初中英语译林版教案7A unit 1

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《初中英语译林版教案7A unit 1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中英语译林版教案7A unit 1(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教学设计 7AUnit OneTeachingcontentTeachingperiodsUnit1 This is me! 7Period 11. Learn the greetings of meeting people.2. Learn the new words.Teaching aims3. Use everyday expressions for greetings and introductions.4. Arouse students interest in learning English.ImportancegreetingsDifficultiesHow to greet

2、 when meeting people.TeachingproceduresStep1Warm-upactivitiesTeaching pre-set1 Self-introductionGood morning. Im MissLiu. Im thirty-twoyears old. Im your new teacher.2 Lead-inThe teacher asks one student some questionsT: Hi, Im liu Xingcai. Whats your name?S: My name is Then ask five students to do

3、it again.Give the model sentences on the blackboard.A: Hi, Im .Whats your name?B: My name is .3 Practice(1) Let some of the students come to the frontand ask the class.(2) Let the students to practice the greetingabove.Personalizedrevisions1教学设计 7AUnit OneIntroduce six new friendsIntroduce six new f

4、riendsStep2PresentatioPresentatio T:T: NowNow youyou havehave manymany newnew friends.friends. DoDo youyoun nwant to make more new friends?want to make more new friends?ShowShow picturespictures usingusing thethe puter. LetLet thethestudents look at them.students look at them.Say: This is Simon. Thi

5、s is Say: This is Simon. This is . .1. Make six masks of the children and go on.Introducesixchildrensnames.(Letthestudentswearthemasksandintroducethemselves.)Ask the six students to come to the front andplay six new friends.The students point to themselves and say, “ ImSimon.” “Im Amy.” Im .2. Pair

6、workLet students get to know these six new friendsand remember them. Practice greetings in pairs.Step31 Let the students know when to say GoodGreetingsmorning/ afternoon/ evening/ night2. Let the students practice greeting at differenttime.3. Do part B on Page and then check it .Step4Let the student

7、s watch the cartoon between EddiePresentationand Hobo.1. IntroduceThis is Eddie . This is Hobo. Eddie is Hobosmaster. Hobo is an e-dog.2. Ask the students some questions. Who is Eddie? Who is Hobo? Do you like e-dogs? (Show an e-dog, say: Thisis an e-dog. Its very lovely)3. Listen to the dialogue an

8、d answer the questions.4. Learn the new words.5. Read after the tape.Step5 Practice 1. Let the students read by themselves.2. Let the students act out the dialogue in pairs.3. Turn the sentences into Chinese.4. Talk about these four pictures in your own2教学设计 7AUnit Onewords.5. Fill in the blacks.Bla

9、ckboarddesign1. Recite the dialogue and greetingsAssignment 2. Let the students write their own profiles.Reflectionafter teaching)3教学设计 7AUnit OnePeriod 2Reading (1)Teaching aimsImportance1To recognize the uses of English in giving personal information2To get to know the basic information of the fou

10、rstudents1.The new words2.Useful sentencesDifficultiesLearn how to make an introduction of oneself.TeachingTeaching pre-setproceduresStep1Last time, we met six new friends. Do you remember theirMakingMakingrevisionrevisiona anames? Where do they come from? (They come fromBeijing Sunshine Secondary S

11、chool.) Do you want toknow more about them?Before we get to know about them, letme ask you somequestions. How old are you? Are you tall or short? Wheredo you come from? Where do you live? What class are youin? What do you love?Write model sentences on the Bb: Im (years old).Im(tall/short). I come fr

12、om I live inIm in ClassGrade I love(reading/dancing)PersonalizedrevisionsStep2PresentationStepStep 3 3DoingDoingAsk Ss to say something about themselves according to theactivitiesactivitiesmodel.1. Now lets get to know our new friends. After listening,forfortry to find out what they love doing. (Do

