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1、Travelling(旅游)Step 1. Lets write from memory. (默写默写) 地图map 票ticket旅馆hotel天气weather饭店restaurant导游guide参观visit游客visitor海滩beach介绍introduce拥挤的 crowded漂亮的beautiful令人兴奋的exciting极棒的wonderful有趣的interesting放松的relaxing平静的peaceful游客多的touristy迷人的fascinating有教育意义的educational中国China日本Japan英国England法国France美国Ameri

2、ca加拿大Canada澳大利亚Australia俄罗斯Russia印度India德国Germany意大利Italy巴黎Paris香港HongKong纽约NewYork伦敦London野炊have a picnic去野营gocamping去远足go hiking去观光gosightseeing 去钓鱼go fishing去购物goshopping去划船goboating去游泳goswimming 纪念品souvenir带领某人参观show sb. around Step 1. Lets write from memory. (默写默写) 阅读理解和完形填空中常见词汇:阅读理解和完形填空中常见词汇

3、:schedule 日程表timetable 时间表passenger 乘客check out 结帐accommodation 住宿travel agency 旅行社fee费用luggage 行李check in 登记passport 护照customs 海关scenery 风景Step 2. Lets do reading comprehension. (阅读理解阅读理解) If you go to Brisb.ane, Australia, you can easily get a small book called “Discover Brisb.ane” free. The book

4、tells you almost everything in Brisb.ane: the restaurants, the shops, the cinemas, the streets, the buses, the trains, the banks, etc. Here is something about on page 49:ANZ Banking GroupCorner of Greek & Queen Streets228 3228Bank of New Zealand410 Queen Street221 0411Bank of Queensland229 Elizabeth

5、 Street229 3122Commonwealth Banking Group240 Queen Street237 3111National Australia Bank Ltd.225 Adelaide Street221 6422Westpack Banking Corp.260 Queen Street227 2666Banking Hours: Mon. Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fri.9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. All banks close Sat. Sun. & Public Holidays.( ) 1 From the mate

6、rial, we can know _.A. Brisb.ane is a city in Australia B. “Discover Brisb.ane” is expensive C. “Discover Brisb.ane” has about 49 pages D. “Discover Brisb.ane” tells you everything in Brisb.ane( ) 2 You can find Bank of Queensland on _.A. Queen Street B. Elizabeth StreetC. Adelaide Street D. the cor

7、ner of Greek Street and Queen Street ( ) 3 _ seems to be the banking center in Brisb.ane.A. Greek Street B. Elizabeth Street C. Queen Street D. Adelaide Street( ) 4 At 5:30 p.m., you can go to _ to put your money in or take your money out.A. no banks B. ANZ Banking Group C. National Australia Bank L

8、td. D. Commonwealth Banking Group( ) 5 In Australia, the banks have their longest service hours on _.A. Fridays B. Mondays and Thursdays C. weekends D. public holidays Step 3. Lets fill in the blanks. (短文填空短文填空) Last month was October. I went to Hainan on holiday with my parents. Ittook1 us three ho

9、urs to get there by train. We lived in a four-starhotel2 fora night. The next morning, we wentswimming3in the sea and had a rest, so we were very relaxed. We had some seafood for lunch. It wasdelicious4 , so we really loved it! However, when wewent5 back to the hotel, it began torain6 on the way. Mo

10、re over, we didnt bring raincoats orumbrellas7 , so all of us gotwet8 . My mother and I had a badcold9 when we got back to the hotel. Then we had to see a doctor. What aterrible10 trip! Step 4. Lets read and write. (读写综合读写综合) A A信息归纳:请阅读下面短文,完成表格。信息归纳:请阅读下面短文,完成表格。Sydneyisontheeasternseaboard of Aus

11、tralia,nearthePacificOcean.Sydneyisthemostcrowedcityin Australia.It is oftenknown as the hostof the year 2000 OlympicGames.SinceSydneybeatBeijingin 1993for theright tothehosttheMillennium(千年千年) Olympic,millionsofdollarshave been spenton the 110, 000-seatOlympic stadiumknown as the StadiumAustralia.

12、The three outstandingaspects of Sydneyare itsexcellent sandybeaches, friendlyand multicultural residentsand clean atmosphere.Theparticular tourist attractions(旅游名胜旅游名胜 ) in SydneyareSydneyOpera House,SydneyHarbor Bridgeand Bondibeach.SydneyOperaHousewhichisfor boththepoorandthe rich lookslike a ship

13、sailing.SydneyHarbor Bridgewhichisknownas“thecoathanger(衣架衣架) ” isthelargestsinglearch(拱形拱形) bridgein theworld.Information CardThe location ( 位置) of On the eastern 1. Sydneyseaboard of Australia. The money spent on 2. Millions of dollars the Stadium AustraliaThe three aspects of SydneySandy beaches,

14、 friendly and multicultural residents and 3. clean atmosphere. Sydney Opera House, The particular tourist 4.Sydney Harbor Bridge and attraction in SydneyBondi beach. The largest single arch 5. Sydney Harbor Bridge bridge in the worldB书面表达:书面表达:现代人的生活压力都很大,所以人们喜欢通过旅游现代人的生活压力都很大,所以人们喜欢通过旅游来缓解压力,请围绕下列内

15、容写一篇不少于来缓解压力,请围绕下列内容写一篇不少于 80字的字的短文。短文。1有的人喜欢独自旅行,有的人喜欢与别人结伴有的人喜欢独自旅行,有的人喜欢与别人结伴而行;而行;2两种旅行方式的好处;两种旅行方式的好处;3你更喜欢哪种旅行方式,为什么?你更喜欢哪种旅行方式,为什么?Now more and more people like traveling around the world. Because that can make them relax. When it comes to traveling ways, different people will offer different

16、 opinions. Some like to travel alone, but some like to travel with their friends or parents. I think traveling alone is good for enjoying more freedom. And I think traveling with others who have the same interest can share something happy with others. As for me, I prefer to travel with friends rathe

17、r than travel alone. Because we can deal with the possible problems and difficulties in the journey. If you would like to travel, with Wish you to have a great trip! 写作方法指导一、审题,找要点。1.现代人的生活压力很大,所以人们喜欢通过旅游来缓解压力.2.有的人喜欢独自旅游,有的人喜欢与别人结伴而行。3.独自旅行方式的好处。4.与别人结伴旅行方式的好处。5.你更喜欢哪种旅行。6.为什么?最少要写到这六点!二、怎样写?第一点:No

18、w more and more people like _. Because that can _. 第二点:Different people have different opinions. Some_, but some _. 第三、四点:I think traveling alone_. And I think traveling with others _. 第五、六点:For me, I prefer to_. Because_.(写原因时可以拓展字数,可多写几个原因。)结尾:If you would like to travel, wish you to have a great time. 谢谢观看!2020



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