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1、Period 2Warming Up & Reading (2).单词拼写1Is there any_(办法) of contacting him?2We have only a small_(百分率) of foreign books.3Those who favour the proposal are in the_(大多数)4Statistics_(表明) that the world population has doubled.5It was becoming_(明显的) to me that she didnt like me.6 A strong man will bear_(困

2、 苦 ) without complaining.【答案】1means2percentage3majority4indicate5apparent6hardship.句型转换1A:George Washington was born in the place that is now the state of Virginia.B:George Washington was born in_ is now the state of Virginia.2A:The robber had tried to escape by using a tunnel,but was caught.B:The r

3、obber had tried to escape _ _ _ a tunnel,but was caught.3A:People believed that the police would arrive soon.B: _ _ _that the police would arrive soon.4A:The battle went on for several days.B:The battle_ _ for several days.【答案】1what2by means of3It was believed4kept up1distinct adj.清晰的;明显的;不同的,各异的Gol

4、d is distinct from iron.黄金与铁截然不同。distinction n.差别;区别;荣誉(称号);优异成绩distinctive adj.有特色的distinguish v.使有所不同;区别;辨别make/draw a distinction between A and B对A与B加以区分win a distinction for 因而获功勋without distinction 无差别地;一视同仁地have the distinction of 有特点完成句子这个新建议比我原来提出的有显著的改进。This new suggestion is a _ improvemen

5、t _ the one I originally made.你能够区别这两个观点的不同吗?Can you _ _ _ _ these two points of view? 雇主用人应不分男女。Employers should hire men and women _ _.【 答 案 】 distinct; from make/draw a distinction betweenwithout distinction2live on/upon 继续存在;继续生存;靠生活;以为主食He is eighty,and is likely to live on.他八十岁了,看来还能活下去。live t

6、hrough度过;经受住live for 为而生活;盼望live up to 达到;符合;不辜负(期望)live with sth忍受某事live out 实践;实现 完成句子在纽约市每月2000美元能生活下去吗?Can you _ _$ 2,000 a month in New York City?我希望我们所有的习俗都能保存下去。I hope all our customs will _ _.我要尽我最大的努力,决不辜负他的期望。I will try my best and _ _ _ his expectation.那次手术证明很成功,那位老人又活了十年。The operation tu

7、rned out to be very successful, and the old man_ _ _ _ _ _.【答案】live onlive onlive up tolived on for another ten years3means n方式,方法;途径(单复数同形)Cars,buses,trains and ships are means of transport.汽车、公共汽车、火车和轮船是交通工具。by means of 借助于;利用;以方法by all means 无论如何;当然可以;没问题by any means 无论如何;想尽办法by no means 决不;绝非by

8、this means 通过这种方式by every means 用一切办法 完成句子它以自动测试的方法降低了风险。It reduces risks _ _ _ automated testing.每种方法都试过了。Every_ _ been tried.这绝非解决问题的良计。This is_ _ _ a good way to solve the problem.他借助一根绳子慢慢地下来了。He let himself down slowly _ _ _ a rope.【答案】by means ofmeans has by no meansby means of4in addition 此外;

9、另外We met some friends and other people in addition.我们遇见几位朋友,还遇见其他一些人。in addition to 加之;除加之;除之外之外 完成句子你的基本工资将是15000英镑,除此以外你还会得到丰厚的旅行费用。Your basic salary will be 15,000 and _ youll receive generous travel expenses.除了汉语以外,你的第二语言是什么?Whats your second language _ Chinese?【答案】in additionin addition to5majo

10、rity n多数;大多数 The majority of people believe smoking is harmful to health.大多数人相信吸烟对身体有害。(1)the majority单独使用作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数皆可。(2)the majority of 后接复数名词,谓语动词用复数;后接不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。(3)by/with a majority of 以大多数赢得(4)be in the/a majority构成大部分/大多数 The majority were/was against the plan.大多数人反对这个计划。语法填空The majo

11、rity of people _ peace to war.(prefer)The majority of the homework_easy to do.(be)完成句子委员中赞成提出修改意见的占大多数。Among the members of the committee those who favour the proposed changes are _ _ _.大部分人似乎喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机。_ _ _ people seem to prefer TV to radio.【答案】prefer is in the majority A/The majority of6declar