13、Part B1 afterStep4Step4ListeningListeningcomprehensioncomprehension listening to the whole text with books open.)Check the answers: 1c, 2a ,3d,4b2. Listen to the first paragraph with books closed. Afterlistening, answer the following questions:4教学设计 7AUnit One(1)How old is Millie? (She is 12 years o

14、ld.)(2)What class is she in? ( She is in Class 1, Grade 7.)(3)What does she love? (She loves reading.)3. Listen to the second paragraph with books closed. Afterlistening, do some T/F exercises:1)Simon is short( F )2)Helovesplayingfootballverymuch.( T)3)Simon( F)4. Listen to the third paragraph with

15、books closed. Afterlistening, fill in the blanks:Im Sandy. I comefromBeijing. Im verytalland slim. I havelongblackhair . I like listeningtomusic .5.Listen to the lastparagraph with books closed.After listening, try to fill in the blanks:Daniel is fromNanjing.He is short .He is good atMaths.Open the

16、books and check the answers, and explain thenew words hard, wear, glasses, enjoy, polite, helpful.oftenplaysfootballaftersupper.StepStep 5 5DoingDoing1. Read the text. Ask Ss to repeat after you or the tape, payactivitiesactivitiesattention to students pronunciation and intonation. Thenchoose four s

17、tudents to read it out.2. Ask Ss to choose one of the four students to saysomething about them.Today we met and got to know four new students. Eachof them is lovely, do you think so? But who do you likeStep 6Step 6HavingHavinga summarya summary5教学设计 7AUnit OneBlackboarddesign1.Read the text aloud an

18、d try to recite it if possible.are enough).best? Why? (Have a discussion.)Assignment2Write a easy profile according to the text (5 sentencesReflectionafter teaching6教学设计 7AUnit OnePeriod 3 Reading ( Reading () )Teaching aimsImportanceDifficultiesTo understand and use the expressions in the textTo wr

19、ite a profile according to the textTo understand and use the expressions in the textTo write a profile according to the textTo write a profile according to the textTeachingPersonalizedTeaching pre-setproceduresrevisionsStep1( Show the pictures of the four students) Ask: Do youMakingaknow them? Who a

20、re they? Can you say something aboutrevisionStep2Practicingthem? ( Ask Ss to say as much as they can.)1.First, read the text together. Then do Part B2. (Check theanswer: 1F, 2T, 3F, 4T, 5F, 6F,7F,8T).2. Read the first paragraph and revise the followingexpressions: ( Write down the important expressi

21、ons onthe Bb.)1)How old is Millie? (She is 12 years old 12 years old) How old areyou? How old are your parents? Are you 12 years old or13 years old?2)What class is she in? ( She is in Class 1, Grade 7 Class 1, Grade 7.)Can we say She is in Grade7, Class1? Why? (Tell Ssthe difference between English

22、version and Chineseversion.) What class are you in? Are you in Class 3,Grade 8?3)What does she love? ( She loves reading loves reading.) What clubis she in? (She is in the Reading Clubin the Reading Club.)What do you love doing? What club are you in?7教学设计 7AUnit One3. Read the second paragraph and r

23、evise the followingexpressions:1)When does Simon play football? (After schoolAfter school.) Whendo you clean your classroom?2)What does Simon like?4. Read the third paragraph and revise the followingexpressions:2.How is Sandy? ( She is very tall and slim tall and slim She hashaslong black hairlong b

24、lack hair.) Explain that hair is an uncountablenoun here.3.What does she like doing? (Shelikes listening tolikes listening tomusicmusic.) Explain that love means likevery much.5. Read the lastparagraphand revise the followingexpressions:1)Where isDanielfrom? ( She is fromis from Nanjing.)Wecan also

25、say: She comes fromcomes from Nanjing. Where do youcome from? /Where are you from? Do you come from/Are you from Hong Kong? Ask Ss to make upsentences like: I come from/ Im from2) What is Daniel good at? (She is is goodgood atat MathsMaths.)What are you good at? Are you good at dancing?Whats your co

