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1、中国文化概况中国文化概况你知道吗?你知道吗? 清明节 重阳节红楼梦水浒传 中华人民共和国 计划生育政策 炎黄子孙 剪纸 长城 故宫Chapter one Chinese History-Highlights: The social progress of ancient China: The Warring States period, Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, and Qing Dynasty. -Nuts: The historic progress in the Warring

2、States, the key measures undertaken by the First Emperor of Qin and its significance, the shaping of Chinese nation and its territory in Han period, the underlying reasons of Tangs prosperity, the decaying Qing, the founding of the Peoples Republic; and the economic progress in the Wu region (the Ya

3、ngtze Delta).Chinese History Chinese history can be divided into three periods: the legendary period, the ancient period (2100 B.CA. D1840), the modern period (1840-present). The Three August Ones and Five Emperors (三皇五帝三皇五帝)30th century B.C. - 21th century B.C.Xia Dynasty (夏朝夏朝)2070 B.C. - 1600 B.C

4、.Shang Dynasty(商朝)(商朝)1600 B.C. - 1046 B.C.Western Zhou Dynasty (西(西周)周)1046 B.C. - 771 B.C.Eastern Zhou Dynasty (东周)周)770 B.C. - 256 B.C.Warring States(战国国)Western Han (西西汉)Wei(魏魏), Shu Han(蜀(蜀汉), Wu(吴)(吴)222 - 280Western Jin Dynasty(西晋)(西晋)265 - 317Eastern Jin Dynasty(东晋)晋)317 - 420Spring and Autu

5、mn Period (春秋春秋)Zhou Dynasty(周朝)(周朝)770 B.C. - 476 B.C. 476 B.C. - 221 B.C.Qin Dynasty(秦秦)221B.C. - 206B.C.Han Dynasty(汉)Estern Han (东汉)206 B.C. - 24 A.D. 25 - 220Three Kingdoms(三国三国)Song(宋)(宋)420 - 479Qi(齐)479 - 502Liang(梁)(梁)502 - 557Chen (陈)557 - 589Northern Wei(北魏)(北魏)386 - 534Eastern Wei(东魏)魏)5

6、34 - 550Northern Qi(北(北齐)550 - 577Western Wei(西魏)(西魏)535 - 556Northern Zhou(北周)(北周)557 - 581581 - 618618 - 907Later Liang(后梁)(后梁)907 - 923Later Tang(后唐)(后唐)923 - 936Later Jin(后晋)(后晋)951 - 960Five Dynasty(五代五代)Later Han(后(后汉)Later Zhou(后周)(后周)Southern Dynasty(南朝)(南朝)Northern Dynasty(北朝)(北朝)Sui Dynast

7、y(隋隋朝)朝)Tang Dynasty(唐唐朝)朝)936 - 946947- 950Song Dynasty(宋朝)(宋朝)Northern Song Dynasty(北宋)(北宋)960 - 1127Southern Song Dynasty (南宋)(南宋)1127 - 1279Liao Dynasty (辽)(辽)916 - 1125Jin Dynasty (金)(金)1115 - 1234Yuan Dynasty (元朝)(元朝)1271 - 1368Ming Dynasty(明朝)(明朝)1368 - 1644Qing Dynasty (清朝)(清朝)1644- 1911Repu

8、blic of China (中华(中华民国)民国)1912 - 1949Peoples Republic of China(中华人民共和国)(中华人民共和国)1949 -Legendary periodThe Creation of the World(开天辟地)Pan GuHistory of the ThreeEmperors and Their Five Successors written by Xu Zheng recorded the legend of Pangu. Legend about Pan GuBefore the Creation, heaven and earth

9、 were in chaos(浑沌). Pan Gu, the Creator was born in it. After about eighteen thousand years, the heaven began to be separated from the earth. The light, clear and shining matters rose up and formed the heaven, whereas the heavy and dark matters sank down and formed the earth. Pan Gu was in between.

