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1、单词处理英语必修一单词处理英语必修一Unit4Unit4单词单词1. earthquake /quake2. right away3. well4. pipe5. burst ( burst,burst)6. million7. event8. as if9. at an end10.nation11.canal12.steam1.地震地震 n2.立刻,马上立刻,马上3.井井4. 管,导管管,导管5.爆裂,爆发爆裂,爆发6.百万百万7.事件,大事事件,大事8.仿佛,好像仿佛,好像9.结束,终结结束,终结10.民族;国家;民族;国家;11.运河运河12.蒸汽;水汽蒸汽;水汽1.地震地震 n2.立

2、刻,马上立刻,马上3.井井4. 管,导管管,导管5.爆裂,爆发爆裂,爆发6.百万百万7.事件,大事事件,大事8.仿佛,好像仿佛,好像9.结束,终结结束,终结10.民族;国家;民族;国家;11.运河运河12.蒸汽;水汽蒸汽;水汽1. earthquake /quake2. right away3. well4. pipe5. burst ( burst,burst)6. million7. event8. as if9. at an end10.nation11.canal12.steam13. dirt14. ruin15. in ruins16. suffering 17. extreme1

3、8. injure19. survivor20. destroy21. brick22. dam23. track24. useless13.污垢;泥土污垢;泥土14.废墟;毁灭废墟;毁灭/毁坏毁坏15.严重受损;破败不堪严重受损;破败不堪16.苦难,痛苦苦难,痛苦17.极度的极度的18.损害;伤害损害;伤害19.幸存;生还者幸存;生还者20.破坏;消灭破坏;消灭21.砖块砖块22.水坝水坝23.轨道;足迹轨道;足迹24.无用的无用的13.污垢;泥土污垢;泥土14.废墟;毁灭废墟;毁灭/毁坏毁坏15.严重受损;破败不堪严重受损;破败不堪16.苦难,痛苦苦难,痛苦17.极度的极度的18.损害;伤

4、害损害;伤害19.幸存;生还者幸存;生还者20.破坏;消灭破坏;消灭21.砖块砖块22.水坝水坝23.轨道;足迹轨道;足迹24.无用的无用的13. dirt14. ruin15. in ruins16. suffering 17. extreme18. injure19. survivor20. destroy21. brick22. dam23. track24. useless25. 震惊;震动震惊;震动/n 休克休克26. 营救营救27. 使陷入困境使陷入困境/n 陷阱陷阱28. 电;电学电;电学29. 灾难灾难30. 掘出,发现掘出,发现31. 埋葬,掩埋埋葬,掩埋32. 矿,矿山矿,

5、矿山33. 矿工矿工34. 掩蔽掩蔽35. 许多,大量许多,大量36. 标题;头衔;资格标题;头衔;资格25. shock26. rescue27. trap28. electricity29. disaster30. dig31. bury32. mine33. miner34. shelter35. a great number of36. title37. 记者记者38. 条,棒条,棒39. 损失;损害损失;损害 n40. 使惊吓使惊吓 vt41. 受惊的受惊的42. 令人恐惧的令人恐惧的43. 祝贺祝贺 n44. 法官,贺词法官,贺词45. 真诚的真诚的46. 表达表达47. 要点,大

6、纲要点,大纲48. 报刊的大字标题报刊的大字标题37. reporter38. bar39. damage40. frighten41. frightened42. frightening43. congratulation44. judge45. sincerely46. express47. outline48. headline 49. 骑自行车的人骑自行车的人50. 裂缝;劈啪声裂缝;劈啪声51. 发臭的;有臭味的发臭的;有臭味的52. 农场;农家农场;农家49. cyclist50. crack51. smelly52. farmyard1.an earthquake/ a quak

7、e 一次地震一次地震e.g. A big earthquake happened in Tangshan in 1976.2.right away立刻,马上立刻,马上= at once =right now=immediately e.g. I must go at once. 3. well n. 井井 e.g. We used to get water from a well.adj. 健康的健康的=healthy=finee.g. Im not feeling well today.adv. 好好;令人满意的令人满意的e.g. He speaks English well.感叹词感叹词.

