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1、2023年上海专升本考试考试模拟卷(7)本卷共分为1 大题5 0 小题, 作答时间为1 8 0 分钟, 总分1 0 0分,6 0 分及格。一、单项选择题( 共 5 0 题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1 . 某甲患有梦游症,一天夜晚在梦游时将同宿舍的室友某乙杀死,某甲早上醒来后见状大惊随即报案,此案中某甲的行为 ( ) 。A . 构成故意杀人罪B . 构成过失致人死亡罪C . 是受到精神强制下的行为,不负刑事责任D . 是睡梦中的无意识行为,不负刑事责任2 . 根据我国 刑事诉讼法的规定,不服一审裁定的上诉和抗诉的期限为( ) ,从接到裁定书的第二日起计算( ) 。A . 5

2、 日B . 1 0 日C . 1 5 日D. 1个月3. Since the road is wet this morning, last night.A. it must rainB. it must be miningC. it must have rainedD. it must have been rain4. I didn t attend the conference, but I wish Ithere.A. had beenB. beC. wereD. would be5. The salary of an engineer is much h i g h e r .A. th

3、an a teacherB. than that of a teacherC. in comparison with a teacherJ sD. than of a teacherJ s6., the more you are aware of content and meaning.A. The more words you are familiar toB. The more words you are familiar withC. You are familiar to more wordsD. You are familiar with more words7. The resul

4、t made me. It was not half so good asI had expected.A. disappointingB. disappointedC. disappointD. be disappointed8 .Water always steam when boiled.A. gives outB. gives upC. gives offD. gives in9 . I d met her many times before yesterday.So.A. did IB. had IC. I didD. I had10.The desk over there hard

5、 wood.A. is made ofB. is made fromC. is made up ofD. is made by11 . It was in the winter of 1951 a heavy fog movedinto London.A. thatB. thenC. whenD. /12 .Will it rain tomorrow I hope .A. noB. yesC. notD. will13 . I have some difficulties these words, would you mindme your dictionaryA. understanding

6、, lendingB. to understand, to lendC. to understand, lendingD. understanding, to lend14. There was a n of discontent on her face.A. appearanceB. sightC. shockD. expression15.Your sister used to visit you quite often,A.isn, t sheB.use not sheC. wasn t sheD.didn t she16.Bob is rude that everyone dislik

7、es him.A. soB. tooC. veryD. such17. Two hundred dollars a large sum of money tothe old man.A. isB. is to beC. areD. are to be18.These industries are trying to improve theirefficiency in order to survive international .A. competeB. competitionC. competingD. competion19. Nearly time we spent in watchi

8、ng televisionas in speaking English.A. as manyB. muchC. moreD. as much20. The poor newcomer could not what the managersaid.A. make outB. tellC. make sense ofD. guess out21. In the 1850s Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Tom,sCabin became the best seller of the generation,a host of imitators.A. inspiringB

9、. inspiredC. inspired byD. to inspire22. It is the first time y o u a complaint aboutit.A. madeB. have madeC. makeD. are making23. The company receives up to 3,000 each year.A. applicationB. applicationsC. applyD. applies24. Because of his outstanding contribution to the causeof medical sciences he

10、Nobel Prize.A. awardedB. was awardedC. rewardedD. was rewarded25. The woman admitted, after several hours of beingquestioned, someone else,s credit card.A. usedB. has usedC. having usedD. being used26.We should always our opinion facts.A. base inB. base onC. basis inD. basis . . on27. It is very of

11、you to take care of the childrenwhile their parents are away.A. thoughtfulB. thankfulC. thoughtbessD. thoughtfulness28. White surfaces do not much heat or light.A. take inB. take upC. take onD. take over29. Just and do it properly.A. bring your timeB. bring your timesC. take your timeD. take your ti

12、mes30. He used a lot of examples to make h i m s e l f .A. understoodB. understandC. understandingD. was understand31. New ideas sometimes have to wait for years beforeA. fully acceptedB. fully acceptingC. being fully acceptingD. having fully accepted32. The swimming pool is construction.A. in the p

13、rocess ofB. in the process forC. on the process ofD. on the process for33. She has the impression that many people her.A. are turning toB. are turning againstC. are turning offD. are turning out34. The question lies in whether he has knowledgefor the job.A. efficiencyB. efficientC. sufficiencyD. suf

14、ficient35. The robber was by the police with breakingthe law.A. accusedB. chargedC. criticizedD. commented36. Wastes should in a proper way.A. dispose forB. disposed ofC. be disposed forD. be disposed of37. We were deeply impressed by the rich variety ofimported cars.A. on displayB. in displayC. for

15、 displayD. to display38. There are many ways to a company,s activitiesand characters.A. revealB. appearC. exposeD. discover39. My younger brother couldnt help when his toycar fell into the river.A. cryingB. to cryC. cryD. cried40. It is clear that computers h a v e mentalabilities to many animals.A.