10、With his head touching the heaven and his feet standing on the earth, he changed himself nine times one day, holier than both the heaven and the earth. Everyday the heaven rose more than three meters higher, the earth also thickened itself over three meters thicker, while Pan Gu also grew over three

11、 meters taller. This went on for eighteen thousands of years and the heaven rose extremely high, the earth became extremely thick, and Pan Gu also extremely tall and big. Then there were born the three august(令人敬畏的) figures: Shennong, Fuxi and Huangdi.FuXi (伏羲)(伏羲)Fuxi was considered the first real

12、ruler. He taught people how to devise tools, kindle(点燃) fire and cook food, how to domesticate(驯养) animals and tend flocks(禽群). He also devised the mysterious Eight Trigrams (八卦) which were used for divination(占卜). 伏羲氏是上古的一位睿智的首领,也是上古的“三皇”之一,他在我国古代医疗的发展过程中起着重要的作用。 伏羲氏,姓风氏,传说中,他为人民作了许多有意义的事情。他指导臣民制造工

13、具,结网打鱼,投矛狩猎,也开创了人类历史上通过劳动主动获取食物的新纪元。Yandi Shennong炎帝神农炎帝神农He was the god who invented farming and was the first to use herbs(药草) for medical use. According to the legends, Yandi Shennong had a wonderful whip. By lashing various kinds of herbs, it could distinguish whether they were poisonous or not,

14、 and what effect they might produce. With this whip, he cured diseases with herbs as medicine.Yandi Shennong炎帝神农炎帝神农It is said, once Yandi divided his tribe into several groups and led them to migrate eastward and fight against Huangdi, but he was defeated. Then he turned to Huangdi and formed a uni

15、on with him. After they defeated Chiyou, the legendary chief of a tribe, they lived and multiplied in the middle and lower valleys of the Yellow River for many years. The united tribe by Yandi and Huangdi, the two august figures of the earliest history of China, formed the main trunk of the Huaxia n

16、ationality(华夏民族) which changed itself intoHan nationality in the later times, so the later generation of Chinese nationality is called the “descendants of Yandi and Huangdi.”(炎黄子孙)Huangdi 黄帝黄帝Huangdi, whose family name being Ji, literary name Xuan Yuan, the famous chief of a united tribe living in t

17、he middle and lower valley of the Yellow River about 4000 years ago, has been worshipped as the common ancestor of Chinese nationalities. He invented the wheel and carts drawn by oxen and discovered the art of making pottery. He improved communication by building roads, bridges and ships. Under his

18、administration, precious stones, gold and copper were introduced to serve as money.Five August EmperorsFive August Emperors in the legendaryperiodare:Huangdi(黄帝),Zhuanxu(颛顼), Ku(帝喾),Yao(尧),Shun(舜)-(史记五帝本纪、礼记和春秋国语说法)Ancient Period Ancient Period 2100 B.CA. D1840 1. Xia Dynasty夏朝夏朝(2100-1600B.C)(1) Th

19、e Xia Dynasty is the first dynasty to be described in Chinese historical records. Traditionally, it is supposed to have begun with the reign of Yu (禹), and ended with the fall of Jie (桀)(2) The Xia Dynasty marked an evolutionary stage between the late Neolithic(新石器时代) cultures and the typical Chines

20、e urban civilization of the Shang Dynasty.(3) And it was in this period that the institution of slavery began developing.How Yu, the Great, Conquered the Flood Dig ditches instead of building damsThrice he had gone past his own house without even looking in.Ancient Period 2100 B.CA. D18402Shang Dyna

21、sty 商朝商朝(1600-1100B.C)(1)Shang Dynasty founded by Shang Tang, lasted over 500 years. (2)Shangs civilization was based on agriculture, hunting and animal husbandry(饲养). (3)During the Shang Dynasty, the technology of smelting bronze(青铜) was invented and some iron tools were known to be in use already.

