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1、Lesson 62 Affer the fire 1control n. 控制控制 in control 在控制之内在控制之内 under control 在控制之下在控制之下,被控制被控制 out of control 失控失控 control sth. I can control it. =I can manage it. 我能对付我能对付(口语口语) under arrest 被逮捕被逮捕 2smoke n. 烟(雾)烟(雾) full of smoke 充满烟雾充满烟雾 smokey adj. 多烟的(名词加多烟的(名词加-y, 变为形容词)变为形容词) smokey area 吸烟区

2、吸烟区 ; nonsmokey area 禁烟区禁烟区 rain rainy ; cloud - cloudy smoker n. 抽烟的人抽烟的人 heavy smoker 烟瘾重的人烟瘾重的人 ;nonsmoker 不抽烟的人不抽烟的人 smoke v. 吸烟吸烟 Dont smoke! = No smoking! He smoked heavily. smoking area / smoking room 吸烟室吸烟室 smoking apartment 火车上的吸烟车厢火车上的吸烟车厢 cigarette = cigar n. 香烟香烟 3desolate adj. 荒凉的荒凉的 de

3、solate adj. 荒凉的(与地方相连,表示无荒凉的(与地方相连,表示无人居住人居住, 荒无人烟的);极度孤独的荒无人烟的);极度孤独的(与人相连时与人相连时) lonely adj. 孤独的,荒凉的,偏僻的(与地孤独的,荒凉的,偏僻的(与地方连表示孤零零的,但并不表示无人居住)方连表示孤零零的,但并不表示无人居住) threaten v. 威胁的威胁的 threaten to do sth. 威胁着要做威胁着要做(与人相(与人相连);有迹象表明连);有迹象表明 It threatened to rain. 有迹象表明天要下雨了。有迹象表明天要下雨了。 threaten sb. with

4、sth. 以以来威胁来威胁/恐吓某人恐吓某人 The thief threatened him with a knife. The whole village is threatened with destruction. 4evil adj. 坏的坏的 evil = wicked adj. 邪恶的邪恶的 reputation n. 名声名声 good reputation 好名声;好名声; bad reputation 坏坏名声名声 fame n. 名声(一定是好名声)名声(一定是好名声), 名望名望, 传说传说, 传闻传闻 famous adj. 著名的著名的, 出名的出名的, 极好的极好

5、的, 令令人满意的人满意的 claim v. 以以为其后果为其后果 claim = take 拿拿, 索取索取 claim可以表示(疾病、意外等)夺去(生命)可以表示(疾病、意外等)夺去(生命) The accident claimed a few lives. 5source n. 来源来源 resource n. 资源资源(一次又一次的来源,一次又一次的来源,re-又又) reread vt.重读重读, 再读再读 sauce n. 沙司沙司, 酱油酱油, 调味料;调味料;vt. 调味调味, 使增加趣味使增加趣味(读音与(读音与 source相同)相同) income n. 收入收入 ren

6、t v. 租,租借,出租;租,租借,出租;n. 租金租金 interest n. 兴趣,关心,重要性,影响,利息,利兴趣,关心,重要性,影响,利息,利益,利害益,利害 vt. 使发生兴趣,引起使发生兴趣,引起的注意的注意 bonus n. 奖金奖金, 红利红利DINK-丁克家族丁克家族 : Ddouble,Iincome,Nno,Kkids kid n.哄骗,取笑,开玩笑,小孩,小山羊;哄骗,取笑,开玩笑,小孩,小山羊;v. 哄骗,哄骗,取笑,开玩笑,欺骗取笑,开玩笑,欺骗 61、The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a cursed t

7、ree. There/名词主语名词主语/代词主语代词主语 +be said to do sth. 据说据说(是对(是对不太有把握的事发表看法时一种谨慎的说法)不太有把握的事发表看法时一种谨慎的说法) There is said to be a great deal of oil in Africa. Dan is said to be the most intelligent student in his class. Its not as old as its said to be. 它并不像人们所说的那么古老。它并不像人们所说的那么古老。 it is said that 据说据说 It i

8、s said that he is very good. He is said to be very good. 据说他人非常好据说他人非常好 用于这种结构的动词除了用于这种结构的动词除了say之外,还有之外,还有believe,know,find,fear,think等:等: It is feared that many lives have been lost in the train. 在这次列车事故中,恐怕有不少人丧生。在这次列车事故中,恐怕有不少人丧生。 7the tiny village of Frinley 弗林利这个小村庄,弗林利这个小村庄,其中介词其中介词of表示的是同位关系

9、:表示的是同位关系: the city of Beijing 名叫北京的城市名叫北京的城市 at the age of twenty 20岁时岁时 a height of three feet 三英尺的高度三英尺的高度 82、Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased. mention vt. 提到提到, 提及提及 My father often mentions you. in a newspaper 强调报纸里面的内容强调报纸里面的内容

