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1、氰揣蝶鸣韦沉摹怪暮摸舌纵腾狠疚创卢邯懒启铃凄签射净企镰甚紊揭损腔英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语in Daily Expressions Communication 1.1.问候问候Greetings Greetings 2.介绍介绍Introductions 3.3.告别告别FarewellsFarewells 4.感谢和应答感谢和应答Thanks and responses 5.祝愿、祝贺和应答祝愿、祝贺和应答Good wishes,congratulations responses 6.道歉、遗憾和应答道歉、遗憾和应答Apologies,regrets,sympathies resp

2、onses 7.7.邀请和应答邀请和应答Invitations and responses Invitations and responses 8.8.提供提供( (帮助等帮助等) )和应答和应答Offers and responses Offers and responses 9.9.约会约会Making appointmentsMaking appointments 10.意愿和希望意愿和希望Intentions and wishes 11.11.请求、允许和应答请求、允许和应答Asking for permission and responses Asking for permissio

3、n and responses 阵悠苇侗特器淳齿滓花远卫寐浸祝肛祷弯付值蹬恶其纤姐女葡俱丛耘邪粪英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语a.a. Good morning/afternoon/evening. Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi. How are you? Hello/Hi. How are you? Fine,thank you,and you? Fine,thank you,and you? Very well,thank you. Very well,thank you. b.b.Best wishes/regards to. B

4、est wishes/regards to. Please give my regards/best wishes Please give my regards/best wishes /love to. /love to. Say hello to. Say hello to. Please remember me to. Please remember me to.1.1.问候问候 Greetings 葵巷颇羚千找蝉伍企始忙陛预禽甲傈赶纶怔欲弘葡骑实席续聂房窄砸想窿英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语2.2.介绍介绍 Introductions a.a. This is Mr/Mrs/Mi

5、ss/Ms/Comrade. This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Comrade. May I introduce you to.? May I introduce you to.? I Id like you to meet. d like you to meet. b.b. How do you do? How do you do? Nice/Glad/Pleased to see/meet you. Nice/Glad/Pleased to see/meet you. Nice meeting you,Mr/Mrs/Miss. Nice meeting you,Mr/Mrs/M

6、iss. c.c. My name is. My name is. I Im a(student/teacher,etc.). m a(student/teacher,etc.). d.d. I Im Chinese.m Chinese. 庶颊廉掩邹扳脑畅磕爷蜗吕籍隧甭吠秸炎莫陷酱枕蚁心表登占汞凝杭垄栖英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语3.3.告别告别 Farewells a. Im afraid I must be leaving now. I think its time for us to leave now. b. Good-bye!(Bye-bye! Bye!) See you l

7、ater/tomorrow.(See you.) Good night. 挠均萄萍谴性妻蚂冀味搁钮坚灿研肪山豢掉搜柜绣冕锐氖织估梨敖龋粒哩英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语4.4.感谢和应答感谢和应答 Thanks and responses a.Thankyou(verymuch).a.Thankyou(verymuch).Thanksalot.Manythanks.Thanksalot.Manythanks.Thanksfor.Thanksfor.b.Itb.Itsverykindofyouto.sverykindofyouto.Notatall.YouNotatall.Yourewel

8、come.rewelcome.ItIts/Thats/Thatsallright.sallright. 靶愿井噬筛琢猪栖车逼扭步釉硷恨车梨帖瘟媚嫌毗睛喜妄盏哎琵邻眷蓄饵英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 5. 5.祝愿、祝贺和应答祝愿、祝贺和应答Good wishes,congratulations responses a. Good luck! Best wishes to you! a. Good luck! Best wishes to you! I wish you good luck/success! I wish you good luck/success! Good journ

9、ey(to you)! Have a good trip. Good journey(to you)! Have a good trip. Have a nice/good time. Congratulations. Have a nice/good time. Congratulations. I Id like to congratulate you on. d like to congratulate you on. b. Thank you. The same to you. b. Thank you. The same to you. c. Happy New Year! Merr

10、y Christmas! c. Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. 惰执促义娃叁抹疹苇椿恬该蜂虐纵汽菊胸醋抄吹昧猎妹视贬挑壕咆澳测庭英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 6. 6.道歉、遗憾和应答道歉、遗憾和应答Apologies,regrets,sympathies responses a. Sorry/Pardon. Ia. Sorry/Pardon. Im sorry. m sorry. I Im sorry for/about. m sorry for/about.

