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1、2015年 10 月自考大学英语(二)考试真题一、阅读判断 (第 1-10 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)下面的短文后列出了十个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择 C,并在“答题卡”上将相应字母涂黑。 Henry Ford Manypeople believe henry fordinvented theautomobile (汽车), but hennery ford didnt starttobuild his first car until1896. That was eleve

2、n yearsafter two Germansdeveloped the worlds firstautomobile.Many people believe henry ford inventedthe productionline thatmoved a cars parts to the worker, instead ofmakingthe worker move to theparts. That is not true,either. Many factory ownersused methods of thiskindbefore ford. What henry ford d

3、id was to useotherpeople s ideas and make thembetter. And he madethe whole factory a movingproduction line. Inthe early days of theautomobile, almost every carmaker raced his cars. It wasthe best way ofgainingpublic notice. Henry ford decided to build a racingcar.Ford s mostfamous race was his first

4、 one. It wasalso the last race in which hedrove thecar himself. Therace was in 1901, at a fieldnear Detroit. All ofthe most famous cars hadentered, but only two wereleft:the Winton and Fords. The Winton was famousforits speed. Most people thoughtthe race was over beforeit began. The Wintontook an ea

5、rly lead. Buthalfwaythrough the race, it began to lose power.Fordstarted to gain. And near theend of the race, hetook the lead. Ford won therace and defeated the Winton.Hisname appeared in newspapers and he becamewell-knownall over the United States. Withinweeks of the race, henryford formed a newau

6、tomobile company. In 1903, a doctorin Detroit boughtthefirst car from the company. That sale was thebeginning ofhenry fords dream.Ford said,“I willbuild a motor car for the great mass ofpeople. It willbelarge enough for the family, but small enough for onepersonto operate andcare for. It will be bui

7、lt of thebest materials. It will bebuilt by the bestmen to beemployed. And it will be built with the simplestplansthat modernengineering can produce.1Henry Ford built the worldsfirst automobile. A.True B.False C. Not given 2Henry Ford invented theproduction line method. A.True B.False C. Not given 3

8、Henry Ford joined the car race tomake his carknown by public. A.True B.False C. Not given 4Henry Ford raced his car himselfonly once all hislife. A.True B.False C. Not given 5 Theford was much safer than the Winton. A .True B.False C. Not given 6Many people thought ford wouldwin the race. A.True B.F

9、alse C. Not given 7Millions of people were excitedabout the race. A.True B.False C. Not given 8Ford led the race from the verybeginning of therace. A.True B.False C. Not given 9Henry Ford formed a newautomobile company in 1901. A.True B.False C. Not given 10henry ford produced cars of thelowest pric

10、e inthe world. A.True B.False C. Not given二、阅读选择 (第 11-15 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的4 个选项 (A,B,C,D,)中选出 1 个最佳选项,并在“答题卡”上将相应字母涂黑。 Body language Bodylanguage is theunspoken communication that goeson in every face-to-faceencounter withanother humanbeing. It tells you their true feelings towards

11、youandhow wellyour words are being received. Between 50%-100%of our message iscommunicatedthrough our body language.Only 7%-10% is the result of actualwords we use inaconversation. Eye contact is one of the most important waysofdealing with others, especiallypeople weve just met.Keep good eye contac

12、tshows respect and interest inwhatthey have to say. In the UK, people tend tokeep eyecontact around 60%-70% ofthe time. (However, there arewide culturaldifferences, so be careful inothercountries.) By doing this, you give them afeelingof comfort and real warmth. Otherwise,they will feelyou are lacki

13、nginterest in them or their conversation. Head position is a great one to play aroundwithyourself and others, when youwant to feel confident andself-assured,keep your head level both straightandupright. You can also use this straighthead positionwhen you want to bepowerful and what you are saying be

14、to takenseriously. If you want to befriendly, tilt(倾斜)your head just a little to oneside or other.Hand gestures are so many and varied thatits hardto give a brief guide, buthere goes. Palms(手掌)slightly up and outward is seenas openand friendly.Palm-down gestures are generally seen ascommanding,empha

15、sizingand possibly aggressive (挑衅的 ).This palm-up, palm-down isveryimportant when it comesto handshaking and we suggest you alwaysofferahandshake upright, which should convey equality. Distance from others is crucial if you wantto giveoff the right signals. Standtoo close and youll bemarked as“stubb

16、orn ” ( 顽固的,棘手的 ).Stand or sit toofaraway and you ll be“keeping your distance”.Neither is whatwe want, so observehow close all theother people are to each other if in agroup. Alsonotice ifyou move closer to someone and they back away.Youreprobably a bit too muchin their personal space,their comfort

17、zone. 11.Bodylanguage is important in face-to-facecommunicationbecause_. A. it is unspoken in conversations B. ittellspeoples true feelings C. itreceivers our words very well D.itexpresses 7-10% of meaning 12.We keep eye contact in conversationsto_.A. attractothers attention B. catch upwithothers C.