10、on the newspaper 与报纸内容无关与报纸内容无关, 如你自己在报纸如你自己在报纸上记了什么东西时用上记了什么东西时用 “on” a number oflots of 许多许多(后跟可数名词(后跟可数名词的复数,做复数看待,从前往后翻的复数,做复数看待,从前往后翻, 强调后面的东西)强调后面的东西) a number of students 许多学生许多学生 the number of 的数量的数量/总数(后跟可数名词总数(后跟可数名词的复数,但做单数看,从后往前翻的复数,但做单数看,从后往前翻, 强调数量)强调数量) the number of students 学生的数量学生的

11、数量 93、The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. it is/was (被强调部分(被强调部分 that/who(m)+ 从句)从句) 万能强调结构万能强调结构 It is I that am looking for you. 强调强调 “I” It is Jack who(m) Frank phoned last night. gainget 得到得到 4、It is said tha

12、t if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die. 英语中分号可以断开两个句子英语中分号可以断开两个句子 anyone 任何人,与任何人,与 he 相对应相对应 If anyone wanted to go there, he will do sth. 105. The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down, but so far he has refused. sb. be asked to do sth. 被请求做某

13、事,被请求做某事,sb.做事做事 have sth. done 使某事被做,叫别人完成某事使某事被做,叫别人完成某事 I will go to have my bicycle repaired. (别人修车)(别人修车) I will go to repair my bicycle. (自己修车)(自己修车) I will have my hair cut. make sth. done 让某事被做让某事被做 Could you make yourself known? 你能让别人知道你吗你能让别人知道你吗?(你的自我介绍你的自我介绍) =Could you introduce yoursel

14、f? 你能自我介绍一下吗你能自我介绍一下吗? Could you make youself heard ? 你能让别人听到你吗你能让别人听到你吗?(你你能大声点吗能大声点吗?) make的用法:的用法:make +宾语宾语+宾补;宾补;make +sb.+do 让某人做某让某人做某事;事;make +sth.+done 让别人做某事让别人做某事 so far 迄今为止(常与现在完成时连用)迄今为止(常与现在完成时连用) He hasnt returned my books so far. 116、He has pointed out that the tree is a useful sour

15、ce of income, as tourists have been coming from all parts of the country to see it. point out = explain 指出,解释指出,解释 I realized that he had make a mistake, so I pointed it out to him immediately. He pointed out that it was a mistake not to help them. 7、In spite of all that has been said, the tourists

16、have been picking leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk. in spite of 尽管,虽然;不顾,不管尽管,虽然;不顾,不管 He set off in spite of the heavy rain. in spite of all that = in spite of what 尽管尽管 (in spite of 介词后面不能接从句介词后面不能接从句, 只能加只能加what引导的从句)引导的从句) In spite of what you have told me, I still believe (that)

17、 he has stolen the money.128、So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death! not one ofnone of 一个人也没有一个人也没有,单,单数数no one of(no one不能加不能加of) be struck down 被打倒(被打倒(stike down 使使生重病,杀死)生重病,杀死) Many people were struck down in that war. He was stuck down by cancer last year. poverty-struck

18、穷困潦倒穷困潦倒 (poverty n. 贫贫穷穷, 贫困贫困, 贫乏贫乏, 缺少)缺少) 13【Special difficulties】 Increase and Grow increase vt. &vi. 增加,增大,增长,增强增加,增大,增长,增强 The firm has increased his salary. His salary has increased. grow vi. 增长,长,成长,生长增长,长,成长,生长 The number of vistors to Frinley has now grown/increased. The students in this

19、university has grown in number. How tall youve become! How youve grown! She has grown so much she is nearly as tall as I am. growincrease(表示数量增长表示数量增长) The number is increasing/growing. 14Gain and Earn gain vt. 获得,得到(获得,得到(get sth.);受益,);受益,获益(获益(earn无此含义)无此含义) Jane has gained much from her year in

20、Australia. earn vt. (通过努力通过努力)获得,得到;赚钱(获得,得到;赚钱(gain无此含义)无此含义) earn money 挣钱挣钱 earn ones living 谋生谋生 Try to save as you earn. 挣了钱时要设法存挣了钱时要设法存起来。起来。 She earns $500 a month. It has gained/earned an evil reputation. 15Pick and Cut pick vt. 采摘,采集采摘,采集 They picked a lot of flowers yesterday. cut vt. 切,割

21、,剪切,割,剪 She cut an apple in two. Can you cut your own hair? 16【Multiple choice questions】 1 If anyone picked the leaves, he _die. a. would b. will c.shall d. would have 2 _all that has been said, the tourists have been picking leaves. a. In spite b. Despite c. Even d. Even so 3 So far _of them has been struck down by sudden death. a. no one b. nobody c. not any d.none 174 The number of visitors has increased. The number has _. a. grown b. grown up c.overgrown d. grown old 5 It has_ an evil reputation. a. won b.beaten c. profited d. earned 18



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