26、usin good at? What arent you good at?6. Read the text together again. After reading, ask Ss tofinish Part C1.Step 3 WritingHelp Ss to finish Part C2. Encourage Ss to write moresentences.Translation:Translation:Step 4 Doingconsolidationexercise8教学设计 7AUnit One1.我今年十二岁,在七年级二班。Im 12 years old. Im in Cl

27、ass 2, Grade 7.2.我喜爱听音乐。我在校音乐俱乐部。I love listening to music. Im in the School Music Club.3.我有个表哥。他叫西蒙。I have a cousin. His name is Simon.4.他来自上海。 (种)He is/ comes from Shanghai.5.他喜欢放学后踢足球。 (种)He likes/ loves/ enjoys playing football after school.6.她高而苗条,还有一头乌黑的长发。He is tall and slim, and she has long

28、 black hair.7.他的表弟学习努力,擅长玩电脑游戏。His cousin works hard and he is good at playingcomputer games.Step 5Giving8.这个小男孩很有礼貌而且乐于助人。a summaryThis little boy is very polite and helpful.Read the important expressions on the Bb aloud. Ask Ssto write them down in their notebooks.BlackboarddesignRead and recite t

29、he text.AssignmentRevise the important expressions and try to use them.Do some consolidation exercises.Write a profile (at least 10 sentences)Reflectionafter teaching9教学设计 7AUnit OnePeriod 4GrammarGrammar1.To make positive and negative statements and ask questions with the verb toTeaching aimsbe2.To

30、 learn to use the simple present tense of the Verb to be1.To make positive and negative statements and ask questions with the verb toImportancebe2.To learn to use the simple present tense of the Verb to be3.Useful expressions : over, over there ,classroomDifficultiesTo learn to use the simple presen

31、t tense of the Verb to beTeachingTeaching pre-setproceduresStep1Present the simple present tense of the Verb to bePresentationPresentationPersonalizedrevisionsStep 2Step 2DrillsDrillsT:I am a teacher. You are students. We are in Grade7When we talk about facts and states ,we use the simplepresent ten

32、se.Ask Ss totry to say something about the pictures usingthe simple present tense.Iam an English teacherWe are in the classroom.Our school is very big.You are Middle School students.Step 3PresentingIt is a dog .Your brother is in Class one ,Grade Two.Your classmates are on the playground now.Go thro

33、ugh the table of simple present tense of the verb tobe. Point out the contractions. Ask Ss to find out how touse am, is, are and how to make negative statements.Go through the table of asking questions with the verb to10教学设计 7AUnit Onebe. Ask Ss to find out the rule. Pay attention to theintonation.S

34、tep 4Step 4DoingDoing4) Fill in the blanks with the right form of tobe:activitiesactivities1) My nameisMillie. I aman Americangirl. My parents arekind to me.2) My cousinis12 years old. He isinClass 1, Grade 7.3) Our teachersarevery helpful. Theyarethe best teachers.4)Isyour mother a doctor? No, shei

35、sateacher.5) Jack and Peterarenthappy today,becausetheir team lost the game.6) Our schoolisvery big.Wearehappy tostudy here.7) Five and fiveisten.8) Youarewrong. It is nta dog. Its a cat.5) Playing a game:Prepare five small pieces of paper and write teacher,student, doctor, policeman, worker on the

36、paper.1 Choose and invite one of the students to the Bb. Ask him/hertoclosetheeyes.He/ or she can choosea jobandshow it to the class. He/ she can ask the whole class: AmI a teacher? The whole class answer together: Yes, youare./ No, you arent.2 The student can choose a job but the other students don

37、tknow. The whole class can ask: Are you a teacher? Thestudent can answer: Yes, I am./ No, Im not.3One studentchoosesa job.The othertwo students ask11教学设计 7AUnit Oneand answer (One student knows the job, the otherdoesnt.) A: Is he/she a teacher? B: Yes, he/she is./ No,he/she isnt.4Use the same way to

