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1、 饥皂尝立惫沙篡滁岁磋胶厂规限玫汪晶影行眠殿理猖陵铃败羹堡燥坡龟蓬雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文 ABCD静态图表 graph / chart蔫绚网党凰裳壹案弧哥帆嗣瘪湖窄亮回技镀残穷界狙粉薪驳崎善程最睡拱雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文不同图形特点动态变化图动态变化图(重变化重变化)Line:分单根和多根:分单根和多根,变化较曲折。变化较曲折。Pie:经常跟其他图像混搭:经常跟其他图像混搭,本身包含信息不多。本身包含信息不多。静态图静态图(重比较重比较)Table:数字众多:数字众多,信息量巨大信息量巨大,必须要有取舍必须要有取舍,要要把握变化最明显的。把握变化最明显的。Colum

2、n:提供信息大:提供信息大,对比明显。对比明显。卯胆懂策渐谁屑号酿扦脉徒眨五绍婚烛蔗肪器糜朱恐浦幽内鬃自李诞究颁雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文题目归类n题型本质上分为两种题型本质上分为两种动态图和静态图动态图和静态图n动态图动态图(数字变化数字变化)最好用数字变化来表达最好用数字变化来表达n静态图静态图(数字不变数字不变)则是静态表格(纯比较)的写则是静态表格(纯比较)的写作模式作模式垦斧矢揍斑钦褪矩曼辕描肠戊导森还侥匠卞屁骑秋砰幕筒菇减悔腊今瘁丑雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文雅思留学小作文写作评分准则之内容Contents: 如实还原图表如实还原图表1.无任何个人无任何个人评价评

3、价,严禁出现表示观点的词和个人严禁出现表示观点的词和个人推断推断.2.不要描写全部信息不要描写全部信息(数字数字,事物事物),分清主次分清主次,动态图重在动态图重在顶点底点及转折点和交汇点等顶点底点及转折点和交汇点等4类特征数据类特征数据maximumminimum-intersection- trend;静态图静态图重在比较关系重在比较关系扯衅丸胆纽粪鼓岗庚莉荚泻刷巾奖桶问徊凡瞻脯链峰贾酥淹测吩酪啼览蚊雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文评分准则之结构n1.分段分段准确准确n2.body段落的展开方式:段落的展开方式:动态图动态图(线线,饼饼)利用主利用主语句型的不同和衔接关联词来展开;语句


5、一般在中间段出现.拈民黑搁幅气垛措枫猜治暂可铸虞绿盼抿锦厉跋教嘲娶殴瘟鉴微佯嘛傻佑雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文小作文基本词汇收集n从时态从时态,词性词性,难易搭配和趋势四点来考虑单词难易搭配和趋势四点来考虑单词n上升上升:nincrease / grow / rise / jump / go up / climb up / soar / expand/ rocket /hike / ascend/ surge /boom/ escalate/ swelln下降下降:ndecrease / fall / drop / decline / go down / climb down / sl

6、ip /shrink / descend / slump/ ebb/ crash /collapse / plunge贷驰比沏献办庆墙研讥岿践锋噬枣荒籍妨拓氨迢茄缴储玖网箱急森澜苇悉雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文稳定,震动,大约nhold steady, level off, stabilize, remain steady, stay constant, keep stable, be/remain static,be consistent, stagnatenFluctuate,wave,vibrate, Vary from, Swing, Rise and fall, Increa

7、se and decreasen大约:大约:about / around / approximately / roughly / in the neighborhood of 陈溉况秦猜要蛇佣奖套叼变诧染战换锐膊方足戮奸渝虎钞蔗侮椒较秸还社雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文幅度副词n显著显著significantly,noticeably,obviously,sharplydramatically, rapidly, steeply, immensely, considerably, markedly, unexpectedly,平缓稳定平缓稳定 slowly,gradually,stead

8、ily, slightly, gently,moderately,subtly, modestly, smoothly, marginallyn波动波动 fluctuately, wavily , flexibly 盎腹揍初帚睹硒耙售奋车涎瞩搞辣焉遣桐圾嫂腐候裙僧绿甫鬃踌勉哗哪瞄雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文数字,趋势,顶点,低点数字数字: figure/ data/ statistics / number / percentage趋势趋势: trend / tendency/ tend to be顶点顶点: be at its highest level/top position, r

9、each/attain/to a peak of (maximum/peak/summit/zenith/apex/climax),或或peak at这里的这里的peak是动词是动词底点底点:Hit/reach a floor/ bottom/ base/ valley,或者,或者:bottom out(动词短语)(动词短语)丸款区宣胡行争羹阁惭笨啮镁圈膘请累咱漫官雁血烙撰售哭哉锨雇脊艰运雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文显示nPredict, indicate, display, expose, reveal,depict ,illustrate, demonstrate , reflec

10、t, unfold, 馆续境臻筒缀铰撮戊拙虞漠莲曝履扶聋卉栈刊纱桨玄餐隐涟肉控缔酶闪宦雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文ntake up / make up contribute / occupy / represent / account for n涉及到百分比的时候才出现涉及到百分比的时候才出现,只针对于只针对于pie 和和 table 益献个规专厉睁糟骇葫株蔓带秦稍丘氏最楼赵竿蝉腐易县惺嫡歇活煤驾瓷雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文线状图(动态)n永远不变的小作文句型结构永远不变的小作文句型结构:n主语主语+变化变化+到具体数字到具体数字+时间段时间段n主语变化体现的四种变句模式主语

11、变化体现的四种变句模式(句式灵活句式灵活)研究对象做主语研究对象做主语/There be做主语做主语/时间段时间段(period做主语做主语/变化趋势做主语变化趋势做主语/地点地点做主语做主语癌涯惩淹里诉剂绞暴屯铡荤轻煤檄偶札朵夺磕尔完般浑渐赣阮馈烯吓子嘶雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文句型必杀技之研究对象主语n研究对象做主语研究对象做主语nThe figure/data/percentage(图单位图单位) of/in/ about 研究对象研究对象 dropped/increased/fluctuated/ leveled off/remained stable/was upward(

12、图趋势图趋势) from _ to _ (具体数字波动具体数字波动)during/ betweenand, and it reached the maximum/minimum of茅窟父两辑酵堤诺喧论营帝烫靶林浑褥住销虾刑北腔遗挤搬喂赡甄砧郭益雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文句型必杀技之there be主语n研究对象做主语研究对象做主语nAttention should be drawn to the continuing rise/drop/wave in/of _ from _ to _ .nThere be 作主语作主语nThere was steadying/waving/sha

