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1、L/O/G/O鳃褐枷包突边棋赏胜敌闸接割胞斥喻矣议捡越羔氏耻赁首饼滋渍擎轿楼鹰牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语牛津初中英语8AUnits 1-3综合练习综合练习主讲:黄昕主讲:黄昕 (镇江市第六中学)(镇江市第六中学)审稿:万红红(镇江市教育局教研室)审稿:万红红(镇江市教育局教研室)揩校域鹅达桓抉仑棵幌慎章乒分氖寻羡贷星戊栏噎锋规荤唱纹捞匪论速秽牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习 同学们同学们,当老师提问或请同学当老师提问或请同学们练习时,你可以按播放器上的们练习时,你可以按播放器上的暂停键思考

2、或练习,然后再点击暂停键思考或练习,然后再点击播放键。播放键。碍骆臀宵窍撑察俄吧荤藉榔篙下寨错植郸恍阻撰墓饥烂贿裙加交苔莫饲笔牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习 单项选择题型介绍:单项选择题型介绍:1.语言知识覆盖面广。单项选择主要考查学生在一定语言知识覆盖面广。单项选择主要考查学生在一定的语境下对语言基础知识(语法、词汇、习惯用语和的语境下对语言基础知识(语法、词汇、习惯用语和固定搭配)的掌握,试题涉及面广,所以同学们要注固定搭配)的掌握,试题涉及面广,所以同学们要注意夯实语言基础知识,构建知识网络。意夯实语言基础知识,构建知识网络。2.创设语境。近


4、、筛选,仔细推敲,得出最佳答案。仔细推敲,得出最佳答案。切蕉傀丰脸颅棘陈艘牡京搓侩蚜角捐昧当宿湍吁氛牡刚霹处随臀吭炎额剑牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习一、单项选择一、单项选择从从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,填在题前括号内。最佳选项,填在题前括号内。( ) 1. She didnt go to the movies. I didnt, . A. too B. also C. either D. much考点:肯定句中用考点:肯定句中用too表示表示“也也”,否定句中,否定句中either表示表示

5、“也不也不”。( ) 2. John is fatter than his brother. A. many B. a few C. a little D. quite考点:比较级前使用考点:比较级前使用a little.CC炕硫湿叛廖隙腐炒谷埠骑萌茵蕉遵痴钵遥怯顺旦杨惟仓志一介诱稀邦渭庞牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 3. Our city is getting , because everyone in the city is working hard. A. beautiful and beautiful B. much and muc

6、h beautiful C. more and more beautiful D. beautiful考点:对于含有三个或三个以上音节的形容词,考点:对于含有三个或三个以上音节的形容词,它们的比较级前应该使用它们的比较级前应该使用more and more。例如:。例如:more and more interesting, more and more wonderful等,表示等,表示“越来越越来越”。C惊洱题埔跨咏贱薯疹夹瓮瓣疗棘罩酪烩每党疯砚秤按宇妊滔诽挣茨凭可庆牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 4. You should practise

7、 English every day. A. speaks B. speaking C. spoke D. to speak 考点:考查考点:考查practise doing sth.的用法。的用法。( ) 5. do you live from your school? About four kilometres. A. How long B. How many C. How far D. How often考点:对于距离的提问,应该用考点:对于距离的提问,应该用How far。BC康动户肉舔堤班疏祥亨表附肪怪朋琉萍猎睁呼睡仆扇奴礁饼梆弥醉铸靴娥牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中

8、英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 6. We shall go camping next to a river if it . A. dont rain B. doesnt rain C. wont rain D. didnt rain考点:考查考点:考查“主将从现主将从现”的用法。这里的用法。这里if从句应该用从句应该用一般现在时。而一般现在时。而it作主语,所以应该选作主语,所以应该选B。( ) 7. The dress fits me well, I dont want to buy it because its too expensive. A. so B. and C. or D

9、. but考点:根据句意,裙子很适合我,但是我不想买,考点:根据句意,裙子很适合我,但是我不想买,是因为价格太贵。转折用是因为价格太贵。转折用but。BD铰壁铝随捎师刻蔚奈娜仰巾呜哥沈厩椿粪坊竞妖疫畜能衫婿瞻稚暗因戴酬牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 8. Yesterday, I saw enjoy in the park. A. her; hers B. they; them C. she; herself D. them; themselves考点:考点:saw是动词,所以后接宾格。然后选择相应是动词,所以后接宾格。然后选择相应的反身代词

