篇短文,将任何新的内容都记下来。下来。(鲜活例句活例句)When you have a question, make a note of it.若是心中有了疑惑,要随若是心中有了疑惑,要随时记录下来。下来。take/make notes记笔笔记take note of 注

17、意到,留意到注意到,留意到compare notes with sb. 与某人交流与某人交流经验;与某人;与某人交交换意意见(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点Take note of what the teacher is going to say.注意老注意老师将要将要说的的话。Lets each other after class.让我我们课后交后交换一下意一下意见。compare notes with1句型展示句型展示As Beethoven grew older, he found it more difficult to compose good music.随着年随着年龄的增的增

18、长,贝多芬多芬觉得得谱出好的出好的乐曲越来越曲越来越困困难了。了。典例背典例背诵Do you consider it important to attend the meeting?你你认为参加参加这次会次会议很重要很重要吗?2句型展示句型展示If the words of a song are complex, are they easy or difficult to understand?如果一首歌的歌如果一首歌的歌词很复很复杂,那他,那他们理解起来是容易理解起来是容易还是困是困难呢?呢?典例背典例背诵This kind of games is pleasant to play.这种游种

19、游戏玩起来令人愉快。玩起来令人愉快。3句型展示句型展示How old do you think the photo is?你你认为这张照片多久了?照片多久了?典例背典例背诵How many people do you think the hall can hold?你你认为这间大大厅能容能容纳多少人?多少人?I found idioms and useful expressions hard to learn.我我发现习语和有用的短和有用的短语很很难学。学。We have gone through the contract and found everything in order.合同我合同

20、我们已已经看看过,一切正常。,一切正常。He to continue living in Germany.他他发现不可能不可能继续在德国住了。在德国住了。found it impossible(2)常用于常用于这一句型的一句型的动词还有:有:make, feel, consider, think, believe等。等。I think it better .我我认为最好早点最好早点动身。身。Do you consider it any good trying again?你你认为再再试一次有用一次有用吗?to start earlyWhat he said is difficult to un

21、derstand.他所他所说的的话很很难理解。理解。The book is very easy to read.这本本书很容易很容易读。This chair is .这把椅子坐上去很舒服。把椅子坐上去很舒服。comfortable to sit on3How old do you think the photo is?你你认为这张照片多久了?照片多久了?(1)本句是一个复本句是一个复杂的特殊疑的特殊疑问句,其句,其结构是构是“特殊疑特殊疑问词do you think陈述句述句” 。do you think是插入是插入语。无无论疑疑问词在句中作什么成分,特殊疑在句中作什么成分,特殊疑问句都要用句

22、都要用陈述述语序。序。What do you think we should do next?你你认为下一步我下一步我们该做什么?做什么?(2)用于用于这一一结构的构的动词除了除了do you think外,常外,常见的的还有:有:do you believe/suppose/imagine/guess/suggest等。等。 will win the game?你猜哪个你猜哪个队会会赢得得这场比比赛?Which team do you guess点津点津若插入若插入语是是do you suggest,其所在的句子要用虚,其所在的句子要用虚拟语气,即气,即“should动词原形原形”,should可以省略。可以省略。Who do you suggest to attend the meeting?你建你建议派派谁去开会?去开会?(should) be sent



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