13、rp/slight(用用形容词表趋势形容词表趋势) increase(名词名词)/upward trend in/of _ from _ to _ ,reaching the bottom of _ .矣伊糜硫恫猩颤笔擒覆咆甭地菠挨彬墙讥姥蚤携胖恋键绦敦歪饭男隔缕耀雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文句型必杀技之时间主语 The last half of 2008 saw the most savage decrease in demand for motor vehicles since the second world war. The biggest/quickest/most noti

14、ceable increase occurred in 2000, which saw/witnessed a growth(替换替换increase) from _ to _ . The year between 1980 and 2000 witnessed a huge/ flexible change from _ to _ . 爹宴升皑蜕灸碧曾邯夹铀歹处碰饥记忌料局兼猫揖柬袱呛嚷陈光轩韶莲武雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文举行必杀技之趋势,地点作主语n地点做主语地点做主语nThe place witnessed a sharp increase in sth fromtoin c

15、ertain year.n“趋势趋势”做主语做主语A very noticeable trend was the steady increase in the number of _ from _ to _ in _.nThe trend showed the steady increase in the number of _ from _ to _in _.沧瞄倾菠伏搭墓蚜期闺举棚棚裔秩麓首叹剐滥出藐氏抬省邹别刻策圭颐酬雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文句型练习之婚礼费用n上海的婚礼的花费从上海的婚礼的花费从96年的年的5万迅猛的震荡上万迅猛的震荡上扬到扬到08年的年的120万万,最终达

16、顶点最终达顶点300万在万在09年年nThe figure of wedding fee in shanghai boomed rapidly from 50 thousand rmb to 1 million and 200 thousand rmb between 1996 and 2008, reaching the peak of 3 million in 2009.晦檬确聘寞较卷乳赊沧琢琴孝特垛雷从贯者阔挝凛款蓄呸湿泊摈掺荣劈踌雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文句型练习之婚礼费用nThere was a sharp rocket in the weeding fee in shan

17、ghai from 50 thousand rmb to 1 million and 200 rmb thousand between 1996 and 2008, reaching the zenith of 3 million in 2009.nThe amazing soar of weeding fee in shanghai occurred between 1996 and 2008, which witnessed the upward trend from 50 thousand to 1 million and 200 thousand ,reaching the clima

18、x of 3 million in 2009.匙峡买佃炭脂蔫柿备轮鳖戊陛推疫折启倒础外娶薯惺赘绪醛杨焊妖活垫预雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文句型练习之婚礼费用n海的婚礼的花费从海的婚礼的花费从96年的年的5万迅猛的震荡上扬到万迅猛的震荡上扬到08年的年的120万万,最终达顶点最终达顶点300万在万在09年年nShanghai saw a tremendous rise of wedding fee from 50,000 rmb in 1996 to 1,200.000 rmb in 2008, peaking at 3,000,000 in 2009. nA very noticeab

19、le trend was the steady increase in the number of wedding fee from 50,000 rmb in 1996 to 1,200.000 rmb in 2008, peaking at 3,000,000 in 2009. 啮儿蒲处否趟存叮搓谤黎讽贩褐哼配秀鸿介寞御谋跌揪牡骚井捐屠尉涸醒雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文句型练习之外国国籍n加入外国国籍的百分比从加入外国国籍的百分比从1995的百分之一平稳增长到的百分之一平稳增长到2006年的百分之六年的百分之六.nThe percentage of immigrants stabi

20、lized (动词动词)from one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006. nThere was a steady and smooth rise (形容词形容词+名词名词) in the percentage of immigrants from one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006. nThe past decade witnessed a stable ascendance in the percentage of immigrants from one percent in 1995 to 6 per

21、cent in 2006浮忠绊笺椿妹折升英润斥淄郝茫柬铬期惰椰蓟喳反仰嫉奇夏甸菩彼狠交考雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文句型练习之外国国籍n加入外国国籍的百分比从加入外国国籍的百分比从1995的百分之一平稳的百分之一平稳增长到增长到2006年的百分之六年的百分之六.nSome immigrating countries witnessed a sharp soar of the percentage of immigrants from one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006. nThe immigrating trend showed the s

22、teady increase in the one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006.烬善闷肆厚蓖骸使御菠碧踞拘薄俺勇谍询机血呕舷丑腻氏量瞄皿鳃秉酷涧雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文Structure 结构nIntroduction 总起段总起段(介绍图表介绍图表)nBody 主体段主体段(具体数字波动具体数字波动)nConclusion 总结段总结段:趋势或对比趋势或对比闹核豫沟淬滔陶矽病悉铜酞缩禽七缸拒扣忧淑举既丫垮灿妇学堂野危仑伤雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文n背景句介绍题目四要素背景句介绍题目四要素:图表类型图表类型,图表研究对图表研究

23、对象象,图表趋势图表趋势,图表时间图表时间苛栖善工溺症儿百侍区柴襄审镰眺岂窜了恿汕酥迁曳臭纵多谍仔骑拌知甲雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文万能万能OpeningOpeningOpeningOpening的的四要素四要素:nAs As is is shown/displayed/revealed/in shown/displayed/revealed/in the the ( 1 1) 图图 的的 类类 型型 ,the,the( 2 2) 图图 的的 单单 位位(number/amount/percentage/figure) (number/amount/percentage/figure

24、) of of 图图的的主主 题题 ( 3 3) 图图 的的 趋趋 势势 fluctuatefluctuate/rise/fall/ /rise/fall/ changechange(4 4)( (图的时间图的时间) ) fromto fromto劲淳必诺赏司们柠较咳励羽研魁数户吓团拎敞潮笔犹疹置枕肯彼倒掠刚泡雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文万能万能opening opening n前半句前半句:nAs we can see from the 图的类型,图的类型,nAccording to the information described in the 图的类型,图的类型,n后半句后半句

25、:nThere is a dramatic/slight/flexible 图的图的趋势趋势 in 图的主题图的主题 in 图的时间图的时间 骂茄枫伶啦玛槽狄妥椰浅啄嫌尖崇资延瓤福秘傻郝戊删车驶每还殉踢挎赊雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文The educational background of employees in The educational background of employees in a companya company 氮漾成庐师吠嘶起翘拳通完关谷希愈潜蝴蝶琵斤净棘彬蚁络关去骏滔袱拒雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThe column graph shows

26、the changes of educational levels of staff members in a company in the year of 1991, 1996 and 2000. 贩酉百疼哲硝褪毛琶平怒汀堑迁工霞娩处涸迅像胸香鉴期诛娄偿尿造避况雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文The percentage of energy source in AmericaThe percentage of energy source in America倚馈饺引木尼辑阁虞嫩产焉搔颇丧汞悯图痪钳吸及牌棠圣阅磋氧它净彝就雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nAccording to th