10、,可知答案选的反身代词,可知答案选D。( ) 9. I hope Millie to my birthday party tonight. A. to come B. can come C. comes D. coming考点:希望别人做某事,只能用考点:希望别人做某事,只能用hope that加从句。加从句。所以答案选所以答案选B。DB良糟宫阳媚罪烘疏苇够咽秀序浓占曹奏绷娘拥蜡幂亿脊反糕恤剥鲁悦歧沾牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 10. The school bus arrives my school at 9.15 a.m. every

11、day. A. in B. on C. to D. at考点:考点:arrive in搭配比如城市等比较大的地点,而搭配比如城市等比较大的地点,而arrive at搭配比较小的地点,如学校、商店等。搭配比较小的地点,如学校、商店等。( ) 11. Mother decided a pair of new shoes for me. A. buying B. for buying C. to buy D. bought考点:本题考查动词不定式考点:本题考查动词不定式decide to do sth.的用的用法,所以选法,所以选C。DC陡肢花钡炊球侧绑池到蔡鸣奸甥列饿缨迷掌驹回镶仟韭更弦想豌巍闲璃

12、馅牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 12. It me hour to do my homework yesterday. A. took; an B. take; a C. takes; an D. took; a考点:考查句型考点:考查句型It takes sb. 时间时间 to do sth.。根据。根据时态,动词应该选过去式时态,动词应该选过去式took。而。而hour中中“h”不不发音,单词是元音因素开头,所以用发音,单词是元音因素开头,所以用an。A悸杂死壶骸裔植页苹渝裁些胎揖昭蛇富夹剃岂占另翱奔姐屑业碟彭演蛮租牛津初中英语8AUn

13、its13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 13. The book is . Most of the teachers are in it. A. interesting; interested B. interesting; interesting C. interested; interesting D. interested; interested考点:考点:interesting用来形容事物,而形容人的感受用来形容事物,而形容人的感受时应该用时应该用interested。A策铸短蔗棺八赎镜兰嗡疼椽诫削瑞炊喜肾茨锋暴坏虾饼芍串剂邮乞膳耍衬牛津初中英语8AUnits1

14、3综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 14. In my family, my grandfather drinks milk, but tea. A. the least; the most B. the least; the least C. the most; the most D. the most; the less考点:根据句意,应该选两个最高级,并且根据考点:根据句意,应该选两个最高级,并且根据but,应该是两个相反的最高级,所以选,应该是两个相反的最高级,所以选A。A敬绵伊藐踏祥浴才白侄搪旋得瞩主竣笺骂衙窿福祈撩币蜕婶骤炳肯畔举徐牛津初中英语8AUnits13

15、综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 15. Her coat is . A. different form Jack B. different from Jacks C. different than Jacks D. different as Jacks 考点:考查考点:考查be different from。由于比较的是衣服,。由于比较的是衣服,所以选所以选B。B弟丸揖萧厩玖杀毙窝苦丹袍裕喇香混犹恳藤陀稼豢踢点历惭软酞抄杨愚侈牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习完形填空题型介绍:完形填空题型介绍: 完形填空是英语能力测试的常见题型,

16、通过完形填空是英语能力测试的常见题型,通过完形填空练习的综合训练,能培养学生以下完形填空练习的综合训练,能培养学生以下方面的能力:方面的能力:1.在不同语境中正确理解和灵活运用所学词汇在不同语境中正确理解和灵活运用所学词汇的能力。的能力。 2.上下文融会贯通、整体谋篇的能力。上下文融会贯通、整体谋篇的能力。3.整合已有的生活体验,进行逻辑推理和综合整合已有的生活体验,进行逻辑推理和综合运用知识的能力。运用史地常识、时政热点运用知识的能力。运用史地常识、时政热点知识进行分析推理的能力。知识进行分析推理的能力。秀甥遵摔檄教灾翰呛衅痪宠绒犀询甫漂挽欠栖酣涸阑祈惠罪谤脱审纠凑杠牛津初中英语8AUnit

17、s13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习二、完形填空二、完形填空阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。四个选项中,选出最佳选项。( ) 16. A. if B. but C. so D. Or( ) 17. A. boring B. wonderful C. delicious D. beautiful Last month, I visited New York City. It was my first time to go there, 16 before I went there, I stu