18、 understandothers fully D. pay respecttoothers 13.Ifyour head is moved a little to one side,itmeans you_. A. feelconfident B. feel powerful C. areserious D. are friendly 14.Which of the following is considered as afriendlygesture? A. Palmsslightlyup. B. Palmsslightlydown C. Standingclose to others D

19、. Standingawayfromothers 15.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. More thanhalf of our meaning is expressed bybody language. B. keeping eyecontact with others is a sign ofconfidence. C. It issuggested to have a handshake upright withothers.D. Its betterto see how close other people stand

20、from each other.第二部分非选择题 ( 共 80 分)三、概括段落大意和补全句子(第 16-25 题,每题 110 分)分,共阅读下面短文,请完成短文后的两项测试任务:(1) 从第16-20 题后所给的 6 个选项中为第 - 段每段选择一个正确的小标题 ;(2) 从第 21-25 题后所给的 6 个选项中选择 5 个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。在“非选择题”答题区内 Have a safe trip 1Peoplevisit other countries for many reasons. Sometravel on business; otherstravelto visit

21、 interestingplaces that are only found in other countries, suchastheTaji Mahal (泰姬陵 ) in India, or the temples ofThailand. 2 Whereveryou go, and for whatever reason, it isimportant to be safe. Atourist canattract a lot ofattention from local people. While the majorityofpeople youwill meet when trave

22、ling are sure to befriendly and welcoming, therearedangerstheft beingthe most common. Just as in your home country,donotexpect everyone you meet to be friendly andhelpful. 3As youprepare for your trip, make sure you havethe right paperwork. You dontwantto get to yourdestination only to find you have

23、 the wrong visa, orworse,thatyour passport is about to expire (期满,失效Also,make sure you travelwith proper medical insurance,so that if you are sick orinjured during yourtravels,you will be able to get treatment. If you want todrivewhile you areabroad, make sure you have aninternational driverslicense

24、. 4 Buy aguidebook and read about the local customsof the country you are goingto. Doas the romans do, and).you will save yourself a lot oftrouble.Besides,learning in advance can help youunderstand the local culture betterwhen youare there.Also, try to learn a few basic words and phrase-dontassume t

25、hatthe local people will speak youlanguage. 5 When youget to your destination, use officialtransport. Always go to bus andtaxistands; donaccept rides from strangers who offer you a lift. Ifthere isnometer(表)in the taxi, agree on a price beforeyou get in. if you preferto stay in cheaphotels whentrave

26、ling, make sure you can lock the door of yourroomfrom theinside. If you are traveling with valuablessuch as jewelry, or alot of cash,you should ask about asafe( 保险箱) forstoring them in. Task1 A. Dangers in travelingB. Benefits from travelingCReasons fortravellingD. Transport during travelingE.Import

27、ant papers fortravelingF. Learning customs beforetravelling16.Paragraph : 17.Paragraph:18.paragraph :19.paragraph :20.Paragraph : Task2 21 Ifonetravels in a foreign country, the localpeople probably will givehim_. 22 inourhome country, there are also_.t 23peoplewith international drivers licenses ca

28、n_. 24 wewillhave less troubles in others countries ifwe can _.25whenyou are carrying much money with you, itsbetter to _. Atake a taxi B drive abroad C ask for a safe D a lot of attention E unfriendlypeople F follow their customs四、填句补文 (第 26-30 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)下面的短文有 5 处空白,短文后有6 个句子,其中 5 个取自短文,请根据短

29、文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌,并在“非选择题”答题区作答。 Friendshipof American Style Steve and Yaser first met in their chemistryclassat an American university.Yaser was an internationalstudent fromJordan. He was excited to get to knowanAmerican. Yaser hoped that he and Stevewould becomegood friends. As first, Steve se

30、emed very friendly. Healwaysgreeted Yaser warmly beforeclass. Sometimes he offeredto study with Yaser._26_. Butafterthe semester was over, Steve seemed moredistant. Oneday Yasser decidedto call Steve. Steve didnt seemveryinterested in talking to him. Yaser washurt bySteves change of attitude. Yaser