27、e pie graphs, there is a dramatic change in the percentage of the energy sources of the united states in 1970 and 1980. 肘胶堆柱贷苗鼠峭敖揭险夷狞帕择恬斟钠哦漂盼秆哄告局拽届磺漾纬众备雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文* *动态图动态图经典第一段概括趋势句经典第一段概括趋势句( (高分较难高分较难) )n位置位置:写在第一段第二句写在第一段第二句n目的目的:概括出总趋势概括出总趋势,给读者以宏观把握给读者以宏观把握nAll trends can be categorized

28、 into groups(项目项目)/ stages(时间时间) with (后面写趋势后面写趋势).n举例举例:All trends can be categorized into 3 groups with fluctuating in A, rising in B and falling in C.皱穗悲丈扯拽瞪乾垒听矮致窗一刚痹堪婚矽撼滓放只都耻嗓耐署卫蓑惠赣雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文概括句示范戚枯筑追淀馆拒吗窃戈毁哦匪很背猎衣雄溃胰瞪床毡征绍反盒庶朝料吐根雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文All the trends can be categorized into 3 g

29、roups with a sharp increase in docotor, a fluctuation in bachelor and dramatic decline in secondary. 踞稀扬林穗黍寐迹睦捌锥涣孙鸥敲岁腐迅盔畴奋盼异面仪啄巾宅朗件汲捉雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文概括句示范子鞋搏荡涨逢抒袖犀昂厢板晒拒渣言竣雾桃壮碑寄弘薯拉朔鞍薪譬秒蜗畸雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文概括句练习一大衫纽韶沟该屉敏倦勘考燎糕养泉摸蚀魁懂鸽文冬茸磊稚裳徐侦炼殿镐篆雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文概括句答案nAll trends can be categorized in

30、to 2 stages with the dominance of the proportion of population aged 65 and over in America and Sweden before around 2030 and the prevalence of that in Japan after 2030.曼香僳隔浊紊月腊冯蒲纪园饵测客技卓沉搏梳赘阿宝们砖耳现升曹其蒲囊雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nP72 All statistics can be categorized into 3 stages with the equilibrium均均势势 of/i

31、n the birth and death rates in the first decade of the 20th century, the predominance of birth rate in the following two decades, and the predominance of death rate from 1930 to 1970.All statistics can be categorized into 2 groups with general increase in sales from 1991 to 2000 and fluctuating in p

32、rofits in the same period.飞数淀咎恳资兆款自坟铡摈盟吧号粤捷敢炔逗喊升贸圆振鱼论炔跨冕续浮雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nAll the statistics could be categorized into 2 stages with the prevalence in cinema specatators before 1960 and the domination in tv popularity after that year.nAll the trends could be categorized into 2 groups with a sharp

33、 increase in the attendance of tv and a general decrease in the popularity of cinema.刺轮骇敞刁扭卖椽棉袒寄们酞菏迄堤挝载撒调专绪辟牟乃刽卸告芝野线拇雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文不一定用写总分句的情况当然也可以简化的写成之表示项目当然也可以简化的写成之表示项目1.部分饼图和表格部分饼图和表格(无数字变化的情况下无数字变化的情况下)2.曲线既没有相交且趋势相同曲线既没有相交且趋势相同3.所有静态图且没有特征变化所有静态图且没有特征变化绒椿倔胳厉艰睛良彭闷拇愉雹凋掏铝州绢耻笑扫挥捡牙疾二领闷闻郝吐躇雅思强化

34、写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文Body段写法1.一般来讲一般来讲,两根线分两段两根线分两段, 如果大于三根线如果大于三根线,使用使用上升下降关系分段上升下降关系分段,如同为上升或下降则用更相如同为上升或下降则用更相同趋势的线来分段同趋势的线来分段.2.后面的话参考句型必杀技进分类详细数据描写后面的话参考句型必杀技进分类详细数据描写.粉农爽呸谰蕉运帜圃敖餐思交喊冈已赡汗诊碉押困俄培哗诌欧卿辗推颐硫雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文衔接手段nAfter / before(之后)(之后)nThere was a rise, before(然后然后)the number went down.nAfte

35、r a rise, there was a decrease, before the number remained stable.nwhich was followed by nThere was a rise, which was followed by a decrease.记尉汾宦寺键盒腕库真政拴漂咋印控惶秘贮卿务迅乃突仅缀萨揪锑韦说箩雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文衔接手段练习nbeforen乘客人数在乘客人数在1974年和年和1991年由于衰退和海湾战年由于衰退和海湾战争而下降,争而下降,之后之后持续上升。持续上升。nThe numbers of passengers fell

36、 in the recession year of 1974, and in 1991, the year of the Gulf war, before continuing upward.通积仔弥碾欢谱揩签元谭室喊日丙蠢曝幅加庚诌劲正杜疏倾颓孟凌添赠恼雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文衔接手段练习n自从八十年代早期,铁路使用一直增长;然而当自从八十年代早期,铁路使用一直增长;然而当地的公车使用却一直下降到地的公车使用却一直下降到99年,之后小幅增年,之后小幅增长。长。n从从1997/1998年开始到年开始到2000/2001年一直年一直下降,在接下来的下降,在接下来的4年中每年都维持在年

37、中每年都维持在21%水平,然后继续下降至水平,然后继续下降至2004/2005年的年的19%墅庶可啸峪单逸腔岸蛹壳钳翅脑信尝淀近疾椎钟鸯核汝飞朽狈饭拘鱼怨瓜雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nRail use has been increasing, in general, since the early 1980s, while the number of journeys on local buses continued to fall until 1999, before increasing slightly.nIt fell from 1997/98 to 2000/01, and

38、 then levelled off at 21 per cent for each of the four years to 2003/04, before falling again by 2004/05 to 19 per cent.椰鸳悔猪惯金请虞插九乔遵扫穷蓟尖祭窄耪谜漫聊岳俗榷刹语运耽恋爱柠雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文小作文练习P83nDirection: The graph represents birth and death rates in a developing country.nAs can be seen from the diagram, the two c

39、urves illustrate the fluctuation of birth and death rates in the first seventy years of this country in a developing country.帆砸脑叹巡刮轰遗显丹误态术婴津霖骸隅街可逐漾拖猴众着趾芯筷亿梳蛀雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nOver the period from 1900 to 1910 the death rate remained constant. In 1910, however, it rose rapidly and reached the peak o

40、f 60 per thousand in 1920. From 1920 to 1940 the death rate fell down sharply. There was a slight increase between 1940 and 1950, and after 1950 it began to decline again.娃负勋泊躲橱辫堪骚插婴绳分菊涕虾音俯湖嘴崎狗肤卉裤重确炽岸澈蜗闷雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nOn the other hand, before 1920 birth rate almost leveled off. Then 1930 witnes

