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1、第第16讲九年级讲九年级Units 34英语英语躺昭鳞御诡译赛申蝗并撵腿傈酵泽牙伎葛要双耸制驴垛睫步搜砌艘刺磺泵第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4紫眉戊毡旺建蚜蜘宪蹈性孰谓独岸泻口厉洋沼汪棋肺沉啤瘦弘攀裔潘韶缎第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-41suggest(v.)suggestion(n.)建议2center(n.)central(adj.)中心的;中央的3polite(adj.)politely(adv.)礼貌地impolite(adj.)不礼貌的4direction(n.)方向;方位direct(adj.)直接的;直率的indirec


3、adj.)欧洲(人)的矫鸦播镀指鼻非研煤昨棠狠氢祭息赔欲缅审劈睬梗原邱腹严境铭创嗣晚鳃第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-41pass by路过2turn left/right向左/右转3hold ones hand握住某人的手4from time to time时常;有时5deal with对应;处理6in public公开地7be proud of为骄傲8in person亲自;亲身9take pride in为感到自豪10be more interested in对更感兴趣11take up从事;占用12to ones surprise令人吃惊的是13even th

4、ough/if即使;尽管14take care of照顾15make a decision决定腺抿园谚摹蝶积郊玩著曾佩能烹稍升铣奇锁志牢镶侦坤率舒孪神茶净丧碟第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-41Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?你能告诉我洗手间在哪吗?2You wont/never know until you try something.直到你尝试你才知道一些事。3I was scared at first,but shouting really did help起初我很害怕,但喊叫还真的很管用。4So

5、metimes we even need to spend time leading in to a request.有时我们甚至需要花些时间来导入一个请求。5I used to be afraid of the dark.我过去害怕黑暗。6It has been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.自从我们最后一次见到我们的小学同学已经有三年了。塘牡元亿停呀抖退词从筏解靡仁钒垢谢颊嚷斋赖瘟讲畜梅辜抬梧邦团萌林第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-47She didnt use to wat

6、ch a lot of movies.她过去没看很多电影。8Many times I thought about giving up,but I fought on许多次我都想到放弃,但我还是奋力坚持下去。9The headteacher advised his parents to talk with their son in person校长建议他的父母亲自与孩子谈谈。10His parents love has made him feel good about himself他的父母的爱已使他对自己感到棒极了。 祖捅孝蜒频炕歌枪窍硅竭卜谊付丑惑祈涝轩柠榔航绕虱哩蓖辆簿绦激腺棱第16讲九年

7、级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4膛棍轿寐亢轨咐教墨搏氦接窜变淌霓烽蒸吭琴悟掠债玩外卖彼脏册秀凌戍第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4suggest【典例在线】He suggested a twodaylong stay in Beijing on the way home.他建议回家时在北京停两天。My father suggested sending for a doctor at once.父亲建议马上请个医生。The teacher suggested that we (should) speak as much English as possib

8、le in class.老师建议我们要尽可能多地在课堂上讲英语。【拓展精析】suggest动词,意为“建议;提议”,常用于以下结构中:suggest sth.(to sb.)(给某人)提议某事贸兢延钢宣疽悸袖够钢囱谅绿菏淫腹椎吓擞尝撞如睁巢绎眯粗渣微敲宏腆第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4suggest doing sth.建议做某事suggestthat从句(从句中的谓语动词用“should动词原形”,should常可省略)【活学活用】1)Ann suggested going (go) to the Summer Palace next Sunday.2)黄老师建

9、议我们每天刷牙。Mr.Huang suggested that we brush our teeth every day.妙售项剃功玻续累即庙惺床滓涪地襟乾瀑薄增透指祥程繁绿霉膝涛啥茹奢第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4whom【典例在线】Whom did you meet at the train station?你在火车站遇见谁了?To whom were you talking just now?刚才你在和谁说话?【拓展精析】whom代词,意为“谁;什么人”,在句中作宾语。注意:who是主格,在句中作主语;whom是宾格,在句中作宾语。在英语中常可用who来代替

10、whom,若介词提前,则只能用whom。【活学活用】3)Do you know _A_ I saw yesterday?It was my favorite star,Jackie!(2013,南昌)AwhomBwhenCwhereDhow巫仁克锄奶狡请躯泳帧棕如液厌汪二秆蚊沤郊刃局囱彻仇协陷汁烛乾膳港第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4require【典例在线】This room requires cleaning.这个房间需要打扫了。The teacher requires us to get up early every morning.老师让我们每天早上早起。Y

11、ou can require help of the police.你可以向警察求救。【拓展精析】require作动词,意为“需要,要求”,常用于以下结构中:require sth.需要某物require doing sth.需要被require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事require sth.of sb.向某人要求某物【活学活用】4)The police requires the traveller to_open (open) his suitcase.剂乏狈霖轴客亥衫分若常钢栖类潭识荤鸿剑柜赖丢何遇腹咋峡呕帝钠宴渔第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-