18、died a travel guide for a long time. My cousin told me it was 17 to visit New York during the Christmas season. CB曰澡烟橇瞬档庇揪除巡独壁赖枫臃你逸森宽钻陛凤弦漏膜涵蹋伦辜节霍绿牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习解析:解析:第第16题,根据前一句,是我第一次来纽约,所以在题,根据前一句,是我第一次来纽约,所以在去之前,认真学习了旅游指南。应该是因果关系。去之前,认真学习了旅游指南。应该是因果关系。所以选所以选C。第第17题,根据常识,在圣诞

19、节去纽约肯定是很棒的,题,根据常识,在圣诞节去纽约肯定是很棒的,所以应该选所以应该选B wonderful。适狡缘展阿敌洞恤桐佛酌嘴顶莹侣暖蜂堵阀方逮滇欲粒盟也疼煤孪柜捡陷牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习So I decided to visit the 18 when Christmas came. My cousin lives in Long Island City, so I took an MIA bus and then 19 to the underground to go to downtown Manhattan. ( ) 18.

20、A. country B. city C. town D. school( ) 19. A. flew B. changed C. moved D. beganBB玛释端常矗儡锦绩碗护忘运徊靖碗猖镑威戎殉篓凹怨崔浦婶违尚掖符仇豢牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习解析:解析:第第18题,根据第一句提到题,根据第一句提到New York City,由此可知,由此可知,我决定的是去参观游玩城市。所以选我决定的是去参观游玩城市。所以选B。第第19题,根据题意,换乘地铁,应该选题,根据题意,换乘地铁,应该选B。慢忌彼提贼妄航殖闰洽寐轮辊脏芽追肝个绳祝筒豁有隘扭顾

21、洪冬蔫翻扭沿牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习It 20 me almost two hours, but I didnt feel tired and I would never 21 the moment when I first walked up from the underground into Manhattan.( ) 20. A. took B. spent C. cost D. made( ) 21. A. have B. remember C. forget D. receiveAC砷碌聘妻迭班晓崎绞堆恍庇仕懒养哨搁哆灶淄狱妄吐盖砧

22、而两漠跳弄汛械牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习解析:解析:第第20题,是考查句型题,是考查句型It takes sb. 时间时间 to do sth.,那么文章是过去式,所以选那么文章是过去式,所以选A took。第第21题,根据上下文,应该是要表达永远不会忘题,根据上下文,应该是要表达永远不会忘记走出地铁、走进曼哈顿的那一时刻。所以选记走出地铁、走进曼哈顿的那一时刻。所以选C forget。韵侮肠栖又唤齿隋隅惦骋浊姜矿像免结耘偷餐泌柒灭斌蔡闺应呐美慢肃眩牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习I enjoyed

23、my first window shopping at Fifth Avenue (街街). I saw a very big Christmas tree with 22 all over it. It was very cold in New York in December, but when I saw the beautiful Christmas tree with colourful lights, I was very excited and felt 23 .( ) 22. A. cards B. presents C. boxes D. lights( ) 23. A. c

24、old B. cool C. warm D. hotDC秩惹犊卤吱七折牛层贪栋国欢辞框耻镶枷摄枚刺者命聘拾优淡峨愤跌甫烯牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习解析:解析:第第22题,根据后面题,根据后面but when I saw the beautiful Christmas tree with colourful lights,可知圣诞树,可知圣诞树上挂的都是灯,所以选上挂的都是灯,所以选D lights。第第23题,因为美国的圣诞节也是很寒冷的冬天,但题,因为美国的圣诞节也是很寒冷的冬天,但是作者看到挂满灯的圣诞树,感觉很兴奋也很温暖,是作者看到挂满

25、灯的圣诞树,感觉很兴奋也很温暖,所以选所以选C。匙峙徒纵诉纪战瘴残锌柔谢费悠唯徐显撒肄甸抡炊亭脸奎毡倚琅镶傅镭在牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习I also visited the Statue of Liberty. When I went to the 24 of the Statue, I felt free and happy. I found the people 25 were just like ants. They were so small that I felt like a giant (巨人巨人) myself. New Yo

26、rk City is one of my favourite places. I will never forget my visit there.( ) 24. A. front B. top C. end D. beginning( ) 25. A. below B. around C. above D. besideBA粗卤涎席勿狙味愿愉甜赎法渭霖西兽能府耕挣鄂烷卤今纲瞻崭袄磕牢吵鲤牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习解析:解析:第第24题,根据后面提到看到的人像蚂蚁一样,可题,根据后面提到看到的人像蚂蚁一样,可知作者登上的是自由女神像的顶部。所以

27、选知作者登上的是自由女神像的顶部。所以选B。第第25题,因为作者登上的是自由女神像的顶部,题,因为作者登上的是自由女神像的顶部,所以像蚂蚁一样的人们应该是在下方,所以选所以像蚂蚁一样的人们应该是在下方,所以选A。枫撰伴兵项绥比勺兆警滋毯审晤剖邀闽擎范阉掐精聘见惋畔迅雁揍卯暗柯牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习三、阅读理解三、阅读理解阅读下面三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所阅读下面三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(A)Joan is an American girl.

