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1、Welcome to my English class!Welcome to my English class!第1页/共31页第一页,共32页。Dolly (1997-2003)第2页/共31页第二页,共32页。Whatotheranimalshavebeencloned?First cloned muleCloned monkeys第3页/共31页第三页,共32页。First cloned horse First cloned cat第4页/共31页第四页,共32页。第5页/共31页第五页,共32页。 Vocabulary and Reading Cloning and DNA 第6页/共

2、31页第六页,共32页。Revisiontechnical terms基因 gene酸性的 acid细菌(xjn) bacteria胚胎 embryo酶 enzyme 组织 tissue有机体 organism干细胞 stem cell基因的,遗传学的 genetic生物多样性的 biodiversity第7页/共31页第七页,共32页。Read the passage and find the paragraphs which describe:1. when the structure of DNA was discovered 2. how to clone something 3. f

3、our possible reasons for cloning 4. the disadvantages of cloning5. the research into DNA has helped solve crime6. Cohen and Boyer discovered a procedureP1P3P4-7P4-7P8 Fast readingP2第8页/共31页第八页,共32页。a transparent twisting laddermade of the fundamental components of lifeDNAIntensive reading1.Please de

4、scribe the structure of DNA. 2.What is the relationship between DNA and gene?P1第9页/共31页第九页,共32页。Gene is part of DNAthat controls how it developsrelationship第10页/共31页第十页,共32页。Intensive readingP2Please describe the procedure which Cohen and Boyer discovered.use enzymesto cut outand to insert and combi

5、ne第11页/共31页第十一页,共32页。What is a Clone?A clone is an organism which is genetically identical to another one.But rememberWe= Our genes + Our environmentIntensive readingP3第12页/共31页第十二页,共32页。Para. 1 -Para. 3Time Scientist Discovery186619531973Mendel Watson and CrickCohen and Boyerboth parent plants have

6、 influenced the genetic make-up of the new plantThe structure of acid DNAA procedure to use enzymes to unzipthe DNA, to cut out a sequence of genes and finally insert them into the host cell and combine with its DNA第13页/共31页第十三页,共32页。MendelWatson and CrickBoyerCohen第14页/共31页第十四页,共32页。Summary: reason

7、s for cloningThere are many valid reasons for cloning. The first reason is cloning can be an_treatment for couples who find it _ to have children. Another reason is to reproduce the talents of _ human beings. A further reason is to obtain a _ of stem cells. A fourth reason for cloning is that some s

8、cientists and farmers think it would be_to clone a prize cow which can _ bacteria or disease, or to sow a _ crop. Finally, the _ research into DNA has helped solve _.optionaldifficultexceptionalsupply handyresistclonedlatest _P4-8crimes第15页/共31页第十五页,共32页。 an _ treatment for couples who cant have chi

9、ldrenreproduce the _ of exceptional human beingsobtain stem cells in embryoswhich are very _and can develop into every other type of cellsuffer from unknown psychological _ be _to the original one many people find the wasted embryo _ be _ to clone a prize cow resisting bacteria or disease would _ th

10、e biodiversity of the breed optionalcontradictory flexibleunacceptablehandyAdvantagesDisadvantages P4-7restrictpressuretalents第16页/共31页第十六页,共32页。P1(DNA and gene)P3(cloning)P8(DNA in helping solve crime)P4-7(advantages and disadvantages)Structure of the passageP2(procedure)第17页/共31页第十七页,共32页。Choose t

11、he best answers.1.The science of genetics was discovered by _. A. Mendel B. Watson and Crick C. Cohen and Boyer D. Einstein A第18页/共31页第十八页,共32页。2. Cloning humans from their parents has the disadvantage that_. A. it is a treatment for couples who want children B. it could create an exceptional human

12、being C. we cannot predict the psychological effects D. the clone may not lead the same life C 第19页/共31页第十九页,共32页。3. Stem cells can be used to _. A. develop into enzymes B. create prize winning animals C. solve crimes D. help people recover their good health D第20页/共31页第二十页,共32页。4. Clones of exceptio

