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1、人教版人教版英语英语第21讲九年级Units 13141fish(n.) _(n.)渔民;钓鱼的人2advantage(n.) _(反义词)缺点;不利因素【高频】3wood(n.) _(adj.)木制的;木头的【高频】4harm(n.) _(adj.)有害的【高频】 _(adj.)无害的5law(n.) _(n.)律师6science(n.) _(n.)科学家【高频】 _(adj.)科学上的;科学的7thirst(n.) _(adj.)口渴的;渴望的【高频】fishermandisadvantagewoodenharmfulharmlesslawyerscientistscientificth

2、irsty8instruct(v.) _(n.)命令;指示【高频】9overcome(v.) _(过去式) _(过去分词) _(现在分词)克服;战胜10care(v.) _(adj.)体贴人的;关心他人的11manage(v.) _(n.)管理;经营 _(n.)经理;管理者12congratulate(v.) _(n.)祝贺;恭祝13thank(v.) _(adj.)感谢的instructionovercameovercomeovercomingcaringmanagementmanagercongratulationthankful1be _ 对有害2at the _在顶部或顶端3_ 参加4

3、_ 关掉5_ 付费;付出代价6_ 采取行动7_ 扔掉;抛弃8_ 恢复;使想起;归还9_ 连续几次地10_ at 回首(往事);回忆;回顾harmful to top of take part in turn off pay for take action throw away bring back in a row look back 11_ 弄得一团糟12_ ones _ 沉住气;保持冷静13 _ (时间)逝去;过去14_ 信任;依赖15_ 首先16be _ sb.对某人心存感激17_ 在前面18_ 连同;除以外还make a mess keepcoolgo by believe in fi

4、rst of all thankful to ahead of along with 1镇上的每个人都应该参与清理它!Everyone in this town should _in cleaning it up!2为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘公共汽车或地铁,而不是开车。_air pollution,we should take the bus or subway _ driving.3你曾经考虑过怎样将这些东西好好利用吗?Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be _play a part To cut down

5、instead of put to good use? 4门窗来自她的城镇里那些被摧毁的老建筑。The windows and doors came from old buildings around her town that were _5空气污染变得越来越糟。The air pollution is getting _6我在发音和阅读课文上有困难。I had _ pronunciation and reading texts.7今年,在特伦老师的帮助下,我的英语水平提高了,我希望在年底取得好成绩。This year,_ Mr. Trents help,my English level h

6、as been improving and I hope to _ at the end of the year.pulled downworse and worseproblems with withget good grades 8你们所有人都充满了活力和对知识的渴望。You were all so energy and _ knowledge.9你们都已经长这么大了,我为你们骄傲。Youve all _ so much and Im so _ you.10明智地选择,并对你的决策和行动负责。Choose wisely and be _ your decisions and actions

7、.11在新的旅行启程之际,不应忘了你来自何处。As you _ on your new journey,you shouldnt forget where you _thirsty for grown up proud of responsible for set out came from12与那些与你共度三年时光的同学们分离总是很难的。It is always hard to _those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years.separate fromafford【典例在线】We couldnt af

8、ford a car years ago.几年前我们买不起汽车。The poor parents cant afford to buy some new clothes.这对贫穷的父母买不起新衣服。【拓展精析】afford动词,意为“买得起;承担得起(后果)”,其后直接接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,常和情态动词can,could或be able to连用。【活学活用】1)Some children cant afford _ necessary stationary.(2014,扬州)Lets donate our pocket money to them.AbuyBbuyingCto bu

9、y Dbe boughtCmake a difference【典例在线】One false step will make a great difference.失之毫厘,谬以千里。We want to make a difference to the world.我们想对世界有所作为。【拓展精析】make a difference意为“起作用;有影响”。表达“对产生影响”,则用make a difference to.。【注意】difference前面可加修饰语,如big,great,a bit of等,表示受影响的程度。【活学活用】2)我的英语老师对我的学习有很大的影响。(2015,十堰)M

10、y English teacher makes _ to my study.a great differencelook forward to【典例在线】We are looking forward to seeing you soon.我们正期盼很快就能见到你。【拓展精析】look forward to意为“盼望;期待”,其中to是介词,因此动词作宾语时应用动词ing形式。【注意】介词to后接动词ing形式作宾语的短语还有:be used to,pay attention to,prefer.to.等。【活学活用】3)Have you seen the film Coming Home di

11、rected by Zhang Yimou?(2014,潍坊)Not yet.Im _ seeing it.Its said the film is great.Alooking down on Blooking out ofClooking up to Dlooking forward toDThere are other advantages of bike riding.骑自行车还有其他的好处。【典例在线】Whats that in your other hand?你另一只手里拿的是什么?The other students are all on the playground.其他的学生

12、都在操场上。What else did you do yesterday?昨天你还做了什么?Do you have anything else to say?你还有别的事情说吗?Nothing else.没别的事了。【拓展精析】other和else都可作形容词,表示“别的”,但用法完全不同。other修饰名词,位于名词之前;else修饰不定代词(something,everything,anything,nothing,somebody,everybody,anybody,nobody等),疑问代词(who,which,what等)和疑问副词(when,where等),位于这些词之后。【活学活

13、用】1)Is there _ to discuss?No,thats all,I guess.Aanything other Banything elseCother anything Delse anythingBAs you set out on your new journey,you shouldnt forget where you came from.在新的旅行启程之际,不应忘了你来自何处。【典例在线】When we set out on this project,we know it could be difficult.我们开始着手这个项目时就知道它很难。After a thr