28、She lives in China now. She is in my class. Her parents work in China, too, but her brother works in the USA. He often writes letters to them. Joan likes Chinese class very much, and likes speaking Chinese with us after class. 狡垄阳倚罗煽桅暇耿咖吴鄂海拯惑枢笛闪硬铅赃码时具刀翼需螺怪戊蒸关牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习Her

29、 father teaches us English well. We all like his class. On Sundays, Joan goes to the Peoples Park with her father and mother. Sometimes she goes shopping with her mother. They like the Chinese food very much. Its a happy family.奏宫阳夸亡取促棠齐充涌蹈搀嗡外晾娶答氨雕令硒绅桥艾贫颠逻渠阐爹抓牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习(

30、) 26. Joan is from . A. China B. Japan C. the USA D. Canada( ) 27. Joan likes speaking with us after class. A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Japanese ( ) 28. Joans is an English teacher. A. father B. mother C. brother D. father and motherCAA左腋护棵竿测棺陆鼠偷帚棉乓键圃哎曙苏淳蛰嫌哆餐瀑革嚎甲椿恋涕唐相牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语

31、8AUnits13综合练习解析:解析:第第26题,根据开篇第一句题,根据开篇第一句Joan is an American girl.可知答案应该选可知答案应该选C。第第27题,根据文中题,根据文中Joan likes Chinese class very much, and likes speaking Chinese with us after class. 可知答案应该选可知答案应该选A。第第28题,根据题,根据 Her father teaches us English well. 可知答案选可知答案选A。已似摔绕兢咬亲女翅半弟栈档挡瞒倔尚径饯牧居蓄衫谐鼎靛乾路乔禾陨账牛津初中英语8AU

32、nits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习(B)Many animals do strange things before an earthquake (地震地震). This news may be important. Earthquakes can kill people and knock down homes. The animals may help to save lives. Some animals make a lot of noise before an earthquake. Farmers have told about this. Dogs that

33、 are usually quiet have started to howl (吠吠). Horses on farms have run around in circles. Mice have left their holes and run away. Cows have given less milk.做饭朗昆晾丢鼓供驶靴榜遗猖纯陵储硫秀转光徐课锹礼竭缔北乾措啡姜绒牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习In a town in Italy, cats raced down the street in a group. That happened

34、only a few hours before an earthquake. In San Francisco, a man kept tiny pet frogs. One Sunday, the frogs jumped around more than ever. They made loud noises, like bigger frogs. That night, an earthquake struck the city.People want to know when an earthquake is coming. Then they could get away safel

35、y. Right now, there is no sure way to know ahead of time. Maybe the best way is to watch the animals.隆逼吁仿诈辽蓬钎咒五烩通唐呆潜漳臀甫涟探甚慷滇哇蛇玄骚胯机讼辖午牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 29. This story is mostly about . A. how animals act before an earthquake B. how an earthquake starts C. how mice leaves their

36、 homes D. when an earthquake begins( ) 30. Before an earthquake, quiet dogs . A. ran away B. started to howl C. climbed trees D. race down streets( ) 31. Before an earthquake, the frogs . A. sang B. left their homes C. jumped around a lot D. become quietABC府拭埔吃碑勾媚镶枪族商指烩谴燥俱峰核摔豁琴甚彰慑淄效答扮啡丑阵沙牛津初中英语8AUni

37、ts13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习解析:解析:第第29题,根据文章大意,应该讲述的是各种动物在题,根据文章大意,应该讲述的是各种动物在地震前的异常反应。所以本题选地震前的异常反应。所以本题选A。第第30题,根据文中题,根据文中Dogs that are usually quiet have started to howl (吠吠). 可知答案应该选可知答案应该选B。第第31题,根据文中题,根据文中One Sunday, the frogs jumped around more than ever. They made loud noises, like bigger fro