31、is a little confuse. He is an outsidertoAmerican culture._27_. Americans viewthe word “friend ” in avery general way.Americans haveschool friends, work friends, sports friendsandneighborhoodfriends. _28_. When theshared activityends, the friendshipmay fade. Now Steveand Yaser are no longer classmate

32、s,their friendshiphaschanged. In some cultures friendship means a stronglife-longbond between two people. Inthese cultures friendshipsdevelopslowly, since they are built to last._29_.American societyis one of thoserapid changes. Studies show that one out offiveAmericanfamilies moves very year. Peopl

33、e from the United States may at firstseemfriendly. Americans often chateasily with strangers.They exchangeinformation about their families,hobbiesand work. They may smile warmly andsay,” have anice day ” or“see you later.”Schoolmates may say, ”let s gettogethersometime. ”_30_. A.However,American fri

34、endships develop quickly, andthey may change just asquickly.B.Americansdo value friendship, but they wonttrust you completely. C.Thesefriendships are based on common interests.D.Hedoesn t understand the way Americans viewfriendship. E.ButAmerican friendliness is not always an offerof true friendship

35、. F.Heeven invited Yaser to have lunch with him.五、填词补文 (第 3140 题,每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)下面的短文有 10 出空白,短文后列出12 个词,其中 10 个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌,并在“非选择题”答题区内作答。 The History of English The history of the English language beganover 1500years ago in the north ofEurope. Around the fifthcentury A.D.,tribe

36、s (部落) ofpeople _31_astheAngels, Saxons and Jutes traveled west from GermanyandDenmark _32_the North Sea. They settled inBritain, and by the lateseventh century, theystarted_33_ an early form of English. In the late eighth century, the VikingsattackedEngland. Fighting _34_for almost two hundredyears

37、, during thistime, many Latin, Danish, andNorsewords entered the English language. LatingaveEnglish words like kitchen andcup. From Danish andNorse, Englishborrowed words_35_ skin and leg.Manywords of similar meanings from the Norselanguagebecame integrated intoEnglish, for example, wrath(English),

38、anger(Norse); sick (English), ill(Norse). In 1066, the Normans conquered England.Frenchbecame the language of thewealthy and powerful, andEnglish was spokenmostly by _36_ people. Inthelate fourteenth century, English became thefirstlanguage again. By this time,many words used in English_37_ fromFren

39、ch or Latin, and a lot of theearlywords no longer _38_. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries,peoplebecame_39_ in theclassics. At this time, wordsfrom Latin andGreek were included in theEnglishlanguage. A lot of words, or parts of words,fromthose languages are used inmodern English. Today, Engl

40、ish has loaned words from many oftheworld s languages. You can_40_ find that a wordused in English mayfirst come from your nativelanguage. A.poorer E.came I like B.existed F.popular J. known C.easily G.interested K. speaking D.probably H.across L. continued六、完形补文 (第 4150 题,每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)下面的短文有 10

41、处空白,每处空白处的括号内有一个词,请根据短文内容将其正确的形式填入文中,以恢复文章原貌,并在“非选择题”答题区内作答。 Technology Technology is the application(应用) of knowledgetoproduction. Thanks tomodern technology, we have beenable to increase _41_(great) theefficiency of ourwork force. New machines and new methods have helpedcutdowntime and expense whi

42、le _42_ (increase)overall output. Thishas_43_(mean) more productionand a higher standard of living. Willmankind continue to livelonger and have a_44_ (high) quality of lifethan before? To largeextent,the answer _45_ (depend) on technologyandour ability to use it widely.If we keep _46_(make) progress

43、 as we haveover the past fifty years,theanswer is definitely yes. The advancementoftechnology depends upon researchand_47_(develop). Therefore,when we need new_48_( skill) ontechniques in medicine, people will startdevelopingnewtechnology to meet those needs. As equipment provesto be slow orineffici

44、ent,new machines will be _49_(invent). Technology responds to ourneeds in_50_(help) us maintain our standard of living.七、短文写作 (第 51 题,30 分)请根据要求撰写一篇120 词左右的英语短文。将短文写在“非选择题”答题区内。 Withthe coming of internet, more and more peoplemake online friends. Canpeople find true friends online?What s your opinion? Please give atleast two reasonsto support your idea.点击查看 >>>



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