22、(4) The Shang Dynasty has the earliest recorded written history, because a writing system was developed, as revealed on tortoise shells and flat cattle bones. The current Chinese language has developed from the inscriptions on the oracle bones.(甲骨文) Ancient Period 2100 B.CA. D18403 Zhou Dynasty 周朝周朝

23、(1046-256B.C.) (1)The Zhou Dynasty lasted for over 800 years, including Western Zhou, Eastern Zhou. Eastern Zhou was divided into Spring and Autumn(770B.C-476B.C.) and Warring States Periods.春秋战国 (2) In western Zhou, the slavery society was in its prime, and the system culture, material culture and

24、spiritual culture highly developed.Is there anybody who knows any story in this period? For example, how Shang came to its end or how Zhou established its sovereignty?Students ActivitySpring and Autumn 770B.C-476B.C.The Spring and Autumn Period is named after “The Spring and Autumn Annals(记录)”-The h

25、istory of Lu revised by Confucius. The Spring and Autumn Period is a period when the slave society in the Chinese history came to collapse. While in the period of the Warring States Period, the feudal system(封建制) was established, and it marked the feudal private ownership of lands and by the system

26、of centralization. This period was filled with battles and annexation (合并)of some 170 smaller states.Warring States Period475B.C.-221B.C. “Seven Great Powers”(战国七雄) the Qi, the Chu, the Yan, the Han, the Zhao,the Wei and the Qin. (齐、楚、燕、韩、赵、魏、秦)Big events in Warring States PeriodLi Bing and his sons

27、 led the construction of the famous Dujiangyan Dam, a water conservancy (保存)project.Lord ShangYang (商鞅) introduced two political reforms to the State of Qin, which laid the foundations for the Qin to become strong and eventually unify China for the first time in history.Different philosophies develo

28、ped into the Hundred Schools of Thought (百家争鸣), including Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism and Moism.(儒教、道教、法家思想、墨家思想)4.The Qin Dynasty 221B.C-206B.C.(1)Yin Zheng(赢政) annexed the other six states and established the first united, power-centralized monarch and called himself as “Shih Huang-ti” or “Firs

29、t Emperor”(始皇帝).(2)Big events in Qin Dynasty and its significance included: The country was divided into provinces and districts, all placed under the control of the central government(郡县制);The written language was simplified and made uniform, and the weights, measures and coinage were standardized(

30、统一文字,货币和度量衡).Ancient Period 2100 B.CA. D1840Constructing the illustrious Great Wall and build up for himself grand-scale palaces, mausoleums. Over 400 scholars were buried alive and all books were burnt, except those on technology, divination, medicine and agriculture.(3) The first peasant uprising

31、in chinas history, led by Chen Sheng(陈胜) and Wu Guang(吴广) broke out and the Qin Empire was overthrown.Ancient Period 2100 B.CA. D1840Ancient Period 2100 B.CA. D18405. The Han Dynasty 汉汉朝朝(206 B.C.-220A.D.)Toward the decline of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, the two generals born of civilian

32、 and noble background respectively, overthrew jointly the reign of Qin and then contended for hegemony(霸权). A couple of years later, Liu Bang triumphed over Xiang Yu, and therefore founded the mighty Han Dynasty, during which agriculture, handicrafts and commerce were immensely developed.Liu Che(刘彻)

33、, King Wu of Han(汉武帝,140 B.C.87 B.C.) reigned through the most powerful and prosperous period. He mobilized expeditionary forces to defeat and drive out Huns(匈奴)补加汉朝疆域图补加汉朝疆域图和和汉朝征战图汉朝征战图形象化汉朝版图and he commissioned Zhang Qian (张骞)as his envoy to visit the West Territory in consequence that the route

34、which started from Changan(Xian in modern Shanxi Province) via Xinjiang and the mid-Asia to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean was opened to traffic, which was welcomed as the Silk Route(丝绸之路丝绸之路) and by which Chinese gorgeous fine silk products were incessantly transported westward. Inter-commu

35、nication with other lands was thus enhanced.Sima Qians The Records of the Historians(史记史记) (104 B.C.91 B.C.)The paper making technology improved by Cai Lun (105A.D.)and the invention of seismograph(地动仪) by Zhang Heng(132A.D.).The Three Kimdoms Period(220-280 A.D.)The Han Dynasty survived for 426 yea

