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1、 Unit 4 Wildlife ProtectionPeriod 1 Warming upWhat makes the world around us so wonderful? Wild plants Wild animalsWe share our planet with so many wonderful creatures .Wildlife can refer to plants but more commonly refers to animals. WildlifeLets enjoy a wonderful movie “The Lion King”(Please try t

2、o find out what animals you can see in the movie)What are these animals?pandaWarming upSouth China tigermilu deerWhat do you think of these animals? They are rare,precious.They are national treasure.But What happened to them?They are dying out!They are endangered!What other endangered species do you

3、 know?AnteloperhinoElephants red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤丹顶鹤(仙鹤仙鹤) crocodiledolphin 中华白海豚中华白海豚, 是世界濒危物种是世界濒危物种whalewhalesea turtleturtlepolar bear Why are these animals dying out?Lack of food too much hunting/killing skin & furmeatbonehorn & antler tuskWhat are they killed for?pollutionHabitat destroyedPes

4、ticide(农药农药)Why?Lack of foodHabitat destroyedClimate changedToo much huntingPollutionBrainstormingdiseasePesticidesLuckily, there has been some progress in saving endangered wildlife in China.Look at a report on some endangered wildlife in China.Task1.Read the chart and answer some questions.1.Which

5、 animal has been most successfully protected?Milu because their numbers rose from none to more than 2,500.2.Which animal needs the most protection now? South China tiger because it is still seriously endangered.3.Which animal is the luckiest of these three?Milu deer because it had died out in China

6、but the species was preserved in the UK.4.Why are the reserve areas being used to protect the bamboo rather than the pandas?Pandas live on a special kind of bamboo and without it they will die out.Example:The problem the pandas face in China is that they do not have enough food because of the loss o

7、f bamboo growing areas. To solve this problem, China has set up a protection zone in Sichuan Province for the pandas. It is called Wolong Nature Reserve. Thanks to the effort, things have changed for the better. The number of pandas has risen from very few to about 1,600 after more than 50 reserves

8、have been set up to protect the bamboo areas.Task2.Practise talking about the report in complete sentences.What should we do? Protect Protect wildlifewildlifeA flying carpetDaisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife.Reading How Daisy learned to help wildlifescanningRead the passa

9、ge and answer the following questions. Who is the main character in the story?What helped Daisy go to see some endangered wildlife? What animals has she seen and talked with? DaisyShe has seen and talked with an antelope, an elephant and a monkey. A flying carpet Read the passage quickly and put the

10、se sentences in the right order.Daisy found her being watched by an elephant.Daisy woke up and found a flying carpet.As Daisy landed, things began to disappear including the monkey. Daisy and her flying carpet were in a thick rainforest.Daisy looked at an antelope which was looking sad. 12345skimmin

11、gCareful reading:AnimalAnimals sWhereWhat did she find?How did she feelTibetZimbabweRain forestAntelope are being killed for _They were_ _an endangered speciesSad_ offered help.Farmers _ hunt any longer.HappyA monkey found a millipede insect containing a powerful drug could _ it _ mosquitoes.amazedf

12、ur Governmentdontprotect fromFill in the blanks according to the text.Fill in the blanks according to the text.n n Daisy wanted to help 1._ species of Daisy wanted to help 1._ species of wildlife. One day, a flying carpet took her to a wildlife. One day, a flying carpet took her to a 2._ land, where

13、 she could find antelopes 2._ land, where she could find antelopes that gave 3._ to make sweaters. Then she that gave 3._ to make sweaters. Then she met an elephant in Zimbabwe and was told that met an elephant in Zimbabwe and was told that elephants used to be hunted without 4._. elephants used to

14、be hunted without 4._. But now people know the 5._ of wildlife But now people know the 5._ of wildlife protection, so they hunt only a 6._ number protection, so they hunt only a 6._ number of animals. Daisy also found that a monkey in a of animals. Daisy also found that a monkey in a rainforest 7._i

15、tself by 8._ a millipede rainforest 7._itself by 8._ a millipede over its body, because the millipede 9._ a over its body, because the millipede 9._ a drug which 10._ mosquitoes. After the fly, drug which 10._ mosquitoes. After the fly, Daisy had learned so much that she decided to Daisy had learned

16、 so much that she decided to continue to help protect wildlife. continue to help protect wildlife. endangereddistantfurmercyimportancecertainprotectedrubbingcontainedaffectedPost-reading activityMake a dialogue between Daisy and Antelope.Make a dialogue between Daisy and Elephant.Make a dialogue bet

17、ween Daisy and Monkey.You can make your dialogue according to the text.DiscussionWhat should we do to protect wild animals?1.We can help endangered animals by protecting their habitats, creating new habitats.2.Protecting the environment.3.Learn more about animals and the environment.Words and expres

18、sions for warming up1. wild adj. living in a natural state, not changed or controlled by humanse.g. wild flowers / a wild rabbit wildlife n. (不可数不可数) animals and plants growing in natural conditionse.g. a wildlife park2. as a result (of sth): because ofas a result of + 名词性的东西名词性的东西 “由于由于”由于地震由于地震,许多

19、人失去了家园。许多人失去了家园。 As a result of the earthquake, a lot of people lost their homes.他们没有足够证据,因此他们放弃了控他们没有足够证据,因此他们放弃了控告。告。 They didnt have enough evidence. As a result, they gave up the charge.result from 起因于起因于.result in 结果为结果为.,导致,导致1). The terrible accident _ his careless.2). His careless _ the terr

20、ible accident.resulted fromresulted in3. die out: disappear completelye.g. This kind of bird has died out. e.g. SARS has died out in China.区别区别: die away: (sound, wind, or light) becomes weaker and finally stopse.g. The noise of the cars died away.die of/ from 因因而死而死(由于疾病由于疾病,饥寒饥寒,情感原因造成的死亡一般用情感原因造成

21、的死亡一般用die of, 除除此之外的原因造成的死亡用此之外的原因造成的死亡用 die from.)The old man _ drinking dirty water.The old man _ cold and hunger.died fromdied of4. reserve n. an area of land where wild animals can live without being hunted保护区保护区5. hunt v. to chase animals and birds in order to catch and kill them e.g. Dont hunt

22、 wild animals. hunter n. a person or animal that hunts wild animals 6. in peace 和平地和平地; 和睦地和睦地e.g. The roommates live in peace together. 7. be in danger (of) : 处于危险之中处于危险之中e.g. Carol is in danger of losing her job. Some wild animals are in danger of dying out.die off :先后死去先后死去;(草木草木)先后枯死先后枯死由于缺水由于缺水, 这植物的叶子先后枯死。这植物的叶子先后枯死。As a result of the lack of water, the leaves of this plant are dying off.Homeworkn nCollect as much information about endangered wildlife as possible.n nPreview the next partReading.See you next time!



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