8、表快慰,惊讶,停顿等语气。表快慰,惊讶,停顿等语气。Well,lets go on.4.burst-burst-burst vi 爆裂;爆发爆裂;爆发 n. 爆发爆发e.g. Water pipes in the open air often burst in winter.短语:短语:突然做某事突然做某事burst into sthburst out doinge.g. 他突然大笑起来。他突然大笑起来。 He burst into laughter.=He burst out laughing.e.g. He couldnt help bursting into tears/bursting

9、 out crying.他禁不住泪流满面。他禁不住泪流满面。5. million 百万百万 millionaire 百万富翁百万富翁five million 5百万百万 millions of 大量的,许多大量的,许多6. event 大事大事accident 事故事故 incident事件,事变事件,事变 thing 泛指各种事件泛指各种事件 参见新坐标参见新坐标6. as if/as though 好像好像even if/even though 尽管尽管e.g.It looks as if it is going to rain.When a pencil partly is put in

10、to water, it looks as if it were broken.Even if he was ill, he came to school as usual.7.at an end 结束,终结结束,终结e.g. The war was at last at an end. Well have an exam in English at the end of January We had studied English for three years by the end of last term. The party ended up with a song. He will

11、end in being punishedat the end of 在在.的尽头;的尽头;by the end of 到到.末为止;末为止;in the end/at last/finally 最后,终于最后,终于end (up) with 以以 结束结束end in (doing) sth 以以(做做)某事结束或告终。某事结束或告终。1). at an end: 表示表示“终结,结束终结,结束”,与,与be动词连用。动词连用。eg: 战争结束了。战争结束了。 The war was at an end.= The war came to an end.2). in the end: 表示表

12、示“最终,终于最终,终于”,单独使用作单独使用作状语状语。eg: 最终他们放弃了那项计划。最终他们放弃了那项计划。 They gave up the plan in the end. (at last)3). at the end of: 表示表示“在在的尽头的尽头/末尾末尾+时间地点时间地点”eg: 今年年底,我父亲要回家。今年年底,我父亲要回家。 My father will come home at the end of this year. He is at the end of his patience. 他已经忍耐到极限了。他已经忍耐到极限了。4). by the end of:

13、到到末为止,常与末为止,常与完成时态完成时态连用。连用。 by the end of last用于用于过去过去完成时完成时 by the end of next用于用于将来将来完成时完成时eg: 到上个月末为止,他在那条船上已经待了两年。到上个月末为止,他在那条船上已经待了两年。 By the end of last month, he had been on that ship for two years. 到下学期末为止,我将学会到下学期末为止,我将学会3000多个英语单词。多个英语单词。 I will have learned more than 3000 English words b

14、y the end of next term.8.nation n.民族,国家;(强调人民)民族,国家;(强调人民)national 国家的国家的 nationality 国籍国籍9.dirt-dirty dust-dusty 9.dirt-dirty dust-dusty10.ruin vt. 毁灭,使破坏毁灭,使破坏 n. 废墟废墟be in ruins 严重受损严重受损;成为废墟成为废墟e.g.Wenchuan was in ruins after the earthquake.地震后汶川成为一片废墟。地震后汶川成为一片废墟。ruin oneself 毁掉自己毁掉自己ruin ones

15、hopes 使某人希望破灭使某人希望破灭fall into ruins 变成废墟,崩塌变成废墟,崩塌11.suffering n.苦难苦难v. suffer from 遭受遭受12. extreme adj. 极度的极度的 extremely adv. 极度地极度地13.injure vt.损害损害/n.伤害,损害伤害,损害e.g. He was badly injured in the accident.e.g. He is suffering injuries to the head.他现在头部受伤。他现在头部受伤。injured adj. 受伤的受伤的 the injured 伤员(表一

16、类人)伤员(表一类人)+复数谓语复数谓语e.g. The injured have been sent to the hospital.伤员已被送往医院。伤员已被送往医院。区别:区别:injure: 指一般指一般(车祸车祸)事故中受伤或名誉受损事故中受伤或名誉受损wound: 指战争中指战争中刀伤,枪伤刀伤,枪伤hurt: 疼痛,或伤疼痛,或伤感情感情harm: 指精神或肉体上的伤害,尤指不道德的事指精神或肉体上的伤害,尤指不道德的事do harm to 损害损害14.survive v幸存幸存 survivor 幸存者幸存者n survival n15.destroy/damage 毁坏毁坏