36、rs. By 220 A.D. China evolved into the Three Kingdom in tripartite balance(三足鼎立) of Wei Kingdom (魏220-265), Shu Kingdom(蜀221-263) and Wu Kingdom(吴222-280). There emerged three most prominent wizards Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang and Sun Quan. Cao Cao (曹操)was the founder of Wei kingdom and brought it on into

37、supremacy over other two by extensively soliciting(招募) talents, promoting capable and diligent ministers, stationing troops in frontiers. Zhuge Liang(诸葛亮) served as the prime minister of Shu Kingdom and has long been esteemed as the symbol of ancient Chinese wisdom with such a noble moral character

38、inspiring Chinese descendents over the past hundreds of years that “Spare no effort in the performance of ones duty till the end of ones days.”(鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已,后出师表) Sun Quan(孙权) was known as the originator of Wu Kingdom. Initially he allied with Liu Bei, Duke of Shu Kingdom, defeating Cao Cao at Red Clif

39、f(赤壁); later in turn he conquered Liu Bei in the battle at Yiling(彝陵). He appointed officials responsible for farming and stationed troops to cultivate virgin land, thus spurring the development of the middle and lower reaches in the Yangtze River Valley. The famous novel Romance of the Three Kingdo

40、ms(三国演义)by Luo Guanzhong (罗贯中) was based on the historical facts of this period.6.From the Three Kingdoms to the Southern and Northern Dynasties(222-581 A.D.)(1)At the end of the Three Kingdoms, China was briefly united during the Jin Dynasty(晋朝, 265-420A.D.) but this was followed by a period of div

41、ision during the Southern and Northern Dynasties(420-589A.D.)(2)Some literary and scientific figures: Zu Chongzhi(祖冲之): the calculation of the relation of the circles circumference to its diameter(圆周率) Wang Xizhi(王羲之): one of the greatest calligraphers, honored as “the calligraphic sage” created the

42、 famous calligraphy work-the Orchid Pavilion Collection(兰亭序) Gu Kaizhi (顾恺之): famous painting-Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court Ladies(女史箴图)7. The Sui Dynasty(581-618A.D.)Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, named Yang Jian (杨坚), proclaimed himself Emperor in the north, with Changan as its capital

43、. Taxation and conscription were reduced.The most outstanding achievements were: the Grand Canal(大运河)& Zhaozhou Bridge(赵州桥)8. The Tang Dynasty(618-907A.D.)nBy 618 A.D., the Tang Dynasty was set up by a general named Li Yuan.n(1)Li Shiming, Emperor Tai of Tang, was acclaimed as one of the foremost di

44、stinguished emperors in Chinese history,his reign called “Peaceful Order in Zhenguan Period”(贞观之治),during which he promulgated(公布) a series of polices for social recuperation(恢复) and national consolidation, pushing it on to the pinnacle(高峰) of the prosperity of Chinese feudal stage.n(2)The brilliant

45、 dynasty saw further advancement in as many fields as farming, handicrafts, commerce, textile, dyeing, ceramics(制陶业) and chinaware, metallurgy(冶金学)and shipbuilding while a crisscross network of highways and waterways emerged throughout the empire, and extensive social and cultural relations were est

46、ablished with many countries such as Japan, Korea, India, Persia and Arabia.n(3)The Tang dynasty was the renaissance of classical literature (Text Book, p 12) Xuan Zang(玄奘) and his pilgrimage to the Western Region(Chanan-India)(627A.D.-) Translation of 75 Buddist scriptures into chinese; Records of

47、the Western Travels(大唐西域记) Journey to the West(西游记); Jian Zhen(鉴真) and his sailing eastward to Japan He became the founder of the Ritsugku Sect(律宗) in Japan。(Text Book, p13 )(4)Buddhistsinthisperiod9. Song Dynasty(960-1270) and Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368)(宋朝(宋朝&元朝)元朝)(1)Following the Tang Dynasty stepp