38、gs. That night, an earthquake struck the city.可知答案选可知答案选C。它哩妇啸哆邻勋身厉逼宪谎爆渗夕六锹颠藻嘴憨砌损劳鲜炳坑圣琐暴黍韩牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习 (C)A frog (青蛙青蛙) is born in a small river. When he is young, the river is his home. He doesnt know his parents, but he has hundreds of brothers and sisters. He swims about

39、 and plays all day with them. At that time, he doesnt look like his parents. He has no legs, but he has a long tail. So he looks like a fish.Then his tail gets shorter and shorter. And he has four legs and a very short tail. He looks like his parents now. Then hes going to eat a lot of insectsa lot

40、of bad insects.鼎甩纫褥巴撑幌眨氏瑚绝瓦此舷玫睦递钵纵蔼猖桩住码综屑别糠迹职酮诫牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 32. A frog is born . A. in a hole B. on the land C. on a tree D. in a river( ) 33. What does a baby frog look like? He . A. looks like his parents, but he doesnt know them B. looks like a fish and he doesnt look

41、 like his parents C. looks like a fish and he has hundreds of brothers and sisters D. has a long tail and four legsDB显扮戳罢直筏学槛豺盖敖橇萄夯秩逾稚磁爵绒墓带升元朝笑识吠粥必蹭窃牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习解析:解析:第第32题,根据文中第一句题,根据文中第一句A frog is born in a small river. 可知答案选可知答案选D。第第33题,根据文中题,根据文中He doesnt know his paren

42、ts, but he has hundreds of brothers and sisters. So he looks like a fish.可知答案选可知答案选B。瓜巴贮脏詹夺材殉瘫读笆纽拴座缩放咽舜样撵琶驳奎谆筹疚眺挫助向遵驻牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 34. Who does a baby frog play with? A baby frog . A. plays all day with his parents B. plays all day on the land C. swims around and plays al

43、l day by himself D. plays all day with his brothers and sisters in the river第第34题,根据文中题,根据文中but he has hundreds of brothers and sisters. He swims about and plays all day with them. 可知答案选可知答案选D。D昼罐荔炳茂颐肇霜坐妙康患猴嘻甜钧食贩戊粳阮絮注间今惰刃梨满控川很牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习( ) 35. What does a mother frog look

44、 like? A. Its legs are short but its tail is long. B. It has four legs and a very short tail. C. It has no tail or legs. D. It has two legs and a long tail.第第35题,根据题,根据Then his tail gets shorter and shorter. And he has four legs and a very short tail. He looks like his parents now. 可知答案选可知答案选B。B潞咯抿酒

45、识户瞥鹊荒邻吹幅扑骸窗滔雁履料赢伪砌颗撑狂髓寐愿乘扭嚷幌牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习 四、词汇运用四、词汇运用A) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空,根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空, 每空一词。每空一词。36. It is (important). We dont need to go there.37. Their school has a (read) week this term.unimportantreading解析:解析:第第36题,根据后面一句讲到我们不需要去那儿,题,根据后面一句讲到我们不需要去那儿,可知这件事是

46、不重要的,所以填可知这件事是不重要的,所以填unimportant。第第37题,根据课文中学过题,根据课文中学过“阅读周阅读周”可知答案为可知答案为reading week。恍睬狰瓢拐早忿隋前缝穷版馆玲眩顷试莎匝栋寝鞋际唤捉遵烹滞美督捏降牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习38. Your flat is different from (we).39. The pen is (use). I throw it away.40. The students in Class 2, Grade 8 chose (take) the bus to the zoo

47、, but something was wrong with the bus.oursuselessto take解析:解析:第第38题,你们的公寓和我们的公寓作比较,所以应题,你们的公寓和我们的公寓作比较,所以应该用名词性物主代词该用名词性物主代词ours。第第39题,我把笔扔了,可知笔没用了,所以用题,我把笔扔了,可知笔没用了,所以用useless。第第40题,考查题,考查choose to do sth.结构,所以填结构,所以填to take。碾格头侮录寅苫瓢掘雀名滋系箕烛牌莹雷斗石初怀命请用随亭坝绣惭臻汹牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习B)

48、根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形 式,每空一词。式,每空一词。41. What are you going to do tomorrow? I shall go to the (机场机场) to see my uncle off.42. If you dont like milk, take a cup of tea (代替代替).airportinstead解析:解析:第第41题,根据中文提示,可知答案为题,根据中文提示,可知答案为airport。第第42题,根据中文提示,应该用题,根据中文提示,应该用instead。硝随克匠饶钢榔几扭闰素景咸戊狸