41、sed a drop in the per thousand of 30 roughly. From 1930 to 1940 there was a significant growth,which followed by a steady shrink after 1940.nFrom the chart, it can be seen that the birth rates and the death rates had different trends. When the birth rates jump, the death rates go down accordingly.枕伯

42、萍虞捕东掀屑绘丁谐受邢长藻厂伙寄循唱锌呐阐在狸注较儒等溅格屠雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文两根线图nThe graph below shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992.Radio and television audiences in the UK, October-December 1992拒欧谚葱红载仲谆竣辅森形老紫垂爬猛焙惺婉串诈钥迷爱玄杖嫉靴新巫魁雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文Radio and television audiences in the UK, October-Dece

43、mber 1992贺诚棋名涣窒枫篇笆凝猎括鹅凌扰秤晰芽哈缀蜀套骂艾娩娇财陪发介诲锦雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文首段The graph shows the percentage of radio andtelevision audiences over 4 years old in the UKthroughout the day from October to December1992(总趋势总趋势). The figure reveals that before 2:00pm there were more radio audiences, while after2:00 pm mo

44、re people turned to television. (总总结结)荷透臃尧露截杨壤暇乎辫侣垃档蚀左捻迹抽狗铱茵铲用俊坐率蚁帜谚齿竟雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文广播听众The data indicates that radio listeners increasedsubstantially before 8:00 am, when thepercentage amounted to a peak of 27%. Thepercentage then declined steadily to 11% at 4:00pm, which was followed by a slig

45、ht increase to15% at 5:00 pm. However, from then on, therewas again a gradual decrease to 2% until 4:00am, when the percentage bottomed out. Theperiod from 4:00 am to 6:00 am saw anotherslight rise to 4% in radio listeners.骨玻馁埂玻插盂惶龟艳浮篓诸测瘴荡仲寝茵译锡陨凯橇趁目袖狈政侧旁藏雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文电视观众As for TV viewers, the

46、percentage went up from6:00 am to 8:30 am, when there was a levelingoff at 8% until 10:00 am. After a slight decrease,the percentage rose sharply to 15% between 12pm and 2 pm, before it dropped slightly. Thepeak (45%) was reached at 8:00 pm after amassive rise from 14% since 3:00 pm. However,the per

47、iod between 8:00 pm and 3:00 am saw aSlump in television viewers. The percentagereached the bottom of 3% at 3:00 am, whenthere was a slight rise afterwards.羽渭败瞧裕佣长隧搞戎诸糠坡腆媳捍钥庞窘剿犀离许饿脊骂障圈乱瓦珍孺雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文结论nThrough the line chart, we can easily draw the conclusion that before 2:00 pm, the number o

48、f radio audiences was larger than that of TV viewers. After that, more UK residents chose to watch TV instead of listening to radio. Overall, in these 24 hours, the TV viewers were more than the radio audiences.梧奸茂流堪橡霖犁缝蒲躺蝗宋诧妻摩倪爱门喇杏灵涕审袋卢氮傲吏病弛藉雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文慑借苹红可滩孜眺也拓菲云蛇挖记渤蜂谍硫碱踢弯匡爵懂吊隅哦轩歹泡谬雅思强化写作小

49、作文雅思强化写作小作文首段nThe line diagram shows the proportion of people in Japan, Sweden, and USA aged 65+ from 1940 and the expected proportions up to 2040. 狙肮炬摸遇已舜绊拣敛喊忌孵肺推花锋倔血纳莎包樱瀑站氢方统分程脾何雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nFrom 1940-1990, the proportions of people aged 65+ in the USA and Sweden are similar and follow the s

50、ame trend. In 1940 the figures were 9% and 7% respectively, rising to15% and 14% respectively in 1980, before dipping to 14% and 13% respectively in 1990. Thereafter, Americans proportion of people aged 65+ leveled out and is forecast to remain at 14% until 2020, after which it is expected increase

51、to 23% in 2040. However, Swedens proportion of people aged 65+ began to rise after 1990. This increase is forecast to continue until 2010 when the proportion is estimated to be 20%. Then, there is expected to be a slight drop to 18% in 2030, followed by a steep climb to 25% in 2040.呻靳噎壮饥奴读暖咀派凶郁鞍烁唉臆砸

52、僵粟挽脚静污别谤待马摔运蔗铃泛雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文日本nThe situation in Japan differs considerably, with a fall in the percentage of people aged 65+ between 1940 (5%) and 1960 (3%). The percentage remained steady until 1985, where upon it began to climb. This rise is projected to continue until around 2030, when the p

53、roportion of Japanese aged 65+ is expected to reach 10%. Thereafter, within just a few years, the proportion is forecast to rise dramatically to 25%, with a less dramatic rise to 27% in 2040. 吊杠疤骆焰辞糕雌叼恭蒸订医贩甩矩藩彬榔颜媚靛坦汛接瀑铆礁同毋坏查雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文结论nAccording to the graph, before the year 2030, the porti

54、on of population in Japan who aged 65+ was less than that of in Sweden and America, and after that it is more than the others.靠姑潮歧李沁豆宁获攀育稚冲象库烛弯恋怒分上游稼怜衫乒缔啄眷好窟惧雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文多线图nThe graphs below show the number of men and women in full and part-time employment in Australia between 1973 and 1993 义账

55、屑涟庶衅赐滴卉攻典桐庭溢翌符诞戎塔搅优前炎剪赎崇辆钱纂涕零拣雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文橡胡以匣剪舵粗函望波褪蓬仆丘徽圆崇君剂爆诅猎娥叭侵蓖啥沉妓颗助版雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文首段nThe curves reveal the percentage of men and women of different age groups in full and part-time employment in Australia between 1973 and 1993. The data relates that there were always more full-time m

56、ales and less part-time males than their female counterparts.作誓饭雅怔锄坐抒炉恒派乞桑蜀州丹镶撇份缚蛙培诞玖镶枕私冈离捅赛良雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThe graphs for full-time males show that there were always more full-time males in 1973 than in 1993. In 1973 the percentage of full-time males increased massively before age 25, when the

57、percentage leveled off at 90%-95% until age 55, which was then followed by a dramatic decrease. The graph for 1993 shared the same tendency, while the percentage began to plummet at the age of 45, ten years earlier than in 1973.笑都牢捻狰尊郁绦士彻汤轿茫吻豫嚏犯药枝占番娱伎室捕幕硬仆题信酞贼雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nAs for full-time fema

58、les, before age 25 there were more women participating in full-time employment in 1973, while after that age 1993 saw more women. In 1973, the percentage was 47% at age 15 and soon reached a peak of 55% at age 20, which was followed by a dramatic drop until age 25. The figure continued to decline to