48、ed up the Period of the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms. In 960A.D. Zhao Kuangyin(赵匡胤), a senior general of the Later Zhou (后周)Dynasty, launched a rebellion and ascended the throne of the Song Dynasty in his yellow imperial gown. (Text Book, p 13-14) The custom of foot-binding; The creation of a

49、 new form of poetry- Ci(词) (2)In 1206, Genghis Khan (成吉思汗) founded theMongol Empire upon his unification of scattered Mongoltribes. Kublai(忽必烈), a grandson of Genghis Khan, sweptsouthward across the Central China in 1271, being inaccession to the Yuan Dynasty with Dadu(Beijing)assigned as the capita

50、l. The greatest achievement in the literature of Yuan Dynasty-Zaju (杂剧): Snow in Midsummer(窦娥冤) by Guan Hanqing(关汉卿); The Western Chamber(西厢记) by Wang Shifu (3) During the course of Song and Yuan, industry, commerce and foreign trade were colossally(巨大地) advanced, therefore a magnitude of foreign me

51、rchants and tourists arrived in China in streams. Marco Polo(马可波罗), a Venice merchant, ever traveled extensively in China, in whose travel notes he portrayed the thriving industry and commerce as well as the fortunes existing in China. Paper making, printing, compass and gunpowder fall within the “F

52、our Great Inventions” of ancient Chinese science and technology. Till Song and Yuan, further new progress was achieved, thus extending huge contributions to the global civilization. 宋辽金元是中华民族大融合的一个重要时期。10. Ming Dynasty(1368-1644) (明朝)(明朝)nIn 1368,the Ming Dynasty was instituted by Zhu Yuanzhang(朱元璋)

53、, the Highest Emperor of Ming. Upon being crowned, Zhu Di(朱棣), the fourth son of the Highest Emperor, embarked(着手进行) upon a large-scale project of the city walls and moats, palaces and temples in Beijing, and later on officially transferred the capital from Nanjing northward to Beijing. nThe Ming Dy

54、nasty sought to restore Chinese tradition and learning, thus the creation of a vast encyclopedia-Yongle Dadian(永乐大典); nmeanwhile frequent friendly contacts with the countries in Asia and Africa were fulfilled.nOver the later period of Ming sprang out a new military force-Manchu Nationality between t

55、he Baishan Mountain and the Heishui River. Led by Nuerhachi, their chieftain, those Manchu tribesmen on horsebacks struggled for three generations within and beyond the Great Wall, finally capturing the throne of the Qing Dynasty in 1644. nOf all Qing emperors were rated the most renowned two, Emper

56、or Kang Xi (1661-1722) and Emperor Qian Long (1735-1796), whose reign was recognized as “Heyday in Kang-Qian Period”(康乾盛世).nIn Qing Dynasty, the feudal period in China gradually drew to a close.11. Qing Dynasty(1368-1644) (清朝)(清朝) literature-Fiction The four great works appeared in Ming and Qing Dyn

57、asties: Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Naian; Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong Journey to the West(西游记); A Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin Modern PeriodnThe Opium War(鸦片战争) occurring in 1840 marked a turning point in Chinese history. Toward the dawn of 19th century Britain dumped its

58、opium in mammoth (巨大的)quantities into China, having resulted in an unfavorable flow of silver to Britain as well as inflation and financial austerity(财政紧缩) within China. nIn 1839, Lin Zexu(林则徐)(林则徐) as a special envoy(特使) of the imperial court was commissioned to be stationed in Canton of Guangzhou,

59、 responsible for prohibition of the opium products. For protection of its opium dumping, Britain waged an invasion war on China in 1840. At the outset the Chinese patriots, led by Lin and some generals, launched a gallant(英勇的) resistance against the invaders.nOwing to the concessions(让步) offered by

60、the corrupted and incompetent Qing imperial court, the Nanjing Treaty(南京条约), an unfair document that surrendered Chinas sovereignty under humiliating terms, was signed in the end. From the date onwards, China gradually sank into a semi-feudal and semi-colonial mess.nAt the end of the Opium War such

61、imperialist powers as Britain, the United States, France, Russia, Japan and so on coerced unceasingly the Qing court to sign varied unfair treaties, furthermore seizing “concessions” and planning “spheres of influence” in China, a tide of carving up Qing Empire in surge. In order to resist the feuda

