攻壳机动队 Ghost in the Shell(1995) Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (2008)

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攻壳机动队 Ghost in the Shell(1995) Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (2008)_第1页
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《攻壳机动队 Ghost in the Shell(1995) Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (2008)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《攻壳机动队 Ghost in the Shell(1995) Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (2008)(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、攻壳机动队GhostintheShell(1995)GhostintheShell2.0(2008)Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望questions1,什么是ghost ?与shell是什么关系?What does “ghost” mean? What is its relationship with “shell”? 2,如果说cyborg比人类优秀的话?公安9课为什么还要保留一个人类的警察? If a cyborg is more superior than a

2、 human, why does the chief of Section 9 still keep a human cop, Togusa? questions3,“记忆”是本片的主题之一,在多大程度上身份认同依赖于记忆?Memory again is one of the themes in Ghost in the Shell. To what extent does our identity depend on memory? 4,在素子看来,是什么构成了人的身份认同?According to Major Kusanagi, what constitute a human identi

3、ty? questions5,为什么傀儡师从电脑系统逃跑?为什么它想与身体结合?Why does Puppet Master (Program 2501) escape from the computer system? Why does it want to combine with a body?6,素子为什么接受了傀儡师的要求与它结合?Why does Major Kusanagi accept the offer to merge with Program 2501? A Review透过华丽的外壳,押井守试图向我们挖掘出某些隐藏在事物背后的深刻内涵来,从而使电影达到了一种思想上的高度

4、,甚至具有了一定的哲学意义。再加上大魄力的绚丽画面和诡异的音乐,以及掺杂在其中冷冰冰的对白,特别是动画电影中那种颠覆现实与传统的绝对震撼以及超凡脱俗的想像力,都将我们带进了一个如梦似幻的诡异世界。草雉素子在大街上行走,如同在鬼魃世界中穿行,人群中那一张张冷冰冰的面孔,混淆了真实世界与梦境的界线。繁华的街道寂静如死,瑰丽的都市阴郁黑暗,从始至终,贯穿于全片的灰暗风格始终不变,驱使人们在压抑和迷茫中去思考,去领悟。 赛博格Cyborg“cyborg”是“cybernetic organism”的结合是以无机物所构成的机器作为身体的一部份生物(包括人与其它动物在内)。目的在于借由人工科技来增加或强化

5、生物体的能力。Cyborg, also known as a cybernetic organism, is a being with both biological and artificial (e.g. electronic, mechanical or robotic) parts. Cyborgs are more frequently people who use cybernetic technology to repair or overcome the physical and mental constraints of their bodies. While cyborgs

6、 are commonly thought of as mammals, they might conceivably be any kind of organism.A cyborg-posthuman在一个普通案例里,一个配带有心律调整器的人可能会被认为是改造人,因为他她如果失去了那个机械的部份就无法生存下去。In a typical example, a human fitted with a heart pacemaker or an insulin pump (if the person has diabetes) might be considered a cyborg, sinc

7、e these mechanical parts enhance the bodys natural mechanisms through synthetic feedback mechanisms. Ghost in the shell灵魂、意识 - ghost身体、义体 - shellGhost 和 Shell 必须都有吗?哪个重要?Major KusanagiHer body, a composite of organic tissue and machinery complete with enhanced senses, strength, and reflexes, has bee

8、n manufactured by Megatech, a corporation which specializes in the production of high-tech cyborg shells. Her mind, or ghost, consists of organic brain cells housed in the titanium shell of her skull and augmented by a supplemental computer brain.人与机器的界限攻壳机动队处理了一个问题:人与机器之间的界限消失那么人在什么意义上活着(存在)?Ghost

9、in the Shell delivers an incredible vision of the future where the line between cybernetics and humanity is lost. Ghost in the Shell is dominated by an ongoing discussion of what it means to be human and really, what it means to be alive.Major Kusanagi素子一直在追问:人类的脑放入义体之中,是否还是一个人?她甚至怀疑记忆移植后,人脑有什么特殊之处?

10、Ghost作为非确定性的本质,如何使我们觉得自己活着?She is plagued throughout the film with questions as to whether or not a human brain encased in a metallic shell qualifies as human. She even doubts that she has an organic brain, it being entirely possible to programme human memories into an artificial neural network. Doe

11、s she, therefore, have a ghost that indeterminable essence that makes us truly living beings? Kusanagi talked to Batou要有林林总总的部分,才能组成一个完整的人,要想得以构成迥然不同之人,所需要的东西千差万别,异于他人的面孔,下意识里的声调,梦醒时凝视的手掌,儿时的记忆,未来的期盼,还有我电子脑触及的信息海洋及广阔的网络,所有这一切孕育了“我”。个人意识的升华使我意识到自我的存在,同时也将我限制在“自我”之中。Provided we give back our cyborg sh

12、ells and the memories they hold. Just as there are many parts needed to make a human a human, theres a remarkable number of things needed to make an individual what they are. A face to distinguish yourself from others. A voice you arent aware of yourself. The hands you see when you awaken. The memor