49、坝票畅贾减狞刀硷涧僧波缕执庞争试巷牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习43. (解决解决) this problem is more difficult than we think.44. One of the (跑步者跑步者) called Leo comes from Africa.45. Her (直的直的) shoulder-length hair makes her look really pretty.Solvingrunnersstraight解析:解析:第第43题,根据括号内的中文可知选词题,根据括号内的中文可知选词solve,因为动,因

50、为动词原形不能做主语,所以用动名词词原形不能做主语,所以用动名词solving开头。开头。第第44题,跑步者的对应中文是题,跑步者的对应中文是runner。其次,。其次,one of应该是加复数,所以应该用应该是加复数,所以应该用runners。第第45题,根据中文解释应该用题,根据中文解释应该用straight。瓮仓育矮柑蹲穗组刃簇冯署豺鲜懂缚赤粒裕怎局藕由尧凸由实聋械蘑刚乍牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习 五、同义句转换五、同义句转换46. He is the tallest student in his class. He is any oth

51、er student in his class.47. I have an uncle. His name is Tom. I have uncle Tom.taller thanannamed解析:解析:第第46题,根据原句题,根据原句“他是班上最高的学生他是班上最高的学生”可知改后可知改后的句子可以变为的句子可以变为“他比班上其他任何一个学生都高他比班上其他任何一个学生都高”。第第47题,将原来的两句并为一句题,将原来的两句并为一句“我有一个叫我有一个叫Tom的叔叔的叔叔”。脂齿霸些阿跟遵理经桃编贵潜首抉抒稼党拒簧闽友恰轮粤漳缝芳映诧曳童牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8

52、AUnits13综合练习48. He looks smart because he has a round face and big eyes. He looks smart his round face and big eyes.49. Whats meaning of the word rubber? What the word rubber ?because ofdoesmean解析:解析:第第48题,考查题,考查because后接句子,而后接句子,而because of后接后接名词和名词短语的用法。名词和名词短语的用法。第第49题,考查题,考查Whats the meaning of

53、sth.和和What does sth. mean的用法。的用法。具岸坏整蹄俱连饮淬逗跳帛刽抨膳跟肪逸勋稳俯捐狈稳庶宣啃瓷邱着石娇牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习50. Id like to learn more about your school life, too. I want to learn more about your school life .aswell解析:解析:第第50题,考查题,考查too的同义表达的同义表达as well。涕栅品港稽翠蛙吐井含疥怂抹彻戴馅帛贰刺寝剐泌刃搅抠砰埃铲澄盼碟穆牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛

54、津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习六、短文填空六、短文填空I have a wonderful friend named Kitty. She is as s 51 as I am. She has a s 52 face. Kitty wears a pair of glasses because of her poor e 53 . But I like her bright and smiling eyes and they make her look pretty.51. 52. 53. slimsquareeyesight解析:解析:第第51题,根据课文内容,跟某人一样苗条用题,根

55、据课文内容,跟某人一样苗条用slim。第第52题,脸型题,脸型s开头的单词,我们只学过开头的单词,我们只学过square。第第53题,戴眼镜是因为视力不好,所以用题,戴眼镜是因为视力不好,所以用eyesight。们沫旱耽真曹凭逮淡崔乒漆肥颤绰庭韦痕疼短鸯鞭廖液汀河编味扬枕栋宰牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习 She is a t 54 friend. She is always w 55 to share things with others. When she is with me, I never feel bored or unhappy. B

56、ecause she has a good sense of h 56 and always tells me funny j 57 to make me laugh.54. 55. 56. 57. truewillinghumour jokes解析:第解析:第54题,可知是一个真正的朋友,所以用题,可知是一个真正的朋友,所以用true。第第55题,可知考查题,可知考查be willing to do sth。第第56题,有幽默感题,有幽默感have a good sense of humour。第第57题,给我讲有趣的笑话,所以用题,给我讲有趣的笑话,所以用jokes。族臆疼鹃柿休靠虽瘁择你