62、l oppression and alien invasion, Chinese people spared no efforts to fight against the enemies unyieldingly with a host of heroes and heroines outstanding. In 1851, Hong Xiuquan took a lead of the Revolt of Tai Ping Tian Guo(Heavenly Empire), the largest peasant revolutionary campaign-A bourgeois de

63、mocratic one led by Sun Zhongshan(Sun Yat-sen)-overthrew the rule of the Qing Dynasty terminating the over-two- millennium-old feudal monarchy, the temporary government of Republic of China being constituted. However, the triumphant fruit was usurped(篡夺) by Yuan Shikai, a military lord in the north,

64、 on account of the yieldingness of Chinese bourgeoisie while the populace was still lingering in an abyss of extreme suffering.Influence by the October Revolution in Russia, the May 4th Movement(五四运动) ,an anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism drive triggered by the patriotic students, broke out in 191

65、9, the proletariats(无产阶级,工人阶级) as a social class ascending the political stage. This campaign was recognized a milestone of the modern Chinese history from the old democratic revolution to the new one, bringing about the wide-spread Marxism-Lenninism upon coordination with the revolutionary practice

66、 in China and arranging ideologically and organizationally for the advent of the Communist Party of China.In 1921, Mao Zedong, Dong Biwu, Chen Tanqiu, He Shuheng, Wang Jingmei, Deng Enming, Li Da etc., on behalf of the communist groups clustered in different cities, held the first national assembly

67、in Shanghai. The Communist Party of China(CPC) came into being.In 1924, a positive cooperation occurred between Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution and the founder of China Nationalist Party, and the Communist Party of China in purpose of jointly mobilizing the industrial worke

68、rs and peasants for the punitive(惩罚性的) war against the warlords in the north. Shortly after the demise(死亡) of Sun, the right-wing bloc as represented by Jiang Jieshi conducted a reactionary rebellion and recklessly massacred the communists and other revolutionaries, aborting the vigorous Grand Revol

69、ution. The tyrannous government of the Nationalist Party (Kuo Mingtang/KMT) was based in Nanjing. Henceforth, the Communist Party of china set out in leading the Chinese people to struggle against the reactionary rule of KMT during the ten-year-long Land Revolutionary War.In July 1937 Japan lighted

70、a full-scale invasion war to china. The KMT armies waged an array of operations successively at the front battlefields, a crushing blow the invaders. The Eight Route Army and the New Fourth Army under the leadership of CPC opened up the rear-battlefields and launched a series of strenuous resistance

71、 against a large proportion of Japanese armies as well as an overwhelming majority of puppet forces on most arduous conditions, exerting a decisive role in attaining the final triumphIn June 1946 Kuomingtang launched an all-round assault into the Liberated Area under CPC, triggering an unparalleled-

72、scale civil war. In purpose of the full liberation of the Chinese people, CPC armies and populace in the Liberated Area participated in the Liberation War nationwide. It was through three gigantic battles (the Battle in Liaoning- Shenyang, the Battle in the Huai River Valley and the Battle in Tianji

73、n and Beijing) that the KMT establishment was finally overturned and a historic victory concerning the new democratic revolution was achieved.Trace of Civilized EvolutionThe history of china can be chronicled approximated as follows:nPre-Qin Period(21st century B.C.-221B.C.)nQin-Han Period(221B.C.-2

74、20A.D.)nThree Kingdoms-Jin(Western&Eastern)-South&North Dynasties Period(220-589)nSui-Tang-Five Dynasties Period(581-960)nSong-Liao-Western Xia-Jurchen(女真人) Period(947-1279)nYuan Dynasty(1271-1368)nMing Dynasty (1368-1911)nQing Dynasty(1636-1911)nRepublic of China(1912-1949)nPeoples Republic of China(starting from October 1,1949)作业(思考题):作业(思考题):(1)请叙述主要历史时期的主要事件和人物? (2)翻译中国历史的常用名词。



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