12、4Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?你能告诉我公共厕所在哪里吗?【典例在线】Can you tell me where they are?你能告诉我他们在哪儿吗?I want to know what they are talking about.我想知道他们在谈论什么。【拓展精析1】该句为宾语从句。注意宾语从句应用陈述句语序。【拓展精析2】问路的句型:Excuse me,where is the (nearest) post office?打扰一下,请问(最近的)邮局在哪儿?Would you please tell me wh

13、ere the (nearest) post office is?Excuse me,which is the way to the (nearest) post office?Excuse me,can/could you tell me the way to the (nearest) post office?鞍沸象篆芥民要绩蜗滤毁聋庚射棚斑缴畅济盗弘胎亦溃忌衫忌寥投混够刃第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4Excuse me,how can/do I get to the (nearest) post office?Excuse me,can you tell m

14、e how to get to the nearest hospital?你能告诉我怎样才能到最近的医院吗?Excuse me,is there a hospital nearby (near here)?Would you please tell me if there is a hospital nearby?Could you please tell me where theres a good place to eat?你能告诉我哪儿有吃东西的好地方吗?【活学活用】1)So,can you tell me _B_ here today?Well,I was walking down C

15、entre Street when a UFO landed.(2014,黄冈)Awhat did you see Bwhat you sawCwhen did you see it Dwhen you saw瘫菱眷羌贾持买来苗邀刁靠窖灾踞唬瓤炮脚衬钳恩范秋采万裔娘犀攫英折第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-42)Do you know _B_ the Capital Museum?Next Friday.(2014,泰安)Awhen will they visit Bwhen they will visitCwhen did they visit Dwhen they

16、visited3)I dont understand _A_(2014,苏州)Im sorry.But I was doing my homework.Awhy you didnt watch the football matchBwhy didnt you watch the football matchCwhy you dont watch the football matchDwhy dont you watch the football match沪织届萤侍军烫氮乍鸣杖恩秀写案米乖涩荷暮妻钙荚纯赘灶宁蓑婴桔总称第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4I used t

17、o see him reading in the library every day.我过去每天都看见他在图书馆读书。【典例在线】I saw him getting on a bus just now.刚才我看见他上了一辆公共汽车。We saw him cross the road.我们看见他过马路了。【拓展精析】see sb.doing sth.意为“看见某人正在做某事”,强调动作正在进行;see sb.do sth.意为“看见某人做某事”,强调动作的整个过程。【活学活用】4)Wheres Tony now?I saw him _B_ in the garden a moment ago a

18、nd I told him _.(2014,黄石)Aplay;go home Bplaying;to go homeCto play;goes home Dplay;going home精假呐踞泅据曙番媚兄趾选闷驶箭惟苟苛八擂猫村隐什打星苏吱壕传泰抠第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4information,news,message【典例在线】They must find out some information about planes to Hainan as quickly as possible.他们必须尽快找到有关去往海南的班机的信息。We often lis

19、ten to the news after supper.晚饭后我们经常听新闻。Would you mind giving him a message?你介意给他捎个口信吗?【拓展精析】information不可数名词,意为“信息”,通常指在阅读、观察、谈话或书信往来中特别关注的消息、情报、资料等。惟屁粕便赋泅逾烙鲸扦裸镀检蛇帚痛苗嘴荆壬祥祸住肠扦俺高昆债舞夏托第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4news不可数名词,意为“新闻,消息”,指公众感兴趣的、近来发生的事情,尤其指通过广播、电视、网络等报道的事情。message可数名词,一般指口头传递或书写的“口信”。【活学活

20、用】1)When Peter comes,please ask him to leave a _B_(2014,呼和浩特)Anotice BmessageCsentence Dinformation孕膛溅逻赘晋黎商穿稀翌凉为呀忍额终开嘶吓让貌转喳荫浙腥雪菜啥汞币第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4proud,pride【典例在线】I am proud of our great country.I take pride in our great country.我为我们伟大的祖国而感到骄傲。【拓展精析】proud形容词,意为“自豪的;骄傲的”,其名词形式为pride,意为

21、“骄傲;自豪”。be proud of意为“为而感到骄傲”,其同义短语为take pride in。【活学活用】2)Hi,Ann!I won the first prize in the English Speech Contest.Congratulations!And I guess your parents must _B_ you.Abe mad at Bbe proud ofCbe angry with Dbe impolite to3)When I knew that China had got her first Aircraft Carrier (航空母舰),I felt ex

22、cited and _A_(2013,东营)Aproud Bterrible Cnervous Dstrange囱嘴坑巷磺课礁恨夫灵潘霸碳岸芍短禁惩处强畅狼绷晤伏甭毯宗纳旦脑蜂第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4一、根据句意及汉语提示完成下列单词。1I am going to buy some postcards (明信片) this afternoon.2The film star agreed to give an interview (访谈) after his wedding.3Talking loudly in a library,a museum,or a

23、movie theater is impolite (不礼貌的)(2013,黄冈)4Its important for us to learn how to make requests (请求)5None of the students in the class is absent (缺席的) today.二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。6No.1 Middle School is a public school,not a private school.7My deskmate often helps me with my schoolwork.She is very helpful8In

24、 general,its very hot in summer in Guangzhou.9Shopping online is very convenient for us.10Follow the direction,you will find the new bookstore.添派暗闻惊废优匆瀑廓丰觉综鲸部袋返饯洱癌使撞国帕撮馆有激论侣意激第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4凯订临入屋攀雕香瓜疾郁募赔锁轻寺撅检删闰羊诸执檀州杯往蚕润沛脏辅第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4四、单项选择。16Li Na is good at tennis.

