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1、Instructional designInstructional designName:Name:Subject:Subject:Lesson type:Lesson type:李鑫颖Grade:Grade:Grade 8Have You Ever Been to an Amusement ParkListeningSpeakingOverall Design and Guiding PrinciplesOverall Design and Guiding PrinciplesThis is a listening and speaking lesson which aims to deve

2、lop studentsability in talking about past experience. Meanwhile, students linguisticand cultural knowledge is expected to be enriched through listening andspeaking activities. In this lesson I mainly employed Task-based TeachingMethod, Natural Approach as well as the Communicative Language TeachingM

3、ethod to create certain scene and ask students to complete relevant tasks,assist them to learn in a relaxed atmosphere and build a confidence towardslistening, thus forming the habit of active learning and improving theircomprehensive language competence.First of all, drawing on the Natural Approach

4、, the lesson will starta real-life conversation to lead in the topic and showing a video clip ofamusement park to arouse students curiosity. Then I will show somepictures featuring the new words (amusement park, space museum, aquarium,zoo) to impress students the key words so as to make preparation

5、for thefollowing listening session. In the third section, I mainly use Task-basedTeaching Method by setting three tasks of extensive listening, intensivelistening, as well as focused listening to assist students to fullyunderstand the listening materials and grasp the method of talking aboutand Teac

6、hingTeaching time:time: 40 minutespast experience subconsciously. With the former three sections, studentswill receive a large amount of input of the present perfect tensestructure ”have been to ”, then in the next section I designed a memorygame to train students ability of transforming input into

7、output throughspeaking. Finally, I will ask students to role play and report. This sectionisanevaluationofstudentscommandofpresentperfecttensestructure ”have been to ”and their ability of talking about pastexperience. Therefore, this section is employed asa reinforcement ofstudents comprehensive lan

8、guage competence.Teaching ContextTeaching ContextAnalysis of teaching material:Analysis of teaching material:This is a listening and speaking lesson. The lesson focuses on talking aboutpast experience, aiming at letting students grasp the present perfect tensestructure ”have been to ”. The topic of

9、this unit is closely relatedto students real life, and in accord with students cognitive level, thuscan make students learn meaningfully and build students a confidence ofEnglish learning.This lesson mainly consists of warming up, listening and speaking parts.The first warming-up part mainly is inte

10、nded to teach new words with thehelp of video clip and vivid pictures so as to build in students mind astructure of new knowledge. Then the second listening section aims atproviding students with initial input of the language structure ”have beento ”by way of listening and the linguistic expressions

11、 to talk aboutpast experience subconsciously. Finally, the third speaking session mainlyconsists of memory game, role play and reporting tasks targets at improvingstudents ability of language output, and thus realizing the goal ofcommunicative teaching.Therefore, the three sections of this unit, abi

12、ding by the “output afterinput” sequential principle in teaching, progress step by step, and proceedfrom experience to exploration and finally to language application. Allthese can effectively realise the objectives of improving studentscomprehensive language competence.Analysis of students:Analysis

13、 of students:The objects of this lesson are students in Grade 8. Students in this phasehas already learned some tenses such as simple past tense, presentprogressivetense,thustheymusthavemasteredsomeskillsoftense-learning and fully prepared to learn the lesson cognitively.However, junior students lac

14、k the ability of systematic autonomous languagelearning and some students have on confidence of English learning.Therefore, it requires teachers to set up the tasks from easy to the advancedto guide them.Whats more, junior students tend to focus on image thinking because ofthe absence of the mature,

15、 abstract, and logical thinking, thus teachersshould design various interesting, fun and relaxing activities to sustainstudents interests and attention.Teaching AimsTeaching AimsAims of knowledge:Aims of knowledge:(1) master and use some important words, such as: amusement park, spacemuseum, aquariu

16、m, zoo and so on.(2) be able to use the present perfect tense structure ”have been to ”.Aims of ability:Aims of ability:(1) be able to get correct information from listening material.(2) master some relevant listening skills including extensive listening,intensive listening as well as focused listen

17、ing .(3) be capable of talking about past experience(4) be able to ask about others past experienceAims of emotion:Aims of emotion:(1)taste the happiness of communicating in English.(2)build confidence towards listening, which is generally considered as thedifficult points of English learning.(3)be

18、active and cooperative in team work, enjoy the sense of achievementin cooperation.Aims of strategy:Aims of strategy:(1)master some methods of independent study.(2)be well versed in transforming input to output.Key Points and Difficult PointsKey Points and Difficult PointsKey points:Key points:1. mas

19、tering of the key words. of the present perfect tense structure ”have been to ”3. relevant listening skills.Difficult points:Difficult points: the correct information from the listening material.2. be able to use the the present perfect tense structure”have beento ” talk about past experience.Teachi

20、ng MethodsTeaching Methods Teaching Method Natural Approach Communicative Language Teaching Method InstructionTeaching AidsTeaching Aids1. text book2. power point3. a video clip4. listening recording.Teaching ProcedureTeaching ProcedureStep 1Step 1:Lead-in: (2 minute)Lead-in: (2 minute)Have a small

21、conversation with students on travels: Do you like traveling Can you speak out some places you have visited before Then I will show students a video clip concerning amusement park andask students whether they know where it is.TheThe purposepurpose ofof mymy design:design: (1) to catch students atten

22、tion and arouse theirinterests. (2)tolivenupthelessonandleadinthetopic-amusement park.Step 2: Pre-listening: 2Step 2: Pre-listening: 2 Show students some pictures about amusement park, space museum,aquarium, zoo as well as water park and make them rank these places from1 to 5 by their preference. (1

