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1、语法专题突破语法专题突破第二部第二部分分 专题八动词与动词短语中考考点中考考点 分析分析n n分析近5年云南中考真题可以看出,动词是云南每年中考的必考点,每年13道,命题点主要包括:n n1动词词义辨析:为必考点。考查角度包括实义动词词义辨析,近义动词词义辨析和感官动词词义辨析。主要在单项填空和完形填空题型中考查。n n2动词短语:为必考点。主要在单项填空和完形填空题型中考查短语辨析,在词组翻译中考查短语的意思和拼写。n n3动词词性的转化:为必考点。考查角度主要有:动词名词,动词动名词,动词形容词。主要在用所给词的适当形式填空题型中考查。n第一节动词n n在单项填空和完形填空题型中,对动词的

2、考查角度包括:实义动词词义辨析,近义动词词义辨析和感官动词词义辨析。中考考点中考考点 精讲精讲n n题型一单项填空与完形填空n n考向1实义动词词义辨析n n近5年云南中考对实义动词的考查主要涉及单项填空和完形填空两种题型,考查特点主要为语境辨析,即通过上下文考查其在语境中的辨析。云南省卷完形填空考查了9次,昆明卷考查了5次(单项填空2次,完形填空3次), 曲靖卷完形填空考查了4次。具体如下:n n云南:201838、41题(完形); 201836、42、44题(完形); 201639题(完形); 201541、48题(完形); 201447题(完形)n n昆明:201827题; 201744

3、题(完形); 201641题(完形); 201542题(完形); 201434题n n曲靖:201841题(完形); 2017 41题(完形); 201646题(完形); 201558题(完形)n n解答此类试题时,首先要确定四个动词的含义,然后分析语境,找出关键词或前后的逻辑关系,确定正确答案。因此考生在平时的学习过程中,需要重点积累并掌握实义动词的用法。 n n 考题例析n n(2018昆明27题)The government will take action to _ the problem of heavy extracurricular burdens(课外负担)on primary

4、 and middle school students.n nAdecidingBdeciden nCsolving Dsolven n【方法点拨】第1步:由四个选项可知,此题考查动词decide与solve的词义辨析及其正确形式; 第2步:由空格前面的“take action to”可知空白处应填动词原形,可排除A、C项; 第3步:由句子语境可知solve“解决”符合题意。故选D。n n 中考回放n n(2014昆明34题)The medicine _ awful. I cant stand it.n nI know, Jimmy. But its helpful for you.n nAt

5、astes Beatsn nCdrinks Dtakes A n n 重点突破n n实义动词含有实在的意义,表示动作或状态,可在句中独立作谓语。根据其在句中是否需要宾语,可细分为:及物动词(vt.)和不及物动词(vi.)。n n(1)及物动词本身意义不完整,后需要接宾语才能使意思表达完整,有被动式。如:tell, take, ask, make, like, see, buy, show, find, invent, forget, offer等。eg.n nTell me your name, please.请告诉我你的名字。n nMary asked Tom to do the chore

6、s with her.玛丽让汤姆和她一起做家务。n nI can see three pandas in the picture.我能在这幅画中看到三只熊猫。n n(2)不及物动词后面不能直接跟宾语,如:agree, listen, look, arrive, swim, sleep, sit, smile, come等; 如后面接宾语,必须与介词连用。无被动式。eg.n nI agree with you.我同意你的观点。n nPlease listen to me carefully.请认真听我说。n nHe arrived in Beijing yesterday.他昨天到北京的。n n

7、 活学巧练n n1The little boy _ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.n nAlentBofferedn nCtookDbroughtn n2Which football club do you _?n nOf course FC Barcelona, because my favorite player Messi is in it.n nAdiscoverBpromisen nCdoubt DsupportB D n n3I saw you were so hurried in the street yesterday.n

8、 nOh. I _ to catch the bus, so I had to walk to my company.n nAfailedBmanagedn nCneededDwantedn n4For our safety, we must _ the traffic rules on the way to school.n nAfollow Bchangen nCmakeDbreakn n5To protect the environment, supermarkets dont _ free plastic bags for shoppers.n nAtakeBproviden nCbr