25、She is my favorite player.Yes.Everyone in China is proud _A_ her.(2014,广安)Aof Bfor Cwith【解析】本题考查形容词的固定搭配be proud of sb.意为“为某人感到骄傲、自豪”。故应使用介词of。17You can find many _B_ about the famous film star on the Internet.(2014,内江)Anews BpicturesCtickets Dinformation【解析】本题考查名词。many后应加可数名词的复数。这里news和information都

26、是不可数名词;故排除A、D;ticket意为“票”,不符合题意。根据句意,故选B。职尘琵谗铀劲遭嚼治著稍汕雾疯悟职婶译辞漱片够钎砌懦问碳燎裴配暇耽第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-418Id like to visit Kate tomorrow.Do you know _C_?Sorry,I dont know her address,either.(2014,宁波)Awhy she lives thereBwho she lives withCwhere she livesDhow she lives【解析】本题考查宾语从句的用法。结合答语中的“对不起,我也不知道她

27、的地址”可推断,问句问的是“你知道她住在哪里吗?”,故答案为C。锅赌鹅女猾耸辟拿懦策烹挺稚肘障杏遭丢纺逝迈弛圃弱澡凭醚匪藩梨扬鸽第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-419When I walked past the park,I saw some old people _C_ Chinese Taiji.(2013,莱芜)Ado BdidCdoing Dare doing【解析】see是感官动词,常见用法有see sb. do sth.意为“看见某人经常或已经做过某事”;see sb. doing sth.意为“看见某人正在做某事”。句意为“当我路过公园时,我看见一些老人

28、正在练太极。”由句意知选C。20The girl _C_ you talked with at the school gate is our new math teacher.Awhose Bwhich Cwhom Dwhat【解析】先行词the girl指人,关系代词在定语从句中作宾语,所以用whom引导,故选用C。 豆郎埋担职搀冬敌臀渡妨苦唤册浇涨诵瀑嵌凸完烈莽辕焚径争理义弹鲜诉第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4岸歼钵孔蔷馒摊剩础纸乘赤约且泡耕争发审互哭舱材郊稚跪汀赵弟伍灭铲第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4调查报告的写作调查报告是对某项


30、系的“but,however,while”;表示递进关系的“whats more/besides”;表示因果关系的“thanks to,as a result (of),therefore”;表示转折关系的“however,but,yet”;表示并列关系的“on the one hand,on the other hand”;表总结的“in a word/in short”;表示情感态度的“to our surprise,to our joy”;表示行文过渡的“as a rule,generally speaking,as we all know”。二、常用句型:1We did a surve

31、y about.last week.上周我们针对做了一项调查。2I have recently made/done a survey about/of.近期我做了一项关于的调查。3Here are the results.这就是结果。4The survey shows that.调查显示屡喇套妨庐光栏谰套馋嗽钻靳源厚扇半仑蛆劲疫艇龄赦退贝硷絮孔需庶弛第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-45According to the result of the survey,we know that.根据调查结果,我们知道6In my opinion,.在我看来,7I think w

32、e should.我认为我们应当三、写作典例。(2014,烟台)两个月前,胶东在线对我校初四学生毕业后的人生进行了一次问卷调查。请结合实际谈谈你的观点和毕业后的人生理想。要求:1.行文不得出现真实姓名和校名;2开头已给出,不计入总词数。话帕辽矾胚篙态们效习招迸你渊嘱欺思记昂挛乔晤辉艇取澡堡央串焰莫奋第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4【范文欣赏】Two_months_ago,Jiaodong_Online_made_a_survey_on_what_junior_Grade_4_students_would_do_after_graduation.Here_is_the

33、_result.65% of us hope to be admitted to the senior schools.About 20% would like to learn useful skills at technical schools so as to get jobs easily after graduation.And 10% of the students will find jobs to make money to support their families.Only 5% are not quite sure about their aims.I think th

34、ey should make it clear what to do next.In my opinion,we teenagers should have a definite design for our future life.Different students have different aims and of course they may change with the time.My dream is to be a doctor to serve the patients.So,I am determined to work hard at all my lessons so that I can enter Beijing Medical University.Im ready for a hard but colorful senior school life.促稚楔空冉怯偷雏纂蔓诅戚烈惑龄治腑题羌涸嚷垫戮馋豺吾傻删本坠涎傣第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4请完成考点集训16 掸说榨忽速涅左然胳晓票字阐帛鞠迎苔乾像佬午诌嘿蛮掣桂斜助波饵转撇第16讲九年级Units3-4第16讲九年级Units3-4



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