23、 represented highest degree, and 5 stands forthe lowest degree)The purpose of my design:The purpose of my design:(1) to impress students the keywords by showingpictures. (2) to reinforce students impression of the keywords by ranking.Step 3: Extensive listening: 4Step 3: Extensive listening: 4 Skim

24、through all the places in the map together with studentsPlay the tape in 2a for students (including three short dialogues)for the first timeAsk students to circle the places they hear in the record.present the scripts of the dialogues they just listened to.The purpose of my design:The purpose of my

25、design: (1) to enable students to grasp the maininformation, especially the key words (amusement park, space museum,aquarium, Water World) of the listening material.(2)Meanwhile, it is an excellent way toexamine if students had a good command of the words they had had learnedin the pre-listening par

26、t.( 3 ) the form of the answers which areexhibited in the map will furnish students the pleasure of listeningprocess, and therefore build their confidence of listening.Step 4:Intensive listening: 4Step 4:Intensive listening: 4Let students listen to the tape for a second time and circle T orF.Convers

27、ation 1:Sarah has been to amusement park. ( T F )Claudia has been to the water park. ( T F )Claudia and Sarah will go the water park tomorrow. ( T F )Conversation 2:Tina went to the space museum last year. ( T F )John has never been to the space museum. ( T F )They are going to take the subway. ( T

28、F )Conversation 3:Linda has been to the aquarium. ( T F )Linda went to the zoo three times last year. ( T F )Linda is going to the zoo again next week. ( T F )The purpose of my design:The purpose of my design: to make students understand the detailsof the listening tape. Based on the information tha

29、t students got inextensive listening, the main purpose of this section is to check up whetherstudents have understood where the speaker has been.Step 5: Focused listening and writing: 8Step 5: Focused listening and writing: 8 Let students listen to the record for a third time and fill in theblanks.C

30、onversation 1Conversation 1 Sarah: I am bored, Claudia. Lets do something different. Claudia: Have you ever been to an _Sarah: Yes, I have. I went to Fun Times Amusement Park last year.Have you ever _ to a water parkClaudia: No, I havent, Sarah. Sarah: Me _. Lets go to Water City tomorrow! Claudia:

31、Well, that sounds fun! Conversation 2 Conversation 2Tina:Its raining again, John! I really wanted to go skatingtoday! John: Oh, well. Hey, have you ever been to the_, Tina Tina: Yes, I went there last year. Have you ever been there? John: NO, I _. Tina: Well, Id really like to go there again. John:

32、Great. What bus do we take to get to the museumJohn: We can get the subway. The station is near the museum.Conversation 3Conversation 3 Kim: Have you ever been to the _, Linda? Linda: No, I _. But Im going there next week. Wouldyou like to come? Kim: Sure. How will we get there? Linda: We can ride o

33、ur bikes. Kim: Where is the aquarium?Linda: Its on Green Street, behind the zoo. Kim: Have you _ to the zoo? Linda: Yes, I _! I love the zoo. I went there threetimes last year.TheThe purposepurpose ofof mymy design:design: this section aims at training students abilityof transforming what they have

34、heard into the words that they could write.At the same time, by the way of filling the blanks, students willsubconsciously master the sentence structure-have you ever been tothe , and grasped the methods of talking about past experience.Step 6: memory game:8Step 6: memory game:8 I will divide the wh

35、ole class into two groups: group A and group B,and each group chose five students as competitors.Take group A as an example. Firstly, competitor A in group A shareshis experience using the sentence pattern:” I have been to”, thencompetitor B are supposedto retell whatcompetitor A has already saidand

36、unfolded his own experience in the way like “ A has been to,and I havebeen to”.then competitor C、D and E proceeded the game as competitorB have done in turn. When finished, I will compute the time. Then,itsgroup Bs turn. Finally, the group which took the less time will be awarded.TheThe purposepurpo

37、se ofof mymy design:design: after the listening session, students have caughton the sentence structure” have been to”, and then the target of this gameis to intensify students ability of using the structure. Meanwhile, itis a preeminent way to examine students ability of transforming the inputthroug

38、h listening into the output by speaking.Step 7Step 7:role play and reporting : 8role play and reporting : 8Make students form a group of three by themselves. Then student Aacts as an interviewer, and he is supposed to choose two places on the mapof Nan Chang and ask the other two students:-Have you

39、ever been to -Yes, I have been to / No, I haven t./ No, I have neverbeen to If her partner says “yes”, then student A checks the box, and soon.AmyTinaPlace 1Place 2Place 3After interviewing student B and C, student A are supposed to report theresult:Example: Amy has been to , But Tina has never been

40、 to .Neither of them has been to.Both Amy and Tina have been toTheThe purposepurpose ofof mymy design:design: (1) after the game section, students have managedto use the sentence structure” have been to” , thus, in this step,I create a circumstance to examine their ability of applying the sentencest

41、ructure they have learned into daily conversations.(2) What more, the retelling session aims attraining students ability of talking about past experience .Step 8Step 8: Homework: 2Homework: 2 Look at the map of your own hometown and talk about where you havebeen, when you went there, and whether you

42、 like it or not.The purpose of my design:The purpose of my design:this section is a sublimation of thelesson, it is aimed at guiding students to form the habit of active learningand reinforce what they have learned in the class.Teaching EvaluationTeaching EvaluationEvaluation contentEvaluation conte

43、nt:1.knowledge about the present perfect tense structure ”have beento ”2. mastery of the relevant skills of listening.3. students interests in learning initiatively.4. the sequence of teaching activities.5. students ability of transforming input to output.6. students ability in oral communication.Evaluation approachesEvaluation approaches:The teaching and learningactivities of thislesson will beassessed as itprogresses. That is, we resort to formative assessment in class. Fivemethods are adopted:1) observation2) questioning3) group work4) demonstration5) assignment



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