9、ingDcarryA A B n n考向2近义动词词义辨析n n近5年云南中考对近义动词的辨析涉及较少,云南省卷考查了4个“花费”,曲靖卷考查了4个“看”,昆明卷考查了4个表示位移的动词,都是在单项填空题中考查的。具体如下:n n云南:201726题n n昆明:201425题n n曲靖:201442题n n这类题主要考查学生对近义词的辨析应用,要求考生在平时的学习中掌握各近义词的不同用法、固定搭配及句型,注重细节的考查。n n 考题例析n n(2017云南26题)Youd better _ more time talking with your parents so that they can

10、 understand you better. n nAspend Btaken nCcostDpayn n【方法点拨】第1步:由四个选项可知此题考查近义词词义辨析,这四个选项都有“花费”的意思,其常用结构分别为:sb. spend(s) some time on /(in)doing sth.; It takes sb. some time to do sth.; sb. pay(s) some money for sth.; sth. cost sb. some money; 第2步:由此句空后的“more time talking with your parents” 可知是sb. sp

11、end(s) some time(in)doing sth. 结构。故选A。n n 中考回放n n1(2014昆明25题)Hey guys, Chinese way of _ the road is very dangerous. You must wait for the green lights on.n nThank you for your advice, sir. n nAgoingBwalkingn nCcrossingDpassing n n2(2014曲靖42题)I _ an article about first aid. Its useful when I have an

12、accident.n nAreadBsawn nClooked DwatchedC A n n 重点突破n n常见近义词辨析词义单词用法三个“借”borrow非延续性动词,表示主语“借入”,常用搭配borrow sth. from sb.lend非延续性动词,表示主语“借出”,常用搭配lend sth. to sb.或lend sb. sth.keep延续性动词,表示“长时间地借”三个“到达”getget to地点名词reach及物动词,后面可直接跟地点名词arrivein大地点(名词)at小地点(名词)词义单词用法三个“穿”dressdress sb. “给某人穿衣服”dress sb. u

13、p “打扮某人”put on “穿上; 戴上”,表示动作wear“穿着; 戴着”,表示状态四个“花费”spend人作主语,表示“花费时间或金钱”,后接on sth. 或(in) doing sth.cost物作主语,表示“某物花费多少钱”take表示“花费一段时间做某事”,常用于固定句型:Ittakes一段时间to do sth.pay常与介词for连用,表示“为(物)支付(钱)”词义单词用法四个“看”see “看见”,表示结果look“看”,表示动作,是不及物动词,后面需加介词at才能跟宾语watch“观看(比赛、电视等)”read “看(书、报等)”,表示阅读四个“说”speak作及物动词

14、时后接表示语言的名词,表示“说; 讲述”say常跟直接引语或间接引语,表示说的内容talk是不及物动词,常跟介词to或with, 意为“同谈话”,也表示具有说话能力tell意为“告诉”,与story连用,意为“讲故事”词义单词用法四个“拿”bring“带来; 拿来”,表示拿到靠近说话人的地方take“拿去; 带走”,表示拿到远离说话人的地方carry“扛; 搬; 用力移动”,没有方向fetch“去取; 去拿”,表示往返拿东西四个“赢,输”lose意为“输给某人”,固定搭配为lose to sb.fail意为“失败”或“未做成某事”beat意为“打败”,后接人或某个团队win意为“赢得; 荣誉;

15、 地位; 比赛等”词义单词用法四个“参加”join一般指加入“党派”或“组织”并成为其中一员,如参军,入党,入团等join in指参加竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动take part in指参加聚会或群众性活动attend一般指出席会议、典礼、婚礼等四个“变化”turn一般用于颜色的变化get天变黑、变长或变短become天气变暖或变冷等,表示渐变grow 形状变大或变小n n 活学巧练n n1It will _ you about half an hour to get to the zoo by bus.n nAspend Btaken nCpayDcostn n2To buy the house

16、, he _ much money from his relatives and friends.n nAkeptBlentn nCborrowedDbroughtn n3Teresa can _ three languages, including French. Im sure she works very hard.n nAsayBspeakn nCtellDtalkB C B n n考向3感官动词词义辨析n n感官动词在云南中考题中虽未涉及,但其含义及用法考生也要掌握,平时可多关注感官动词后所跟的不同形容词,根据这点就能很好选出答案。n n 重点突破单 词相同点不同点所接形容词soun

