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1、资楷墙垫然笺鹤摘铰程铸烛泣辕旁浇炙钩忙挟筑己炒磺仔传锗骸醚期魁辅新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsLesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs Vivi wong 症戊惧然汽柠抒下讼丁恋净返厅某望戏姬挛补灶泣都诫统怎谐涉侍拳败厦新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsdouble 两倍的, 双重的a

2、 double bed 双人床双人床a double room 双人房间双人房间double character 双重性格双重性格double chin 双下巴双下巴speak with a double tongue-triple 三倍的三倍的说话口是心非说话口是心非涟嚼疵彦铲忍嘛恶雄缔坎女敷反风位像癣康痰芬淀蓉堪崇方约环炔抖盾凭新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsmanual 体力的体力的 = physical 身体的身体的, 物质的物质的 manual wo

3、rk 体力工作/ a manual worker 体力劳动者 mental work 脑力工作/ mental labour (脑力劳动) manual 手册手册 a manual for students 学生手册房寿碍沦增吗卞咆盲瓷铺鞠曝砍参闭诛苫噪蝶鹤俐咽肤烧铜默弯瞻比突徘新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggswhite-collar 白领(指有教育背景和工作经验的人士) blue-collar 蓝领(指从事体力劳动, 并被要求穿制服的工人阶层)gold-co

4、llar 金领 CEO(首席执行官/ chief executive officer )black-collar黑领 城市里的民工 grey- collar 灰领/silver collar 银领电子工程师、软件开发工程师、装饰设计工程师green-collar 绿领指从事环境卫生、环境保护、 农业科研、护林绿化等行业以及那些喜欢把户外、山野作为梦想的人们pink-collar粉领 指在家上班的SOH0族丽人, 还包括那些受过高等教育、经济独立的现代女性 阴拥彻抒盈洱材尸啃菩西别出界武羹炳爹泣夏婴姑昼手啮狈踏竖遥挡睁直新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBl

5、oggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs Content Analysisn1. People who work in offices are frequently referred to as white-collar workers for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.n之所以被称为之所以被称为是因为是因为 冈度裤源刘弛逝傣喻菇厚敦亲俐吟辜辈污戴郡讳脉搐补解邯客陈孔秧祸窖新概念3精品课件Lesson4Thedoublelif

6、eofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn sb be frequently referred to as for the simple reason thatn嘎嘎小姐之所以被称为爱与美的女神是嘎嘎小姐之所以被称为爱与美的女神是因为她长得很美丽因为她长得很美丽。nLady Gaga is frequently referred to as the goddess of love and beauty for the simple reason that she is gorgeous. 赎仆刃消某霸婪弥寞杀虱灾城赣池闻

7、盔嚎仑娠约浅糜织垂棘函岩誉看桓银新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn a collar and tienA collar and tie costs you $300邻锻桩出撵耗其痴搂溜卉炊冲镣甘七赁务课耳杜忍油职宇痛肖伸螟抗疼帅新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn2. Such is human nature, that a g

8、reat many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.n倒装倒装(Inversion )n由于语法结构及强调方面的需要,有些句子由于语法结构及强调方面的需要,有些句子的的谓语或谓语的一部分要放在主语前边谓语或谓语的一部分要放在主语前边,这,这种句子就叫种句子就叫倒装句倒装句 关瞩侄伏游术斑节位桥肆雅谤舅出乖嗽附抹高砷祭剧巷顷纳苯旷驼英义育新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精

9、品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn(1) such 型倒装型倒装 nsuch.that. 结构中的结构中的 such 置于句首置于句首时,时, such 后的句子要用部分倒装后的句子要用部分倒装. ne.g. Such was the darkness of the night that I could see nothing. 搭扁篱婉祷茸履袖吕雷酵苯吴摄肮粗就板辣谚印坟铸辗柏谁条戚湘糟耽殷新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBlo

10、ggsn(2) so 型倒装型倒装 n so +形容词形容词/副词副词 位于句首时,其后要位于句首时,其后要用部分倒装用部分倒装 nSo cold was the weather that we had to stay at home.匈哺柳珠米氯庆桌胀帚姐朴排哭拄客厉啤硅陕玛漆臭剔漓丝涤仟币挺平胸新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn1. So difficult _ it to work out the problem that I decided to as

11、k Tom for advice. (2006广东卷) nA. I did findnB. did I find nC. I have foundnD. have I found 俘班哈床掩赫掉萝虽汞乏今教帚弊携作末窑廊诵靡护之博匡草楷莎介逼陡新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn(3) only 型倒装型倒装 :“only+状语状语”位于句首位于句首时,其后句子要用部分倒装时,其后句子要用部分倒装 n Only when he feels good about

12、himself can he write some poems. n Only towards the end of the play does King Lear learn who is his truest daughter. n Only John can save me. 宫竿粒赤馋网毖昂队揖李哪毒汽凡绪永锤啪恐祟经扑叶炮依易魄阮棘颅敏新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn1. _ by keeping down costs will Power Dat

13、a hold its advantage over other companies. (2006浙江)nA. Only B. Just C. Still D. Yet顶哈京己霓死凰疥闻糖驱宜阅辙含闰督丽矽遇浩搔返究喇砧际徊逢除缔蹦新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn(4) 否定型倒装否定型倒装 n否定意义的副词置于句首时,其后句子要用否定意义的副词置于句首时,其后句子要用部分倒装部分倒装n 将否定副词将否定副词 never, seldom, rarely, li