17、区别:区别:destroy 造成的破坏造成的破坏无法无法修复修复 damage 造成的破坏造成的破坏可以可以修复修复e.g. The flood destroyed the village,they had to rebuild their house.The flood damaged the village,they had to repair their house.16. useless adj. 无用的无用的 useful 有用的有用的make use of 利用利用It is no use doing sth. 做做.没有用没有用e.g. It is no use doing th

18、at.17. shock be shocked at/by 对对.感到震惊感到震惊v 震惊,震动震惊,震动e.g.I was shocked by his rudeness.我对他的粗鲁感到震惊。我对他的粗鲁感到震惊。n.His death was a great shock to the family.他的死使全家十分震惊。他的死使全家十分震惊。18.resuen 营救营救We gave up the hope of resue.v.援救,营救援救,营救 resue sb. fromHe resued a child from fire.19.trap n.陷阱,圈套陷阱,圈套He led

19、me into a trap.他让我中了圈套。他让我中了圈套。v.设陷阱,使落入圈套设陷阱,使落入圈套 trap sb into sth/into doing He trapped me into believing him.be trapped in 被困住被困住20. electricity n.电电 electrical adj. 与电知识有关的与电知识有关的electric adj. 以电为动力的以电为动力的electric fans 电风扇电风扇 electrical workers 电力工人电力工人21. dig out 挖出挖出He tried to dig out treasu

20、res hidden under the earth.dig into 深入钻研深入钻研 dig for =look for (采掘,探寻)采掘,探寻)22.bury vt.埋葬,隐藏埋葬,隐藏e.g. Many workers were buried when there was a accident at the mine.矿上发生事故的时候,许多矿工被埋在了地下。矿上发生事故的时候,许多矿工被埋在了地下。be buried in thought 陷入沉思陷入沉思be buried in (doing ) sth =bury oneself in (doing ) sth 埋头于做某事,专

21、心于某事埋头于做某事,专心于某事e.g. Buried in his study,he didnt know that others had left.23. a (great) number of 许多,大量许多,大量 + 复数复数谓语谓语 the number of .的数量的数量 +单数单数谓语谓语e.g. I have a number of letters to read. The number of students in our class is 68.注意:注意:常接可数名词的还有:常接可数名词的还有:many, a great many, a good many, few,

22、quite a few, 接不可数名词的有:接不可数名词的有:little, quite a little, much, a great deal of两种名词都可接的:两种名词都可接的: some, lots of, a lot of, pleatyof24.report-reporter; mine-miner; teach- teacher; drive- driver; farm- farmervisit-visitor规律:规律:_25.frighten vt 是惊吓是惊吓 frightening adj. 令人害怕的令人害怕的 a frightening story frighte

23、ned adj. 感到害怕的感到害怕的 I am frightenedFrom the_expression on his face,we know he is_.be frghtened of = be afraid of拓展:拓展:surprised / surprising; excited / exciting interested / interesting ; puzzled/puzzling-ed结尾的修饰人,结尾的修饰人, -ing结尾的修饰物结尾的修饰物e.g. I was excited. an exciting game但表情如:但表情如:look, expression

24、 要用要用-ed的修饰的修饰an excited look /a puzzled expression26.congratulation n.祝贺祝贺 v. congratulate 祝贺祝贺Congratulations ! 恭喜你恭喜你( 比赛取得胜利)!比赛取得胜利)!I offered my congratulations on his success.frightenedfrightenedcongratulate sb on sth e.g. We congratulated him on his success.celebrate sth 庆祝某事庆祝某事e.g. We cele

25、brate our new year with a party.我们集会庆祝新年。我们集会庆祝新年。27.judge vt. 判定判定 n.法官法官 judgement n.判定判定 judging by / from 由由.判断而言判断而言e.g. Judging by his accent, he is from England.judge sb /sth from/by 通过。判断通过。判断Dont judge a man by his looks28.sincerely adv. 真诚地真诚地yours sincerely “你忠诚的你忠诚的”,用于书信末尾,用于书信末尾29.cycle-cyclist-cyclying结束结束



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