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1、单词构成前缀前缀词根词根后缀后缀构词法名师P184构词法:合成(Compounding) 派生法(Derivation)转化法(Conversion)workmate, like-minded,break派生法派生法: :由一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成另一个词由一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成另一个词的方法。的方法。happy-happily-happinessunhappy-unhappily-unhappiness一、前缀,一、前缀,1.1.否定否定happy-unhappyappear-disappearpossible-impossiblesmoker-non-smokertake-mista

2、keMatchAandB.BlikeappearpoliteleadnecessaryadvantagestopbelieveunderstandAundisimnon-misunlike不像不像;dislike不喜不喜欢欢disappear消失消失impolite没有礼貌的没有礼貌的mislead误导误导unnecessary不必要的不必要的disadvantage缺点缺点non-stop不停地不停地disbelieve不相信不相信misunderstand误解误解常用于常用于形容词形容词动词动词b/p/m开头的形容词开头的形容词名词名词/动词动词动词动词Check ourselvesThe

3、 boy said nothing but quietly walked away, _ (appear) in the dark.disappearing2. 2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀 1)a-表示表示“在在之上之上”,“向向”aboard,aside,2)inter-,intel-,表示表示“在在间,相互间,相互”international,interaction,internet3)mid-,表示表示“中,中间中,中间”midday,midnight,mid-autumn5)out-,表示表示“

4、在上面,在外部,向外在上面,在外部,向外”outline,outside,outward,outgoing6)over-,表示表示“在上面,在外部,超过在上面,在外部,超过”overhead,overboard7)extra-,表示表示“额外额外” extraordinary8)fore-表示表示“在前面在前面”forehead,foreground9)in-,表示表示“向内,在内,背于向内,在内,背于”inland,inside,2. 2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀 10)under-,表示表示“在在.下

5、面,下的下面,下的”11)underline,underground,underwater 11)up-,表示表示“向上,向上面,在上向上,向上面,在上”upward,uphold,uphill(上坡上坡)1re-“又又,再再”repeat,review,return,reunite,remarry2.co“联合,伴同联合,伴同”cooperate,coexist,co-worker3.super“在在上;加之上;加之”superman,supermarket3.表示其他意义的前缀表示其他意义的前缀:名词的常见后缀名词的常见后缀-tion-ness-ment-er-or-ist-antdest

6、inationsadnesssettlementwriteractorartistservant常在形容词后常在形容词后2.后缀: (改变词性) 关于人的词缀: -er,(人,(人, 动作执行者)动作执行者) -ese(人,(人, 语言)语言)-ian(人)(人) -ist (人,大家)(人,大家) -or (人,动作者)(人,动作者) tion (行为,状态)(行为,状态) -ness (性质)性质) singer, fighter, teacherChinese, Japanesemusician, Russian, artist, pianist, scientist, conducto

7、r, visitor, professorinvention, liberation,operationbusiness, illness, darkness形容词:形容词:-al -ful (充满充满的的)-less -y 动词:-ize 副词:副词:-ly形容词:形容词: physical, national, political,useful, careful, helpfulfearless, useless, carelesscloudy, sunny, dirtyapologize organizebadly, angrily, truly无无副词要去副词要去e的:的:true,

8、gentle, simple-ly-ize-able-ment-er-or-ist-ian-tion-ness-ful-sive-tive-ed-ing-ful-en-n.v.adj.adv.合成: 把两个或更多的词合成一个词。把两个或更多的词合成一个词。 合成的词构成大致有以下几种情况。合成的词构成大致有以下几种情况。1.合成名词:合成名词:2.合成动词:合成动词:3.合成形容词合成形容词 birthday roommate football blackboard understand safe-guard white-washsnow-white hand-made dark-blue t

9、asten. 味道v.尝起来It has a good taste.It tastes very good.bookn.书籍书籍v.记载记载record n.记记录录v. 记录记录This book is very good.He is booking the history.He broke the record.He recorded something while reading a book.cleanadj. 干净干净v.清扫清扫Please keep tidy and clean.You have to clean the blackboard after class.n.书籍书籍

10、v.记载记载n.书籍书籍v.记载记载bookn.书籍书籍v.记载记载n.记记录录v. 记录记录n.记记录录v. 记录记录record n.记记录录v. 记录记录It has a good taste.It tastes very good.bookv.记载记载record n.记记录录v. 记录记录This book is very good.He is booking the history.He broke the record.He recorded something while reading a book.cleanadj. 干净干净v.清扫清扫Please keep tidy a

11、nd clean.You have to clean the blackboard after class.v.记载记载bookn.书籍书籍v.记载记载n.记记录录v. 记录记录n.记记录录v. 记录记录record n.记记录录v. 记录记录n.记记录录转化活用法适用于双性词tasten. 味道v.尝起来It has a good taste.It tastes very good.bookn.书籍书籍v.记载记载record n.记记录录v. 记录记录This book is very good.He is booking the history.He broke the record.H

12、e recorded something while reading a book.cleanadj. 干净干净v.清扫清扫Please keep tidy and clean.You have to clean the blackboard after class.n.书籍书籍v.记载记载n.书籍书籍v.记载记载bookn.书籍书籍v.记载记载n.记记录录v. 记录记录n.记记录录v. 记录记录record n.记记录录v. 记录记录It has a good taste.It tastes very good.bookv.记载记载record n.记记录录v. 记录记录This book

13、is very good.He is booking the history.He broke the record.He recorded something while reading a book.cleanadj. 干净干净v.清扫清扫Please keep tidy and clean.You have to clean the blackboard after class.v.记载记载n.记记录录v. 记录记录n.记记录录v. 记录记录record n.记记录录v. 记录记录n.记记录录It has a good taste.It tastes very good.This boo

14、k is very good.It has a good taste.It tastes very good.He is booking the history.This book is very good.It has a good taste.It tastes very good.He broke the record.He recorded something while reading a book.He is booking the history.This book is very good.It has a good taste.It tastes very good.Plea

15、se keep tidy and clean.He broke the record.He recorded something while reading a book.He is booking the history.This book is very good.It has a good taste.It tastes very good.You have to clean the blackboard after class.Please keep tidy and clean.He broke the record.He recorded something while readi

16、ng a book.He is booking the history.This book is very good.It has a good taste.It tastes very good.Practice (II):Practice (II): rain(形容词形容词) _ agree(反义反义)_ nation(形容词形容词)_ farm(人人)_ recent(副词副词)_ friend(形容词形容词)_ hope(形容词形容词)_ back(形容词形容词)_ visit(名词名词)_ home(形容词形容词) _ eight(序数词序数词)_ true(名词名词)_ Ameri

17、ca(形容词形容词)_ China(形容词形容词)_按括号内的要求改写下列单词按括号内的要求改写下列单词rainynationalrecentlyhopefulvisitoreighthAmericandisagreefarmerfriendlybackwardshomelesstruthChinese With the (1)_ (develop) of industry, air pollution is getting more (2)_ more serious. In Beijing, many people suffer different kinds of (3) _(ill)b

18、ecause of air pollution. Air pollution is caused (4)_ the following reasons: about half of the problem is caused by vehicles. There are more and more cars, buses on the roads, and they give out (5)_ (poison)gases. 25%of air pollution is caused by factories. Another (6)_ (fact) is the _(smoke). Smoking not only does (7) _ (harmful)to their health(8)_ also to others. Besides these, about 10% of air (9) _ (polute)is caused by other reasons.developmentandillnessesbypoisonousfactorharmbutpollution smokersHomework:名师名师P188Good-bye!



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