广东学导练九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 6 When was it invented?课前预习Section B一、重点单词一、重点单词 1. _ 咸的2. _ 酸的;有酸味的3. _ 顾客;客户4. _ 加拿大的;加拿大人的;加拿大人5. _ 分开;分散6. _ 篮;筐7. _ 英雄;男主角8. _ 职业的;专业的saltysourcustomerCanadiandividebasketheroprofessional二、重点短语二、重点短语1. _ _ 错误地;无意中2. _ the _ 最后;终于3. _ _ 薯片4. _._. 把分为5. _ the _ _ 与此同时6. _ sb. _ _ 教某人做7.

2、om _ 阻止做8. _ _.,_ also. 不仅,而且bymistakeinendpotatochipsdivideintoatsametimeteachtodostopdoingnotonlybut9. _ _ of. 的数目10. _ _ _ 钦佩;仰慕11. _ sb. _ _ 鼓励某人做12. _ _ dream实现某人的梦想13. _ _ groups职业篮球队14. _ _ 超过;多余thenumberlookuptoencouragetodorealizeonesprofessionalbasketballmorethan名师点津【1 1】Potato chips were

3、invented Potato chips were invented by mistakeby mistake. . 薯片是无薯片是无意中被发明的意中被发明的。【知识点知识点】 by mistake的用法。【讲解讲解】 句中的mistake是名词,意为“错误”。mistake也可以作动词, 意为“弄错;误解”,相关的短语有:mistake sb. for sb. 意为“把某人错认作某人”。【举例【举例】 I got on the wrong bus by mistake. 我无意中坐错了公共汽车。He took away my pen by mistake. 他错拿了我的钢笔。She mad

4、e a few mistakes in the math test. 她在数学测验中犯了几个错误。They mistook him for the manager. 他们错把他当成经理了。【熟记【熟记】 make a mistake/make mistakes 犯错误by mistake 错误地;无意中mistake A for B 误将A当作B【学以致用【学以致用】根据汉语意思完成句子1. 我错拿了他的书包。 I took his backpack _ _. 2. 他经常在拼写上出错。He often _ _ in his spelling. 3. 她经常被误认为是她的双胞胎妹妹。She _

5、 often _ _ her twin sister. bymistakemakesmistakesismistakenfor【2 2】George wanted to George wanted to makemake the customer the customer happyhappy. . 乔治想要取悦这位顾客乔治想要取悦这位顾客。【知识点知识点】 使役动词、感官动词的相关知识。【讲解讲解】 句中make是使役动词,意为“使,让”,其后可接名词、形容词、省略to的动词不定式或动词的过去分词来充当宾语补足语。注意使役动词make, have及感官动词see, hear, watch等后

6、接省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的主动语态变成被动语态时,动词不定式的“to”需还原。 【举例【举例】 They made Mr. Brown a Roman citizen. 他们使布朗先生成了罗马公民。What he said made me sad. 他说的话让我很难过。The boss made the workers work twelve hours a day.=The workers were made to work twelve hours a day. 老板让工人们每天工作十二个小时。【学以致用【学以致用】()1. She made her daughter _ the

7、 piano two hours a day. A. playsB. to playC. playD. playing()2. The twins were made _ the room on Sunday. A. tidyB. to tidyC. tidyingD. tidied()3. The joke was so funny that it made him _ again and again. (2015重庆)A. laughB. to laugh C. laughed D. laughsCBA【3 3】Dr. Dr. NaismithNaismith divideddivided

8、 the men in his class the men in his class intointo two teams and taught them to play his new two teams and taught them to play his new game. game. 奈史密斯博士把班里的男生分成了两队并教他们玩奈史密斯博士把班里的男生分成了两队并教他们玩他的新游戏他的新游戏。【知识点知识点】 divide的用法。【讲解讲解】 句中的divide意为“分开;划分”,divide.into意为“把分成”, divide还有“分配;隔开;除尽”的意思。【举例【举例】 Th

