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1、TagQuestions反意疑问句反意疑问句Grammar: 反意疑问句反意疑问句 1.Sheisastudent,isntshe?2.WespeakChinese,dontwe?一、定义:一、定义:当我们陈述了一个事实,而又不是很当我们陈述了一个事实,而又不是很有把握,就可以在陈述句后加一个简有把握,就可以在陈述句后加一个简短问句,称为反意疑问句。短问句,称为反意疑问句。例:例:二、结构:二、结构:结构一:结构一:前肯,前肯,+ 后否后否eg.Sheisastudent,isntshe?结构二:结构二: 前否,前否,+ 后肯后肯eg.Sheisntastudent,isshe?三、反意疑问句

2、的解答步骤三、反意疑问句的解答步骤Jack wasnt playing soccer, _ _?Their parents have gone to London, _ _?I have never been to the park, _ _?You have a good friend, _ _? We had a meeting, _ _? was hehavent theyhavent Ididnt wedont you1. 1. 判定判定判定判定(判断该用肯定还是否定);(判断该用肯定还是否定);(判断该用肯定还是否定);(判断该用肯定还是否定);2. 2. 找动找动找动找动(找句子的

3、助动词:(找句子的助动词:(找句子的助动词:(找句子的助动词:bebe用用用用be,be,动词原形动词原形动词原形动词原形dodo,三,三,三,三单单单单doesdoes,过去,过去,过去,过去diddid,完成,完成,完成,完成havehave););););3. 3. 换代换代换代换代(将主语换为代词);(将主语换为代词);(将主语换为代词);(将主语换为代词);1.be动词(动词(is, are, was, were)的句型:)的句型:现在现在 主语主语+is (are), isnt (arent) + 主语?主语?过去过去 主语主语+was (were),wasnt (werent)

4、+ 主语?主语?1 He is your uncle, _?2 You are not students, _?3 The students are going to have a picnic, _?4 Kate isnt from the USA, _?5 He was German, _?6 The Greens werent at home last night, _ ?isnt heare you arent theyis shewasnt hewere they2. 一般动词一般动词(play, study, watch 等等)句型:句型:现在现在 主语主语+play/plays,

5、 dont (doesnt) + 主语?主语?过去过去 主语主语+played, didnt + 主语?主语? 1 Your mother likes cooking ,_?2 He has an apple, _?3 The plane took off an hour ago, _?4 He didnt go to school late this morning, _? 5Lucy studied pop music, _? 6 You have a good time, _ _? doesnt shedont youdidnt itdoesnt hedid hedidnt she3.

6、情态动词情态动词(can, will)的反意疑问句的反意疑问句主语主语+can/will , cant /wont + 主语?主语?1 Tom can swim very well, _?2 Your parents cant swim, _? 3 All of your friends will come to your party, _?4 They wont come,_?can theycant hewont theywill they4. 完成时的反意疑问句完成时的反意疑问句主语主语+have/has+过去分词过去分词, havent (hasnt) + 主语主语?1 You hav

7、e heard of him, _?2 He has been to America, _?3 Marry hasnt lived in the countryside, _?4 You havent been to Shanghai, _?5 They have never been to Hong Kong,_?havent youhasnt hehas shehave youhave they5. There be 句型的反意疑问句句型的反意疑问句1 There is a pen on the chair,_?2 There are 60 students in our class, _

8、?3 There was nothing in the fridge,_?4 There will be a paper factory near my home in about 2 years,_?isnt therewas therewont therearent thereThere is/are/will be, isnt/arent/wont there?6. 当陈述部分有当陈述部分有never,seldom(很少很少), hardly(几乎几乎不不),few,little,nothing(没有没有) 等否定意义的词时,等否定意义的词时,后面的反意疑问句则为肯定形式后面的反意疑问句

9、则为肯定形式1.Theyhavenevervisitedhishome,_? 2.Therearefewapplesinthebasket,_?3.Hecanhardlyswim,_?4.Ithasnolegs,_?5.Thereislittlewaterintheglass,_?6.Theyseldom很少很少comelate,_? are therecan hedoes itis theredo theyhave they7. 祈使句的反意疑问句祈使句的反意疑问句1 Dont be late, _ _?2 Have a rest, _ _?will you祈使句祈使句, will you

10、?will youLets have a rest, _?(包括听话者包括听话者)Let us have a rest, _?(不包括听话者不包括听话者)will youshall we8. Lets的反意疑问句的反意疑问句shall we用法用法1010主语是主语是everyone, someone, anyone, no one, nobody等不定代词时,反意疑问句的主语一般用等不定代词时,反意疑问句的主语一般用they指代。指代。 1.Everyone in your family is fond of swimming, arent they ? 你你们们全全家家都都喜喜欢欢游游泳泳

11、,是吗?是吗?2.Anyone can do that, _?3.Someone is knocking at the door, _?4.No one knows about it, _? cant theyarent theydont they用法用法1111主主语语是是everything, something, anything, nothing等不定代词时,反意疑问句的主语一般用等不定代词时,反意疑问句的主语一般用it指代。指代。 1.Nothing is important for him, is it? 2.Something is wrong with your compute

12、r, _? 3.Everything is ready for the test, _? 一切都准备好了,对吗?一切都准备好了,对吗? isnt itisnt it 用法用法 12 陈述部分为第一人陈主语陈述部分为第一人陈主语I (We), 谓语动词是谓语动词是think ,believe, suppose, expect +that 从句时疑问部分与从句保持一致。从句时疑问部分与从句保持一致。非第一人称主语的,疑问部分与主句保持一致非第一人称主语的,疑问部分与主句保持一致。 I think that he is clever , ? We dont believe that the news

13、 is true, ? He thinks that the news is true , ? 、isnt he is itdoesnt he 用法用法12当主语是,当主语是,V.-ing, 不定式短语时,不定式短语时, 疑问部分的主语用疑问部分的主语用it. Swimming is great fun, ? To learn English well isnt easy, ? isnt itis it 用法用法131、陈述部分是Im,疑问部分用arent I I am a teacher , ?2、陈述部分有have/has/had to do,疑问部分用dont /doesnt/didnt+主语We have to do our homework everyday, ?3、陈述部分有used to ,疑问部分用didnt +主语或 usednt +主语。He used to take pictures here ,arent I dont wedidnt he?usednt he?1)Tomisaworker,isntTom?(找错找错)_2)Youcanswim,cannotyou?(找错找错)_3)Hehadlunch,doesnthe?(找错找错)_isnt he ?cant you ?didnt he ?



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