11、 I Im sorry to hear. m sorry to hear. I Im sorry to.havem sorry to.haveV Ved/that. ed/that. b. Excuse me(for.). Ib. Excuse me(for.). Im afraid of. m afraid of. What a pity/shame! It What a pity/shame! Its a pity that. s a pity that. c. Thatc. Thats all right. It doesns all right. It doesnt matter. t

12、 matter. That Thats nothing. s nothing. 崔声郝捅阐断掘蛰拱檬沈刮夹毖沏踩滤龟杂唇序设丸粥誓钓附蓝蜡社即攘英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 7. 7.邀请和应答邀请和应答Invitations and responses a. Will you come to.? a. Will you come to.? Would you like to.? Would you like to.? I Id like to invite you to. d like to invite you to. b. Yes,Ib. Yes,Id love to(.). d

13、 love to(.). Yes,it Yes,its very kind/nice of you. s very kind/nice of you. c. Ic. Id love to,but.d love to,but. . 枣蚌券蹄膊砷刮斡拍也漂副雹鹃勇字夯隐亭毕噬摇受左开给缴乡酿亿销锈英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语8.8.提供提供( (帮助等帮助等) )和应答和应答Offers and responses a. Can/Could/Shall I help you?a. Can/Could/Shall I help you? Would you like me to.? Woul

14、d you like me to.? Is there anything(else) I can do for you? Is there anything(else) I can do for you? Do you want me to.? What can I do for you? Do you want me to.? What can I do for you? Let me do/carry/help.(for you). Let me do/carry/help.(for you). Would you like some.? Would you like some.? b.

15、Thanks. That would be nice/fine. b. Thanks. That would be nice/fine. That Thats very kind of you. s very kind of you. Thank you for your help. Thank you for your help. Yes,please. Here,take this/my. Yes,please. Here,take this/my. 罚您辱行侥怒淮那吧娟掸侯墨卖妒题劝休触架尖塞愚陆教锹扦片吴卵祸紧英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语c.No,thanks/thank yo

16、u. c.No,thanks/thank you. No,thanks/thank you. I can manage it myself. No,thanks/thank you. I can manage it myself. Thank you all the same. Thank you all the same. Thats very kind of you,but. 9.9.约会约会 Making appointments a.Are you/Will you be free this afternoon/tomorrow? a.Are you/Will you be free

17、this afternoon/tomorrow? How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening? How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening? Shall we meet at 4:30 at.? Shall we meet at 4:30 at.? b.Yes,thatb.Yes,thats all right. s all right. Yes,IYes,Ill be free then. ll be free then. c.No,I wonc.No,I wont be free then. But

18、 It be free then. But Ill be free. ll be free. d.All right. See you then. d.All right. See you then. 曙努框稽村盟陆震砂陪伊粗柔由庆脚句沪蠢晕汾柜篇侍钨椰聚崩铁你醉靠英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语10.10.意愿和希望意愿和希望Intentions and wishes a. Ia. Im going to. m going to. I intend/mean/plan to. I intend/mean/plan to. I will. I I will. Id like to. .d

19、like to. . I feel like V-ing(going out for a walk). I feel like V-ing(going out for a walk). I (do not) want/hope to. I (do not) want/hope to. I Im ready to. m ready to. I would rather not tell you. I would rather not tell you. b. I want/hope/wish to. b. I want/hope/wish to. I wish that. I would lik

20、e to. I wish that. I would like to. 咯虫膀徒害欧春靶叭漱斩辨他奖写目滚峦傍刘艺医畴杆铡苏放刊擦饱恼盲英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 11. 11.请求、允许和应答请求、允许和应答Asking for permission and responses a. May I.? Can/Could I.? a. May I.? Can/Could I.? I wonder if I could. I wonder if I could. Would/Do you mind if I open the window? Would/Do you mind if I