38、 practice the plural form: Are we/they teachers? Yes, you/ they are./ No, you/ they arent.5Ask Ss to finish Part A and check the answer. (1.is, 2.are,3.are, are4.is, 5.is he, 6.Is)6Ask Ss to finish Part B and check the answer. (1.is, 2.is,3.are,4 are 5.is 6.Is,7isnt,8 is 9 Are 10 am not.)Step 5Step

39、5HavingHavinga summarya summaryLet Ss sum up when and how to use am, is are.句型转换句型转换StepStep 6 6DoingDoingconsolidationconsolidation1. His cousin is good at swimming.(改为否定句)exerciseexerciseHis cousin isnt good at swimming.2.Those boys are from England.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)Are those boys from England? No,

40、 they arent.3.He is in Class 1, Grade 8.(对划线部分提问)What class is he in?4.mothers, is, my, long, hair(连词成句)My mothers hair is long.5.teachers, they, doctors, are, or (连词成句)Are they teachers or doctors?BlackboarddesignAssignmentRevise the simple present tense of the verb to be.Do some consolidation exer

41、cises.Reflectionafter teaching12教学设计 7AUnit OnePeriod 5. Integrated skills Integrated skills1,To extract information from a passageTeaching aims2,To get information from listening3,To consolidate information and complete a passage1.The new words :dancing swimming age cute hobby gladImportance2.To ge

42、t information from listening3.To consolidate information and complete a passage1.To get information from listening2.To consolidate information and complete a passageDifficultiesTeachingproceduresTeaching pre-setPersonalizedrevisionsStepStep1 11.Present a photo of Kitty :Look ,who is the girl ?Whatpr

43、esentationpresentationabout her hair? Is she cute?2.Present a photo of Amy :Look, who is the girl? Whatabout her hair? Is it long?3.Guide the Ss to read the instructions of Kitty and Amy:Please read the profiles on pages 13.Tell me what kittyloves and what Amy is good at. Teach dancingswimming 4.Tea

44、cherasks: Do you love dancing? Are you good atswimming?StepStep 2 2 listeninglistening1guide the Ss to choose the right information accordingtraining.training.to the table.Would you please circle the correct answers in the tableaccording to Kittys and Amys profiles? What can you getfrom the profiles

45、?2Play the tape ,Let Ss complete the rest of the table onP133FinishA3 .listen to the conversationagain .Complete Millies notes in PartA3 accordingto the tape and the table in Part A14.Check the answers.Step3Step3T: Millie is very happy at school because she has manypresentationpresentationnew friend

46、s. What about you ? Are you happy at school?Do you have many good friends/What do you say whenyoumeetyourfriends?HelpSsreview:Goodmorning .Good afternoon. how do you do? Nice to meetyou .Hi13教学设计 7AUnit OneStep 4 listeninglistening1 Introduce Part B picture: Millie and her cousin Andytraining.traini

47、ng.meet Kitty at school. They greet each other .2Listen and answer :what grade is Andy in?3,listen and Judge:1)Kitty is Andys classmate.(F)2)Andy and Millie are good friends.(F)3)Andy, Millie and Kitty are all in Grade 8.(F)4)The school is nice.(T)5)They like the school.(T)Step 5 Drills1 Read the co

48、nversation after the tape sentence bysentence.6.Boys play the role ofAndy .Girls play the role ofKitty. Read the dialogue.7.Give them 2 minutes .Please work in group of threeand make up a newconversation.8.Ask Ss to come to the front .show their dialogues.Blackboarddesign1 .Read and recite Part B sp