9、e road divides here. 这条路在这里分岔。We divided the cake into four parts. 我们把蛋糕分成了四份。He divided his energy between politics and business. 他把精力分配在政治和生意上。Divide ten by two, and you get five. 十除以二,得五。【熟记【熟记】 与into有关的短语:divide sth. into. 将某物分开为turn sth. /sb. into. 将某物/某人变为cut sth. into. 将某物切成块put sth. into. 将某

10、物放进translate. into. 将翻译成(常指两种语言的互译)fall into 掉进;陷入break into 打断;闯入come into 进入go/get/enter into 进去;进入look into 朝里面看run into 陷入;撞上【学以致用【学以致用】1. My father divided the cake into four pieces. (改为被动句)The cake _ _ _ four pieces by my father. ()2. The earth _ 24 time zones(时区). A. is dividedB. was dividedC

11、. divides intoD. is divided intowasdividedintoD【4】At the same time, they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket. 与此同时,他们还要阻止对手们将球投入他们自己与此同时,他们还要阻止对手们将球投入他们自己的篮筐。的篮筐。【知识点】【知识点】 stop. (from) doing sth.。【讲解】【讲解】 stop. (from) doing sth.意为“阻止 做某事”,其同义词组有:prevent . (fr

12、om) doing sth. 和keep. from doing sth. (from不能省略)。【举例】【举例】 She stopped the children playing near the river. 她阻止孩子们在河边玩耍。The bad weather prevented us getting there on time. 恶劣的天气阻止了我们准时到那里。I dont want to keep you from your work. 我不想耽误你的工作。【熟记【熟记】 与stop有关的短语:stop doing. 停止做 (手头的事)stop to do. 停止 (手头的事)去

13、做另一件事stop/keep/prevent. (from) doing.=. be stopped/kept/prevented (from) doing. 阻止/妨碍做【学以致用【学以致用】1. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)谁也阻止不了我们去野营。No one can _ us from _ _. (2)警察正努力阻止小偷逃跑。 The police are _ _ _ the thief _ _ _. ()2. You look tired. Youd better _ a good rest. (2014烟台)A. stop to haveB. stop havingC. to sto

14、p to haveD. to stop having stop/keep/preventgoingcampingtryingtostop/keep/preventfromrunningawayA【5 5】Basketball has Basketball has not onlynot only become a popular become a popular sport to play, sport to play, butbut it has it has alsoalso become a popular become a popular sport to watch. sport t

15、o watch. 篮球不仅成了受欢迎的玩耍运动,而且篮球不仅成了受欢迎的玩耍运动,而且成了受欢迎的观赏的运动成了受欢迎的观赏的运动。【知识点知识点】 not only. but (also).的用法。【讲解讲解】 not only. but (also).,该短语意为“不但, 而且”, 其中also有时与but分隔开,也可以省略, 还可换成not only. but. as well。 注意注意:(1) 该短语其连接的两个对等成分侧重点在“but also”上,谓语动词的数应与but also后的主语保持一致;(2) not only放在句首,其后面接句子时要用倒装结构。not only.bu

16、t also. (不但而且), neither.nor. (既不也不), either.or. (要么要么) 这三个短语连接对等成分作主语时, 要遵循“就近”原则;而用both.and. (两者都) 作主语时, 谓语动词通常用复数。【举例【举例】 Eleanor not only dances well, but (also) writes music/but writes music as well. 埃莉诺不仅舞跳得好, 而且会作曲。Not only the mother but the children are also sick. 不仅母亲,孩子们也都生病了。Not only you

17、but also Mr. Zhang teaches in this college. 不仅你, 张老师也在此大学教书。Not only was everything taken away, but also the house was burnt. 不仅什么都被拿走了, 而且房子也被烧了。【学以致用【学以致用】1. 不仅男孩子, 女孩子也有被选中的。(根据汉语意思完成句子)_ _ boys, _ _ girls were chosen.()2. Neither the headmaster nor the teachers _ take a vacation next week. (2015

18、呼和浩特)A. were going toB. is going toC. was going toD. are going toNotonlybutalsoD()3. Eric, please turn down the music. _ Lucy _ Lily are sleeping.Sorry, Ill do it right away. (2014丹东)A. Neither; norB. Either; orC. Both; andD. Not only; but also()4. How do you like the two pairs of shorts? They dont