14、eeday rest,the travelers set out again.这些旅行者休息三天后又上路了。【拓展精析】set out on sth.意为“开始进行新的或重要的事情”。set out固定短语,意为“出发”,相当于set off。out其他相关短语:run out被用尽;put out扑灭;give out分发,公布;hand out分发,派送;work out解决,算出;come out出版,出现,出来,结果是【活学活用】2)他明天一大早就动身去旅行。He will set out on a journey early in the next morning.3)Another

15、 new fiction by Hanhan is being printed and it will soon _Acome out Bset outCsee out Dwork out4)The group of boys and girls _ to study in college this morning,full of nice dreams.(2015,荆州)I believe their dreams can come true one day.Aset off Bfell offCput off Dkept offAAShall we get each of them a c

16、ard and gift to say thank you?我们给他们每个人买一张卡片和一件礼物来道谢好吗?【典例在线】Shall we go to see a film tonight?我们今晚去看电影好吗?Good idea.好主意。【拓展精析】Shall we动词原形?为表建议的句型,建议对方和自己共同做某事,语气比较委婉,意为“我们好吗?”常见的表建议的句型:What/How about doing sth.?做某事怎么样?Why not do.?Why dont you do.?为什么不?Youd better do.你最好做Would you like to do.?你想做吗?Le

17、ts do.咱们做Could you please do.?请你做好吗?Would you mind doing.?你介意做吗?【活学活用】5)Shall we climb the hills this Sunday?_(2015,衡阳)AGood idea BYoure welcomeCYoure rightAseparate与与divide【典例在线】【典例在线】The two cities are separated by a river.这两两座座城城市市被被一一条条河河隔隔开开了。了。A year is divided into four seasons.一年分一年分为为四个季四个季

18、节节。【拓展精析】【拓展精析】separate指指把把原原来来连在在一一起起或或靠靠近近的的物物体体“分分隔隔开开来来”,常常与与from搭配;搭配;divide指把整体指把整体“划分划分”成若干份成若干份,常与常与into搭配。搭配。【活学活用】【活学活用】1)台湾海峡把台湾和福建隔开了。台湾海峡把台湾和福建隔开了。The Taiwan Straits _ Taiwan _ Fujian.2)我把这些书分成了三部分。我把这些书分成了三部分。I _ these books _ three parts.separatefromdivided/divideintonone与与no one【典例在线

19、】【典例在线】Although youve all worked very hard over the last three years,none of you did it alone.虽然然在在过去去的的三三年年你你们都都努努力力学学习,但但你你们们并并不不是是孤孤军奋战军奋战。None of them are/is for the plan.他他们们当中没有一个人同意当中没有一个人同意这项计这项计划。划。How many books are there in the bag?书书包里有多少包里有多少书书?None.一本也没有。一本也没有。I found no one/nobody in

20、the house.我我发现发现没有人在家里。没有人在家里。Who is in the room?谁谁在房在房间间里?里?No one./Nobody.没有人。没有人。【拓展精析】【拓展精析】none既既可可指指人人又又可可指指物物,意意为为“没没有有任任何何人人或或物物;一一个个也也没没有有”,后后可可与与of短短语连用用。作作主主语时,谓语动词用用单复复数数形形式式均均可可。常用来回答常用来回答how many或或how much引引导的的问句。句。no onenobody意意为“没没有有人人”,常常用用于于指指人人,不不能能指指物物,不不能能与与of短短语连用用,作作主主语时,谓语动词用

21、用单数数形形式式。常常用用来来回回答答who引引导的的问句。句。【活学活用】【活学活用】3)How many birds can you see in the tree?_All the birds have flown away.ANone BNo one CNothing DA few4)I knocked on the door,but _ answered.Anone Bno one Csomeone DanyoneAB一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示补全下列单词。一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示补全下列单词。1I cant stand people who are _ (残忍的残忍的)

22、to animals.2To do this job well,you must have a(n) _(学学位位) in English.3Dave was great.He succeeded in _(克克服服) all those difficulties at last.4My dad bought me a new iPad,but I dont know how to use it.Lets read the _5To protect the environment,most supermarkets in China stopped providing free _bags.c

23、rueldegreeovercominginstructionsplastic二、单项选择。二、单项选择。6 The Apple Watch is very beautiful, but it is too expensive.So I cant _ it.(2015,白白银银)Asave Bsupport Coffer Dafford7How many students are there in the classroom?_They are in the lab.ASome BNone CAll DNobody8The white shirt is _ the colored ones.A

24、separated from Bseparated intoCdivided from Ddivided intoDBA9Paul looks forward to _ his pen pal as soon as possible.Ameets Bmeet Cmeeting Dmet10Shall we go to Alberta for the summer holiday?_Its one of the worlds cleanest cities.(2015,温州温州)ASounds great BNot at allCYoure kidding DYoure welcomeCA三、根

25、据汉语意思完成下列句子。三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。11做完饭后做完饭后,你你别忘了关掉煤气。忘了关掉煤气。Dont forget to _ the gas after you finish cooking.12不要扔掉你的旧不要扔掉你的旧书,给我吧!我吧!Dont _ your old books.Give them to me!13我我们应该采取措施去保采取措施去保护野生野生动物。物。We should _ to protect the wild animals.14我我们不能只回不能只回顾过去去,我我们应当展望未来。当展望未来。We cant only _the past,we should look to the future.15这些旧的建筑物明年将被拆些旧的建筑物明年将被拆毁毁。These old buildings will be _ next year.turn offthrow awaytake actionlook back atpulled down



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