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1、Unit 3 Travel JournalReading太和八中太和八中 马娟马娟教学目标教学目标1. 1. 本单元共本单元共5959个词汇,熟练掌握个词汇,熟练掌握3333个,重点个,重点掌握掌握1414个。自主学习,合作探究,利用构个。自主学习,合作探究,利用构词法知识、读音规则来记忆课标单词。词法知识、读音规则来记忆课标单词。2. 2. 通过学习词汇,以阅读的形式使学生对旅通过学习词汇,以阅读的形式使学生对旅游产生浓厚的兴趣,增强对祖国大好河山游产生浓厚的兴趣,增强对祖国大好河山的热爱和国际意识和安全意识。的热爱和国际意识和安全意识。3. 3. 学会制定旅行计划(用现在进行时表将来)学会

2、制定旅行计划(用现在进行时表将来) the Great Wall the Yellow Mountain Tian an men SquarePotala Palacethe Pyramids the Eiffel Tower This river begins in Qinghai Province and flows through several countries. Lets go to a mysterious place . the Lancang River 澜沧江澜沧江 In China , it is called Out of China, it is called the

3、 Mekong River Brainstorming If there is a chance for us to go to the river , how can we go there?our traffic toolson footby bikeby plane by busby shipby trainLaosThailandMyanmarVietnamWhat countries does the Mekong River flow through?aCambodiaChina LaosThailandCambodiaVietnamSouth China SeaMyanmar o

4、ur travel route (路线路线) Journey Down The MekongReading: main idea of the passageA. The author and his sisters plan about their winter holiday.B. The experience during the author and his sisters trip in Qinghai.C. The author and his sisters plan and preparations for their trip.D. Anecdotes(轶事)轶事)that

5、happened during their trip.Skimmingthe main idea of each paragraph:A.PreparationB.DreamC.A stubborn sister DreamPreparationA stubborn sisterParagraph 1:_Paragraph 2:_Paragraph 3:_Skimming点击添加文本点击添加文本1. Who is the writer ?2. What is their dream ?3. Where do they want to go ?4. The source of the river

6、 and the sea it enters?ScanningWang KunTaking a great bike trip.The Mekong RiverChina , the South China SeaCareful Reading Para1. Dream - Taking a great bike tripParagraph 1: Dream Since middle school Two years ago Last year When we graduated from college nowCareful ReadingMy sister Wang Wei and I h

7、ave dreamed about _.She bought _ . Then she _ me to buy one.She visited our _We finally got the_ to do it She insisted that she _ the trip properly. persuadedtaking a great bike tripan mountain bikecounsinsorganizechanceCareful Reading Paragraph 2. A stubborn sister- Wang Wei1.What kind of person is

8、 Wangwei?2.How do you know ? She is very stubborn.1) Although she didnt know_ , she _that she _ the trip properly. 2) Once she _ nothing can _ it.Careful Reading the best way of getting to places insisted organize made up her mind change Paragraph 2 .Know “The Mekong River”better paragraph 3.Careful

9、 ReadingWhat can you see when you travel along the Mekong?It begins in a _ on a _. glaciermountainThen, it _ quickly. It becomes_ as it passes through deep _.movesrapidsvalleysSometimes, the river becomes a _ and enters _ _ .wide valleyswaterfallAt last, the river _ enters the South China Sea.deltaI

10、t makes wide bends or meanders through lowvalleys to the _ where rice grows.plains glacier waterfall plain valley delta rapids If you were given a seven-day journey to the Mekong River.Task: Work with your partners and make a travel plan for your group. Discussion our travel plan Para 1. We are leav

11、ing for . We plan to go there by . We are taking off. We are getting there . Para 2 . It is known that . And we want to know more about it, for example, .Whats more, we are meetingPara 3 . All in all , it is going to be a great experience. our travel plan Traveling is part of our life Mekong River M

12、assacre湄公河惨案湄公河惨案 5 Octbor 2011Traveling is part of our life . We should learn to protect ourselves at the same time .HOMEWORK Write a passage about 80 - 100 words, a travel plan for 7- day holiday . Try to use sentences like We are leaving. , we are going to . .教学目标教学目标1. 本单元共59个词汇,熟练掌握33个,重点掌握14个。自主学习,合作探究,利用构词法知识、读音规则来记忆课标单词。2. 通过学习词汇,以阅读的形式使学生对旅游产生浓厚的兴趣,增强对祖国大好河山的热爱和国际意识和安全意识。3. 学会制定旅行计划(用现在进行时表将来)



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