13、ies of childhood, the feelings of the future. Thats not all. Theres the expanse of the data-net my cyber brain can access. All of that goes into making me what I am, giving rise to a consciousness that I call me. And simultaneously confining me within set limits. 记忆memory就如傀儡师所说:记忆如同幻想,就是依靠记忆人类才存在垃圾

14、工记忆被移植,产生完全无关的自我认同Puppet Master says While memories may as well be the same as fantasy, it is by these memories that mankind exists. Memory/dataall data that exists is both fantasy and reality. Whichever it is, the data a person collects in a lifetime is a tiny bit compared to the whole. The Puppet

15、Master is actually a sentient intelligence that was born in the sea of information that is mankinds computerized society. 人一生收集的信息与整个信息相比只是一点点。VS傀儡师是在“信息海洋”中产生的search is symbolized 素子的追寻是具有象征意义的就算有ghost,是否是“真实的自己”?The search is also symbolized when she surfaces, and the animated image of her rising

16、up to meet her reflection, representing her true self. She wonders if she has a ghost, an animating soul or spirit. involve Puppet Master素子试图通过独一无二的脸、声音、儿时记忆等来确认自我。然而,当她发现傀儡师的时候,她怀疑是否有真实的“自己”。Her attempt at defining the self begins with a unique face, voice, childhood memories, feelings for the futu

17、re, and the set of mental processes producing a consciousness that is me. However, upon a discovery involving the Puppet Master, she further worries that what if there wasnt a real me, that I believe I exist based only on what my environment tells me. . What if a computer brain can generate a ghost

18、and harbor a soul? On what basis then do I believe in myself? identityAccording to the logic of this new arrangement, the constitutive components of our lives, including our identities, can no longer be thought of as natural entities, can no longer be defined by an ontology of essence. The world has

19、, instead, become coded; its elements are defined, not by an inner/outer dichotomy, but by their relational positions within larger systems of information. 身份认同不在被看做是自然的,不能被“ 存在的本质”所界定世界是编码(coded)而成,其基础是被界定的,不是内/外的二分,而是在于其在信息系统中的相互关系。self素子的“自我”不是从内在产生的,而是从她与所属的组织的关系中产生。Kusanagis sense of self thus

20、does not derive from a supposedly interior source, from a real self that animates a body that physically establishes its identity, but rather from her relation to the organization to which she belongs. Identity of Puppet Master 傀儡师9课认为其身份为攻击ghost的黑客“她”没有所谓的“人类”的认同,只是 computer program Section Nine ha

21、s been tracking this entity, a cyber-terrorist who commits acts of international theft and sabotage while masking his identity by ghost-hacking into other cyborgs and using their shells as platforms from which to access the various information systems that he has targeted. Section Nine does not real

22、ize that the Puppet Master has no human identity at all, but is in fact a computer program secretly created by Section Six, the department of Foreign Affairs new identity素子与傀儡师结合,形成新的身份,从而逃避了组织得控制。-素子原来的身份认同依赖于组织The films climactic ending finalizes this disruption when Major perma- nently merges her

23、 consciousness with The Puppet Masters to form an entirely new identity, that allows them finally to escape the control of the organizations that created them. 不被限制的自我 Unrestricted self与傀儡师合并merge with Puppet Master傀儡师作为镜像,素子在其中看到了自己“自我”不被束缚的自我在更宽广的地方存在Kusanagi is ingeniously mirrored by the Puppet

24、Master.sexual identity推翻了传统的性别认同塑造了素子“超人”形象subverts the conventional construction of sexual identityThe combination of cyber- technology and the organic has effectively made Kusanagi superhuman 与巴特 relationship with Botau少佐与巴特各自代表了女性与男性如素子的身体Major and Botau are textually represented as hyperbolic ex

25、tremes of femininity and masculinity respectively, a female body that corresponds to a contemporary, Western ideal of feminine beauty in its physical proportions alongside a gigantically muscled masculine frame. 被动的与进攻性的传统意义上,女性:被动的;男性:进攻性的少佐与巴特的身体:进攻性的,作战技艺高超Ghost in the Shell, however, visually de

26、ploys these bodies as narrative signifiers that have been stripped of the qualities they conventionally signify: passivity and aggressiveness. More precisely, because both of these bodies signify aggressiveness and martial prowess within the film, they exemplify something akin to free variation-that

27、 is, the material differences between these bodily signifiers do not similarly correspond to differing signifieds. 与陀古萨对比contrast with Togusa陀古萨:最大程度的人类,不会像素子等人反应类似陀古萨:男性素子具有更高的能力赛博格技术赋予了女性更强的权力,而陀古萨显得更加“女性”。Majors enhanced cyborg body, however, enables her to perform athletic and martial feats that

28、 consistently outstrip anything of which Togusa is capable. This increased ability in combat effectively positions her as his superior.Thus, even the most cursory first reading of the film suggests that cyborg technology has endowed a female character with a marked degree of power and positioned Togusa in the more “feminized” role of inferiority.



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