中考英语复习 语法专项突破篇 专题五 形容词和副词课件.ppt

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1、PK 中考英语湖南语法专题五 形容词和副词中考名题体验1.(2016年长沙) What do you think of the movie Zootopia? Hmm I think it is _ movie that I have ever seen these years.Aa good Ba better Cthe best2.(2016年株洲)As our children get bigger, our house seems to get _.A. the smaller B. smallerC. smallestCB3.(2016年湘西)Is Jane than Jenny?Y

2、es,she is.A.outgoing B.more outgoing C.the most outgoing4.(2016年铜仁改编)His handwriting is very careful. Yeah. With the help of him, his sister writes as _ as him. A. care B. careful C. carefully5.(2016年陕西改编) you speak, your English will be. A. The less; the more B. The more; the better C. The less; th

3、e better 中考名题体验BCB语法探究语法探究一、 形容词 (一)定义 形容词是指用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态及特征的词。 拓展:由名词和动词变化而来的形容词,见下表后缀后缀例子例子动词+able comfortcomfortable reusereuseablecarecarelee helphelpless+less+inginterestinteresting movemoving +edinterestinterested movemoved后缀后缀例子例子名词 +y(表性质)cloudcloudy lucklucky +lyfriendfriendly love

4、lovely +ful(意为充满)successsuccessful beautybeautiful+al(意为“的”)traditiontraditional naturenatural+en(放在材料的名词后)woodwooden goldgolden+less(意为“没有;无”)homehomeless hopehopeless+ese (用在国家名词后) ChinaChinese JapanJapanese+n(用在国家名词后)AmericaAmerican AfricaAfrican(二)形容词的用法 1.作定语: (1)多数形容词放在名词前面,修饰人或事物。 a smart boy

5、 an interesting book (2)形容词修饰不定代词时,放在其后。 Is there anything wrong? I feel like doing something different this weekend. (3)enough 作形容词时,放在被修饰的名词前后都可以。 They took enough food/food enough to last them a week. (他们带了足够一星期吃的食物。) 拓展拓展:多个形容词修饰名词的顺序 : 口诀:大小形状和新老,颜色国籍出(处)材料 冠词、指示代词、不定代词、物主代词+序数词+基数词+一般性描绘形容词+大小

6、、长短、形状+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、出处+材料+用途、类别+最终修饰的名词或动名词。 a beautiful little red flower 一朵美丽的小花。 I have a big, round, red, wooden, chinese table.我有 一个中国制造木制红色的大的园桌子 2.作表语 形容词可以作表语,放在系动词后,构成“主语+系动词+表语”的句型。 Leaves turn yellow in autumn. She looks unhappy, what happened? She is smart. 3.复合宾语中作宾语补足语。用来说明宾语所处的状态或具有的性质

7、、特征。 Who left the door open? It made me sad. 4.作状语 He spent seven days in the wind and snow,cold and hungry.(他又冷又饿地在风雪中过了七天。)考点二 副词 (一)构成 大多数副词都是由形容词+后缀-ly构成的,例如:slowly, heavily, truly, terribly。 .在形容词词尾直接加-ly。如:real-really; helpful-helpfully; careful-carefully; slow-slowly; quick-quickly; quiet-qui

8、etly .以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词要变y为i,然后再加-ly。如:busy-busily; angry-angrily; easy-easily .某些以辅音字母加不发音的字母e结尾和以-ue结尾的形容词要先去掉e,然后再加-y或-ly。如:terrible-terribly; true-truly; gentle-gently .英语中还有少数与形容词同形的副词,例如:daily, early, fast, hard, high, long, near, straight, well等。(三)副词的分类 1、 时间和频度副词:often,today, shortly, yesterday

9、. 2、 地点副词:here, everywhere, in, inside, above, home, upstairs, along, round , around 3、方式副词:carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, fast, well, 4、 程度副词,放在被修饰词之前:much,little, very,rather,so,too, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly. 5、 疑问副词,一般放在句首:how, when, where, why. 6、关系副词,一般放在句首:when, where, w