12、e war on 发动进攻;对宣战They finally declared war on crime.他们终于对犯罪行为进行打击。declare against 声声明明反反对对/不不支支持持;表表态态反反对对declare for 声明支持声明支持/赞成;宣布赞成赞成;宣布赞成 The students declared against cheating on exams.学生们反对考试作弊。完成句子第28届奥运会一宣布开始,整个世界都沸腾了。The moment the 28th Olympic Games _ (declare) open,the whole world cheered

13、.当轮到他时,他站起来表示反对这项计划。When it came to his turn,he stood up and _ the plan.他们赞成改进公共交通系统。They _ improving the public bus system.【 答 案 】 were declared declared againstdeclared for7make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等Nowadays,many young people from the countryside are going to town to make a life themselves.现在很多农村青年

14、进城去适应新的生活。earn/get/make ones living 谋生live/lead alife 过着生活come back to life 苏醒过来;复苏bringback to life 使苏醒;带来了生机full of life 充满生气start a new life 开始新生活8elect vt.选择;决定做某事;选举某人She elected to return to work after her baby was born.她决定孩子出生后再回到工作岗位。elect to do sth 决定/选择做某事elect sb to do sth 选择某人做某事elect sb

15、(to be/as)职务 选某人为election n.选举 语法填空Obama _ (elect) the first black president in the American history.They_(elect)Nixon as president.He elected _ (be) a doctor.【答案】8was electedelectedto be9keep up 坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等)He could not keep up and dropped out of the race.他无法再坚持下去,因此退出了比赛。keep up with 追上;跟上;赶得上

16、;及时了解(情况)keep away避开;戒(烟、酒等);站开;使离开keep back (使)后退;抑制;隐瞒keepfrom阻止(某人做)keep an eye out for 当心;提防keep company with和结交;和交往keep down 抑制;控制;压服;缩减开支keepfree from/of 离开;避开;不接近;戒除keep hold of 紧紧握住某物;抓住keep in touch 保持联系完成句子他坚持锻炼身体不曾中断好几年了。He _ _ _ physical training for several years without interruption.我们

17、应该尽力跟上其他同学。We should try our best to _ _ _ other classmates.没有什么能够阻止我出国读书。Nothing can _ me _ studying abroad.【答案】 has kept upkeep up with keep; from1California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest population.加利福尼亚虽是美国的第三大州,却是人口最多的州。(1)the third largest是序数词修饰最高级,意为“第三大”。形容词或副词的最高

18、级前面可用序数词修饰,表示“第几大/长”。(2) one of the/among the最高级名词复数,表示“最之一”。(3)句中的population意为“人口”,还可指“全体居民”。population作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式,但表示“population”中的一部分“成员”时,谓语动词通常用复数形式。The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二长河。The entire population of the town was at the meeting.全镇的居民都出席了集会。完成句子巴黎是世界上最大

19、的城市之一。Paris is _ in the world.你知道非洲第二长河是什么河吗?Do you know what is _ river?这个国家三分之一的人口是农民。_ of this country are farmers.【答案】among the biggest cities Africas second longestOne third of the population2 It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA, having attracted people

20、from all over the world.加州的与众不同之处也在于它是美国最具多元文化特征的一个州,它吸引了来自世界各地的人们。(1)这是一个简单句。having attracted people from all over the world为现在分词的完成式充当后置定语,修饰名词state,其作用相当于非限制性定语从句which has attracted people from all over the world。(2)分词作定语可分为限制性(紧跟在所修饰的词之后)和非限制性(用逗号与其所修饰的词分开)两种,其作用相当于限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。语法填空_(know)th

21、e situation well, they dealt with the problem easily._(see)the film twice,I decided to go to the party instead._(eat) at the cafeteria before, Tina didnt want to eat there again.【 答 案 】 Having knownHaving seenHaving eaten3However,it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least

22、fifteen thousand years ago.然而,可能至少在15,000 年以前美洲土著人就住在加利福尼亚了。(1)“It is likelythatclause”是一个固定句型,likely是形容词,It是形式主语,thatclause为真正的主语。(2)sb/sth be likely to do sth也是一种固定句型。It is likely that she will give up in despair.在绝望中,她很有可能会放弃。在绝望中,她很有可能会放弃。句型转换 They are likely to lose the game._ _ _ _ they will lose the game.It is likely that you have forgotten about the meeting._ _ _ _ have forgotten about the meeting.【答案】It is likely thatYou are likely to



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