49、eak up2.Make up a new dialogue according to Part BAssignment3 Finish the work book .Reflectionafter teaching14教学设计 7AUnit OnePeriod 6Study skills1 了解五个元音字母在重读开音节中的发音。2 准确朗读单词中含有五个元音字母的重读开音节。Teaching aims3 运用本课所学语音规律,准确朗读新单词。教学内容:五个元音字母在重读开音节中的发音 /i:/1 了解五个元音字母在重读开音节中的发音。Importance2 准确朗读单词中含有五个元音字母的重

50、读开音节。3 运用本课所学语音规律,准确朗读新单词。1.准确朗读单词中含有五个元音字母的重读开音节。Difficulties2.运用本课所学语音规律,准确朗读新单词。TeachingproceduresStep1presentationTeaching pre-setPersonalizedrevisions1 Review the 26 letters. T: do you remember the 26English letters? What are they? Can you singthe ABCsong?2 Present the 5 vowels a e i o u . T: W

51、ho can read the thesevowels letters?Presentcakeshe like no student . Can you read thesewords?3 T: Pay attention to the vowel letters in these words. howto read them ?Please read after me and try to imitate mypronunciation.4 Conclude the rule : The sounds of the vowel letters arethe same as the sound

52、s of the letters themselves.5 T: Now you can read them. But how to write theseEnglish sounds? Ill show you .Step2 Drills1 Let Ss listen to the tape and conclude the rule bythemselves.2 Read after the tape.3 Read part C sentences, try to write down thevowels.Step3 Games1 将课本中 A 的练习以游戏的形式出现。 准备好 5 张写上

53、音标的卡片 发给五位同学, 请他们站在教室的前面,将手中的音标卡展示给其他学生。T:Shall we play agame?Iwantfivevolunteers?YouaretheLeaders .Welcome to the front .将事先制作好的单词卡任意发给十名同学, 这些学生识别单词中元音字母的发音并站到手持对应音标卡的学生身后: please read the wordin your card and find the correct sound of the boldletter .then you can choose your leader from the fives

54、tudents and stand behind him or her .2 Read after the leader15教学设计 7AUnit OneStep 4PracticeReadPart B words .1 Do you know these three words? Who can readthem ?Whats the sound of the red letter in this words ?2 Look at the groups of the words in Part B.Try to read thenew words according to the sound

55、 of the word in thecenter in each group.3 Ask Ss to read Part B4 Ask one Student to read part B .others read after him.5 Try to find more words .BlackboarddesignAssignmentReflectionafter teaching16教学设计 7AUnit OnePeriod 7 taskLearn the profile of DanielTeaching aimsTo write about themselvesIntroduce

56、themselves to others confidently.ImportanceTo write about themselvesDifficultiesTo write about themselvesTeachingproceduresStep1Step1OrganizeOrganizeideas.ideas.Teaching pre-setTell students that the class is preparing a handbookPersonalizedrevisionscontaining a profile of each student. The final dr

57、afts of theirwriting will be collected to make a class handbook.1. Ask students to listen to the recorder and answer someStep 2Step 2questions aboutDaniel.PresentPresent2. Ask students to read the profile. Tell students to underlinewords and phrases which they find useful in the model sothat they ca

58、n include it in their own writing.3. Tell students to read the outline on Page 16. Encouragestudents to include additional information.Step3 PracticeStep3 Practice 1. In pairs, students read, check and correct their partnersdraft. The teacher goes around the classAnd provides help and assistance.2.

59、Ask students to rewrite their personal profiles on a separatesheet of paper and add illustrations, particularly a picture ofthemselves.3. Ask for volunteers to read out their profiles to the classStep 4Step 41. Tell students not to include their names on the first drafts.Play gamesPlay games2. Divid

60、e the class into groups of eight. Collect the studentsfirst drafts, mix them up and then hand them out to differentstudents within the group.3. Each student reads a personal profile, tries to guess who thewrite is and returns the personal profile to the writer.Write one or two profiles of himself /herself and anotherperson.BlackboarddesignAssignmentReflectionafter teaching17



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