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1、Points for attentionSentence PatternSpecimen letterLetter-writing guideExercisesUnit Thirteen Shipment 装运是表示卖方履行交货的义务。就外贸而言,装运大多数由远洋轮进行,即不定期货船和定期货船。 (1)不定期货船(tramp)是没有固定航线或航行日程计划的一种货船。他承运从一个行业到另一个行业的货物,经常往返于及时需要仓位的港口。 (2)定期班轮(liner)是在特定港口之间有确定的常规启达日程计划的一种货船。Points for attention 海运提单是装运的重要单证。它有三个作用:

2、(1) 它是货物的收据 (2) 它是在某种条件下履行某种义务的一种契约 (3) 它是所述货物所有权的证据 提单上若注有“凭指示(to order)”字样,就构成了一种可以转让的票据,用作贷款的担保或其他目的。以这种方式开立的提单即为指示提单。另一方面,记名提单是开具收货人抬头的,这种提单不可转让。 有关装运的信函通常是为以下目的撰写的: (1) 催促早日装运 (2) 修改装运条款 (3) 通知装运 (4) 寄送装运单证 趁通知买方装运事宜之机,卖方也可以回顾以下交易的过程,并表示进一步发展业务的愿望。1.to be ready for shipmentWe are glad to inform

3、 you that the goods you ordered are ready for shipment. Please let us have your instructions for packing and dispatch.我方高兴地通知贵方所订购的货物已备妥待运,请告知包装及装运之要求。2.to ship goods by S.S. (M.V.)由装运货物Please try your utmost to ship our goods by S.S. “Peace” which is due to arrive at Hamburg on May 8 and confirm by

4、 return that goods will be ready in time.请尽量用“和平”轮装运我方货物,该轮预计于5月8日抵达汉堡。请早日复函确认货物已及时备妥。Sentence Pattern3.to book shipping space订舱位As the purchase is made under FOB terms, you should ship the goods from Liverpool on a steamer to be designated by us. As soon as shipping space is booked, we shall advise

5、 you of the name of the ship on which the goods are to be sent.由于采用FOB价购货,贵方应在利物浦港将货物装在我方指定的船上。一俟订舱后,我方将告知装运货物的船名。Please book the necessary shipping space in advance to insure timely despatch of the goods ordered.请预订所需的舱位以保证及时装运所订购的货物。4.within the stipulated time在规定的时间内As our users are in urgent nee

6、d of the consignment, please get the goods despatched within the stipulated time.由于我方客户急需此货物,请按规定的时间发运。5.to effect shipment 装运The shipment of bath towels under Contract No. 756 will be effected by M.V. “Goddess”, which is scheduled to leave here on June 20. Please arrange insurance for this cargo.第7

7、56号合同项下浴巾(货物)将由“女神”号轮装运。该轮定于6月20日启航,请办理保险。M.V.是moter vessel (轮船)的缩写Shipment is to be effected (made)during March/April.月份装船。6.to advance shipment提前装运Something unexpected compels us to seek your cooperation by advancing shipment of the goods under S/C No.730 from Aug./Sep.to July.以外的情况迫使我们寻求贵方配合,请将第7

8、30号售货确认书项下货物装运期由8/9月份提前到7月。It is stipulated that shipment is to be made in October. However, we shall appreciate the shipment to September to enable us to catch the busy season.按规定应于10月装运,但是如蒙贵方设法提前于9月交货以使我方赶上旺季,则不胜感激。Since there is no direct steamer sailing from here to your port prior to March 5th

9、, we are extremely sorry for our inability to advance the shipment as requested.由于3月5日前,此地无直达船驶往贵方港口,歉难按要求提前装运,请谅。7.to postpone shipment延迟装运As the market is sluggish, please postpone the shipment of our ordered goods to March.由于市场萧条,请将我方所订购货物延迟至Owing to the delay in opening the relative L/C, shipmen

10、t cannot be made in May as contracted and should be postponed until June.由于开证推迟,无法按合同于5月发货,将延迟至6月。8.to mark 刷唛Please ensure that all the cases are marked clearly with our initials in a triangle, under which comes the destination with the contract number below.请务必清楚地在所有箱子上将我公司首写字母刷在三角形内,其下方为目的港名,下面为合

11、同编号。9.to be permitted 允许Please note that partial shipments and transshipment are (not) permitted.请注意,我方(不)允许部分装运或转运。10.instead ofas不象如Please ship the goods of our Order No.901 by M.V. “Mayflower” instead of M.V. “Apolo” as previously advised.请将我方901号订单之货物装上“五月花”号轮,而不是以前所通知的“阿波罗”号轮。11.to advise (info

12、rm, notify) sb.We take pleasure in advising you that we have today shipped the goods under your Order No.756 on board S/S “Peace” which sails for your port tomorrow.我方高兴地通知贵方,第二季度56号订单之货物已于今日装上“和平”号轮,该轮将于明日驶往贵方港口。We are pleased to inform you that the goods under S/C No.3125 went forward per M.V. “Wa

13、shington” of the Pacific Line on May 7, and the relevant shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed. 兹通知3125号销售确认书项下货物已于5月7日装上太平洋航运公司“华盛顿”号轮,有关货样已于该轮启航前航邮给了贵方。12.to be transshipped (at)转船We have pleasure in notifying you that we have shipped you today by M.V. “Yello

14、w River” 200 cartons of alarm clocks. They are to be transshipped at Hong kong and are expected to reach your port early next month.兹通知已由“黄河”号轮将错就错200箱闹钟运往贵处。此货物将在新加坡转船,预订于下月初到达贵方港口。13.to make a partial shipment 分批装运If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment of 50 tons of ri