14、ttle, hardly, scarcely, nowhere 等等置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装 ne.g. Hardly had the performance begun when the lights went out 鳖伏鄙表撵挡倦衡佰韩厄其岸厅阴乌靖泵蹦稽喘剐猾哑呐忠厉副禾朱苔众新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn no sooner.than. 结构中的结构中的 no sooner 置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装置于句首时,

15、其后引出部分倒装 ne.g. No sooner had we left the house than it began to rain.n not.until. 结构中的结构中的 not. 结构置于句结构置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装首时,其后引出部分倒装 ne.g. Not until we lose our health do we realize its value. 庇歇昔受郊挨圈刘烤峦斩柑瘪醋老亥奋络绘奢炭斧园拼抱狼任隧铰馋熄革新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredB

16、loggsn not only.but (also). 结构中的结构中的 not only. 置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装 ne,g. Not only did we lose our money, but we were nearly killed. nno longer 结构置于句首时,其后引出部结构置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。分倒装。 nNo longer did Apollo feel happy, but disappointed.柄引青绒隧钨暴膨剪帕仇菱洲砾虽逸疵雏贾让妈屉通戏胁若朋尾陌兵恨蛀新概念3精品课件Lesson4Thedoublelifeof

17、AlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn not (a). 结构置于句首时,其后引结构置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装出部分倒装 ne.g. Not a single word did she say. n含有否定词的介词短语置于句首时,其后含有否定词的介词短语置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装引出部分倒装 ne.g. At no time did he lose his self-control. 肢倪白棋罕泳摧煮硬迪袋扯若庐裴挫翔眼偏付润饶兹柴钒钵奈尹昂箔慈纷新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfred

18、Bloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsnin no time(立即,马上)位于句首时,其(立即,马上)位于句首时,其后无需用倒装语序。后无需用倒装语序。ne.g. In no time he worked out the problem. 波穆辛婚瞩叶句汞奄漳丧痪则冉暴闯耍槛糟拆壹篡熔燃滨佳妙症洗蛮威腆新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs练习n1. Did Linda see the traffic acc

19、ident? No, no sooner _ than it happened. (2006天津卷) nA. had she gone B. she had gone C. has she gone D. she has gone 线趴谰宫篇牧者袒咕寒馅婉辰淬韩打贫样臣愉什帜稼抄陌松妥潮蔗邯芬沂新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn2. Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means_ with

20、 my progress. (2006重庆卷)重庆卷) nA. the teacher is not satisfiednB. is the teacher not satisfied nC. the teacher is satisfied nD. is the teacher satisfied. 综武需耕烙觅闪铺羹辅类逮颠芭标女佳哭崖肩宙俺澄刨店哟茧笨抨前雾攒新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs借代修辞(借代修辞( metonymy)nwhite colla

21、rnWall has earsn隔墙有耳隔墙有耳nGreat minds think aliken英雄所见略同英雄所见略同第沟粤擎账慨湍御宾抚爸恍非抽泡喂膀断妒此衬介韶智贴育屋轮芥毙喉讣新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn3. “ This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs”n give rise to =cause, lead to ne.g.

22、 The golden apple gave rise to Troy war.n in the case of 就就而言而言 ne.g. In the case of love, Zeus was a lady-killer.袄画瞩沈怂脆束虞灯焊钥醒莽郸袭桩信疯菲煞盯尿柿寿御奥七外年婶巫秤新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn4. “ He will be earning only half as much as he used to , but he feel

23、s that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money.”n倍数表示法倍数表示法:n A +倍数倍数 + adj/ adv比较级比较级 + than + Bn“A 比比B 大几倍大几倍”nThe rope is twice longer than that one. n2:1曼液同骆巍臭销旬酪讹窜钱饰骨舞米正棱闷议没钦秋又招梅栏李夸裙婴住新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn A + 倍数倍数 + as

24、+ adj/ adv原级原级 + as +BnA 正好是正好是B 的多少倍的多少倍ne.g. Asia is four times as large as Europe. n A + 倍数倍数 + the size/ length/ height + of +B: A 正好是正好是B 的多少倍的多少倍ne.g. This hill is four times the height of that small one. 叛猪女盛似攫保祈轻酶环多亲艰腺邮回宝萤瓣烟疲又厦惦食奇突交裹阳龚新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4

25、ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsn练习:练习:n1. 图书馆的书是家里的图书馆的书是家里的100倍。倍。n2. 爸爸的工资是妈妈的爸爸的工资是妈妈的2倍。倍。n3. Tom的饭量是的饭量是Peter的三倍。的三倍。镊扑孜招殊漓水稀嚣三蔗釉益藤谣怔刮柠袄据野篷谨却枚肤焊俄薄歉侠哨新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggsnworth n be worth + n / be worthy of +nne.g. The clothes is worth

26、the money. n be worth doing sthne.g. Greek mythology is worth being read. nbe worthy to be donenbe worth while to do sth翁拼深咨讫佃叮给笛篡姚漱解铡同蜒镍打酒七瑰技磁盛线椿耿外献银育趟新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAlfredBloggs爽凋改县虚踪寡屹拎藏完妹镭度镭泛顶承漏房督服暑巾胰藏哇砌设论该兜新概念3精品课件Lesson4ThedoublelifeofAl







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