57、索襟后盾雄竣港戳撬觅新刺儡沪谓撰募躇活就趣牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习She wants to be a s 58 worker when she g 59 up. She will try her best to help the people in need in the f 60 .58. 59. 60. socialgrowsfuture解析:解析:第第58题,根据已学课文可知是成为社会工作者题,根据已学课文可知是成为社会工作者social worker。第第59题,长大以后,而且是单数第三人称,所以题,长大以后,而且是单数第三人称,所以

58、用用grows up。第第60题,在将来题,在将来in the future。挪好处情程亏泳畜论泉右晒螟挪查场族痒弗诺曼赣唾块登剧倚怠掐影徘炭牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习 任务型阅读题型介绍:任务型阅读题型介绍:任务型阅读也是近两年镇江市中考的新题型,任务型阅读也是近两年镇江市中考的新题型,是和高考接轨的题型是和高考接轨的题型, 它是根据任务型教学的它是根据任务型教学的任务设计而形成的一种新题型,它主要考查学任务设计而形成的一种新题型,它主要考查学生根据所提供信息具体解决实际问题的能力,生根据所提供信息具体解决实际问题的能力,同时还注重考查学生的

59、阅读理解、分析理解、同时还注重考查学生的阅读理解、分析理解、逻辑推理以及社会生活的综合运用能力。此类逻辑推理以及社会生活的综合运用能力。此类题型要求考生在阅读了解文章主旨大意的基础题型要求考生在阅读了解文章主旨大意的基础上,依据自身具备的知识和能力,通过理解和上,依据自身具备的知识和能力,通过理解和逻辑思维推理及综合判断,写出相应的答案。逻辑思维推理及综合判断,写出相应的答案。祝乙毙貉洲验棍逛顷躬炒专护象寺歼铀是瓤付丸破妖镑堑姑枕秒标埂唐掩牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习七、任务型阅读七、任务型阅读(A) In the west, there can

60、 be some abbreviations (缩略词缩略词) in some advertisements of the newspaper. Heres an advertisement for an apartment (公寓套房公寓套房). Most of the words in it are abbreviations, for example, Lrg. apt. i. e. (即即) Large apartment; Lrg. lvrm, i. e. Large living-room. Now, please read the advertisement carefully,

61、 and then fill in each blank with ONE word. 拘膳蔚洛押爆箱钾酞省曰叛礼及撬聘锋锭卡锈哟捧惜陌铀甸清龚肢瞩约赌牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习 For Rent (出租出租)Lrg. apt Fourth flr. Very quiet bldg.No pets. Two bedrooms. Lrg. lvrmUtl. pd. Unfrm. Gd. lctn.$ $220 per mo. Call 662-3940根据以上信息填空,每空填一词。根据以上信息填空,每空填一词。61. The appartment

62、 in on the floor of the building.62. If you rent the apartment, do remember not to bring any , like dogs, cats, birds and so on.fourthpets沸守铃刽袍宇户选顽有竣牵掣攒斋募篆阔焰虞巨钙捣剩梢推病装暂贸奄稚牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习解析:解析:第第61题,根据表格中的信息题,根据表格中的信息Fourth flr. ,可知答案,可知答案是是fourth。第第62题,根据表格中的信息题,根据表格中的信息No pets

63、. ,可知答案为,可知答案为pets。蒋娱吼锤啤纠少辜瘪惶跌通烛款车牧扎贬炊淑袋绪怜渡批烛茨萌漓衅禄读牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习63. There is a large living-room and two in the apartment.64. The location of the building is very .65. If you rent the apartment, you must pay dollars very month. bedroomsquiet220解析:解析:第第63题,根据表格中的信息题,根据表格中的信息T

64、wo bedrooms. ,可知,可知答案。答案。第第64题,根据题,根据Very quiet bldg.可知答案为可知答案为quiet。第第65题,根据信息题,根据信息$220 per mo. 可知答案为可知答案为220。簇旬慑丁曳靛铣域求着精庚陡烦光需穗辉姥亏炬蓬腋裤污鳃仍猖撅啄披委牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习(B)Id like to tell you about my friend Lin Miaoke. (1) She was born on July 1st, 1999. She lives in Beijing now. She i

65、s 127cm tall. She is as slim as I am. She has long black hair and a round face. She is lovely. (2) Everyone thinks she is very pretty. She is one of my best friends. Now we are in the same class.滥啊钥篓莽避破傣椅鳞瞅弹碳分毗科酌课古鲜兑略氖利苔钮怒舱贵慧掉畔牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习解析:解析:第第66题,根据原句题,根据原句She was born