21、 open the window? b. Yes/Sure/Certainly. Yes,(do) please. b. Yes/Sure/Certainly. Yes,(do) please. Of course(you may). Go ahead,please. Of course(you may). Go ahead,please. That Thats OK/all right. Not at all. s OK/all right. Not at all. c. Ic. Im sorry you canm sorry you cant. t. I Im sorry,but. You

22、m sorry,but. Youd better not.d better not. 拼俺显茅卒疵句甚王鬼批碉木类悠烤愁昔希逝呢巧海辛摊价歼馁潮宋淀缸英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语12.12.同意和不同意同意和不同意Agreement and disagreementAgreement and disagreement 13.13.喜好和厌恶喜好和厌恶 Likes and dislikes Likes and dislikes 14.决断和坚持决断和坚持 Determination,decision and insistence 15.15.判断和意见判断和意见Judgement and

23、 opinion Judgement and opinion 16.16.职责职责Obligation Obligation 17.17.能力能力AbilityAbility 18.偏爱偏爱Preference 19.责备和抱怨责备和抱怨Blame and complaint 20.肯定和不肯定肯定和不肯定Certainty and uncertainty 22.禁止和警告禁止和警告 Prohibition and warnings 21.21.可能和不可能可能和不可能Possibility and impossibilityPossibility and impossibility 23.2

24、3.预见、猜测和相信预见、猜测和相信 Prediction,conjecture and belief Prediction,conjecture and belief 24.24.请求请求RequestsRequests 25.劝告和建议劝告和建议 Advice and suggestions 26.26.许诺许诺 Promises Promises 27.提醒提醒Reminding 快灰昼翠桂圾锯莆魔皱宠叭籍匈桨恒俊餐秃窥辟就咀古瘸枝淹蜜向疙昭卡英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 12. 12.同意和不同意同意和不同意Agreement and disagreement a. Certa

25、inly/Sure/Of course. a. Certainly/Sure/Of course. No problem. Yes,please. No problem. Yes,please. Yes,I think so. That Yes,I think so. Thats true. s true. All right/OK. That All right/OK. Thats a good idea. s a good idea. It Its a good idea to/that. s a good idea to/that. I/We agree(with you). I/We

26、agree(with you). I agree to./that clause I agree to./that clause b. No,I donb. No,I dont think so. It think so. Im afraid not. m afraid not. I Im afraid I(really) canm afraid I(really) cant agree with you.t agree with you. 秦琶嫂头刷宋恳插匀篆烦吟纳黍舱耙讣娱彬鸵伶撅稀购形砸欧优哇掖荔翻英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语13.13.喜好和厌恶喜好和厌恶 Likes and

27、dislikes a. I like/love.(very much). a. I like/love.(very much). I like/love to. I like/love to. b. I donb. I dont like(to). I hate(to). t like(to). I hate(to). 14. 14.决断和坚持决断和坚持 Determination,decision and insistence a. I will. a. I will. I have decided to/that. I have decided to/that. I have decide

28、d wh-clause/wh-words to. I have decided wh-clause/wh-words to. b. I insist on/that. b. I insist on/that. 鞍邯珊衰仕颂眩敌钙弊释作佬比籽粗贫掩同稍像舀粕沏寐注沿靡芳谁构箔英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语15.15.判断和意见判断和意见 Judgement and opinion a. It certainly is. a. It certainly is. It Its correct to do. s correct to do. Well done/Good work! Well d

29、one/Good work! b. In my opinion. b. In my opinion. It seems. It seems. So far as I know. 16.16.职责职责 Obligation You must/have to/should/ought to. You must/have to/should/ought to. It is necessary to/that. It is necessary to/that. 浆淤费唯蜗想洒例绽蛰弄望徒潦料家绣蜕批柠趋估锈怨忆孵角欠盔音忱珊英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语17.17.能力能力 Ability I

30、can. He is able to.I can. He is able to. . 18.18.偏爱偏爱 Preference I prefer.to. HeI prefer.to. Hed prefer them not to. d prefer them not to. HeHed rather begin at once. d rather begin at once. 19.19.责责 备备 和和 抱抱 怨怨 Blame and complaint a. He is to blame. She blamed him for. a. He is to blame. She blamed

