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1、影视欣赏影视欣赏Film Appreciation课堂介绍课堂介绍学分:学分:2学分学分课程类别:选修课课程类别:选修课课程教材:无(课件,视频)课程教材:无(课件,视频)课程内容课程内容 :电影:电影+考试考试学业成绩:学业成绩: 考试成绩考试成绩+ 平时成绩(出勤平时成绩(出勤/课堂)课堂)影视欣赏影视欣赏Film Appreciation 电影电影阿甘正传阿甘正传 During the 1990s, American societyof anti-intellectual sentiment is in high spirits. Hollywood launched a batch o

2、f film about demeaning to modern civilization, advocating low IQ and to return to the original, the American media called anti-intellectual movie. Forrest gump is a masterpiece of anti-intellectual movies. 世纪年代,美国社会的反智情绪高涨,好莱坞于是推出了一批贬低现代文明、崇尚低智商和回归原始的影片,美国媒体称之为“反智电影”。阿甘正传就是这一时期反智电影的代表作。In the conten

3、tion of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film Forrest Gump Have got six Grand Prizes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect.在在19951995年的年的第六十七届奥斯卡金像奖第六十七届奥斯卡金像

4、奖最佳影片的角最佳影片的角逐中,影片逐中,影片阿甘正传阿甘正传一举获得了最佳影片、最一举获得了最佳影片、最佳男主角、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本、最佳剪辑和佳男主角、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本、最佳剪辑和最佳视觉效果等最佳视觉效果等六项六项大奖。大奖。 电影片段欣赏电影片段欣赏主演主演:Tom.Hanks导演:导演:Robert Zemeckis电影类型:电影类型: Comedy/ Inspirational drama时长:时长:142 min classic lines: Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gon

5、na get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。 Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福。Miracles happen every day.奇迹每天都在发生。 There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. 通过人家的鞋可以了解别人很多的东西。 If you are ever in trouble, dont try to be brave, just run, just run away.你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。Im not a

6、smart man ,but I know what love is. 我并不聪明,但我知道什么是爱情。Run,Forrest,run.Introduction3.Movie awards? Oscar Prize ; Palme d Or (Gold Palm); The Golden Globe Award 4. Famous film companies?Introduction to filmIntroduction to film Plot descriptionPlot descriptionFilm appreciationFilm appreciationFilm analys

7、isFilm analysisA feather is flying up to the sky, over the treeand at last, it falls on the side of Forrest sitting on a bench of Alabama, telling the story of his life to passers-byForrest Gump grows up in Green bow, Alabama.Although his Forrest Gump grows up in Green bow, Alabama.Although his IQ I

8、s 75, his mother strives to make him feel no different IQ Is 75, his mother strives to make him feel no different from othersfrom others。 Jenny is a motherless girl, whose father is an alcoholic. Forrest Jenny is a motherless girl, whose father is an alcoholic. Forrest and Jenny attend the same scho

9、ol and are best friends all the way up and Jenny attend the same school and are best friends all the way up to high school. to high school. In his life, Forrest achieves a lot more than any of the normalIn his life, Forrest achieves a lot more than any of the normalpeople may dream of. He becomes a

10、college student because he canpeople may dream of. He becomes a college student because he canruns very fast and is recruited in the college football team. runs very fast and is recruited in the college football team. After playing football for 5 years, Forrest joins the army with his college After

11、playing football for 5 years, Forrest joins the army with his college degree. In the army he meets a black young man called Bubba who does not degree. In the army he meets a black young man called Bubba who does not look down upon him and they become good friends. On the battle field of look down up

12、on him and they become good friends. On the battle field of Vietnam, Forrest saves the lives of many fellow soliders, but he loses his Vietnam, Forrest saves the lives of many fellow soliders, but he loses his friend Bubba. Among the people saved by Forrest, there is Lieutenant Dan, friend Bubba. Am

13、ong the people saved by Forrest, there is Lieutenant Dan, who loses both his legs and insists that dying on the battlefield is his who loses both his legs and insists that dying on the battlefield is his destiny. destiny. It happens that Forrest has a talent for Ping-pong, so he is placed in the It

14、happens that Forrest has a talent for Ping-pong, so he is placed in the All-America Ping-pong Team to visit China together with official delegation All-America Ping-pong Team to visit China together with official delegation headed by President Nixonheaded by President Nixon。 With the money from doin

15、g advertisement for a Ping-pong paddle company, With the money from doing advertisement for a Ping-pong paddle company, Forrest begins his life as a shrimp boat captain in honor of Bubba whose Forrest begins his life as a shrimp boat captain in honor of Bubba whose dream was to buy a shrimp boat of

16、his own to do business. Forrestdream was to buy a shrimp boat of his own to do business. Forrests boat s boat which later survives a severe hurrican and makes Forrest a millionare.which later survives a severe hurrican and makes Forrest a millionare.Jenny returns but is unwilling to become Jenny ret

17、urns but is unwilling to become GumpGumps wife and leaves him again . Gumps wife and leaves him again . GumpResponds by going on an epic run across Responds by going on an epic run across American, which makes him become famous again.American, which makes him become famous again.Gump and Jenny had a

18、 son.At last ,they Gump and Jenny had a son.At last ,they married .married .But Jenny was sick,sheBut Jenny was sick,she has some kind of virus, has some kind of virus, finally,she died.finally,she died.At the end of the film, Gump At the end of the film, Gump takes his young son to the school takes

19、 his young son to the school bus that Gump himself had bus that Gump himself had caught so many years before, caught so many years before, and the circle is complete.and the circle is complete.Gumps Mother Forrest Gumps mother is a smart, great and wisdom woman . His Moma is the strongest heart to r

20、ely on. His mothers words are his eternal compass.Momas Inspiring Word1 Stupid is as stupid does. 2 Death is just a part of life, something were all destined to do.3 You are no different than anybody else is. Jenny Jenny is another important womanin Forrest Gumps life . In their childhood ,Jenny is

21、his only friend. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol. Unfortunately, her childhood isa bad experience . When she grow up, degradation of life ,even drug.Ping-pong Diplomacy Forrest is part of a Ping-pong team after he recovers from being shot in

22、 the Vietnam War. He is able to visit Chinabecause of his talent. The team of Ping-pong players were the first Americans allowed into China since 1949. The invitation to China reopenedcommunication between them andled to the end of the trade.Film theme: DestinyTo face destiny, this film has three ki

23、nds of figure representing three attitudes. Forrests mother represents believer, Captain Dan represents suspicious man, Jenny represents rebel.Film theme: Love“I am not a smart man, but I know what love is.”The love in this film is a process in which a man with low IQ speaks out “love”. The death of his mother and many times Jennys disappearance makes Forrest know what love is.The end



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