17、d其后都接形容词作表语意为“听起来”,指听觉good, wonderful, interesting, boringlook意为“看起来”,表示相貌,外观。指视觉beautiful, ugly, young, oldtaste意为“尝起来”,表示味道。指味觉delicious, salty, sweet, soursmell意为“闻起来”,表示气味。指嗅觉sweet, nice, freshfeel意为“感觉; 摸起来”,指触觉soft, smooth, comfortablen n 活学巧练n n1You are a good cook. The dishes you cooked _ de

18、licious.n nAfeelBtasten nClookDsoundn n2I told a funny joke to Mark, but he _ quite serious.n nAfeltBsoundedn nClooked Dsmeltn n3The dress is made of silk. It _ so soft.n nAtastes Bsoundsn nCfeelsDsmellsB C C n n近5年云南中考针对所给动词的适当形式填空的考情分析如下:n n1云南省卷5年9考,曲靖卷5年8考; n n2括号中给出的动词都是原形; n n3根据考查规律,所填答案都需要变形

19、。云南省卷4次填名词,2次填动名词,2次填形容词; 曲靖卷2次填名词,1次填原形,1次填单三形式的否定式。n n题型二用所给词的适当形式填空n n考向1动词名词n n云南卷近5年动词变名词在词形转换中考查了5次,曲靖卷考查了3次。具体如下:n n云南:201866题; 201769题; 201667题; 201569题; 201470题n n曲靖:201866题; 201580题; 201470题n n总结填名词的判断方法如下:n n(1)名词修饰名词(book lovers); n n(2)one of the/a few名词复数; n n(3)跟在形容词后; n n(4)空前有a, an,

20、 the; n n(5)the名词of; n n(6)the形容词名词; n n(7)大于1的数词后接名词复数。n n 考题例析n n(2018云南66题) Grace loves dancing. She wants to be a _ when she grows up. (dance)n n【方法点拨】第1步:由括号中所给词可知此题应填dance的正确形式; 第2步:由空格前的不定冠词“a”可知此处应填的是表示人的名词,故填dancer。n n 中考回放n n1(2018曲靖66题)What do you usually do on weekends?n nI sometimes go

21、to the old peoples home as a _ (help)n n2(2017云南69题)As a book _,Helen volunteers her time to read books to children at school.(love)n n3(2016云南 67题)Tu Youyou is one of the Nobel Prize _ in 2015. Were proud of her.(win)n n4(2016曲靖75题)I think reading is very important in our daily life, the more we re

22、ad, the more we will improve, so let us become book _ (love)helper lover winners lovers n n5(2015云南69题)Soccer is played by so many people all over the world, but only a few _ are truly great.(play)n n6(2015曲靖80题)Hey, you have so many clocks in your bedroom! Are you crazy or what?n nNo. I am a heavy

23、_ (sleep). I just want to make sure I can wake up on time.n n7(2014云南70题)A good teacher is a good _. A teacher is there to listen to every student and help them out. (listen)players sleeper listener n n 重点突破n n动词变名词的常考角度如下:n ndancedancerlovelovern nwinwinner playplayern nlistenlistenerhelphelpern ns

24、leepsleeper workworker n ndesigndesignerreportreporter n nleadleaderownowner n nspeakspeakersingsingern npaintpainterfightfightern ninterviewinterviewertraveltraveler/travellern ndrivedriver writewritern nmanagemanager visitvisitorn nactactorinventinventorn ndirectdirectorrunrunner n n 活学巧练n n1Sun Y

25、ang is a famous Chinese _.(swim)n n2Mr.Chen is our new English _.(teach)n n3Thank you for your _.(invite)n n4The artist doesnt paint for money but for his own _ .(please)n n5Mary and Tony are a pair of pet pigs. The two have recently got a special license so that their _ can take them for a walk.(ow

26、n)swimmer teacher invitation pleasure owner n n6William Shakespeare was a successful English _. I admire him.(write)n n7We are going to have a _ about this problem.(discuss)n n8The earth is our home. I hope there will be more trees and less _. (pollute)writer discussion pollution n n考向2动词动名词n n近5年云南