31、 him for. He shouldn He shouldnt have done it. t have done it. b. Ib. Im sorry to have said that,but. m sorry to have said that,but. Why can Why cant you do something about it? t you do something about it? 犯尊服漫悬槽遗顶勘其既钙滴必驰痈狐墩挞搀翰擦钧俊响孽硒骤必吴竹源英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语20.20.肯肯 定定 和和 不不 肯肯 定定 Certainty and uncert

32、ainty a. Ia. Im sure(of that). Im sure(of that). Im sure(that). m sure(that). b. Ib. Im not sure(of that). I doubt if. m not sure(of that). I doubt if. I Im not sure whether/if. m not sure whether/if. c. Perhaps/Maybe.c. Perhaps/Maybe. 21.21.可可 能能 和和 不不 可可 能能 Possibility and impossibility a. He can/

33、may. a. He can/may. It is possible that. It is possible that. b. He may not. It is likely thatb. He may not. It is likely that. . He is not likely to. He is not likely to. 稠爵官侥粹卢抉北搐屑待美捌墨耗掌或河认尾卢熄骂莱抛泅壁倡剑翌扯村英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 22.22.禁止和警告禁止和警告 Prohibition and warnings a. You cana. You cant/mustnt/mustnt

34、. t. If you.,you If you.,youll. ll. You Youd better not do it. d better not do it. Don Dont smoke! Dont smoke! Dont be late! t be late! b. Look out! Take care! b. Look out! Take care! Be careful! Be careful! 桅严切期很玄菲也捉凄息距席缸声扯唉记昨扦褒汕烯曾多验适甄贪淌积挚英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 23.23.预见、猜测和相信预见、猜测和相信 Prediction,conject

35、ure and belief a. He will. a. He will. b. I guess that. b. I guess that. He must have done. He must have done. It seems(that). It seems(that). It looks as if. It looks as if. c. I believe that he is right.c. I believe that he is right. 咆赚乘俯逃熟岿俞够利纯侵凑填腐停敖页措雁骆爆萎鹃唬涪脾傅叭坝湍又英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语24.24.请求请求 Req

36、uests a. Can/Will/Could/Would you.for me? a. Can/Will/Could/Would you.for me? Will/Can/Could/Would you please.? Will/Can/Could/Would you please.? May I have.? May I have.? b. Please give/Pass me. b. Please give/Pass me. Please wait(here/a moment). Please wait(here/a moment). Please wait(for) your tu

37、rn. Please wait(for) your turn. Please stand in line/line up. Please stand in line/line up. Please hurry. Make sure that.please. Please hurry. Make sure that.please. c. Donc. Dont rush(hurry)/crowd. No noise,please. t rush(hurry)/crowd. No noise,please. No smoking,please. No smoking,please. 陷惜册鞘零妹凰消

38、幅疟珍漫尺丰辖蜘椅江炯藤灵邱硼照去巾雁权缝着悯虱英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 25. 25.劝告和建议劝告和建议 Advice and suggestions a. Youa. Youd better(not). d better(not). You should/ought to. You should/ought to. You need(to). You need(to). b. Shall we.? b. Shall we.? Let Lets. s. What/How about.? What/How about.? Why not.? Why not.? Why don W

39、hy dont you.? t you.? 闻碾颠弱锅捅蒂赂誊插之巩腋终技丛呈串疆聋潦趋兹肇芥蓑样囤得阵苔蛆英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语26.26.许诺许诺 Promises I promise. I promise. You shall have.tomorrow. You shall have.tomorrow. I will give.to youI will give.to you. . 27.27.提醒提醒 Reminding DonDont forget to. t forget to. DonDont you remember the days when.? t you

40、remember the days when.? Make sure that everything is OK now. 斜斥镁灾藩灰瓶度济缸确贪合做冈耗臆错痉常蝎叔赊鳖秆屏选阶瞒窿贱据英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语28.表示焦虑表示焦虑 Expressing anxiety 29.表示惊奇表示惊奇 Expressing surprise 30.30.表示喜悦表示喜悦Expressing pleasureExpressing pleasure 31.谈论天气谈论天气 Talking about the weather 32.32.购物购物ShoppingShopping 33.33.问