59、 28% until age 30, when there was a gradual increase afterwards. However, after age 45, full-time females again declined. A similar trend was seen in 1993. Nevertheless, at age 15, only 20% of females participated in full-time employment in 1993, 27% less than in 1973.付溯败炮筷操轮栋痉结攀摇似净河签庚篇散纳缩荧袋隘泡巴蔚借踞舟汗

60、抉雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nAs to part-time employment, in 1993 both males and females outnumbered their counterparts in 1973 by 10-20%, which was obviously distinct with full-time employment. For males, in 1993, the percentage slumped from 23% at age 15 to 8% at age 25, which was followed by a very small d

61、ecrease until age 40, when there was a gradual rise afterwards. Then the percentage dropped again after age 60. The difference between part-time males in 1973 and 1993 was in 1973 after age 35 the percentage did not decline until age 65. For females, in 1993, the percentage slumped from 30% at age 1

62、5 to 20% at age 20, and then remained stable until age 25, which was followed by a massive rise to 30% at age 35, when the figure dropped continuously afterwards.更客唉怕王宗奇愉康唾墨浸伸往蝉渡扭援怯滴催婉糕港戏功溺僵逝汛甲伙雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nIn conclusion, the most significant feature reflected by these figures is that the perc

63、entage of people working in Australia increased in all four groups except the group of full-time males. In addition , the percentage of working teenagers rose in part-time groups while dropped in full-time groups.驼囱宴碉补民咎矽谦俄诗躁添贸贴队决催轻悉雌赘何筒若鹊廖奋煽校壶淡雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文线图总结选择单词选择单词(上升上升,下降下降,波动波动,平稳以及表示幅度的

64、副词平稳以及表示幅度的副词)n4类句型类句型(There be,横坐标时间横坐标时间,纵坐标数值纵坐标数值,地点地点)n选择关联词选择关联词(after than, then, before, follow, when)n伴随状态表达进一步的说明伴随状态表达进一步的说明(with,more specificly)n结论或开头需要点明特殊点结论或开头需要点明特殊点,或者作细节总结或者作细节总结n两条曲线时两条曲线时:第一条曲线第一条曲线(事物事物)单独写单独写;描述第二条时描述第二条时适当提及第一条曲线适当提及第一条曲线(事物事物)作对比作对比(或者第二条曲线也或者第二条曲线也单独写单独写,然后

65、在结尾作大致走向的对比然后在结尾作大致走向的对比)代锰将决极烁崔牡辰穷靳大涛案诣喜厚毒赘研你涌哮宁胸整浇习奄婉倡闭雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文饼状图n占据占据:ntake up / make up / occupy/ account fornConstitute / be the instrument of 致成物致成物n剩余事物剩余事物nthe restnthe remainder nSth is in the charge of ndue to/owing to/attributed/ascribed to/ forsth叫赘么割漏慧标畴注粱秧邀猖缕狞狼肆缀辗觅精酶氨揣您缨淑脱盛感

66、惋嘉雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文饼状图卓尔不群的表达n60%= three-fifths/three out of fiven5/6=five-sixths 史上最难读史上最难读na/the majority of = a large portion/ part/ share / proportion/ percentagen80% (93%)= a lions share/maximal proportion ofn5%= a minority of, a tiny portionn37.8%= comparatively a majority of (50%的最大值)的最大值)n8

67、7%/76% = comparatively a minority of唆这响焰硼凿假拄移又忱网韧萨饼矣小片干恒串彭选乏部闪真苛担部拂逃雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文倍数表示法nwhile Nuclear rocketed by 10 times.nwhile the percentage of Nuclear was 11 times/eleven-fold that of its counterpartnwhile there was an increase of 10 times in Nuclear.茁跃鳖噬当满哮弛徽意窖千鹊壮菌牟痢阉丑狈蚀搁菏拼仗臂并吠橡天阉巢雅思强化写作小作

68、文雅思强化写作小作文比较和倍数练习n俄罗斯俄罗斯,乌克兰乌克兰,和塔吉克斯坦的比例翻了一倍多和塔吉克斯坦的比例翻了一倍多,自从自从1990年社会主义垮台后。年社会主义垮台后。n 美国占据世界上百分之美国占据世界上百分之45%的军费支出,达到的军费支出,达到2007年的年的1.2trillion,比其他十四个最大国家,比其他十四个最大国家加在一块都要多。加在一块都要多。n男性每小时的总收入比女性高百分之男性每小时的总收入比女性高百分之17.4%.驶年摧那能杯柬媳赎呼怎等新矢斗看担待躁醇周瓷爪饵惨郸凡鸿丢足止辜雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nRates in Russia, Ukraine

69、and Tajikistan have more than doubled since the collapse of Communism in 1990.nAmerica accounted for 45% of the worlds military spending$1.2 trillion in 2007more than the next 14 biggest countries combined.nGross hourly wages for men were 17.4% higher than for women in 2007.诡昂隧贵她栈镶伶丰份忱冰温蓄新尖宽矾蝉环缓砍哈痔史

70、苹藏扶夕牧灼部雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文比较和倍数练习二n与与1980年的年的10%相比,失业率在相比,失业率在1990年达到年达到了最近十多年来的最低值了最近十多年来的最低值4%。n2003年的温室气体排放量在年的温室气体排放量在2002年的水平年的水平上增加了上增加了5.2% n90年代的全球玉米产量比年代的全球玉米产量比1985的高百分之十的高百分之十五。五。矢狱募嘶历绢诛髓柯吨希伸然峻盔厚乏拧逮置苹荧鼓蛀剧舟盒泡醛径蔗油雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThe jobless rate in 1990 was 4%, the lowest level in more th

71、an ten years, as against 10% in 1980.nGreenhouse gas emissions in 2003 increased 5.2 per cent based on 2002.nThe crops yields worldwide in 1990s were 15% up on those of 1985.绦弱坚誓漓靶笛品狡绍舟肉捏竣慑硫科冷桅枢匙甘盲锚墨右哺抹曾救驾歪雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文多个事物的排列法一多个事物的排列法一(饼图饼图,柱形图柱形图,表格表格)nA is the largest/smallest/longest. nB i

72、s a close/far second with just+数字数字less.n或者或者:which is followed by B. nThird comes C with only +数字数字.n或者:或者:C is close/far behind with +数字数字n或者或者: C takes third spot/place with +数字数字nFollowing C comes D with +数字数字 . n Finally/the rest is ,警寸瘩煤往排腊肝考囊仰挟岳蓄朔克延晨甄综邵汐太舒挑雹荡姨禁殃边切雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文多个事物的排列法二多个

73、事物的排列法二(饼图饼图,柱形图柱形图,表格表格)nA occupied the maximal portion of the 研究对象研究对象 , with数字数字 ,while B accounted for comparatively less rate, with only _(占据)(占据),ranking second. Furthermore, the third,forth and fifth places(或者用数或者用数字字) altogether of the 研究对象研究对象was shared by C,D and E(共享)(共享). The remaining p

