高中英语 Module 5 Cloning Period 2 Grammar,Listening and Vocabulary课件1 外研版选修6.ppt

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1、Module 5 CloningGrammarGrammarSubjunctive (1)Subjunctive (1)虚拟语气是一种动词形式虚拟语气是一种动词形式, 表示说话表示说话人认为他所说的话是和事实相反的主人认为他所说的话是和事实相反的主观设想或主观愿望、假设、怀疑、猜观设想或主观愿望、假设、怀疑、猜测、建议等含义测、建议等含义, 虚拟语气所表示的虚拟语气所表示的含义不是客观存在的事实。含义不是客观存在的事实。1. 对现在的假设对现在的假设:表示现在实际上并不表示现在实际上并不存在的情况。存在的情况。 从句形式为从句形式为: If +主语主语+动词过去式动词过去式 主句形式为主句形式

2、为:主语主语+would/should /could/might+动词原形动词原形e.g. If I were you, I would give up smoking. 要是我是你要是我是你, 我就戒烟。我就戒烟。 If I had time, I would learn French. 要是我有时间的话,我会去学法语。要是我有时间的话,我会去学法语。2. 对将来的假设对将来的假设: 表示将来实现可能性表示将来实现可能性非常小的情况。非常小的情况。 从句形式为从句形式为: If+主语主语+动词过去式,动词过去式,或者或者If+主语主语+ should+动词原形或者动词原形或者If+主语主语+

3、 were to+动词原形动词原形 主句形式为主句形式为: 主语主语+would /should /could /might+动词原形动词原形e.g. If I were to do it, I would do it in a different way. 要是让我来做这件事要是让我来做这件事, 我会以一种我会以一种完全不同的方式来做的。完全不同的方式来做的。 If it should snow tomorrow, we could have a snowball fight. 如果明天下雪如果明天下雪,我们可以打雪仗。我们可以打雪仗。 If you missed the film toni

4、ght, you would feel sorry for it. 如果你错过今晚的电影如果你错过今晚的电影, 会感到遗会感到遗憾的。憾的。3. 3. 对过去的假设对过去的假设对过去的假设对过去的假设: : 表示过去并不存在的表示过去并不存在的表示过去并不存在的表示过去并不存在的现象。现象。现象。现象。 从句形式为从句形式为从句形式为从句形式为: If+: If+主语主语主语主语+ +过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时 主句形式为主句形式为主句形式为主句形式为: : 主语主语主语主语+would/ should/ +would/ should/ could/ might + have d

5、onecould/ might + have donee.g. e.g. If If you you had got uphad got up earlier, you earlier, you could could have caughthave caught the train. the train. If they If they had not studiedhad not studied hard, they hard, they would have failedwould have failed in the exam. in the exam. 假如他们学习不那么刻苦假如他们

6、学习不那么刻苦假如他们学习不那么刻苦假如他们学习不那么刻苦, , 就不会就不会就不会就不会通过考试了。通过考试了。通过考试了。通过考试了。 If we If we had caughthad caught the first bus, we the first bus, we might have arrivedmight have arrived now. now. 如果我们赶上了第一班汽车如果我们赶上了第一班汽车如果我们赶上了第一班汽车如果我们赶上了第一班汽车, , 我们我们我们我们现在有可能已经到达了。现在有可能已经到达了。现在有可能已经到达了。现在有可能已经到达了。1. 1. 在正式文

7、体中在正式文体中在正式文体中在正式文体中, , 有时可以把虚拟条件有时可以把虚拟条件有时可以把虚拟条件有时可以把虚拟条件句中的连词句中的连词句中的连词句中的连词if if省略省略省略省略, , 而将而将而将而将were, had, were, had, shouldshould等动词提前到主语前面。等动词提前到主语前面。等动词提前到主语前面。等动词提前到主语前面。e.g. e.g. WereWere she younger, she would do it. she younger, she would do it.她要是再年轻点她要是再年轻点她要是再年轻点她要是再年轻点, , 就会干的。就会

8、干的。就会干的。就会干的。注意注意e.g. e.g. HadHad he known her address, he he known her address, he would have gone to visit her. would have gone to visit her. 如果他知道她的地址如果他知道她的地址如果他知道她的地址如果他知道她的地址, , 他会去看她的。他会去看她的。他会去看她的。他会去看她的。 ShouldShould it happen, what would you it happen, what would you do? do? 如果真发生这样的事如果真发生

9、这样的事如果真发生这样的事如果真发生这样的事, , 你怎么办呢?你怎么办呢?你怎么办呢?你怎么办呢?2. 2. 虚拟语气中虚拟语气中虚拟语气中虚拟语气中, , 条件从句的动词动作可条件从句的动词动作可条件从句的动词动作可条件从句的动词动作可以和主句的动词动作时态一致。以和主句的动词动作时态一致。以和主句的动词动作时态一致。以和主句的动词动作时态一致。e.g. If they e.g. If they had studiedhad studied hard, they hard, they could docould do it easily now. it easily now. 如果他们以前

10、努力学习的话如果他们以前努力学习的话如果他们以前努力学习的话如果他们以前努力学习的话, , 现在现在现在现在干的就会容易些。干的就会容易些。干的就会容易些。干的就会容易些。 If he If he had not takenhad not taken my advice, he my advice, he wouldnt dowouldnt do it much better like this. it much better like this. 如果他不听取我的建议如果他不听取我的建议如果他不听取我的建议如果他不听取我的建议, , 他就不会干他就不会干他就不会干他就不会干得这样好。得这样好