15、ce in July and the balance of 50 tons in August.如果贵方要求提前装运,我方只能于7月分批装运这其中50吨大米,其余50吨将于8月装运。14.shipping documents covering 的装船单据Enclosed please find one set of the shipping documents covering this consignment, which comprises:现随函附上此批货物的装船单据一套,希查收,其包括:15.to be airmailed 空(航)邮In compliance with the ter

16、ms of the contract, a full set of non-negotiable documents were airmailed to you immediately after the goods were shipped.按照合同条款,在货物装船后即将全套单据副本空邮给贵方。16.to be sent through bank 由某银行转交The originals of the shipping documents are being sent to you through the Bank of China.装船单据正本通过中国银行寄送贵方。The Commercia

17、l Invoice and Insurance Policy together with clean on board Ocean Bill of Lading have been sent through the National Bank.商业发票、保险单和清洁已装船海运提单已交国家银行转送。P220 Letter-1(出口商来信,陈述装运中出现的问题,建议修改信用证条款目的2 )with regard to 关于port of destination 目的港in this case 在这种情况下hold sb. responsible for 对负责ample 足够的Specimen l

18、etterP221 Letter-2(进口商来信,催促早日装运目的1 )call your attention 提请你们注意up to the present moment 直到最近under the captioned contract 合约名下in urgent need of 急需press 催促expire on (后面接日期) 到期feel it our duty 认为有责任remind sb.of sth. 提醒某人某事P222 Letter-3(出口商来信,寄送装运单证目的4)in due course 按时give you entire satisfaction 使你完全满意b

19、e compelled to 不得不in the immediate future 在不久的将来P223 Letter-4(进口商来信,责备出口商不按时发货,提出解决问题的方法)shipping advice 装运通知、发货通知书forwarding agent 运输代理商let alone 更不用说in advance 提前time and again 反复的,一再的dispute with sb. over sth. 与某人争执某事Time is pressing. 时间紧迫at any cost 不惜任何成本,无论如何P224 Letter-5(出口商回信,就问题进行解释)in ligh

20、t of 根据 in no way 决不 How to put matters right when trouble arises. With an eye to goodwill and future business, we should admit the fault if there is any and propose practical means of settlement. e.g. We apologize for the delay and suggest that we send the goods by air at once. The goods you ordere

21、d will be despatched by air tomorrow, and they should reach you on or before July 6.In handling cases such as this, arguments will not ease the customers of their anxieties, while fair play proves to be the acceptable solution.Letter-writing GuideP231 QIII1 按318号合同条款,货物应于1月20日前装运。我们最迟需在1月31日前拿到提单,相信

22、你方会按期发运货物,因为任何贻误势必给我们造成很大不便和经济损失。According to the terms of Contract No.318, shipment is to be effected by the 20th Jan., and we must have the B/L by the 31st at the latest. We trust you will ship the order within the stipulated time as any delay would cause us no little inconvenience and financial l

23、oss.Exercises2 我们遗憾不能按你方要求于12月初装运此货,因为驶往伦敦港的直达船仅在每月20日左右抵达我港。We regret our inability to comply with your request for shipping the goods in early December, because the direct steamer sailing for London calls at our Port only around the 20th every month.sail for 乘船往., (船)开往call at 停靠3 兹通知1234号定单名下之货已于

24、11月30日装直达船“红星”轮,有关货样已于该轮启程前航空寄给你方 。We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your Order No.1234 were shipped by the direct steamer “Red Star ” on Nov.30, and the relevant shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed. 4 直到现在我们还没收到有关我方465号订单即你方8269号合同的交货消息。毫无疑问,

25、一定是由于某种原因耽误了装运。我们已电告你方,信用证已展至11月底,相信不日就能听到你方有关此事的消息。Up to now, we have not heard anything from you about the shipment of your Contract No.8269 against our Order No.456. No doubt there must have been some reason for the delay in shipment and we cabled you that we were extending the L/C to the end of

26、Nov.We feel sure we shall soon be hearing from you about this business. 5 我们迄今犹未得到有关你订货的装运要求。我们只得取消已定的舱位。Having received no instructions from you regarding the shipment of your order, we have now been compelled to cancel the shipping space already booked.6 你们似乎对交货期不太重视。事实上,货物按信用证规定装运是非常重要的。你若不那样做,那么

27、对因迟延交货而造成的损失你们必须负责。It seems that you paid little regard to the date of shipment. In fact, it is very important that the goods be shipped according to the time as stipulated in the L/C. If not, you should be responsible for any loss arising from the delay in shipment.7 关于你方第80号定单项下的500架缝纫机,我们已于11月30日

28、装“东风”轮运出。 相信该货物不久即可抵达你处。请把你方用户对我缝纫机质量的反映告诉我们。With regard to your Order No. 80 for 500 Sewing Machines, we shipped the goods by s.s. “East Wind” on 30th Nov. We trust that this shipment will arrive at your end shortly. Please let us have the comments of your end-users on the quality of our Sewing Mac

29、hines.8 我们绝大多数客户认为我们的纸板箱是适合海洋运输的。Most of our clients regard our cartons as being strong enough to withstand ocean transportation.P231 QIV Dear Sirs: We have received your letter of June 17th. With regard to our Purchase Contract No.80616 for 3,000 sets of Double Offset Ring Spanners, we write to inf

30、orm you as follows: According to the contract stipulations, the above-mentioned goods should be shipped in three lots in April, June and August, but up to the present moment even the first lot has not been shipped. Our end-users are waiting for the goods and they are very much surprised that you sho

31、uld have been much behind with the delivery. Please do your utmost to ship the first and second lots together by the end of June; Otherwise our clients would feel dissatisfied with your delay (in shipment) and would probably have to cancel the order by covering their requirements elsewhere. Upon receipt of this letter please let us know the exact date of shipment.



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