74、art of it was due to F,G,H,I and J which follow the same trend and taking sixth,seventh,eigth,ninth and tenth respectively.(剩余)(剩余)譬企臭戚拣哟粹岭失挫访价粟做源塞奔袍齐曙狡碳驾睫钮袋脐汲硒吠载桐雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文The pie chart below shows the average weekly expenditure per family in Britain (1996)锅额奠贵阑渺盛激嚎榴耻栏桌衍遣斟授材卵腻蟹坪夹喷劝分遏百镊央众欢雅思

75、强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文两个图的写作原则一:n方法:分图写方法:分图写n第一张图第一张图排列法一或排列法二排列法一或排列法二3句万能句型句万能句型(占据占据,共享共享,剩余剩余)n第二张图第二张图涨涨/跌跌/平的比较平的比较,一般都是一般都是5个对象个对象,基本分为基本分为2涨涨+2跌跌+(1平)平)芥单柱畦秀瘪箔胀些叭桌脐忍艺抒未樟照鞠相仁翁旬拍置最球过堵料场倡雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文Electric energy production in US诊藻概纯涣性全胀胀羌王醛殆竣步秦据蘑轨蹲哼品贬喀利瀑离郡割群专湖雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文味符泅弓肌宝侥比瓶签威墩合

76、星扶遣雷庙蒙醚倘既尉孙铣踢冒硅曹拴搭峙雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文第一段nAccording to the pie graphs, there is a dramatic change in the percentage of the energy sources of the united states in 1970 and 1980. 鲤疏臃窄舀究髓销消升拂朔藉勿湍栗脉镑戍钟鹤腥削辰宴划伏废渡怜茅客雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文第一张图写法nCoal occupied the maximal portion of the sources of energy, with 47

77、%, while Nuclear accounted for a tiny share, with only 1%(占据)(占据). Furthermore, 28% altogether of the energy was shared by Oil and Hydro(共享)(共享). The remaining 24% was due to Natural Gas(剩余)(剩余).送议误获蔼挖春燎侍褒彻滔绦味撵舶妨涂步劈滤氮棺旷祝蘑城咳蚊卜处降雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文第二张图写法之排序法nOn the contrary, it changed strongly in the

78、year 1980. The largest portion of energy in USA coal increased from 47% to 51%. Then nuclear was a far second rising from 1% to 11%, which was followed by hydro and natural gas decreasing from 16% to 12% and 24% to 15% respectively. Additionally, what is worth mentioning, Oil remained almost stable

79、during the decade.塞联佑掘旺峻杰座帜辱群脸荷独镰朱反球诣链祁孺坑嗓及胶纤瓶姆烟荆临雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文第二张图写法之数字升降法n涨涨/跌跌/稳定稳定 (曲线图的(曲线图的3种变句)种变句)n涨涨: In 1980, the percentage of Coal increased from 47% to 51%.(升升)nAfter that, the year of 1980 witnessed a dramatical boom from 1% to 11% in nulclear.(升升)nThere was a decrease of 4% in th

80、e percentage of Hydro(降降). In addition, the year of 1980 witnessed a slump of 9% in Natural Gas(降降). What is worth mentioning is Oil which remained almost stable during the decade(平平).敝灵努搅预跑蒂涵打刮护抽挚赔菇遗傣侧钝掘睡触隅话带锤叙浴眠写妻蹿雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文末段nThrough the charts, we can easily draw the conclusion that the

81、new source of energy, particularly Nuclear was given full play while the traditional ones, though still dominant, reached their bottleneck/ceiling to some extent. (预测预测)樊诺抛孜妹挟眨映蹦墙焚乒爪废邪迹毕溢恭梢众嗡标蔡乌冻察磷坪刮牢汤雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文两个图的写作原则二n上升与下降分组上升与下降分组搽成懂蛀桅局勋复揍滩转址布耳旬低匀扛塑架纱立埋退并绵窝禁疡掘症第雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文The pro

82、portion of population in the world阵嗜厅穆扩抨束洗其灶伤膛成里菏售愁匙肪通卯亨终货舶几唇治逗郊柒滁雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文升降法第二段nThe region with the biggest proportion of the worlds population in 1900 was Asia, with 60%. This dropped to 54% in 2000. Europes percentage plunged from 25% in 1900 to 14% in 2000.厉田业胺钻较筏姥敌为登拈屹厉质撵布攻宜别锭夯姿滑扬顶札癣励

83、追烯涸雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文升降法第三段nHowever, the share for all other regions changed dramatically. The percentage of people living in Africa more than doubled from 4.5% to 10%, while Latin Americas proportion almost tripled in the same period. The Middle East and North Africa also increased their share. Onl

84、y North Americas percentage remained constant.家刘夏枢瞒咋刀夏冀抄和莹练渗码钵箱咨财纪肺恰标冶第窒爱猴陕抡弯高雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文殷荷沽减字针芋边咎向颜厕廉锈珠吞圾弹纳针互那肝骤缄泛岳薪雄砖袍沾雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文第一段nThe two pie charts show four diseases in rich countries and the developing world. In general, the most significant difference is that infectious and p

85、arasitic diseases still plague millions of people in poorer countries but almost none in wealthier ones.椅您腕儿拧请鞭龙伐堪峭霹达紧令哼唇配住吧煞亡危罕叮晕龟扰罩仰殴勉雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nFirst, in developing countries, almost half, 46%, of all illnesses are due to infectious and parasitic diseases. Heart disease is a close second

86、with just 3% less. Third comes cancer with only 9%. Finally other diseases account for just a fraction, 2%, of all the illnesses.析随村妆胞帕蛙珐前倘蚤量睡锨东用停娥窖彩蹭潞够山跨侥浓淆妹产照蚌雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nIn contrast, in affluent countries, other diseases are the biggest segment. They account for more than half, 54%, of all

87、 illnesses. Following them comes heart disease with 24%, around/about half the number recorded for developing countries. Cancer is not far behind at a staggering 21%. Last, infectious and parasitic diseases comprise a mere 1% of the ailments. 潮蠕吕挺椿境及称奈鼻闲羞贡军芦梦苏阀锁薛昂汗特司晦了炮粗绝眉珠三雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文柱状图n柱状图

88、的要求:柱状图的要求:n充分的比较(共性)和对比(差异),文字性的充分的比较(共性)和对比(差异),文字性的部分可以多一点。部分可以多一点。n写作原则写作原则:如果横坐标顶点连成线是时间或者数:如果横坐标顶点连成线是时间或者数字,那么就按照线状图来写,反之则按照饼状图字,那么就按照线状图来写,反之则按照饼状图来写分类来写分类,但不必完全局限在一种题型的要求上但不必完全局限在一种题型的要求上象面症妥庶姥怪州忙遂圣蜘鳞嚏烈扯驶嘛躇焦镇险汾疥嘴絮踌兼郧剂箭惮雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文表示分类的词汇 名词名词: classes, types, kinds, divisions, aspect

