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1、高等院校研究生英语系列教材综合教程(上)综合教程(上)INTEGRATED COURSE2021/6/41Unit 7 Exploring Human Nature 2021/6/42On Human NatureReading FocusReading Focus2021/6/43Reading FocusReading Focus Global Understanding1Introduction2Body3Conclusion(Para. 1)(Paras. 2-9)(Para. 10)2021/6/44Introduction_Reading FocusReading Focus Gl

2、obal UnderstandingHuman nature is the basis of character, the temperament and disposition; it is that indestructiblematrix upon which the character is built, and whoseshape it must take and keep throughout life.2021/6/45_H. Mans inherent goodness is revealed by his countless acts of heroism, unselfi

3、shness and sacrifice. Reading FocusReading Focus Global Understanding_ of human natureA. The basic nature of human beings does not and cannot change.B. No one wishes his nature to change.C. Human nature is ever true to itself, not to systems of faith or education.D. The constancy of human nature is

4、proverbial.E. Human nature can be studied, controlled and directed.F. Mans spirit is perfect, only the personality and the physical body BodyG. Mans majesty and nobility are taken for granted. Only behaviorsbecome imperfect.deviated from the normal attract attention.Characteristics2021/6/46Conclusio

5、n_ Reading FocusReading Focus Global Understandingonly endeavor to understand man as he is. Human nature does not and cannot change; we can2021/6/47Task 2Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the sentence from the text. (P198-200) Key:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ADCCDBBAReading FocusReading Foc

6、us Detailed Information2021/6/48Task 1Choose the answer that best explains the underlined word or phrase in the sentence. (P201)Reading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action Key:1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-ACBB C ABCAC2021/6/49Task 2Form new words by combining affixes and the root words given in

7、 the box, then choose a word in its appropriate form to complete each of the sentences below. (P202)Reading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action in- un- mis- de- im- -tion -or -ible -ar -ee -ness dis- -er -st -al -ly -ment -ially -ial -inal -ation -ist -ablepart _ _fold _selfish/ selfish_ _perfec

8、t employ_ proverb_ refine_ _destr _ crim _ _take alter _ li_consider_ trait_ philanthrop_iallyununness imee ment uctibleialininalmisationarableorist 2021/6/410Task 2Reading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action 1. There is little point putting a(n) _door in a frame that will rot in 10 years.2. A w

9、oman _ him for a well-known actor, and asked him for his autograph.3. In their lessons at school, boys and girls may learn about such virtues as _, courage, discipline and love of ones country.4. Democracy, no matter _, is still the best method of government.5. Max walked past her, without acknowled

10、ging her presence by the slightest _in his expression.6. Whether she is victim or _remains unknown. indestructible mistookunselfishnessimperfectalterationtraitor2021/6/411Reading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action 7. A(n) _amount of research was done here by our science department.8. She may be

11、 stupid, but shes not a(n)_.9. We are a multi-national corporation with 140,000 _ worldwide.10. As the story _, we learn more about Maxs childhood.11. The new theory is a(n) _ of Corbins theory of personality development.12. Andrew Carnegie was a true_, giving away millions to charity.13. The _ was

12、sent to prison for 10 years.14. Lisa is deaf in one ear and _ blind.15. His modesty is _.considerableliaremployeesunfoldsrefinementphilanthropistcriminalpartially proverbial2021/6/412Task 3Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English. Try to use the expression

13、s you have learned from the text. (P203)Reading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action 1. _(在我看来), some other arrangement would have been satisfactory.2. The management control process should _ _ (应该尽量评测既定目标是否已经达到). 3. Whos that guy Ally _ _ (整晚一直专注地和他交谈)?4.It would be unwise to _ _ (仅凭一次调查结果就得出结论)

14、.So far as Im concernedendeavor to measurewhether predetermined goals are being achievedhas been engrossed in conversation withall nightdraw conclusions from the results ofa single survey2021/6/413Reading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action 5. _ _(他既没有朋友,也没有熟人), nor did he make any.6. Only then

15、_ (她才告诉他袭击的事).7. Shelly, _ (正如我们所见), had met her through his uncle.8. It was only lately _(他自己才成家).9. I am afraid _ (你谈到的这些问题是体制固有的).10. He liked_ _ (工作认真的年轻人).11. The teacher _ (与以往不同) and gave out no homework.did she tell him about the attackas we had seenthat he had had a family himselfthe proble

16、ms you mention are inherent in the system young people conscientious in their work/young people who are conscientious in theirdeviated from her customHe had no friends nor acquaintances2021/6/41412. If you follow that course of action, it will be _ _ (冒着丧失自己生命的危险).13. His life had _ (呈现出一片新面貌).14. I

17、m perfectly _ (能够照顾我自 己), thank you.15. The furniture is made _ _ (和200年前几乎一样的式样).16. The lifeboat was sent out to _ _ (拯救沉船上的海员).17. _ (葡萄牙参加了战争) by sending an army to France.18. The difficulty is _ (由于我们的无知造 成的).Reading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action taken on a new dimensioncapable of loo

18、king after myselfin much the same way as it was 200years agorescue the sailors from thesinking shipPortugal participated in the wardue to our ignorance at the peril of your own life / at your own peril2021/6/415Practical TranslationPractical Translation2021/6/416Thank You!2021/6/417部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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