10、hy. 7、连接副词:how, when, where, why, whether. (四)副词的用法及位置 1. 作状语修饰动词、形容词、其他副词、介词短语及全句。其位置如下: (1)时间副词和地点副词一般放在句末,若两种副词同时出现,则地点副词在前,时间副词在后,也可把时间副词放在句首。He did his work here yesterday.他昨天在这里工作。 (2)频度副词放在实义动词之前,助动词、情态动词及be动词之后。 You must always wait in a queue.你必须排队。(3)程度副词放在所修饰的形容词之前(enough则放在后面)。如:very car

11、eful, old enough。(4)修饰介词时(well, right, just, soon等)放在介词之前;修饰全句时(frankly, briefly, personally, luckily, generally speaking等)放在句首。(5)方式副词修饰不及物动词时,放在所修饰的词之后;修饰及物动词时,放在动词之前或宾语之后。如宾语较长,也可将副词放在动词与宾语之间。a. Janes father works hard.简的父亲工作努力。b. Bill did the work very well.比尔做工作很好。c. He wrote carefully some let

12、ters to his friends. 他认真地给朋友们写信。 2.作表语。作表语的副词一般是表示地点及位置的副词。放在系动词后面。如:They are downstairs. 3.作定语。作定语的副词一般是表示地点、位置的副词,还有一些表示时间的副词,都作后置定语。如:In the streets below, there are other problems. 4. 作介词宾语。如:in here,from abroad,since then,until recently,until very late等。三、 形容词和副词的比较等级 大多数形容词和副词有三个等级: 1.原级,即原形。

13、2.比较级,表示“较”或“更一些”。 3.最高级,表示“最”。 (一)形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成 1.规则变化 (1)一般在词尾加-er或-est。 smartsmartersmartest talltallertallest (2)以不发音的字母e结尾的词,在词尾加-r或-st。 latelaterlatest largelargerlargest (3)重读闭音节词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写该辅音字母,再加-er或-est。 bigbiggerbiggest fatfatterfattest(4)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,先把“y”改为“i”,再加-er或-est。 ea

14、syeasiereasiest funnyfunnierfunniest(5)多音节词和部分双音节词,在词前加more或most。 beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful interestingmore interestingmost interesting 2.不规则变化:good/wellbetterbestbad/badlyworseworstmany/muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfartherfarthest(多指距离)farfurtherfurthest(也可指距离,但多指“时间、程度、数量上”)(二)形容词和副词的

15、比较级和最高级的用法 1.当两者人或者事物进行比较时,形容词和副词要用比较级,也就是-er形式,比较级常与than相连。 Li Lei is taller than Wang Jun. 2.当三者或三者以上的人或事物进行比较时,形容词和副词要用最高级,也就是-est形式,最高级之后常常用of ,in 等短语来限定比较的范围。 Li Lei is the tallest of all /in our class。 形容词最高级之前一定要用the ,但副词之前可以省略。如:Li Lei runs (the ) fastest of the three。注意 3. the 加比较级,the 加比较级

16、表示“越就越”。 The more trees we plant every year ,the better the environment will be. 4.比较级加and 加比较级表示“越来越”. He walks faster and faster.专项集训专项集训1.Ma Yun, head of Alibaba, is one of _ persons in the world. A. rich B. richer C. the richest2.Who is your favorite singer, Mike ? TFBOYS. They are very _ boys a

17、nd girls. A. proud of B. popular with C. strict with CB3.The red car looks nicer than the white one. But its price is _. I dont have enough money,so I will buy the white one. A. cheaper B. higher C. high 4.This camera is too expensive. Id like a one. A. cheap B. cheaperC. cheapestBB5.The volunteer s

18、poke as as he could to make the visitors understand her. A. clearly B. more clearlyC.the most clearly6. If you eat and do exercise, you will be much healthier. A. little;much B. less;more C. less;most AB7.What was Jim wearing at the party?Nothing _.He was in his usual shirt and jeans.Aspecial Bsimple Cimportant 8.Linda felt very _ after the long way,so she stopped to have a rest.Asurprised Bshy Ctired AC9.Speak aloud,please!I can _ hear you.Ausually Balmost Chardly10.The baby is sleeping.Please speak _.Aloudly Bclearly Cquietly CC



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