41、路和应答问路和应答Asking the way and responsesAsking the way and responses34.34.问问时时间间、日日期期和和应应答答Asking Asking the the time,date time,date and and responsesresponses 35.35.就餐就餐Taking mealsTaking meals36.36.打电话打电话 Making phone calls Making phone calls37.37.传递信息传递信息 Passing on a message Passing on a message 38

42、.38.求救求救 Calling for help Calling for help39.39.看病看病 Seeing the doctor Seeing the doctor40.40.语言困难语言困难Language difficultiesLanguage difficulties 41.41.常见的标志和说明常见的标志和说明 Some common signs and instructions Some common signs and instructions 仰束噶报撼蜗掐嫩掳吴遵篷家舅歇蓑危渔撰锐峦齿癸疤漓暖愤戍卷肉字喊英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 28. 28.表示焦虑

43、表示焦虑 Expressing anxiety WhatWhats wrong? s wrong? WhatWhats the matter(with you)? s the matter(with you)? Is there anything the matter? Is there anything the matter? I Im/Hem/Hes/Shes/Shes worried. s worried. Oh,what shall I/we do? Oh,what shall I/we do? We were all anxious about.We were all anxious

44、 about. 敏驮搓衫契寡氧韧孽薄圃施均颈悯因个德程拒洞羌廉刺腐藩坪鳃皋钒浪燕英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语29.29.表示惊奇表示惊奇 Expressing surprise Really? Really? Oh dear! Oh dear! Is that so? Is that so? Good heavens! Good heavens! 30.30.表表 示示 喜喜 悦悦 Expressing pleasure I Im glad/pleased/happy to. m glad/pleased/happy to. ThatThats nice/wonderful/great

45、. s nice/wonderful/great. Hopefully tomorrow will turn fine. Hopefully tomorrow will turn fine. 泵荐喂喀徘蚜帜识婿卓涕鉴徊瞪徊镐决骇汛贴苇飘梁纂谤较眯止材戎贷温英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 31. 31.谈论天气谈论天气 Talking about the weather a. Whata. Whats the weather like today? s the weather like today? How Hows the weather in.? s the weather in.?

46、b. Itb. Its fine/cloudy/windy/rainy. s fine/cloudy/windy/rainy. It Its getting cold/warm. s getting cold/warm. ItIts s rather rather warm/cold/hot.today,isnwarm/cold/hot.today,isnt t it? it? It Its a beautiful day today.s a beautiful day today. 帆抓簇扣袱亲腐茫芳览彦柜筑八黔徐境掷机糖佩凰漳滨迂款派奶蝇超蛆抱英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语32.32

47、.购物购物 Shopping a. What can I do for you? a. What can I do for you? May/Can I help you? May/Can I help you? b. I want/Ib. I want/Id like. d like. How much is it? How much is it? That Thats too expensive,Is too expensive,Im afraid. m afraid. That Thats fine. Is fine. Ill take it. ll take it. Let me ha

48、ve. Let me have. c. How many/much do you want? c. How many/much do you want? What colour/size/kind do you want? What colour/size/kind do you want? d. Do you have any other kind/size/colour,etc.? 戈涪矾头洽汐陵兆肢啤牺壶讼卤邑奄痰巩叮替噎挂汕暴沸吠浚嫉募姐苏傀英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 33. 33.问路和应答问路和应答Asking the way and responses a. Excus

49、e me. Wherea. Excuse me. Wheres the mens the mens/ladiess/ladies room? room? Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to.? Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to.? b. Go down this street. b. Go down this street. Turn right/left at the first/second crossing. Turn right/left at the first/second crossing. It

50、Its about.metres from here. s about.metres from here. Go straight ahead till you see. Go straight ahead till you see. 恫赖脐流李帝湾还旅桌烂膏寓锐塔奔透舅绊徘哺舱逾玛皑箍牵琼宙加吨骨英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 34. 34.问时间、日期和应答问时间、日期和应答Asking the time,date and responses a. What day is(it) today? a. What day is(it) today? What Whats the date

51、 today? s the date today? Excuse me. What time is it by your watch? Excuse me. What time is it by your watch? What Whats the time,please? s the time,please? b. Itb. Its Monday/Tuesday. s Monday/Tuesday. It Its January 10th. s January 10th. ItIts s five five o oclock/five clock/five thirty(half thirt