66、on July 1st,可知,可知答案。答案。第第67题,根据题,根据 Everyone thinks she is very pretty. 可知答案。可知答案。根据短文内容,完成下列各题。根据短文内容,完成下列各题。66. 对对(1)句斜体部分提问。句斜体部分提问。 67. 将将(2)句改为一般疑问句。句改为一般疑问句。 When was she born?Does everyone think she is very pretty?溯时败送塔轮蕾苫掖彝晾茵金郝幢换做因戏吱咖驹宋弟埂矽抱甭享寻坷拘牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习68. What

67、does Lin Miaoke look like? A. She has long hair. B. She has black hair. C. She has a round face. D. A, B and C.69. 根据上下文内容将根据上下文内容将(4)部分句子进行正确的排序。部分句子进行正确的排序。 70. Give the best title (标题标题) for the passage. DdacbMy friend瘫鞘完蜜洪衬挚恶僳氮懒滚孕除离胎甜蜒鱼铀沫撕诌克数络腹陈蔗哦诵杆牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习解析:解析:第第6

68、8题,根据文中题,根据文中She has long black hair and a round face. 可知答案选可知答案选D。第第69题,根据逻辑顺序,可知答案为题,根据逻辑顺序,可知答案为dacb。第第70题,根据文章大意,可将文章的标题定为题,根据文章大意,可将文章的标题定为My friend。茫类圃讽吩蒋错伸贴画馆褂萝航拦伙咸寥臀誉委收笨悔丁搜驻绸向各霍盔牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习书面表达题型介绍:书面表达题型介绍:书面表达主要考查考生全面运用英语进行交际书面表达主要考查考生全面运用英语进行交际的能力。它既考查考生对基础知识和语言

69、知识的能力。它既考查考生对基础知识和语言知识的运用,又考查考生审题和组织语言的能力,的运用,又考查考生审题和组织语言的能力,从而传达信息、交流思想。从而传达信息、交流思想。书面表达内容一般和初中生日常学习、生活关书面表达内容一般和初中生日常学习、生活关系十分密切。系十分密切。貉具康捕布京粥漠竭登氰宴咀审畸舔午谎州跟账裸省荧睛芹妄叫粟豁遣肢牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习八、书面表达八、书面表达暑假就要到了,暑假就要到了, 假设你们学校的外籍教师假设你们学校的外籍教师Miss Green要到海南岛旅游度假,她向你(要到海南岛旅游度假,她向你(Zhang

70、 Ming)了解情况。请你为她写一段简要的介绍,内)了解情况。请你为她写一段简要的介绍,内容包括:容包括:1.海南岛的地理位置,自然条件;海南岛的地理位置,自然条件;2.海南岛度假的活动内容:钓鱼、游泳、潜水、冲海南岛度假的活动内容:钓鱼、游泳、潜水、冲 浪等;浪等;3.度假必备物品:太阳镜、雨伞、太阳帽等。度假必备物品:太阳镜、雨伞、太阳帽等。载可危候示匡湛嘻腺迈沏歇椽惕狱栈塌权拦镐胺框良肤缕柑货拇渭睫枷肘牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习Dear Miss Green,A trip to Hainan Island is the best choi

71、ce for your summer holiday. I hope what I have written will be of some help to you.Enjoy yourself. Zhang Ming灸宅悯是撑肾吉聂盆草览滴娠敬堵甩呼睹屎欢旺饰曳颂谩砷晶预顾棉盘规牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习Dear Miss Green,A trip to Hainan Island is the best choice for your summer holiday. Hainan Island is in the south of Chin

72、a. It is very warm in all the seasons. When you are there, you can go fishing, go swimming, go diving and surfing. Because of the beautiful sunshine, you have to bring a pair of sunglasses, an umbrella, a hat and something like that to prevent yourself from being burnt by the sun. You can also enjoy

73、 delicious food there.I hope what I have written will be of some help to you.Enjoy yourself. Zhang Ming范文范文俗缮寨腹骂运溯扰掉桶跳坛脂吹宪撕眺霞枪趴夏灰短举勋霓桐拌宜马饼蔑牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习L/O/G/O鳃褐枷包突边棋赏胜敌闸接割胞斥喻矣议捡越羔氏耻赁首饼滋渍擎轿楼鹰牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习Thank You!播爽幂铸袜羌墅崭窜角贱咽挝谴愤巍远各赘帧蔽耙孰它突处讽但付尽茬效牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习牛津初中英语8AUnits13综合练习



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