19、fit me well. Theyre _ too long _ too short. (2014滨州)A. not only; but also B. both; and C. neither; nor D. either; orCD文脉梳理【1】迅速通读教材】迅速通读教材P46-2b课文课文“Do You Know When Basketball Was Invented?”, 完成下面的表格完成下面的表格 History of basketballAge: 1._First played: 2. _When and where it entered the Olympics: 3._In

20、ventor: 4._more than/over 100 years oldon December 21, 1891in 1936 in BerlinJames NaismithSimple description of a basketball game5._ are needed, team members are required to 6._, they also need to 7._ getting the ball into their own basket. Two teamswork togetherstop the competing team fromBasketbal

21、l todayIts become a sport 8._ as well as a sport 9._. Big basketball associations worldwide: 10._ in America with more and more 11._; 12._ in China with more and more 13._. to playto watchNBAforeign players (including Chinese players)CBAforeign playersIts popularity 14._ throughout the world; its pl

22、ayed by over 15._ people in more than 16._. Its also become many young peoples 17._to be 18._.has risen100 million200 countriesdreamsbasketball heroes【2 2】本课时主要短语串联应用】本课时主要短语串联应用 (用方框内短语的适当形(用方框内短语的适当形式填空)式填空)look up to, be enjoyed by, in history, not only.but also, the popularity of, it is believed

23、, be invented by, top.from, the number of, be divided intoFootball 1._ millions of people, 2._ the young _ the enjoyed bynot onlybut alsoAmerican football is a very popular game in the US. 3._ that football 4._ Jim Hamilton in America. The first nighttime football game 5._ was played in Mansf

24、ield, Pennsylvania on September 28,1892.In 1867, the first sets(系列) of rules for American football were drawn up(草拟) at Princeton College. According to the Princeton rules, twenty-five players 6._ two teams. Each team needed to 7._ the competing team _ shooting the ball into their own goal line.It i

25、s believedwas invented byin historywere divided intostopfrom8._ college football grew as it became the main version(形式) of the sport in the United States for the first half of the 20th century. The game was sometimes dangerous for players. So in the year 1905, different college teams met to discuss

26、safety issues of the game. In 1912, 9._ downs (摔倒) was increased from three to four.Today, more and more people are playing or watching football around the world, with many people dreaming of becoming famous players. Many people 10._ the football heroes such as Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and so on. Th

27、ese super stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams.The popularity ofthe number oflook up to习作乐园假设你是个商人, 新发明了一种环保购物袋。请你写一篇短文介绍你的这项小发明,并设法将它卖给他人。内容要点:1. 首先介绍这种环保袋是谁发明的, 名称是什么;2. 接着介绍这种环保袋的外形、材质、功能、使用场合、作用和特点等;3. 最后对这种环保袋的作用进行简要的概括, 并使用呼语发动他人购买。【1 1】思路点拨】思路点拨在写作过程中要注意以下几点: 1. 本

28、文的重点内容为介绍环保袋的外形、材质、功能、使用场合等,注意要言而有序、简明清晰。 2. 因为是向他人推销自己的产品, 故结尾的用语要尽量简短而有煽动性。【2 2】粮草先行】粮草先行审题卡:体裁1. _基本人称 2. _基本时态 3. _相关词句 4. 由某人发明 _5. 环保购物袋 _6. 回收旧衣服 _7. 减少 _说明文说明文第一人称、第三人称第一人称、第三人称一般现在时和一般过去时,被动语态一般现在时和一般过去时,被动语态be invented by sb.environmentally friendlyshopping bagrecycle the old lothescut dow

29、n on/reduce【3 3】佳作欣赏】佳作欣赏This special shopping bag was invented by me. It is called an environmentally friendly shopping bag.It is just like a common plastic bag, but it was made of old jeans, and it helps to recycle the old clothes. It looks cool and it is used for carrying things. You can use it not only in the supermarket but also in other public places. Besides, it will cut down on the use of plastic bags. Finally, it is not easy to tear.I think the most important about this bag is, it helps to protect the environment. Im sure you will find it useful and worth buying!



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