52、y(half past past five)/ five)/ a quarter past (to) six. a quarter past (to) six. It Its time for/to. s time for/to. 像酉款狠阎话监洗骑屹武啼嗽煤摹瓜稗危悬辣匈芒腿募摘捉誊失弹酗烬殿英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语35.35.就餐就餐 Taking meals a. What would you like(to have).? a. What would you like(to have).? Would you like something(to eat/drink)? Wo

53、uld you like something(to eat/drink)? b. Ib. Id like. d like. Cake/Two eggs.,please. Cake/Two eggs.,please. c. Would you like some more.? c. Would you like some more.? Help yourself to some. Help yourself to some. d. Thank you. Id. Thank you. Ive had enough. ve had enough. I Im full,thank you. m ful

54、l,thank you. Just a little,please. Just a little,please. 茧递澡孔拎席糕赘贝狡摈夏走舆吨扬锣塌厚坎唐鹰研宜墩协淑掀拌食义莉英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语36.36.打电话打电话 Making phone calls a. Hello! Is (Tom) in? a. Hello! Is (Tom) in? May/Could I speak to.? May/Could I speak to.? Is that.(speaking)? Is that.(speaking)? b. Hold on,please. b. Hold on

55、,please. Hello,who is it? Hello,who is it? He/She isn He/She isnt here right now. t here right now. Can I take a message for you? Can I take a message for you? c. Hello,this is.speaking. c. Hello,this is.speaking. I called to tell/ask you. I called to tell/ask you. 漾逃驻装挟僳卞盼焉秘武躲蛹招覆键注铬芯颅栖家脖净拱绞癸传稀抒次周英语

56、41条交际英语英语41条交际英语37.37.传递信息传递信息 Passing on a message a. Will you please give this note/message to.? a. Will you please give this note/message to.? b. .asked me to give you this note. b. .asked me to give you this note. c. Thanks for the message. c. Thanks for the message. 38.38.求救求救 Calling for help

57、a. Help! a. Help! Thief! Thief! b. Whatb. Whats the matter?s the matter? 雁散妮擞琢碍垒摄蛰护洋彤元挫淑暴梳寺帕呜庙麦悬汰均翁各销窒橙聂曳英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语39.39.看病看病 Seeing the doctor a. Therea. Theres something wrong with. s something wrong with. I Ive got a headache and a cough. ve got a headache and a cough. I feel terrible(bad

58、). I feel terrible(bad). I don I dont feel well. t feel well. I Ive got a pain here. ve got a pain here. This place hurts. This place hurts. b. Take this medicine three times a day. b. Take this medicine three times a day. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. Drink plenty of water and have a

59、good rest. It Its nothing serious. s nothing serious. You Youll be all right/well soon. ll be all right/well soon. 进落只纷裔疲礼靳魁龄子渔渔郡孤操盏朋凝阀尾茄捐努栋庇怜洪插汛援窖英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语 40. 40.语言困难语言困难Language difficulties Pardon? Pardon? Please say that again/more slowly.Please say that again/more slowly.Would Would y

60、ou you please please say say that that again/more again/more slowly? slowly? What do you mean by.? What do you mean by.? I Im sorry I canm sorry I cant follow you. t follow you. I Im m sorry sorry I I know know only only a a little little English. English. 塞炒继疗忻蛛琢凯腹萤揭峨珠嘘饵钝咬悠丝锈蛙艇竿厢锯宗焊珐屑河奢癸英语41条交际英语英语


62、INSTRUCTIONS MADE IN CHINA/JAPAN/U.S.A.(USA)/U.K./HK(Hong Kong) MADE IN CHINA/JAPAN/U.S.A.(USA)/U.K./HK(Hong Kong) THIS SIDE UP ON OFF DANGER THIS SIDE UP ON OFF DANGERd. PLAY STOP PAUSE d. PLAY STOP PAUSE e. Insert here. Split here.e. Insert here. Split here. 咐睁慢刘虏俱熄峭篆撂紫节屿桥埠博旷因朋该邯珐游诲剃判戈亦捉斑喀巡英语41条交际英语英语41条交际英语



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