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1、 Unit 3How do you get to school? bike car bustrainplanesubwaytake表示“乘坐”某一交具:Iusuallytakeabustowork.Whichbusdoyouoftentake?Eg:我常乘公共汽车去上班。你经常乘哪一路公共车?take+a/the+ to +地点地点go to +地点地点 by Eg:Itakethesubwaytoschool.我乘地铁去上学。Igotoworkbysubway.乘坐交通工具的表达方法1by+交通工具=takethea+交通工具例如:bybus=taketheabus(乘公车)bytrain=

2、taketheatrain(乘火车)bysubway=taketheasubway(乘地铁)2开车:bycar=drivetheacar2骑自行车:bybike=ridetheabike3步行,走路:walk=onfootI get to school by bus.I take the bus to school.Howdoyougettoschool?I get to school by car.I take the car to school.Howdoyougettoschool?I get to school by train.I take the train to school.H

3、owdoyougettoschool?I ride a bike to school.Howdoyougettoschool?I get to school by bike.I walk to school.Howdoyougettoschool?I get to school on foot.walk/on foot They take the subway to school.Howdotheygettoschool?They get to school by subway.How do you get to school?How do you get to school?I to sch

4、ool.I to school.A:B:I get to school byPairworkby plane take the planeby bus take the busby bike ride a bikeby car take the carHe rides a bike to school.How does he get to school?He gets to school by bike.He walks to school. How does he get to school?He gets to school on foot. How does she go to work

5、?She takes the train to work.She goes to work by train.How does Zhou Bichang go to work?She goes to work on foot.She walks to work. How does Liu Yifei go to work? She goes to work by subway.She takes the subway to work.How How doesdoes she get to school? she get to school?Sheto school.Sheto school.A

6、:B:She gets to school byby plane takes the planeby bus takes the busby bike rides a bikeby car takes the carHow long does it take ?It takes询问做某事需要多长时间用:take表示“花费时间”,其常用句型为Ittakessb.todosth.某人花多少时间做某事Ittakesmehalfanhourtodohomework.我要花半小时做作业。Eg:minutesminutes25A: How long does it take?B: It takes twe

7、nty-five minutes.A: How does she get to school?A: How does she get to school?B: She B: She walkswalks to school./ She gets to to school./ She gets to school school on footon foot. .homeworkHowdoeshegettowork?Hetakesacartowork.=Hegetstoworkbycar.5minutesHowlongdoesittake?Ittakesonly(仅仅)5minutes.homep

8、ark(公园)Howdotheygettothepark?Theyrideabiketothepark.=Theygototheparkbybike.10minutesHowlongdoesittake?Ittakesabout(大约)10minutes.BeijingShanghaiHowdotheygettoShanghai?TheytakethetraintoShanghai.=TheygettoShanghaibytrain.12hoursHowlongdoesittake?Ittakesabout(大约)12hours.ways (方式方式)time (时间)(时间)by car /

9、 drive a car5 minutesby bus / take the bus10 minutesby subway / take the subway half an hourby bike / ride a bike50 minuteson foot / walk an hourHowHow do you get to school do you get to school? ?A:B:I get to school byI get to school byI to school.I to school.A:How longHow long does it take to get t

10、o school does it take to get to school? ?B: It takes5 kilometers How far is it from your home to school?Its about 5 kilometers.5公里公里Its about 10 kilometers.How far is it from your home to school?10 kilometers 10公里公里homepark(公园)20kilometersHowfarisitfromhometopark?Itsonly20kilometers.20公里公里from.to. (从从到到)distance(距离(距离)home school1 kilometer home park(公园公园) 5 kilometersschool park(公园公园) 10 kilometershome bus station(公交站)(公交站)20 kilometers A:How far isHow far is from to from to? ?B:Its (about)kilomerer(s).



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