27、省卷中动词变动名词在词形转换中考查了2次,均在介词后考查,曲靖卷考查了2次,1次在时态中,1次在介词后考查。具体如下:n n云南:201666题; 201568题n n曲靖:201773题; 201476题n n填动名词的判定方法:n n(1)形容词短语或介词动名词(be good at, without); n n(2)动名词作主语; n n(3)用于固定搭配中; n n(4)or前后形式一致; n n(5)标志词now, look。n n 考题例析n n(2016云南66题)John is not good at _,but he would like to have a try. (si

28、ng)n n【方法点拨】第1步:由括号中所给词可知此题应填sing的正确形式; 第2步:由空前的介词at可知应填sing的动名词形式singing。n n 中考回放n n1(2017曲靖73题)The graduation ceremony is on the way. There are some students _ (make) preparations for it.n n2(2015云南68题)No pains, no gains. Without _ hard, no one can achieve success in life. (work)n n3(2014曲靖76题)Tha

29、nk you very much for _ (give) me a hand.making working giving n n 重点突破n n1介词后跟动名词、名词的固定搭配有:n nbe different from 与不同 be interested in 对感兴趣 n nbe afraid of 害怕be good at 擅长n nbe famous/known for 以而闻名 be busy with 忙于n ndream of 梦想have trouble in 在有困难 n nlook forward to 盼望; 期待 n n【更多此类搭配见16开超强记忆训练手册】n n2

30、某些动词或动词短语后需跟动名词:n nenjoy喜欢mind介意 n nfinish完成keep持续 n nsuggest建议 practice练习 n nbe busy忙于 cant help禁不住 n nfeel like想要 give up放弃 n n 活学巧练n n1I like _ the piano. (play)n n2The children take an interest in _,so they study hard.(paint)n n3We can greet a person by bowing or nodding, or sometimes by _ hands

31、. (shake)n n4A lot of students enjoy _ with each other to solve the problems.(discuss)n n5Martin was so busy _ the old that he gave up his parttime job. (help)playing painting shaking discussing helping n n考向3动词形容词n n近5年云南省卷动词变形容词在词形转换中考查了2次,曲靖考查了1次。具体如下:n n云南:201570题; 201467题n n曲靖:201775题n n填形容词的判断

32、方法如下:n n(1)跟在系动词或半系动词之后; n n(2)空后有名词; n n(3)固定句型It is adj.of/for sb. to do sth.; n n(4)the形容词作主语。n n 考题例析n n(2015云南70题)The overseas Chinese in Yeman got _ when they saw Chinese soldiers coming to their help. (excite)n n【方法点拨】第1步:由括号中所给词可知填excite的正确形式; 第2步:分析句子语境可知此处缺的是修饰人的形容词。故填excited。n n 中考回放n n1(

33、2014云南67题)After the rain, the village looks _ from the top of the hill. (wonder)n n2(2017曲靖75题)He is not an honest man. What he said is _ (believe)wonderful unbelievable n n 重点突破n n动词变形容词在词形转换中的常考角度如下:n n1v.ing/ed(d)n nv.ing常修饰物,v.ed修饰人 n nexciteexciting/excitedamazeamazing/amazedn nsatisfysatisfyin

34、g/satisfiedfrightenfrightening/frightenedn ninterestinteresting/interestedrelaxrelaxing/relaxedn nboreboring/boredtiretiring/tiredn nsurprisesurprising/surprisedpleasepleasing/pleasedn n2v.ful n nwonderwonderfulcarecarefuln ncheercheerfuluseusefuln nhelphelpful regretregretfuln nsucceedsuccessful th

35、ankthankfuln n3v.ive n nactactivecreatecreative n n4v.lessn ncarecareless n n 活学巧练n n1Tom is a _ boy.He always invents some interesting toys.(create)n n2Mrs.Dean was _ to the policemen who had helped her kids arrive safely.(thank)n n3Im very _ in volleyball and basketball. I always spend all my free time on them. (interest)n n4The parents should make sure the kids have an _ and educational day. (enjoy)creative thankful interested enjoyable



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