高考英语一轮总复习 Unit7 个人感情(Emotions)话题作文突破课件

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《高考英语一轮总复习 Unit7 个人感情(Emotions)话题作文突破课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语一轮总复习 Unit7 个人感情(Emotions)话题作文突破课件(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一、话题相关词汇一、话题相关词汇名词1.怒,愤怒_2.担忧,焦虑_3.奉献,奉献精神_4.表达,词句,说法,表情_5.害怕,恐惧,担忧_6.惊恐,恐吓_7.欢乐,高兴,乐趣_8.高兴,愉快_9.自豪,骄傲_anger anxiety devotion expression fear fright joy pleasure pride10.遗憾的事,羞愧_11.激情,热情,酷爱_12.偏爱,优先(权)_13.压力,紧张_ 14.感激,感谢_15.恐慌,慌乱_ shame passion preferencestressgratitudepanic形容词1. 值得赞赏的,可钦佩的_2. 令人愉快的

2、,舒适的_3.心烦意乱的,紧张的_4.有牵连的,担心的_5.乐观的_6.积极的,明确的_7.负面的,消极的_8.同情的,体谅的_9.满意的_10.热情的_ Admirable pleasant tense concernedoptimistic positive negative sympatheticsatisfied enthusiastic11.泄气的,沮丧的_12.悲伤的_13.烦闷的_14.震惊的,震撼的_15.焦急的,忧虑的_16.全神贯注的,一心一意的_17.坚决的_18.乐意的,愿意的_19.受到鼓舞的,有灵感的_20. 离奇的,使人惊奇的_ discouragedsorrow

3、fulannoyed shocked anxious absorbeddetermined willing inspired extraordinary动词1.承受,负担,忍受_ 2.瞪眼,怒目而视_ 3.哭泣,流泪_4.嚎叫,嚎哭_5.叹气,叹息_6.表达,表示,表情_7.使惊恐,吓唬_8.哀痛,哀悼_9.嫉妒_10.战胜,克服_ Bear glare weep howl sign express frighten mournenvy overcome11.使烦恼,使恼怒_12.使窘迫,使尴尬_13.忽视,忽略_14.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕_15.抱怨,诉苦_ annoy embarrassneg

4、lect admirecomplain二、话题相关词组二、话题相关词组1.对满意_2.高兴地做_3.喜欢做,以为乐_4.对感到难过、歉疚_5.为某事生气_6.盼望,期待_7.灰心,泄气_8.作为(的)交换、回报_9.安详地_10.梦见,渴望_11.关心,担心,在意_12.令人吃惊的是_ Be pleased with be delighted to do take a pleasure in doing be sorry for be angry about look forward to sth./doing sth. lose heart in return (for sth.)in pe

5、ace dream of/about care about to ones surprise三、实用句子操练三、实用句子操练1.离婚是非常痛苦的,尤其是牵涉到孩子的时候。 (concern) _ _2.查理看上去好像要大哭起来一样。(burst) _ _3.因为怕见不到她,他很早就到了车站。 _ _Divorce is very painful, especially when children are concerned.Charlie looked as if he were about to burst into tears.He got to the station early, fo

6、r fear of missing her.4.你真的不必担心你的体重。 _ _5.我一向以身为一名称职的老师而自豪。 _ _6.我苦苦思索着那些数字,想要找出那笔不见了的钱 是怎么回事。 _ _ _Youve really got no need to worry about your weight.I have long prided myself on being a good teacher.Ive been puzzled over all the figures, trying to find what happened to the missing money.7.我们度过了几周

7、焦急等待考试结果的日子。 _ _We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the test results.一、读写任务一、读写任务 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 I dont know whether you have this problem or not. Sometimes, you dont like someone at the first meeting, but it is not true that you and that guy cant become good friends later.

8、Here is my story. I remember when I was at my primary school, I was a member of the electronic organ team. One of my new partners, Catherine, was sarcastic(讽刺的) about the world and people. One time, I gave up a performance and asked for leave to see my sick grandmother. When she heard about this, sh

9、e said sarcastically, “Daisy, will your grandmother die?” So I had words with her and didnt speak to her for a long time. But gradually, I found Catherine was not as bad as I first thought. She turned out to bea friend who gave frank warnings and sometimes helped you without being asked. So after th

10、ree months of rehearsals, we became good friends and often contact each other.写作内容1.以约30个词概括短文的内容要点;2.然后以约120个词谈谈你对“不要根据第一印象判 断一个人”的看法,内容包括: (1)你是否赞成“不要根据第一印象判断一个 人”这一观点?为什么? (2)结合你自己或你周围的朋友举例说明这一观 点的正确性。 (3)在生活中我们应该怎么做。写作要求1.在作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故 事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引 用原文中的句子;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 评分标

11、准 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。One possible version: At the primary school, the writer had a bad impression about Catherine after the first meeting. With the days passing by, he found her frank and helpful and they became good friends. I also think so because sometimes the first impression about a person is

12、not right, especially about a stranger. It is not until we get along with each other for a long time that we can know about a person clearly._ _ _ Take my English teacher for example. The first impression he gave me was that he was a very serious man. Most of us students were afraid of him and daren

13、t get close to him. But gradually, we found him friendly, patient and intelligent. No matter when we ask him a question, we can get a satisfying answer. He is such an excellent teacher that we all like him. As a result, in our daily life, we shouldnt judge people by the first impression. If we want to know more about others, we should make friends with them. _ _



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