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1、People sayPeople say:InformationInformationChinese:舌尖上的中国English:A Bite of ChinaDirector:Chen Xiao QinType:DocumentaryA Bite of China is a Chinese record channel launched the first high-end food series documentary, and is the first use of HD equipment to shoot the large food documentary. In the dome

2、stic shooting 60 sites, covering Hong Kong, China each region, it displayed in all aspects of the broad and profound Chinese food culture.Showing to the audience, especially overseas audience of Chinese diet change,the differ in thousands of ways of diet and unique taste, aesthetic, and rise to the

3、survival of the wisdom of dimensions of Oriental life values, let the audience from the diet culture side understanding of tradition and change in china. Bread is the staff of life is the realization of the goal of survival for the primary means of. China has a history of 5000 years of ancient civil

4、ization.Its food culture and the art of cooking is a part of the history of civilization, is the crystallization of Chinese culture. China has a vast territory, a varied climate, tropical, subtropical, temperate, subarctic having both at the same time; and diverse topography, rivers and lakes, mount

5、ains and plains, have an abundant supply, such as Chinese food and cooking with different types, different quality table delicacies from land and sea, fish eggs, fruits and vegetables ,riching in animal and plant raw materials, condiments.For thousands of years, Chinese accumulated superb cooking sk

6、ills, only cooking operation method is nearly 100 species, thereby forming the every kind of, differ in thousands of ways, different flavor of the mining system and goods. According to incomplete statistics, there are now approximately ten thousand kinds of dishes. The famous Qing Palace Banquet dis

7、hes Manhanquanxi, only this one table has more than 120kinds of dishes. In this among them as the representative of the Chinese food culture, showing gorgeous, style of China and imperial mentality, showing Chinese traditional culture the universal characteristics. China has a vast territory, is the

8、 worlds attention to eat national. After thousands of years of development. Formed the broad and profound food culture. Long-term since, because each district made of different raw materials, different ingredients, using different cooking methods, and formed their own unique flavor and different cui

9、sines. Among them, more famous cuisine refers to Chuan, Yue, Su, Xiang, Min, Hui, Zhe, Lu. 麻婆豆腐宫保鸡丁川菜:川菜:粤菜:粤菜:红烧乳鸽黄埔炒蛋广州文昌鸡清炖粉蒸狮子头苏菜:苏菜:阳澄湖大闸蟹松鼠鳜鱼徽州毛豆腐徽菜:徽菜:黄山炖鸽三色蒸蛋腊味合蒸湘菜:湘菜:水煮鱼剁椒鱼头四喜丸子鲁菜:鲁菜:蒜茸烤大虾崂山菇炖鸡醉排骨闽菜:闽菜:荔枝肉佛跳墙龙井虾仁浙菜:浙菜:西湖醋鱼虾爆鳝背 The Chinese diet culture is The Chinese diet culture is broad a

10、nd profound. A Bite of broad and profound. A Bite of China in the form of China in the form of documentary, will be fresh documentary, will be fresh smart audio-visual element smart audio-visual element organic fusion,show the food to organic fusion,show the food to the audience with their unique the audience with their unique visual enjoyment from visual enjoyment from microcosmic angle. microcosmic angle. Thank You!小组成员:小组成员: 杨家森杨家森 张红坤张红坤 袁雪利袁雪利 杨亮亮杨亮亮 戴聪慧戴聪慧



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