11、。得这样好。得这样好。Correct the wrong sentences. 1. If the weather was nice yesterday, we would have gone to the zoo.2. He were you, he would go home at once.3. I should have come here early, but I had been busy.had beenWere he you/If he were youwasI. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I wish you _ (stay) he

12、re a little longer next time.2. I wish my father _ (be) at home now, for no one can help me work out the problem. 3. Id rather you _ (go) at once. would staywerewent4. The emergency required that all the tasks _ (complete) at least two days ahead of time. 5. His suggestion is that he _ (send) to Tib

13、et. 6. I wish that I _ (not waste) so much time last term. (should) be completed(should) be senthadnt wastedII. 根据括号内所给汉语提示完成下列句子根据括号内所给汉语提示完成下列句子, 每空一词。每空一词。1. I wish I _ _ _ _ _ _ (知道这个问题的答案知道这个问题的答案). 2. They talked as if they _ _ _ _ _ (是多年的朋友是多年的朋友). 3. His silence suggested that he _ _ _ _ (赞同

14、我的决定赞同我的决定). knew the answer to the questionhad beenfriends for yearsto my decisionagreed7. The officer ordered that the guns _ (fire). 8. Id rather you _ (not tell) him the news that day.9. Its time that I _ (go) to fetch my daughter from the kindergarten. 10. He talks about New York as if he _ (be

15、) there before. had been (should) be firedhadnt toldwent4. It is time that we _ _ _ _ _ (做些什么制止污染做些什么制止污染). 5. She advised that he _ _ _ _ (尽他最大的努力尽他最大的努力) to improve the working conditions of his factory. should trydid something tostop pollutionhis bestListening & VocabularyListening & Vocabularysc

16、ientists working in a laboratorya human cella gene-the part of a cell that controls how it develops1. Who do we get our genes from? Our parents.2. How many parents does a cloned animal have? One.3. Where are cloned animals created? In a laboratory.Think about the following questions:4. In what way a

17、re Sheep A and Sheep B identical? The have identical genes, and so are identical in every way.Answer the questions about the words and phrases in the box.to be against (cloning) argument beneficial to be for (cloning) nature1. If you are for something, do you think it is a good idea?2. If you are ag

18、ainst something, do you think it is a good idea?3. Do you often have arguments with people, in which you disagree about something? What kind of things do you argue about?4. Do you think nature should be left alone, or is it better to make plants and animals the way we want them?5. Do you think cloni

19、ng may be beneficial / helpful to humans? Give at least one reason. Grammar 1. have arguments with sb. about sth. 因为某事和某人发生争论因为某事和某人发生争论 相当于相当于: argue with sb. about sth.2. beneficial: having a helpful or useful effect 有益的有益的, 有用的有用的, 有好处的有好处的 常用词组常用词组: beneficial to sb./sth.e.g. a beneficial result

20、/influence 有益的结果、影响有益的结果、影响 Fresh air is beneficial to our health.新鲜空气有益于健康。新鲜空气有益于健康。benefit: vt. do good to sb./sth. 使某人或某物受益使某人或某物受益 e.g. The plants benefited from the rain. 植物得益于这场雨。植物得益于这场雨。benefit: n. profit, gain 利益利益, 实惠实惠 e.g. This dictionary will be of great benefit to me. 这部字典将对我有很大裨益。这部字

21、典将对我有很大裨益。1. Cloning is against nature.2. Cloning will be beneficial to humans. For example, if a couple cant have children, cloning could help give them a child. Say which of the arguments below are Say which of the arguments below are for cloning and which are against for cloning and which are aga

22、inst cloning. Write cloning. Write F F (for) or (for) or A A (against). (against).AF3. Cloned animals get ill and die quite young.4. People are afraid that scientists will create thousands of copies of the same person.5. Cloning is dangerous because scientist may create monsters by mistake.6. We cou

23、ld use cloning to cure illnesses. AFAA1. Dr Hugh Donaville works for a company that has already cloned a number of people.2. A sheep called Dolly was cloned in 1998.animals1997Correct the wrong information in these sentences according to the listening material. 3. Dolly the sheep died in 2003.4. Don

24、aville thinks scientists treated Dolly the sheep as a product. The professor5. Donaville says that if a child is very ill, scientists could clone it.6. Donaville thinks its a good idea to have thousands of copies of the same person.7. Donaville says that we could clone animals that have become extin

25、ct. diesterribleare becoming extinctMatch these words and expressions in the box with their meanings. Everyday English on the contraryThats it.Incredibleto continueobviouslyin other wordsNonsense!1.clearly2.Im going to continue.3.to say it another way4.Its a difficult to believe!5.The opposite is tr

26、ue.6.Thats completely untrue.7.Thats right. Complete the conversation with the expressions. T(Teacher): Tell me what you know about cloning. S(Student): Cloned animals take their genes from both their parents.T: _, they take their genes from a single parent.On the contraryS: Sorry, yes. _ scientists

27、 join an egg and an adult cell from the same animal or plant. This creates a clone. T: _! Well done!S: But of course, cloned animals will never be “real” animals, will they?To continueThats itT: _! _, there are problems with cloned animals at the moment. This is because cloning is a new science. But one day, clones will be just as good as real animals or humans.S: _, cloned animals will be just like you or me?T: Yes!S: _!NonsenseObviouslyIn other wordsIncredible



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