13、nal human beings _. A. would be under unknown psychological pressure B. would have different experiences and upbringing from ordinary people C. would allow us to ring Einstein back to life D. may have different characteristics from the original D第21页/共31页第二十一页,共32页。5. If we can be sure that the embr

14、yo will not be wasted, _. A. cloning to obtain stem cells would be acceptable to many people B. stem cells could develop into every other type of cell in the body C. cloning would need to be controlled by a voluntary code of practice or government regulations D. cloning can be used to create animals

15、 and crops A第22页/共31页第二十二页,共32页。解码DNA 截取一段序列(xli)的基因3. 把它们插入宿主细胞4. 与一样Unzip the DNACut out a sequence of genesInsert them into the host cellFind the expressionsP2-3be identical to第23页/共31页第二十三页,共32页。1. 正当的理由(lyu)2.可供选择的治疗方法3.未知的心理压力 4. 选择人生道路5. 与相立6.拥有新的缺点7.原有的美德valid reasonsan optional treatment un

16、known psychological pressurechoose a path in lifepossess new vicesexisting virtuesP4-5be contradictory to第24页/共31页第二十四页,共32页。但是克隆出来的爱因斯坦选择的人生道路可和 “原版(yunbn)” 爱因斯坦的选择大相径庭。 But an Einstein clone might choose a path in life which is contradictory to the one the original Einstein chose._.Translation第25页

17、/共31页第二十五页,共32页。1.recover from a disease2.修复人体组织3.一只优选奶牛(nini)4.rely on 5.限制生物品种的 多样性6.在犯罪现场repair human tissuea prize cow依靠(yko),依赖restrict the biodiversityof the breed从疾病(jbng)中康复P6-8at a crime scene第26页/共31页第二十六页,共32页。Soon afterwards Anti-cloning protests took place. (反克隆抗议(kngy)示威) 第27页/共31页第二十七

18、页,共32页。Debate cloningAre you for or against cloning?“Cloning technology is a double-edged sword.”第28页/共31页第二十八页,共32页。 赞成理由赞成理由1. 克隆技术可挽克隆技术可挽救濒危动物救濒危动物2. 可再造人体器可再造人体器官来移植,官来移植,为老人和病为老人和病人带来福音人带来福音3. .Homework :Write a compositionHomework :Write a composition 最近国内一家英文报纸正在讨论人类是否应该展开克隆研究的问题,以下是你所在班级最近国

19、内一家英文报纸正在讨论人类是否应该展开克隆研究的问题,以下是你所在班级最近国内一家英文报纸正在讨论人类是否应该展开克隆研究的问题,以下是你所在班级的讨论情况。请你据此给该报编辑写一封信,告诉他同学们的观点,并表达自己的看法。的讨论情况。请你据此给该报编辑写一封信,告诉他同学们的观点,并表达自己的看法。的讨论情况。请你据此给该报编辑写一封信,告诉他同学们的观点,并表达自己的看法。 Group 1 反对理由反对理由1.克隆容易造克隆容易造成各种基因的成各种基因的不良变异。不良变异。2. 克隆人的出克隆人的出现会使法律、现会使法律、伦理道德混乱。伦理道德混乱。3. Group 2Useful wor

20、ds1.变异变异 variation2.移植移植 transplant3.道德的道德的 ethic4.器官器官 organ5.对对.有利有利 be beneficial to 6.滥用滥用 abuse第29页/共31页第二十九页,共32页。第30页/共31页第三十页,共32页。感谢您的欣赏(xnshng)!第31页/共31页第三十一页,共32页。内容(nirng)总结Welcome to my English class。3. 把它们插入宿主细胞(xbo)。但是克隆出来的爱因斯坦选择的人生道路可。和 “原版” 爱因斯坦的选择大相径庭。the one the original Einstein chose.。最近国内一家英文报纸正在讨论人类是否应该展开克隆研究的问题,以下是你所在班级的讨论情况。请你据此给该报编辑写一封信,告诉他同学们的观点,并表达自己的看法。第30页/共31页第三十二页,共32页。



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