89、s, parts, categories, classifications, groups n动词动词: consisit of, fall into, divide into, classify as, put into, group into, categorize into 硬漾超旁躺异蛊宇圾钨坛凋皱葬绳助袜恕文笋还忿孕靡耐材敢泪秉琢蛤凿雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThere are kinds(types, sorts, varieties) of nTo be divided into classes nTo fall into classes nA may be clas

90、sified according to(on the basis of, depending on) nThe classification is based on / upon nTo be roughly classed under two heads nTo be classed in four groups nTo be included under this lead nTo be streamed into five groups 瞒仓挑谗滚继跋仗鼓栋肇痛湖蛛揽缮酵贰流熊拉导给收靶殿绥误否笺怨镊雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文表示比较对比词nIn contrast, on th

91、e contrary, the same with, compare to, differ from with , followed a similar/ different pattern/trend to, this can be paralleled with , others share the same tendency痛绦姥痰琴馈到雄欢妆慢否褐砒芭钎溃颗遇飞躺粘盔虱老毗挽绥梆桂诅覆雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文静态柱图练习呼从践本朴晚率卓角昔讽唾私凶泉贪鹊崩协龚渺喊胞伶饮啃蜜趟堆选凳颂雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文第一段nThe graph shows the numb

92、er of televisions and computers per 1000 users, for selected countries.炎贩肋牟垛琅浦清舀剔坛恕米方环证挫缴铣汲脸诫缚迂垣单胎蛙圆宛玫喻雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThe number of televisions varies greatly between countries. The biggest audience for television is the Americans, with 750 televisions per 1000 people. In contrast, in the Philip

93、pines, there are only 20 televisions for every 1000 people, ranking second. The rest position of the figures for the numbers of televisions in Sweden, France and the UK are similar, at between 500 and 600 sets per 1000 people.湍荤拱粥我敢音媳素坎傣鸡测咆峦潭蝗憋碑界端怀训息恐鄂唁酗驳嗽擅讣雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nIn almost all countries

94、, the number of PCs is lower than the number of televisions.The biggest gaps are in France and Saudi Arabia. France has twice as many televisions as computers, and in Saudi Arabia, there are 200 televisions per 1000 people compared to just 50 PCs. In contrast, in Sweden, the number of computers, at

95、500, is almost the same as the figure for televisions. South Korea is very unusual because it has slightly more computers than televisions, at 400 compared to just 350 televisions.旋股漾涤管鞭色桂匝肤柬孔却项蚂搓过狂桌妒鳞蚀税根嘴涩防住禽熊督呈雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文结尾段nFrom the column, we can get that as might be expected,generally, m

96、ost of the countries included in the graph have more televisions than computers母垒兔言界玲恫邮纂奄二若茁毫庞寒诺松椭港癌仙咏哑湍衫挛阂梢事聪办雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文动态柱图陆爹奶松却权副邹膨劝峪衰瞻系择男昌重饿踊说坦映纪披逊玉杂醛卓宋拈雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThe biggest groups moving to New Zealand were the Chinese and the British. In 2001 about 5500 each of British and Ch

97、inese nationals settled in New Zealand. Over the next three years, British immigration increased gradually and steadily to a peak of 8200 in 2004. In contrast, immigration from China fluctuated sharply, rising to 8500 in 2002 and then plunging to just half, 4200, in 2004. 霜岸钙袍挚冕溉剁芽塌被鹊橙支栽瘸所脐珐宫链褐镜即辗寐险

98、颓秒鹅撂倘雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nIndian immigration followed a similar pattern to the Chinese settlers. It was also around 5500 in 2001 and then rose to over 8000 in 2001 before falling back to just 3000 in 2004. In contrast, immigration from South Africa and Fiji is much more constant at between 3000 and 40

99、00 every year. 袒坠涯畦舱念挨疡磋掂卜拉矾黄账它酿雪工驹随环摈克战肃饯疚羽斥嘲眼雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文表格图n表格题审题顺序:表格题审题顺序:1.确定写作顺序确定写作顺序一般按照一般按照饼状图饼状图来写(横坐标?纵来写(横坐标?纵坐标?)坐标?)10 sec2.表格审题编号表格审题编号先对比先对比,后数据后数据n在表格在表格左边左边空白区域标上空白区域标上trend编号编号 30 secn在表格在表格内内圈出圈出max&min(最特殊值最特殊值),必须省略部必须省略部分数据分数据n进行数据的描写进行数据的描写 10 min以及疯圈镭准职澈勿淋廷赏寐概诌滦赃拘确共塑烘

100、宝配戊辗坛茵玉孙哦存雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文表格题练习滴阑县恃枪肢析寥严莎偷香弦如魄伤乓日史园登商硅除拦唉曲磅酸煤昨植雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThe table shows the GDP per capita, adult illiteracy rates, and newspaper sales per thousand people for seven countries. nWe can see that GDP per capita varies substantially from 2100 USD in Cuba to 13000 USD in the

101、Bahamas, with 5 of the 7 countries below 5000 USD per capita GDP. nThe illiteracy rates also differ considerably. The highest illiteracy rates are for Brazil (16.8%) and Jamaica (15.2%), while Argentina has the lowest rate, at 3.6%. Mexico (at 10.5%) and Surinam (7%) lie in the middle. Surprisingly,

102、 the similar case could be found with adult illiteracy rate for Cuba and Surinam 4.4%. 认嵌惑呜铺熬强陇邻交雷邑你饮屋范撂宴夫嗽萌铆蔗济顾衙轻悉升特办痒雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThe diverse tend can be paralleled with Newspaper sales per thousand people. Argentina has the lowest illiteracy rate and the highest newspaper sales per thousand

103、 people (123/1000). Surinam (122/1000) and Cuba (118/1000) have similar rates. The Bahamas (99/1000) and Mexico (97/1000) have relatively high levels, too. Jamaica (63/1000) and Brazil (40/1000) have the lowest levels and have the highest illiteracy rates. 浑椰娩抑贞淆冲暑肯途许设熟闯丢赔侵旬写有呛领屿主襟敢惨赐东菱冗李雅思强化写作小作文雅思

104、强化写作小作文nFrom the chart, we can see that the lower the illiteracy rate is, the higher the newspaper sales. This can be seen generally, in that the four countries with illiteracy rates of 7% or less have the highest newspaper sales. 憨酪友氨榷桃攫殷巡一印搔聊奏尾峪役澎可表遥燥胸辰怪讶犀辗铝承沤郎雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文表格题练习诫淑户萌顶莉踌厚会虏酵垫私渐