16、 superioringB. superioredC. superiorD. more superior41. His eyes tears when he listened to the sadstory.A. are filled withB. are filled ofC. were filled withD. were filled of42. Everyone to make a proposal.A. supposeB. supposesC. supposedD. is supposed43. She said that she much progress since she ca

17、mehere.A. makesB. have madeC. had madeD. made44. Later, the small workshop a world-famouscompany.A. developsB. develops intoC. developedD. developed into45. She is young and but she is good at learning.A. experienceB. inexperienceC. experiencedD. inexperienced46. This is the one student I know will

18、pass theexam.A. whoB. whomC. whoseD. what47.A piece of writing giving instructions has much incommon with the explanation of a process, (36) it isaddressed to a different reader and (37) a differentpurpose. The reader is someone who may be expected to(38) the process, and the purpose is to enable (3

19、9) toperform it properly rather than (40) to understand it.In one sense of the world, (41) seem to mean the samething (42) orders; but there is a difference betweenordering a person to (43) something and telling him (44)to do something. The two possibilities are not mutually(相互地) exclusive, and (45)

20、 may be called for on someoccasions. (46) our context, however, givinginstructions means giving (47) rather than givingorders, (48) such information may sometimes beexpressed in the imperative (命令地) (49) . In technicalwriting (50) instructions is usually a (51) of tellinghow to perform some physical

21、 process such as assembling,using, inspecting, (52) repairing equipment,performing a test, or doing some job in a laboratory.Such instructions are given (53) manufacturers todealers (商 人 )who sell and service their products andto consumers who use them; they (54) the bulk of thecontents of laborator

22、y manuals; they are produced, inthe form of instruction manuals, as a result of (55)labor, by the multimillion-doliar industries thatserve the armed forces.38 ()A. ever sinceB. even thoughC. the momentD. as if48.A piece of writing giving instructions has much incommon with the explanation of a proce

23、ss, (36) it isaddressed to a different reader and (37) a differentpurpose. The reader is someone who may be expected to(38) the process, and the purpose is to enable (39) toperform it properly rather than (40) to understand it.In one sense of the world, (41) seem to mean the samething (42) orders; b

24、ut there is a difference betweenordering a person to (43) something and telling him (44)to do something. The two possibilities are not mutually(相互地) exclusive, and (45) may be called for on someoccasions. (46) our context, however, givinginstructions means giving (47) rather than givingorders, (48)

25、such information may sometimes beexpressed in the imperative (命令地) (49) . In technicalwriting (50) instructions is usually a (51) of tellinghow to perform some physical process such as assembling,using, inspecting, (52) repairing equipment,performing a test, or doing some job in a laboratory.Such in

26、structions are given (53) manufacturers todealers (商人) who sell and service their products andto consumers who use them; they (54) the bulk of thecontents of laboratory manuals; they are produced, inthe form of instruction manuals, as a result of (55)labor, by the multimillion-dollar industries that

27、serve the armed forces.37 ()A. whatB. whyC. whenD. how49. Here is a message of importance to every man andwoman who.A. voteB. votesC. votingD. voted50.A piece of writing giving instructions has much incommon with the explanation of a process, (36) it isaddressed to a different reader and (37) a diff

28、erentpurpose. The reader is someone who may be expected to(38) the process, and the purpose is to enable (39) toperform it properly rather than (40) to understand it.In one sense of the world, (41) seem to mean the samething (42) orders; but there is a difference betweenordering a person to (43) som

29、ething and telling him (44)to do something. The two possibilities are not mutually(相互地)exclusive, and (45) may be called for on someoccasions. (46) our context, however, givinginstructions means giving (47) rather than givingorders, (48) such information may sometimes beexpressed in the imperative (

30、命令地) (49) . In technicalwriting (50) instructions is usually a (51) of tellinghow to perform some physical process such as assembling,using, inspecting, (52) repairing equipment,performing a test, or doing some job in a laboratory.Such instructions are given (53) manufacturers todealers (商人) who sel

31、l and service their products andto consumers who use them; they (54) the bulk of thecontents of laboratory manuals; they are produced, inthe form of instruction manuals, as a result of (55)labor, by the multimillion-dollar industries thatserve the armed forces.40 ()A. protectB. performC. describeD. specify



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