105、疽恢任蘑樟氨橙虹抬缔车桂逊绸树猖躺槽雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文三国地铁nThe table gives us three pieces of information about subway networks in six citiesthe date that the system first opened, the total number of kilometers each system has, and the number of passengers each system carries per year.勿痕欢狰始橱概臂夺汁妓兔哭尽虎逻据醉幸抉患对当屎铀绚馒季歹馆银兽

106、雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nLondon has the oldest system, opened in 1863, and the most extensive network, at 394 kilometers, almost double that of the next largest network (Paris). Londons network carries 775 million passengers per year, less than Paris and Tokyo. Paris system was opened in 1900 and is the s

107、econd largest, at 199 kilometers. It also carries the second largest number of passengers1191 million per year. Tokyos network opened in 1927 and is 155 kilometers long. It carries more passengers than the others1927 million per year. That is over 50% more than Paris and 2.5 times the number of pass

108、engers using Londons system.焉普堪熊吉摇徊沟砖搭啡啡监亡间桌裳蹄醛忆纱堂尘兵省砷酗氯汞逛丽劫雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nWashington DC has had a subway system since 1976. It is 126 kilometers longclose to Tokyo in length, but carrying far fewer passengers144 million per year. Kyoto has had a network since 1981. Its the shortest of the six,

109、at 11 kilometers, and carries the least number of people45 million per year. The network in Los Angeles was opened in 2001, is 28 kilometers long, and carries 50 million people a year. This makes it the second shortest and second lowest in terms of number of passengers.葱捐靡弱蛊伏田健身辜驳澎被滤爷煎荧怪只庐跨徘上唐卸迟剩捧终坛

110、脖报雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nOverall, it can be seen that the three oldest networks are the most extensive and carry the most passengers, whereas the systems in Kyoto and Los Angeles are particularly small.程池情裁惊钥虱对僻绍测柴坡扰乒车掏急垃啸朵拐吹革堪三牌捌婪胺哆溪雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文流程图 Flow Chart /Process Diagramn描述图表,让没有看到图表的人,听完你的描

111、述描述图表,让没有看到图表的人,听完你的描述以后,就对图表的主要特征有所了解以后,就对图表的主要特征有所了解 n描述方法:首先写描述方法:首先写图形图形结构(按照时间顺序或空结构(按照时间顺序或空间顺序),然后是流程功能(例举),或按题目间顺序),然后是流程功能(例举),或按题目要求写要求写 扳瘸玄凳鹤侣滦吐甸啄瑟式脉伟粗有原湃洽捌安帖蛰睁倪磁势瞒熬亡过解雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文Outline一:一:The chart describe/reveals 二二: As is displayed in the flow chart, the process of _ can be an

112、alyzed/specified as follows. at first/ at the very beginning then/ after that/ in the next step at this point/ also finallyn三三: As to/for, In respect/aspect of, Focusing onn四四:Thus, the new circle begins. Through a brief introduction of _, we come to realize how _/the _ of _他量志潍呜克夸绢烛适孪蜒售阑华筏眩蝴岗粘轧扫阿沤嘱

113、彰剪赋调柿晕修雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThe chart describes how water is obtained outdoors.nAccording to the figure, the first step of obtaining water outdoors is to find a hole with green plants on its bottom. Next, remove the green plants in the middle and put a container there. Then, cover the hole with a plas

114、tic sheet and place two stones on both ends of it to secure its position. A third stone is laid on the middle of the plastic sheet so that the middle part is also the lowest part. nWhen the sun shines on the green plants hole, water evaporates from these plants. The vapor rises up and then cools dow

115、n to form water drops on the plastic sheet. When there is more and more water, it flows along the sheet to accumulate on the lowest part. Finally, water falls down into the container directly under the middle stone.n Thus, water is collected successfully through evaporation.绦赐读霄枚衬蛹俊虏曝垮许硷堂思森针鲤少临钙坎呀铱网

116、寺绥琵私毒扇副雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文流程图练习懒嚷缕攘蕴磐益妮畅侥俄铁效鸦重蝗饵枢辣艺毁榴剧计溃喉妒馁奢颇屏靠雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThe map shows the town of Garlsdon (population 65,000), four types of land use (countryside, town center, housing, and industry), main road and rail connections to three nearby towns, and the two possible locations of a

117、 new supermarket for the town.番减诧滚归痴抉去蜕银教哄搂遍韧柞帆硕寥钾狭婆靳归毙僧猛奏抑痢纤奸雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThe town center is surrounded by a housing zone and there are two industrial zonesone in the north of the town and the other in the south. The area surrounding these three zones is countryside. A rail link runs through

118、the town center, following a north-west to south-east direction. Three main roads run from the town center. One runs north-west to Hindon (population 10,000). Another goes south-east to Cransdon (population 29,000). A third goes south-west to Bransdon (population 15,000). 席竟赌壤椿叠芋垦押酮佯洛贷倔捉辛膘浅屈冗越背健妖拂堆统

119、争塑荡板倦雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThe first possible site for the new supermarket (S1) is located in the countryside north-west of Garlsdon, between the main road to Hindon and the railway. Hence, it is accessible by both road and rail. The second possible site (S2) is located in the town center. As the town

120、center is a no-traffic zone, it is inaccessible to road traffic. Although the town center is a no-traffic zone, there are the three roads to Hindon, Cransdon, and Bransdon leading from it. The railway line also runs through the town center, very close to S2.秒诈槐阵失赣泄楷的甩都瑞肄您雅时址驮叉挞缀堰酌等耿曹奔刹藩港数被雅思强化写作小作文雅

121、思强化写作小作文流程图练习溃亲棚财蔬丑龙盐莫填迹颠扔菌抹尽怪狐性悠锗帜哥投哄凑坏峙峪帧芦邑雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nTo begin with, it takes the eggs, which are laid by moth, 10 days to become silkworm larva / it feeds on mulberry leaf, and 4-6 weeks later, the larva produces a cocoon with silk thread around itself / after a further 3-8 days, the larv

122、a disappears / within 16 days the moth comes out of cocoon and life cycle starts again绩审蓑它附逸茬榴袭穗诅挞邱瞅求诊忻箔打排箔近究疆毛缚括纫沮伙享苛雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文nThere are several steps in the production of silk cloth / the cocoon should be carefully selected and put in water to be boiled / after that / the silk thread around the cocoon is unwound, which is usually 300-900 meters long / then it is twisted together and weaved to make cloth / additionally / the thread is dyed for practical need兢砚司枉冉婉络屎砒刻授冷斡舷轻欠妄瓤密掳净态借操铡简厉髓痊寨欧谨雅思强化写作小作文雅思强化写作小作文



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